Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 123: A seamless plan

   Ji Ling and Jian Yu were on the tree-lined path, whispering whispers for a while.

   No one knows what the two talked secretly.

   After a while, the two seemed to have reached an agreement, and both nodded solemnly, and then parted ways.

   Ji Ling didn't return to Fengyunyuan, and went straight to the inner gate of the mountain.

   He entered a house, stood outside a room, knocked on the door calmly.

   After a while, the door of the room opened with a creak.

   Lu Mingyang saw Ji Ling outside the door, he smiled and asked: "Ji Ling, what's the matter with you coming to me?"

   Ji Ling glanced around, then lowered his voice and said, "Brother Lu, I am looking for you this time, I want you to do me a favor."

   "Come on, let's talk inside the house." Lu Mingyang greeted him in the house quickly and closed the door.

   After Ji Ling entered the house and took his seat, he said straightforwardly: "Brother Lu, I have already contacted an old friend, and this person also has enemies with Ji Tianxing!"

   "We decided to take action against Ji Tianxing, but this plan needs your help in order to be seamless..."

   "To deal with Ji Tianxing?" Lu Mingyang grinned, showing a dark sneer.

   "Okay! Ji Ling, how can I help you?"

   Ji Ling showed a confident smile, leaned to Lu Mingyang's ear, and whispered out his plan.

   Lu Mingyang listened earnestly. After listening, he couldn't help but nod his head and said: "Okay! Ji Ling, you have a good plan! Ji Tianxing is dead now, and he is in danger!"

   Ji Ling stared at him, both showing a sinister sneer.


   Bailuyuan, the house where the female disciple lives.

   Ji Ke was meditating in the room, and suddenly a female disciple called her name outside the door.

   After she got up and opened the door, the female disciple handed her a letter and said it was sent by a male disciple from Fengyun Academy.

   Ji Ke thanked the female disciple, then went back to the room and opened the envelope.

   There is only one sentence on the palm-sized paper, and the handwriting is neat and powerful.

   "Koke, I'm waiting for you in the pavilion halfway up the Yujian Peak. I will discuss with you if I have something to do, see or leave."

   was signed by Ji Tianxing.

   "Brother Tianxing is looking for me?" Ji Ke put away the envelope, a sweet smile appeared on Qiao's face.

   She opened the door of the room with joy, and subconsciously went to the appointment.

   However, when she walked into the yard, she calmed down and frowned somewhat suspiciously.

   "Big Brother Tianxing is looking for me, why did he make an appointment at Yujianfeng?"

   "We only met today, what will he discuss with me?"

   Thinking of this, Ji Ke decided to go to Fengyun Academy to find Ji Tianxing to verify the authenticity of this letter.

   After a quarter of an hour, she entered Fengyunyuan and came outside Ji Tianxing's room.

   But she knocked on the door several times, and Ji Tianxing did not open the door, and the room was silent.

   At this time, the door of the next room opened.

   A tall and handsome young man walked out and asked with a smile: "Junior sister, are you here to see Brother Ji?"

   This young man is Nie Hao. Ji Ke is no stranger to him. He had seen him before in Fengyang City and participated in auctions together.

   "Yeah." She nodded and asked, "Brother Nie Hao, is Brother Tianxing away?"

   Nie Hao smiled and replied: "Brother Ji has just left the house not long ago. Hearing what appointment he is going to make."

   "Brother Nie Hao, thank you!" Ji Ke had the answer in his heart, smiled and said thank you, then turned and left.

   Now she had no doubts, and went straight to Yujian Peak.

  The mountain where the outer gate is located is called Qingtian Peak.

   Yujian Peak is at the rear right of Qingtian Peak, a dozen miles away.

   Qingtian Peak’s rear left is the mountain where Tai’an Palace is located, and directly behind is Chixiao Peak, the core of the sect.

   Ji Ke was thinking about Ji Tianxing's words, I'm afraid that Ji Tianxing has been waiting for a long time, and his pace has accelerated a lot.


   Ji Tianxing is walking on the mountain path of Yujian Peak.

  His steps are fast, his face is a little gloomy, and there is a touch of anger between his eyebrows.

   "Damn Ji Ling! I thought he would converge after entering the sect, but I didn't expect that he would dare to provoke me so much!"

   "He asked me to come to Yujianfeng, saying that there is a secret message to tell me... It must be his conspiracy, what does he want to do?"

   While rushing to the pavilion halfway up the mountain, he was still thinking.

   Even though he knew that Ji Ling took the initiative to send a letter to provoke him, there is most likely some conspiracy.

   But he has improved a lot, and he has also practiced the Flying Star Sword Art.

   Regardless of Ji Ling’s conspiracy, he is fearless!

   Soon, Ji Tianxing rushed to the middle of the mountain.

   He walked along the tree-lined path to the end and saw an octagonal pavilion.

   The pavilion is surrounded by dense woods. In the pavilion stands a young disciple wearing a green robe, facing him with his back.

   Just looking at the back, Ji Tianxing recognized Ji Ling.

   When he walked into the pavilion, Ji Ling also turned around, looking at him with a sneer on his face.

   "Hehe, Ji Tianxing, you really came!"

   Ji Tianxing looked at him with a gloomy expression, and said in a low voice, "Ji Ling, stop talking nonsense! What tricks do you want to play when you ask me to come here?"

   Ji Ling showed a playful sneer, and said in a playful tone: "Don't get excited, I asked you to come here, there is indeed an important news to tell you!"

   "Well, to be precise, I have a great news to share with you!"

   Ji Tianxing stared at him with cold eyes, and shouted: "If you have something to say, let it go!"

   Ji Ling is not angry, and smiles more and more interesting~www.ltnovel.com~ slowly said: "This morning, the master sister took me to the Qingtian Temple on Chixiao Peak, and met the headmaster."

   "The headmaster personally inspected my aptitude and confirmed on the spot that I was the person they were looking for!"

   "The leader not only respects me, but also rewards me with a large number of elixirs and exercises, but also makes every effort to cultivate and accept me as a direct disciple!"

   "Hehe... Ji Tianxing, do you know why?"

   Ji Tianxing frowned, with cold light in his eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Ji Ling, you asked me to come here, just want to show off?"

   "Put away your disgusting face, you and I know how your talent comes from!"

   Ji Ling suddenly laughed proudly, "Hahaha...Yes! So, Ji Tianxing, I have to thank you!"

   "It is precisely because of your Profound Sword blood that I am valued by the head, and I will be a disciple of the head in the future, and even inherit the position of the head!"

   Hearing these words abruptly, Ji Tianxing's expression suddenly changed, his eyes filled with anger, and his fists squeaked.

   He shouted angrily: "Ji Ling! Don't be proud, I will take back all the lost things sooner or later!!"

   Ji Ling laughed more and more triumphantly.

   "Haha... when is it sooner or later?"

   "Will you wait for me to become a disciple of the head, when the scenery is boundless, come to me for revenge?"

   "Hehe, at that time, I can kill you with a single word!"

   "Ji Ling! You are looking for death!"

   Ji Tianxing could no longer hold back his anger and killing intent, and threw his fist to kill Ji Ling.

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