Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1179: Wu Chi Wentian

Facing Ji Tianxing's request, the ancestor of the Xiao family quickly stretched out his hands and helped him up.

"Tianxing, please get up!"

Ji Tianxing insisted on saluting, and said with a sincere expression: "Senior, back then, the sword **** and the demons had a deep hatred, and now I inherit the sword god's blood and faculty, as well as his legacy.

I am not at odds with the demons, and have antagonisms!

I not only want to protect myself and my relatives and friends, but I also want to punish the demons all over the world, and return all the tribes in the mainland.

It is impossible for me to do it alone, so I have to ask seniors to help me complete this great task! "

The ancestor of the Xiao family nodded solemnly, and said in a leisurely tone: "Thousands of years ago, the old man created the Xiao clan. In order to keep the Xiao clan from declining and perishing, the old man chose to live in seclusion here and demanded the children of the Xiao clan. Do not interfere with the mundane affairs of all ethnic groups in mainland China.

Originally, the demons were rampant on the mainland, aggressively attacking the territories of various races, and these had nothing to do with the Xiao Clan.

But since you are the descendant of your teacher, have amazing aptitude, and have inherited the last wish of your teacher, of course the old man will not refuse you.

The old man promises you that he will personally come out to assist you when you need help! "

Seeing that he finally nodded and agreed, Ji Tianxing was relieved, and quickly thanked him, "Thank you, senior!"

The ancestor of the Xiao family showed a slight smile, nodded and said: "You don't have to thank me, this matter may be our mutual accomplishment.

The old man lived in seclusion here, wasting thousands of years, and finally waiting for you!

In the future, it is up to you whether the old man can continue to make progress, break through to the Yuanshen realm, and leave this continent! "

While talking, he took out two dark blue jade slips from the space ring and handed them to Ji Tianxing.

"Tian Xing, here are two jade slips for communication. When you need help in the future, just send the message to the old man. The old man will definitely help!"

With the promise of the ancestors of the Xiao family, Ji Tianxing was satisfied and quickly accepted two jade slips.

Then, under the green maple tree, he sat opposite the ancestor of the Xiao family and started talking.

The ancestor of the Xiao family looked at Ji Tianxing with interest, and asked suspiciously: "Tianxing, the old man has been living in seclusion here for hundreds of years.

The old man is very puzzled. How do you know that the old man has been instructed by the mentor Sword God? "

Ji Tianxing smiled and explained: "This incident is interesting to talk about. I only determined this through a treasure box a thousand years ago.

A few months ago, the three princes of the Human Emperor Court held a birthday banquet at the mansion and invited me and Xiao Han to the banquet.

I was there in person, but Xiao Han didn't go, just took out a treasure box as a gift..."

He told the ancestor of the Xiao family what happened.

After listening to the ancestors of the Xiao family, he realized that the matter was so tortuous, he couldn't help showing a bitter smile, shook his head and said, "Oh! This is really...coincidence!

Back then, the old man broke into the mainland, and by chance, he obtained a top-notch refining material, star sand, put it in a treasure box, and sealed it with the formation method taught by his teacher.

The old man wanted to cherish this thing, and when he was about to refine the magic weapon, he would take it out and use it.

Unexpectedly, hundreds of years have passed, but the old man is still unable to break through the shackles, unable to reach the Primordial Divine Realm, let alone refining the artifact.

The stellar sand was released for hundreds of years, and then the old man forgot about it.

The old man can’t remember exactly when he gave that piece of cinnabar sand to his children and grandchildren, but he didn’t expect that this material would eventually fall out and be met by you..."

Speaking of the origin of the celestial sand, the ancestor of the Xiao family was full of sorrow and emotion.

Ji Tianxing chuckled and said, "Senior, maybe this is the magic of fate! If it weren't for the cinnabar, how could I guess your identity, how could I find you?"

"Well, it's true!" The ancestor of the Xiao family nodded slightly and agreed.

The two chatted for a while, before Ji Tianxing got up and saluted, and left.

Saying goodbye to the ancestors of the Xiao family, he left Tianzhu Mountain, flew across the sky quickly, and returned to Tingfengyuan.

During the journey, he couldn't restrain the doubts in his heart, and Chuanyin asked Funeral Tian: "Funeral Tian, ​​why do you call the ancestor of the Xiao family Er Lengzi? Is this his nickname?"

"Yes." Funeral said in a playful tone, "Although this guy is now the top powerhouse on the mainland, it is difficult for ordinary people to meet the ancestor of the Xiao family.

But when he was young, his mind was stunned and he was stunned when he was doing things, so I kept calling him two stunned. "

Ji Tianxing nodded and asked: "You asked him if he had been to heaven before. What does this mean?"

Funeral said in a more playful tone: "This kid's real name is Xiao Wentian. When he was young, he was a martial idiot. He practiced like a lunatic, tireless and painless.

He once said that his biggest dream is to climb the sky, explore the stars beyond, and want to travel the galaxy.

At that time, besides penance kendo, the most common thing he did was to stick to the roof like a log, looking up at the sky. "

Hearing this, the corresponding picture immediately appeared in Ji Tianxing's mind, and he couldn't help but laugh.

Funeral Tian continued: "Later, he reached the Heavenly Origin Realm and was finally able to fly. He couldn't wait to fly to the sky, through the sea of ​​clouds, and wanted to fly to the sky."

Ji Tianxing became interested and couldn't help but ask: "What about the result?"

"Do you still have to guess in the end? Before he touched the gang wind layer in the sky, the true essence was exhausted, and he fell down and almost fell to death..."

"Haha..." Ji Tianxing couldn't help laughing at once, and said teasingly: "It's really hard to imagine. He had such a ridiculous experience when he was young.

No wonder if you ask him if he has gone to heaven, his awkward old face is red. "

Funeral Tian told a few more about Xiao Wentian's past, which made Ji Tianxing couldn't help but laugh, all the way back to Tingfengyuan with a smile.

He finally understood ~www.ltnovel.com~ No wonder Funian Tian gave Xiao Wentian the nickname of Er Lengzi.

When he returned to Tingfeng Garden, it was already afternoon.

Xiao Ling'er obeyed his advice, prepared for the assessment of the Holy Fire Festival, and went to practice with peace of mind.

He went back to the room to rest for a while, and saw Xiao Han come back tiredly.

So, he said hello to Xiao Han, "Master God, why are you looking bad?"

Xiao Han nodded at him in return and explained: "It took a lot of mana to help my third uncle to refine the magic weapon, but it would be fine for me to rest overnight."

Ji Tianxing thought about it for a moment before he said, "Master God, I have met the ancestors of the Xiao family just now. My purpose of coming to the Xiao family has been achieved and I am ready to leave..."

"Huh?" Xiao Han was taken aback, and said with a stunned face: "Where did you see the ancestor? The ancestor did not blame you?"

Ji Tianxing waved his hand and said with a smile: "Naturally, no. I had a very happy conversation with him, and he also agreed to my request."

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