Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1160: stunned

The mottled cloud beast that was still aggressive and murderous just now could not hold back the power of Ji Tianxing's sword.

How strong is its defensive and powerful body with its hundred-meter-long body?

But under Ji Tianxing's broken sword, it turned out to be as fragile as paper, and it collapsed and burst.

Even its soul crystal was crushed by the power of this sword, shattered into several pieces, mixed with flesh and blood, and scattered into the sky.

Shi Zhongjian and the middle-aged man were stunned!

Canglong and the other spotted cloud beast were also dumbfounded on the spot!

Everyone forgot to attack and fight for a while, staring at Ji Tianxing dumbfounded, showing shocked eyes.

Only Xiao Han can remain calm, which is not too surprising.

After all, he had seen Ji Tianxing's terrifying power a long time ago.

No matter what miracle Ji Tianxing creates, he will feel it deserves it.

Taking this opportunity, Ji Tianxing waved a big hand, hitting a giant golden palm that covered the sky and sun, and pulled Shi Zhongjian and the middle-aged man back.

The spotted cloud beast finally recovered, and immediately abandoned the blue dragon, roaring at Ji Tianxing.


It went mad with anger, and roared to the sky, and white light poured out from all over its body, releasing three kilometer-long pillars of divine soul light, and blasted towards Ji Tianxing fiercely.

The majestic and mighty divine power, condensed into a white beam of light, contains the power to destroy the sky and the earth, which is enough to destroy a radius of fifty miles.

The surrounding sky was illuminated, and the violent hurricane spread out, shaking the mud puddles around the mound into huge whirlpools.

This is the strongest attack of the spotted cloud beast, in order to kill Ji Tianxing to avenge his companions, it has exploded with all its strength desperately.

Ji Tianxing did not back down, but also burst out his life's strength, concentrated all his energy, and cut out the strongest sword of his life.

"One sword opens the sky!"

This is the strongest sword that combines spirit, energy and spirit, human sword into one, and heavenly sword.

The kilometer-long blazing white sword light, carrying the power to destroy everything, instantly cut through the sky and hit one of the gods and souls.


That divine soul light beam collapsed on the spot, shattered into countless pieces, and splashed around.

The power of Jianguang was not diminished at all, and it slammed the spotted cloud beast, hitting its forehead.


In the muffled sound, the head of the spotted cloud beast was cut open by sword light, and a huge gully was split from the top of the head to the back to the tail.

Its one-hundred-meter-long body was split in half by a sword.

The dark red blood gushes out like a monstrous flood, spilling from the sky into the swamp.

The two halves of the spotted cloud beast fell from the sky, and slammed it on the devastated mound with a ‘bang’.

After the corpse fell to the ground, it convulsed a few times before finally calming down and stopped moving.

This spotted cloud beast also followed in the footsteps of his companions and was killed in seconds by Ji Tianxing.

Not only the physical body died, but even its soul crystal was chopped into several pieces and shattered on the spot.

The fight against each other ended, and ended with the death of two spotted cloud beasts.

Canglong, Shi Zhongjian, and the middle-aged blond man all stared at all this dumbfounded, and hadn't recovered for a long time.


At the same time, a black flying boat was lurking in the swamp twenty miles away from the mound.

This flying boat is not big in appearance, it looks only half a meter long, the whole body is black, and the appearance is very delicate and gorgeous.

But it is a soul-level magic weapon, with a cave inside and a wide magic weapon space.

The black flying boat lurked in the silt of the swamp, did not light up, nor did it emit aura fluctuations, and it was difficult to be found.

Inside the flying boat, there was a pair of young men and women watching the outside world attentively.

The young men and women are both in their early twenties. They are very well-dressed and elegantly dressed.

The young man was tall and handsome with a handsome face. He wore a water-blue robe embroidered with a **** bird pattern.

The woman is also tall, with a delicate and pretty face, wearing a goose yellow dress, long shawl hair, and a jade white pearl necklace around her neck.

Her features are very delicate, her clear eyes are like autumn water, and her long eyelashes are like two small fans.

At this moment, her cherry mouth opened silently, her pretty face was full of shocked expressions, and there were incredible expressions in her eyes.

Frozen for a while, she took a deep breath and exclaimed sincerely, "Oh my god, what's the background of that young man? He only used two swords to kill two spotted cloud beasts?

He looks about my age, why is his strength so terrifying? Actually reached the Soul Refining Realm!

In the history of our Xiao Clan, there has never been such a sturdy and peerless wizard? "

The blue-robed youth standing next to her also recovered from the shock, his face still full of surprise.

He nodded in deep agreement, and whispered incredibly: "It's really too tough! If we didn't sneak out quietly, how could we see such a stunning genius?

Sister Ling'er, that guy seems to be younger than me, and he has the strength of the Soul Refining Realm. This is simply a miracle!

Even if we can't get the tailbone and eyeballs of the spotted cloud beast, and can see the young geniuses outside, it's not a waste of time! "

The pretty girl called Ling'er frowned slightly, and after thinking about it for a while, she suddenly showed a sly smile.

"Xiao Chen, you said this a bit early, I don't think we might not have the chance!

The young genius passed by here and saw the mottled beast attacking the two blond men before he came to the rescue.

A genius like him with eyes higher than the top, arrogant and arrogant, surely disdain to pick up the spoils, let alone get rid of the bones and eyeballs of the Beasts?

I bet ~www.ltnovel.com~ that genius will definitely not take a look at the corpse of the zebra beast, he will probably leave in a cool manner, leaving us with an admirable back..."

Ling'er was talking, her clear eyes were still shining brightly, and her eyes were full of worship and admiration.

The young man named Xiao Chen looked sideways at Ling'er's joyful expression, his heart a little bit sour.

But he nodded in agreement, and said, "Sister Ling'er is still smart! In a few days it will be the Holy Fire Festival. We must obtain the tailbone and eyeballs of the mottled cloud beast and refine it into that magic weapon as soon as possible before we can pass with full confidence. In the assessment, we won the top two and got the chance to leave the Xiao Clan."

Ling'er curled his lips, and said in a bit angrily tone: "I'm tired of being in the Xiao Clan. I'm stuck in that little world all day, and people are about to die of suffocation.

Anyway, no matter what, I will win the top two in the assessment and try to leave the Xiao Clan. "

Xiao Chen nodded and encouraged her: "Sister Ling'er, you are one of the most outstanding genius children of our generation. You will definitely pass the exam as you wish and leave the Xiao Clan."

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