Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1154: Sacred Heart

With its two front paws, Tianying held the fire light group and the golden light group each, and screamed excitedly on its back.

"Choo Choo Choo!"

It was very emotional, it seemed to vent its excitement, and it spread its wide wings, flapping wildly.

The violent wind swelled up, rolling up the piles of masonry ruins, and splashing around.

Between the sky and the earth, there was a gray, dense raindrops of bricks and stones, madly impacting the surrounding twenty miles.

Those buildings that have not completely collapsed were completely destroyed by hurricanes and rubble.

Many people and warriors who had just escaped from the ruins were also strangled into dregs by the hurricane and died terribly.

Murderous intent surged in Ji Tianxing's chest, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he drew his sword without hesitation.


He brazenly drew the broken sword and slashed towards Tianying with a full sword.

The majestic and mighty spirit power, condensed into a hundred-meter-long blazing white sword light, carrying the might of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, crashed and hit the sky eagle that was still crying excitedly.


This sword hit Tianying's back and slashed it out.

Its feathers, which were as hard as fine iron, were neatly cut by the sword light and flew in the air.

There was a hideous wound that was more than ten feet long on its back, which penetrated deep into the bone, splashing black blood in the sky.


Tianying flew nearly ten miles away and crashed on the wall in the distance.

The towering city wall collapsed ten miles and turned into rubble.

It rolled over a dozen times on the ground before it flew up with flapping wings and roared furiously.

It swallowed the Fire Light Group and the Golden Light Group in its mouth, turned its head and looked at Ji Tianxing, and gave him an angry and bitter look in its eyes.

Then, it waved its wings and released thousands of blades of white light, shooting like a rain of arrows.


Thousands of divine soul light blades instantly tore through the sky, straddling a distance of ten miles, and slammed in front of Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing could only manipulate three divine soul magic swords, condensing into a sword net, protecting himself.

"Fajian Skynet!"

The three spirit swords were flying like an aurora, and the sword net was impervious to wind and rain, covering him.

Thousands of divine soul light blades flooded Ji Tianxing's figure, hitting the sword net one after another, bursting out a series of muffled noises.

"Boom bang bang!"

Ji Tianxing was shocked and flew back thousands of meters away, crashing into the ruins, arousing dust in the sky.

After a while, when the thousands of soul light blades dissipated, he removed the magic sword skynet.

At this time, Tianying had already flown into the sky, and fled the Southern Wilderness City like a streamer, and flew straight to the Southern Wilderness Daze.

"Damn beast, the goal has been achieved, do you want to escape?"

Ji Tianxing frowned, his eyes filled with cold light.

Of course he couldn't let the sky eagle go, he must punish this strange beast and regain the two mysterious holy lights.

However, before hunting down the Sky Eagle, he opened the entrance to the world in the sword.

He released the Little Black Dragon, Qianyue and Jinshan King, and released more than 500 Earthling Warriors.

"Little Black Dragon, Qianyue, Jinshan King... you go and help Lord God General, resist the beast tide, and rescue the people in the city!"

He exclaimed in a majestic tone, and then he flew into the sky and chased the Sky Eagle by himself.

King Jinshan, Qianyue, Little Black Dragon and hundreds of Earth Spirit Warriors appeared out of thin air on the messy ruins.

They saw a ruin in the city, and there were no hundreds of surnames and warriors, fighting with the group of monsters, and they understood the situation.

So they hurriedly assisted Xiao Han, slayed all the monsters and rescued the people in the city.

The hundreds of Earth Spirit Warriors also used their talents to quickly clean up the ruins in the city and rescue the people buried in the ruins.

With their participation, Xiao Han's pressure was greatly reduced.

The people and warriors in the city also gradually stabilized their positions and launched counterattacks in an orderly manner to resist the invasion of beasts.


Ji Tianxing stepped on the Divine Soul Magic Sword, flying across the sky like an aurora, and chasing the sky eagle to fly into the southern wilderness.

Although Tianying was injured, his strength was still strong.

It was originally a bird and a beast, and it was best at flying, and its speed was incredible.

Ji Tianxing drove the Divine Soul Magic Sword and used all his strength to barely catch up with it and gradually get closer to it.

About a quarter of an hour later, Ji Tianxing chased more than two thousand miles away, entered the Daze, and finally caught up with Tianying.

It was already night at this time, and the night shrouded the world.

The sky is densely covered with gray clouds, and the land is endless jungle.

When Ji Tianxing was five miles away from Tianying, he brazenly launched an attack.

"Burning Heaven Palm!"

He raised his left arm, which was red as lava, and slapped a huge palm of flame like a mountain.

The giant flame palm pierced the night sky, illuminating half of the sky, and hit the sky eagle with an incredible speed.


Amid the deafening noise, Tianying was slapped by the giant palm of the flame, and fell into the sky with a scream, and into the jungle below.

It ignited red fire all over, igniting the vast jungle and burning the gray earth into magma.

But white light gushed out of its body, bursting out of soul power, and the flame was dispersed in the blink of an eye, pressing the wound.

Then, it flapped its wings and flew into the sky, stopped, and confronted Ji Tianxing.

"You humble little beast, you really want to kill the emperor here!"

Tianying stared at Ji Tianxing with crimson eyes, and even uttered a low, hoarse voice.

Ji Tianxing was taken aback for a moment, and sneered: "Hehehe... you really deserve to be a strange beast in the Soul Refining Realm, and you can spit out words. No wonder Xiao Han said that you are an old demon king who has lived for a thousand years."

"Demon King?" A look of contempt flashed in Tianying's eyes, and he sneered: "This emperor is Tianying Demon King! Commanding the surrounding area of ​​Chixiao Mountain for 100,000 miles, there are hundreds of millions of monsters under his command!"

Ji Tianxing said blankly: "Whether you are the Demon King or the Demon King, you don't stay in the Daze, and you dare to lead the beasts to invade the human city. If I meet, I will kill you!"

"It's up to you? Dreaming!" Tianying whispered contemptuously: "The emperor just doesn't want to stay in the human territory, and he will return to Chixiao Mountain as soon as possible to refine the Sacred Heart.

Do you think that ~www.ltnovel.com~ the emperor ran away because you were afraid of you little reptile? "

Ji Tianxing frowned suddenly, and asked suspiciously: "Sacred Heart? Are the two **** of light you just got from the Holy Tower?"

Tianying knew he had made a mistake, and quickly shut up without mentioning the matter, and shouted murderously: "Little reptile, you talk too much! The emperor will tear you to pieces now!"

When the voice fell, it burst into the sky with white light, and it condensed into six white sky eagle phantoms.

It was the phantom of the six souls, just like its six avatars, suspended in the night sky behind it, staring at Ji Tianxing with gloomy eyes.

"Sky Shadow Lore!"

Tianying gave a low cry, spreading its wings and releasing nine giant white light blades, rushing towards Ji Tianxing.

The six souls and ghosts also besieged from all directions, releasing dozens of giant blades of the souls.

Suddenly, the night sky was illuminated by white light.

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