Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 115: Man in Black Reappears

   When Ji Tianxing left the Tai'an Palace, it was already high time.

   Except for a few lights in the Tai'an Palace, the whole mountain is shrouded in darkness, quiet and secluded.

   Although this was the latest time he went back, he was delayed for nearly an hour to practice the Flying Star Sword Art.

   But his heart is full of excitement and anticipation, and his steps are much lighter.

   A quarter of an hour later, he was walking on the tree-lined path at the foot of the mountain.

   There is no one on the trail, and the surrounding mountains and forests are also pitch black as ink, silent.

   Suddenly, two cold lights lit up in the woods, and they shot at Ji Tianxing's forehead and chest like lightning.


   Those two points of cold light were concealed weapon flying knives, making a sharp piercing sound through the night sky.

   Ji Tianxing was thinking about the two swordsmanship he had just learned, and he was suddenly awakened by the sound of breaking through the sky, and his expression suddenly changed.

   "Damn! Someone ambushed me!"

   He immediately exploded with majestic true essence, and withdrew sideways three meters away, avoiding the attacks of those two hidden weapons.

   Two hidden weapon flying knives flew in front of him, and "Dodo" nailed them into a big tree by the road.

   The finger-long blade was completely submerged in the trunk, and the handle was still trembling violently.

   Obviously, the power contained in these two hidden weapon flying knives is enormous. If they hit Ji Tianxing, they must pierce two blood holes.

   Ji Tianxing retreated into the woods beside the road, hiding behind a big tree thick with a bucket.

   was suddenly attacked, he was angry and confused, but he remained calm and did not lose his sense of measure.

   He hid behind the big tree, watching the woods ahead with keen eyes, looking for the person who attacked him.

   The next moment, a dark shadow rushed out from the woods ahead.

   The man carrying a cold sword in his hand, came straight to him.

   When he saw the dark shadow, Ji Tianxing frowned, his eyes flashed with cold murderous intent.

   "It's him! That night, he led me out of the room, and then planted and framed me!"

   Ji Tianxing recognized in an instant, this warrior dressed in black and a mask was the man in black that night.

   "It came just right! I was about to see who was going to deal with me!"

   With a low cry in his heart, he secretly mobilized the true essence in his body, and his whole body was full of powerful fighting spirit.

   At the same time, the man in black rushed to Ji Tianxing, less than three meters away.

   The man in black jumped up and jumped more than three meters high, swinging his sword and stabbing more than a dozen dazzling dark yellow|color sword lights, covering Ji Tianxing.


   Suddenly, the night sky around Ji Tianxing was illuminated by sword light, and many branches and leaves were crushed by sharp sword air.

   At a critical juncture, he did not hesitate to use the Flying Star Sword Art he just learned.

   "Thousand Feather Blade!"

   Ji Tianxing let out a murderous cry, suddenly shot three dark golden sword auras as long as chopsticks, and killed the man in black.

   "Ding Ding Ding Ding!"

   The assassination attack with golden sword energy as fast as lightning, collided with more than a dozen sword lights, and burst into a crisp sound of swords.

   Within a short breath, three golden sword auras stabbed hundreds of times, so fast that the trajectory and route of the sword aura could not be seen clearly.

   More than a dozen dark yellow|color sword lights of the man in black were shattered by the sword qi sting on the spot, turning into little yellow light and dissipating.

   However, the power of Thousand Feather Blade is more than that, the three golden sword auras are still assassinating and attacking at speed.


   In the blink of an eye, the three sword qi attacked hundreds of times.

   The man in black was visibly taken aback, and hurriedly brandished his sword to resist.

   After the impact of "ding ding dong dong", the man in black was stabbed dozens of times in the chest and abdomen with sword qi, his body trembled again and again, and he made a painful muffled sound.

   He fell from mid-air to the grass and rolled around a few times before he got up.

   The black clothes on his chest and abdomen have been twisted into pieces by sword energy, revealing the golden soft armor he wears inside.

   was also fortunate to have the protection of the golden soft armor, otherwise he would have been pierced into a sieve by the sword qi.

   The black-clothed man yelled angrily, unwillingly swing his sword to attack again.

   But Ji Tianxing manipulated the three sword qi, and stabbed hundreds of times in one breath, and a large golden sword shadow surrounded the man in black.

   Moreover, he manipulated his sword qi to stab the arm, face and legs of the man in black, all of which were not protected by soft armor.

   The man in black swung his sword in an embarrassing manner, and could only block the sword energy that attacked his head.

   After another crisp sound of "ding jingle bells", the arms and legs of the man in black were pierced with more than a dozen holes of blood.

   He knelt on the ground with his sword in both hands, panting violently.

   Red blood flowed out of a dozen wounds and sprinkled on the dense grass.

   At the same time, Ji Tianxing's Thousand Feather Blade was also over, and three golden sword qi flew back to him in suspension.

   "Who are you? Why did you assassinate me?"

   He asked in a cold voice, and approached the man in black, exuding a strong murderous aura.

   The man in black didn't say a word, turned around and ran away without hesitation, speeding as fast as an arrow from the string, and got into the woods in the blink of an eye.

   "Don't want to escape!"

   Ji Tianxing hurried to catch up, and then dived into the woods.

   However, the night is dark, and the direction is difficult to distinguish in the woods.

The man in black has the strength of the Profound Realm, has cultivated clever light skills, and is very familiar with the terrain. He travels extremely fast in the woods ~www.ltnovel.com~Ji Tianxing only chased a kilometer away, and was caught by the man in black. Thrown away.

   "Damn! Let him escape again!"

   In desperation, Ji Tianxing could only give up the pursuit and returned to the tree-lined path unwillingly.

   He returned to the place where he was attacked, took off the two hidden weapon flying knives nailed to the tree, and looked for it nearby.

   It's a pity, except for the two hidden weapon throwing knives, the man in black left no clues.

   Ji Tianxing had to put away the two hidden weapon flying knives, and hurried back to Fengyunyuan with a gloomy expression.

   After returning to the residence, he didn't even have the thought of eating dinner, and sat under the lamp to observe the two throwing knives carefully.

   However, the two flying knives are just common hidden weapons, without identification, and nothing special.

   With these two hidden weapon flying knives alone, it is impossible for Ji Tianxing to find out the identity of the man in black.

   He put away the throwing knife, his face was solemnly frowning in thought.

   "The man in black has the strength of the Profound Realm, and is familiar with the terrain of the sect. He should be an inner disciple of the sect. He ambushed me halfway, obviously knowing my whereabouts."

   "But besides Ji Ling and Lu Mingyang, who else wants to kill me?"

   "Fortunately, I just learned the Flying Star Sword Art, otherwise I can't withstand the attack of the man in black at all, and I will probably be assassinated by him tonight."

   "But even if I became the Flying Star Sword Art, I can compete with the masters of the Profound Realm, but I don't have the clever light skills to cultivate, and I can't catch up with the man in black!"

   "It seems that I have to find a high-level light gong to practice as soon as possible. Next time the man in black comes to assassinate me again, I can catch up with him and find out his identity!"

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