Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 111: So fate

   As the voice fell, Xiang Wuji walked out of a certain room.

   He is still wearing a purple robe, and his long snow-white hair and beard are stained with scraps of herbs and powder.

   Even though he was showing no words to Ji Tianxing, his eyes towards Xuan Xuan were full of affection, and his wrinkled old face was also full of smiles.

   "Huh? Was you punished to sweep the floor?" Xuan Xuan gave Ji Tianxing a little surprised.

   Seeing Ji Tianxing's face full of depression, she wanted to laugh a little, but held back.

   She walked under the eaves with the food box, bowed to Xiang Wuji, smiled and said, "Master, this is the dessert Xuan Xuan made for you by herself. You can try it soon."

   Xiang Wuji smiled even more happily, and quickly took the food box, and said with satisfaction: "Oh, among the juniors in the door, Xiao Xuan Xuan is the most sensible!"

   "Not only do I often come to visit my lousy old man, but every time I bring gifts to the old man, the old man likes to eat snacks made by Xiao Xuan Xuan."

   Xuan Xuan smiled, and quickly explained: "Master! It's not that the brothers and sisters don't want to visit you, but you don't let them come to Tai'an Palace, so as not to disturb your cleanliness."

   Xiang Wuji suppressed his smile, frowned, and said angrily: "Huh! Those little rascals said they were visiting the old man, which one is not thinking about the old man's elixir and treasure?"

   "One by one, pretending to be a gentleman, can you hide that little thought from the old man? I don't want to practice hard at a young age. I always want to take shortcuts. The old man calls them light!"

   Xuan Xuan smiled and explained two more sentences, which made Xiang Wuji despise her anger.

   Then, Xiang Wuji took the food box and turned and entered the room.

   Xuan Xuan did not follow into the house. She sat on the stone bench under the eaves and asked Ji Tianxing with a smile: "Tian Xing, you have just entered the sect for a few days, how can you make a mistake and be punished to clean the Tai'an Palace?"

   "Do you not understand the rules of the sect, what taboos did you commit?"

   Ji Tianxing looked at her big clear eyes and could really feel her worry and concern.

   He has no doubt that Xuan Xuan will definitely be even more worried if he tells the story of being framed.

   Thinking of this, he didn't explain anything. He just nodded and said: "Yes, after all, I have just arrived. But I know it now, and I won't do it again."

   "Well, I believe you." Xuan Xuan smiled and nodded.

   She saw the Qian Fang Ji in Ji Tianxing's hand, and asked, "Deacon Han asked you to learn elixir and medicine?"

   "Yes." Ji Tianxing nodded and said, "I will learn to dispense medicine this week, and will be assessed for alchemy at the end of the month."

   Xuan Xuan's beautiful eyes turned, and she smiled and said, "While you are going to clean the Tai'an Palace, you also have to learn Thousand Formulas. I am afraid that you will not be able to do so."

   "If you have any questions, you can ask me, and I can help you answer them. I have learned this before."

   Ji Tianxing smiled and bowed his hands in a salute, "So, then I would like to thank Junior Sister Xuan Xuan."

   "Raise your hand." Xuan Xuan nodded slightly, showing a gentle smile.

   At this moment, Xiang Wuji walked out of the room and came to Xuan Xuan's side.

  "Xuan Xuan, come and let Shizu see your condition, how is your recovery?"

   Xuan Xuan nodded docilely, and stretched out her right hand.

   Xiang Wuji stretched out **** on her wrist to help her get her pulse to check her condition.

   Ji Tianxing stood by and watched silently, but his mind was a little complicated, and many thoughts flashed through.

   "Sister Xuan Xuan looks so gentle and calm, and her heart is so kind, how can she be sick?"

   "She is unwell, sick, but still caring for me like this?"

   After a while, Xiang Wuji withdrew his fingers, with a gratifying smile on his face.

"Yes, Not Bad!"

   "Xia Xuan Xuan, you have almost recovered in the past half a month, and the extremely yin and cold toxins have to be removed."

   "I did not expect that there are so many magical medicines in the old man's medicine garden, but none of them can cure your condition."

   "It's the Scarlet Star Flower, which is in line with your natal attributes. It can get rid of the extremely yin and cold poison in your body, so that you will not be tortured by cold poison in the future..."

   Hearing Xiang Wuji's words, Ji Tianxing's expression changed slightly, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

   Many thoughts rushed into his heart, and he finally realized it.

   "It turns out that Junior Sister Xuan Xuan's illness is caused by extremely yin and cold toxins in her body, and Chi Xinghua can help her get rid of cold toxins!"

   "In this way, after Yun Yao got the red star stamen, it was used to treat sister Xuan Xuan!"

   "Xuan Xuan and I have both taken Red Star Flower, and our bodies have been modified by the power of Red Star Flower. No wonder I felt inexplicably close to her when I first met her..."

   "It turns out that we both have this fate!"

   Ji Tianxing finally understood the reason, and vaguely guessed that Xuan Xuan must have a close relationship with Yun Yao.

   After Xiang Wuji checked Xuan Xuan's situation, he exhorted a few more words, then turned and went into the pill room to get busy.

   He wanted Xuan Xuan to go to the pill room with him, help him take care of the pill furnace, and learn to make medicine by the way.

   However, Xuan Xuan found a reason to avoid it.

   After Xiang Wuji left, Xuan Xuan stayed in the courtyard to accompany Ji Tianxing and help him explain the content of Qianfang's concentration.

   With Xuan Xuan's help, Ji Tianxing doesn't need to look through Qian Fang Ji, which saves time.

  While cleaning the courtyard, he listened to Xuan Xuan's explanation of medicine dispensing, learning more deeply and thoroughly, and feeling extremely comfortable.

   Unconsciously, the afternoon passed.

   After the sunset, Ji Tianxing and Xuan Xuan walked out of the Tai'an Palace side by side ~www.ltnovel.com~ to return to their respective residences.

   However, as soon as they walked to the gate of the Tai'an Palace, they were stopped by a handsome young man in a white robe.

   This handsome young man is Lu Mingyang who has just entered the inner door!

   Lu Mingyang was holding a sandalwood box in his hand, apparently waiting outside the gate for a long time.

   Seeing Xuan Xuan walk out the door, he greeted him with a smile on his face.

   He was about to speak, but suddenly saw Ji Tianxing next to Xuan Xuan.

   Seeing Ji Tianxing and Xuan Xuan walking side by side talking and laughing, the smile on his face instantly solidified, and his eyes darkened.

   At this time, Ji Tianxing and Xuan Xuan also saw Lu Mingyang, and they stopped.

   Neither of them spoke, looking calmly at Lu's fame.

   Lu Mingyang reduced the chill in his eyes, and quickly showed a gentle smile on his face, and said to Xuan Xuan, "Xuan Xuan, I know that you are in Tai'an Palace today, so I made a special trip here to wait for you."

   "This is the thousand-year-old fire jade that I spent a lot of time and thought to collect. Even if it can't help you get rid of cold toxins, it can also help you relieve your pain..."

   "Xuan Xuan, this is my heart, you must accept it!"

   Lu Mingyang showed great care for Xuan Xuan in his tone and demeanor.

   However, Xuan Xuan was indifferent to his words.

   After Lu Mingyang finished speaking, she calmly said, "Take things back. I won't accept your gifts."

   "Also, the cold toxin in my body has been eliminated, so please don't bother."

   After that, she turned her head to look at Ji Tianxing, smiled and said goodbye, and then left quickly.

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