Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1107: Did God forget you?

Long Zaitian, who was the host, was not present.

The people in the hall gathered together and could only exchange greetings and talk about some things about Zhongzhou.

Someone talked about the recent situation in Zhongzhou. There are only two of the three eternal families in the past.

The Murong family's power was suppressed by all parties, and it has been shrinking its defenses, its power has been weakened, and it has become extremely low-key.

Even on the birthday of the third prince, the Murong family did not send anyone to the banquet.

Someone sighed that the former three aristocratic families, the Duanmu family, were destroyed, and the Murong family gradually withered, leaving only Yunling Palace still in full swing.

Speaking of the destruction of Duanmu's house, many people quietly looked at Ji Tianxing, casting complicated eyes.

Ji Tianxing destroyed the Duanmu family and killed Murong Lingfeng's son Murong Lingfeng, these things are no secret.

The big power holders present, as well as the domain masters and the city masters, learned the news from various channels.

Everyone was deeply curious and jealous about Ji Tianxing's strength and methods.

Moreover, everyone knows that Ji Tianxing has always been close to the emperor Long Yunxiao, and has a close relationship.

In this way, Ji Tianxing and the three princes are rivals.

How dare he come to Feilong City alone for a banquet?

Seeing that he has a confident appearance, is there another purpose for coming to the Feilong Palace for a banquet?

Thinking of this, many dignitaries and strong men secretly stared at Ji Tianxing.

Even the four domain masters frequently looked sideways at Ji Tianxing, quietly watching him.

At this time, the young geniuses on the right side of the hall talked about the raging demons.

Someone mentioned that Yun Yao was kidnapped by the Demon Emperor a year ago.

At that time, Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao were married and wanted to have a feast in the city of Zhongzhou, but was attacked and killed by the Demon Emperor in the middle.

This incident caused a shock in Zhongzhou, and everyone knows it. It has been the hottest topic on the mainland in the past year.

Now everyone saw the person involved, Ji Tianxing, secretly discussing this matter.

An emperor mentioned that Ji Tianxing broke into the North Desert alone, dived into the Demon Emperor's lair alone, and rescued Yun Yao.

Upon hearing this news, several young geniuses all showed incredible expressions and exclaimed.

Especially Zhai Jianqing, Qianshan Zhenwu and others, who had competed with Ji Tianxing on the same stage, were shocked to hear the news.

The voices of the young talents overshadow the conversations of the powerful and powerful.

Several city owners and wealthy patriarchs all took this topic and started talking.

"It's incredible! The strength and means of Emperor Tianxing are truly unpredictable and unbelievable!"

"The Emperor Tianxing really deserves to be the first genius of our clan, he can perform such a miracle!"

"The Demon Lair in the North Desert is said to have a dangerous terrain and many strong people. It is extremely dangerous. I didn't expect the Skywalker to advance and retreat freely. It's amazing!"

Not only many city owners and family owners, they praised and admired Ji Tianxing.

Even the Hengshui domain and Yong'an domain masters looked at Ji Tianxing with admiration and praised a few words.

"With the current strength and methods of the Skywalker Domain Lord, I am afraid not only the first genius of our clan, but also the first genius of Zhongzhou?"

"No, no, no...It should be said that the Skywalker Domain Master is now the number one genius in the mainland!"

"The Lord of the Skywalker is only twenty years old, he has such a strong strength, and has created countless miracles. This is simply an extraordinary genius that has never been seen in a thousand years!"

Many people in the hall praised Ji Tianxing and respected him.

However, most of the people are quite critical about this, and their expressions are a little disdainful, and even secretly mutter and criticize.

"Cut! There are hundreds of thousands of warriors in my clan, and I don't know how many geniuses come out every year, but how many of them can eventually become extremely strong?"

"Hehehe, who can sit in this hall today, who is not a martial arts genius?"

"What about the extraordinary talent? If you die at a young age, isn't everything gone?"

"The root of human inferiority lies in the preference for hearsay and deliberate exaggeration! The so-called miracles and legends have not been seen with their own eyes. Who would believe them?"

"The Lord is sitting there, this group of people are still bragging about others, are they ashamed?"

These people whispered to each other regardless of Ji Tianxing's presence.

Some people, while criticizing, kept looking at Ji Tianxing to observe his expression and reaction.

Ji Tianxing has been sitting with a calm complexion, even after hearing the people's comments, there is no change in his expression and he completely ignores them.

Because he knew very well in his heart that the vast majority of people sitting in the hall were the forces and fans under the three princes, and they were hostile to him.

At this time, the domain master of Shangchuan, who was sitting at the head of Ji Tianxing, suddenly thought of something and said in a serious tone: "As we all know, whenever a strong person advances to the Soul Refining State, there will be a heaven and earth vision.

The stronger the talents, the more earth-shattering and bizarre the visions of heaven and earth caused.

This constellation is not talented. When he broke through the Soul Refining Realm that year, it was midnight when only the sky full of stars appeared, and it dissipated after a hundred breaths of time.

Ashamed, the heaven and earth visions caused by this seat's advancement can only be regarded as ordinary visions.

However, I heard that more than a year ago, when His Highness the Three Princes broke through the Soul Refining Realm, there was a vision of Jin Lei breaking through the sky.

That night, a golden thunder tore through the world, illuminating the entire Zhongzhou! "

The Bailiyu domain master sitting next to him nodded quickly, smiled and said: "Yes! I happened to be in Zhongzhou at the time, and I witnessed the vision of Jin Lei breaking through the sky that night.

Such a world-shaking vision is very rare, and it has not appeared in 300 years.

It can be seen that the talents of His Highness the Three Princes are the first person in three hundred years, and the future achievements are limitless! "

When talking about this, the Bailiyu domain master deliberately glanced at Ji Tianxing, and asked with a smile but not a smile: "Tianxing domain master, you are the first genius recognized by my clan, and now you have broken through the soul refining realm.

With your talent and aptitude, the vision of heaven and earth when you break through the soul refining realm should be something that has shaken the heaven and the earth, hasn't it been seen in ancient times? "

Undoubtedly, the main public attack in Baili Valley took the opportunity to provoke Ji Tianxing.

Everyone in the hall immediately calmed down, their eyes all looking towards Ji Tianxing.

Many people showed curious and expectant eyes, but more people were waiting for a good show and gloating.

Ji Tianxing has been closing his eyes to rest up his mind, seemingly not paying attention to the discussions and conversations of the people.

But now, the Bailiyu domain master pointed the finger at him, and hundreds of people on the scene were all staring at him~www.ltnovel.com~ he had to respond.

Under the gaze of the crowd, he slowly opened his eyes and glanced at Bailiyu with a blank face, and said in a calm tone: "When this seat broke through the soul refining realm, it was in a secret realm and did not notice any world. Vision."

Hearing his answer, everyone in the hall showed disappointed expressions and started talking in whispers.

The Hundred Valley Master suddenly showed a playful smile, and shook his head again and again, saying, "Hey, in that case, the Xingyu Domain Master failed to cause a vision of heaven and earth that day.

I can’t believe that when the Human Race broke through the Soul Refining Realm on the first day, there was even no vision of heaven and earth. Could it be... God forgot you? "

When everyone in the hall heard his words, they all burst into laughter, showing sarcasm and gloating expressions.

Everyone knows that the vision of heaven and earth is a change in the way of heaven, and it cannot be different from person to person. It is fair to all creatures.

When Ji Tianxing broke through the Soul Refining Realm, he failed to cause a change in the phenomena of heaven and earth, which can only show that his potential has been exhausted, and his future achievements are very mediocre, which is not enough to cause phenomena of heaven and earth!

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