Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1101: Cut grass and roots

"A year later, he will take Yaoyao out of Zhongzhou?"

Ji Tianxing frowned, showing a worried look in his eyes, his expression becoming solemn.

Yun Zhongqi nodded silently, and said in a calm tone: "Twenty-one years ago, I agreed to the conditions he put forward when he tried to treat Yaoyao.

No one can disobey his wishes. We must fulfill this condition. After a year, Yaoyao will definitely be taken away by him. "

After a pause, he said earnestly and earnestly: "Tianxing, you and Yaoyao still have one year, you must cherish..."

Ji Tianxing nodded, and said firmly: "Father-in-law, don't worry, there is still a year left, and things may turn around.

I will try my best to keep Yaoyao. "

Yun Zhongqi shook his head and said grimly: "Tian Xing, although I know you are the number one genius in Zhongzhou, you can create countless miracles.

However, one year is too short! The power of that peerless powerhouse is beyond your imagination. "

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly to express his understanding, and secretly sighed in his heart: "After all, he is the number one powerhouse in the mainland. He is a figure above the peak of the martial art of the Profound Sky Continent!"

Although he also knew that the will of that strong man was irresistible.

But he will never give up or accept his fate, he will do his best to protect his wife.

After the two were silent for a while, Yun Zhongqi continued: "Tianxing, Yaoyao is safe, but she will have to sleep for half a month before she can wake up naturally.

After she wakes up, her strength will reach a higher level.

You don't have to stay here all the time, so as not to delay your practice, you should go back to the imperial palace first.

We will take care of Yaoyao, and we will notify you in time if there is any change or news. "

Ji Tianxing thought for a while, half a month did take a long time, then nodded in agreement.

"Okay, father-in-law, then I will leave first."

He bowed to Yun Zhongqi, then turned and left the secret room.

After that, he bid farewell to the genius doctor Baili and Baili Ningsu, and left Yunling Palace in a hurry.

After half a day, he returned to Zhongzhou City.

After returning to the Emperor's Mansion, he did not return to the Heavenly Palace, and went straight to the Yunxiao Palace, looking for Long Yunxiao.

He entered Yunxiao Palace, led by the guards, into the back garden.

The back garden is full of flowers, the forest is dense, there is a small lake and bamboo forest swaying in the wind, the environment is very elegant.

There is a simple and elegant pavilion in the center of the lake.

There are eight maids standing around the pavilion, a guqin is placed in the pavilion, and a beautiful woman in brocade clothes is swinging the strings.

The sound of the piano is clear, crisp and pleasant, melodious and melodious, which makes people feel clear and refreshing.

Ji Tianxing recognized it at a glance. The woman with luxurious clothes, a bun, and a phoenix crown and golden steps was Tianfei An Suwan.

In addition, Long Yunxiao, the emperor wearing a golden dragon robe, is also sitting in the pavilion, sipping tea slowly and listening to the pleasing sound of the piano.

At the end of the song, he still showed the color of aftertaste, gently put down the tea cup, nodded with a smile, and clapped his hands: "Tianfei's piano skills are becoming more and more exquisite. I was truly in the mountains and rivers and saw the great mountains and rivers of the Nine Territories of my human race."

A light smile appeared on An Suwan’s pretty face, her eyes were gentle and sweet, and she said softly: "Emperor, you have been working on government affairs in the past few months. It is an honor for your concubine to relieve your mind with the sound of the piano. And wish..."

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows, and thought to himself: "It seems that the relationship between Long Yunxiao and An Suwan has eased. Although not sweet and affectionate, they are considered respectful.

I haven't seen it for a year, but I didn't expect An Suwan to have reached the Heavenly Origin Realm. The changes were quite dramatic, and her expression and temperament seemed to be softer and more restrained, not as simple and stubborn as before.

This is just right. Long Yunxiao and An Suwan are not evil people. If they can get along with each other safely, it will be a good thing for everyone. "

At this time, the guard walked out of the pavilion and reported respectfully: "Under the crown of the emperor, the emperor of Heaven is visiting."

Both Long Yunxiao and An Suwan were taken aback, stopped talking and looked out of the pavilion together.

Ji Tian walked into the pavilion, his face calmly folded his hands, and said hello: "I have seen the emperor and the concubine."

Long Yunxiao and An Suwan hurriedly got up to reply, and exchanged a few words with Ji Tianxing.

After the two parties were seated, Long Yunxiao asked, "Tianxing, how is Yaoyao's situation?"

As soon as he met, he asked Yun Yao about the situation, which made Ji Tianxing startled and turned his head slightly to look at An Suwan.

An Suwan didn't change her face, her eyes were still calm and soft, and she didn't feel any knots.

Seeing this, Ji Tianxing realized that her changes were indeed not small, so he said to Long Yunxiao: "Yaoyao's problem has been solved, and her strength has been greatly increased because of a blessing in disguise."

"There is such a good thing? That Jun is relieved."

Long Yunxiao showed an unexpected expression on his face and asked, "Tian Xing, then you came to see this monarch today, why?"

Ji Tianxing glanced at An Suwan and said calmly: "It's the last time, about the Western Wilderness..."

There is no need for him to say much later, Long Yunxiao will immediately notice.

He turned his head to look at An Suwan and said, "Tianfei, I have something to discuss with Tianxing. You can withdraw."

An Suwan bowed and said to obey.

When she walked to Ji Tianxing's side, she stopped and bowed to Ji Tianxing. Her expression sincerely apologized: "Emperor Tianxing, a few months ago, this palace heard news from Yonganyu that you have been to Qiankun Sect. Some friction.

The deacons and elders in this school are all people who have never seen the world, and have no intention of offending you. Please don't take it seriously..."

Ji Tianxing was taken aback, but she didn't expect that she knew about it and apologized for it.

Seeing her bowing to apologize, he waved his hand and smiled and said: "Tianfei is serious, the head of the nobility is reasonable, and he is a smart and wise man.

Regarding the little friction between me and Guizong, it has long since passed, and I will naturally not care about it anymore. "

Hearing what he said, An Suwan was obviously relieved, smiled and nodded: "The palace will replace the main door, thank you Emperor Tianxing for his magnanimity."

After all, she took the maids out of the pavilion.

When only Ji Tianxing and Long Yunxiao were left in the pavilion, Ji Tianxing said: "A year ago, when I left Zhongzhou City, I was intercepted by Murong Lingfeng and the four dragon guards.

I fought back and killed them all.

Now that one year has passed, what is the situation in Zhongzhou? How did Murong's family react? "

Long Yunxiao hooked his mouth, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com showed a playful smile, "I said at the beginning that I will concentrate on dealing with Murong's family after you leave.

It is no secret that Murong Lingfeng was killed. Countless powerful people and forces knew that you did it.

But Murong's family cannot find you, no matter how angry it is, it is useless.

Moreover, this past year, this monarch has been struggling to suppress Murong's family, and has been unable to seek revenge for you, and can no longer provide any help for Long Zaitian. "

Having said that, he frowned for a moment and said in a low tone: "However, Murong's Patriarch, Murong Zheng, is a very deep man in the city and should not be underestimated.

No matter how difficult the Murong family's situation is, you still have to be more careful and watch out for his revenge.

That old guy, after all, is a powerful five-layer soul refining realm. If you desperately avenge your son, your situation is worrisome..."

Hearing his words, Ji Tianxing sneered secretly in his heart: "Hehe, it's best if Murong is not coming. If you dare to attack me, I will just cut the grass and root!"

(End of this chapter)

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