Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 105: Common enemy

   The night is deep.

   On the top of Qingtian Peak, there are row upon row of palace houses. This is the residence of inner disciples and deacons.

   The lights are on in the palaces and houses, but most people have fallen asleep or practiced in the house.

   Ji Ling wearing a green robe is standing at the door of a certain room, holding a square sandalwood box in his hand.

   He reached out and knocked on the door a few times, and soon a handsome young man in a white robe opened the door to welcome him in.

   When the two entered the room, they exchanged greetings with smiles.

   Ji Ling bowed his hand to the handsome young man and said with a smile: "Brother Lu, it has been two days since I started, and I just settled down recently. Brother Yu just came to visit Brother Lu, please don't be offended."

   While talking, he held the sandalwood box in both hands and handed it to the handsome young man.

   "Brother Lu, this is the thousand-year-old fire jade that Brother Yu brought from Qingyun Kingdom on a special trip. This is a gift to congratulate Brother Lu for entering the inner gate, and I hope Brother Lu will accept it!"

   The handsome young man is the prince of Changfeng State, Lu Mingyang, who only entered the inner gate two days ago.

   When he heard the words "Millennium Fire Jade", his eyes were sharp, and he opened the sandalwood box and saw that there was a piece of fiery red jade lying quietly in the box.

   Lu Mingyang accepted the sandalwood box, quickly thanked Ji Ling, and said with a smile: "Ji Ling, you and I have known each other for many years, and we have a deep brotherhood. It is enough for you to come and see me. Why give such a generous gift?"

   Ji Ling hurriedly smiled and said, "It is because we have known each other for many years that I learned that Brother Lu was looking for a treasure that can relieve cold and poison, so I specially sent this thousand-year fire jade."

   Lu Mingyang nodded repeatedly, gratefully said: "It's Ji Ling, you're so loyal! Okay, I will accept this thousand-year fire jade."

   The two exchanged a few words, and then they started drinking tea.

Lu Mingyang took a sip of tea, put down his tea cup, and said with regret: "I originally thought that Ji Ling, you would definitely be able to enter the Great Heaven Sect as the number one in the competition, but I didn't expect... but you were taken by the guy named Ji Tianxing. It’s a shame to be number one!"

   Mentioned Ji Tianxing, Ji Ling's face turned gloomy, and said with a sneer: "I blame the **** Ji Tianxing for taking my first place, making me only second!"

   "Fortunately, I have another chance. After you entered the inner door, Brother Lu, I replaced your place and entered the Fengyun Academy as I wished."

   "But even so, I have been criticized by many disciples. Damn Ji Tianxing, I will never let him go!"

   Lu Mingyang raised his eyebrows, and asked with interest: "Speaking of this, I was just about to ask you, Ji Ling, what is your chance? Why are you so valued by the sect?"

   Ji Ling smiled confidently and said, "When I came to the sect, I came with three talented disciples and two deacons."

   "I once heard Senior Brother Hao Meng mentioned by chance that I was someone Zongmen specifically sought, and I seem to have some other use for them."

   "However, I don't know exactly what the reason is."

   Lu Mingyang nodded and said with a smile: "No matter what the reason, I must congratulate you in advance!"

   "Ji Ling, you are useful to the sect, and the sect will cultivate you seriously, and you will have a bright future in the future!"

   "After half a year, when you pass the assessment and enter the inner door, we must work together to promote each other's progress!"

   Ji Ling arched his hands and said with a smile: "That's natural!"

   Lu Mingyang was silent for a while, and continued: "On the day of the initiation ceremony, I had seen Ji Tianxing. I actually knew that kid, he was so arrogant!"

   Ji Ling raised her brows, and asked in a puzzled tone: "Oh? Brother Lu, how come you know Ji Tianxing? Let's listen."

   Lu Mingyang sneered and said, "It was in Fengyang City. The kid Ji Tianxing helped his friend and snatched the jade pillow that I was bound to get, and broke my plan!"

   "Since he also came to the Sky High School, this is what I want, I will punish him severely!"

   Ji Ling showed a playful smile, "Since Brother Lu also had a feast with him, then he is our common enemy!"

   "By the way, the kid Ji Tianxing was also unlucky. He stole a spiritual fruit from the Elixir Garden the day after he entered Fengyun Academy and was punished by the deacon to sweep the floor for a month."

   "He must be at the bottom of the assessment in a month's time, hum!"

   Lu Mingyang suddenly sneered: "There is such a thing? Then he really deserves it!"

   "I have just settled down in the inner gate these past two days. After I take time out, I will also start to deal with him!"

   Ji Ling glanced at him, the smile on his face became even more interesting, "I was still thinking, did you do that, Brother Lu."

   "It seems that we two have not yet acted against Ji Tian, ​​someone else has already taken action against him!"

   Lu Mingyang nodded, and said with a sneer: "This means that many acts of injustice will kill you! Ji Tianxing is too arrogant and has too many enemies, and there are others in the sect who want to deal with him!"

   "In this way, sooner or later, he will be killed by others, or he will be expelled from the Great Sky School!"

   Ji Ling sneered proudly: "If it turns out to be like this, I really look forward to it, hahaha..."

   Then, the two whispered a few more whispers before Ji Ling left with satisfaction.


   Early in the morning, after Ji Tianxing finished washing, he walked out of the room.

  The other disciples of Fengyun Academy ~www.ltnovel.com~ all read books or practice martial arts in the courtyard, and some people took the Thousand Medicines Collection to study in the Spirit Medicine Garden.

   And he can only go to Tai'an Palace and continue cleaning the palace.

   Of course, even if he was punished to sweep the floor in Tai'an Palace, he didn't want to fall behind, so he took Thousand Yaoji with him.

   After arriving at the Tai'an Palace, he greeted the middle-aged dumb man at the gate and entered the palace and began to sweep the floor.

   In the yard of the second courtyard, the ground is still covered with weeds, leaves and broken tiles, a mess.

   Ji Tianxing holds the broom in his right hand and sweeps the ground, while holding the Thousand Medicines Collection in his left hand, he carefully memorizes the contents of the book.

   As a result, his sweeping speed was much slower, and his learning to identify herbs was not very efficient.

   The time of the morning has passed, and he hasn't finished cleaning the yard, and the introduction of herbs in the book has only recorded hundreds of kinds.

   But there is no other way. He doesn't want to be at the bottom of the assessment at the end of the month and become the object of everyone's ridicule.

   At noon, the yard was scorching hot.

   Ji Tianxing sat on the stone bench under the eaves to rest, looking at the Thousand Medicines Collection intently.

   Suddenly, a sharp piercing sound rang, and a cyan glow shot at him.


   Ji Tianxing was awakened immediately, holding the Thousand Medicines Collection in his hand, rushing more than three meters away, only to escape the attack of the blue cold light.


   That blue cold light hit the stone bench, hit the small rock bench into a fist-sized hole on the spot, and splashed many stone chips.

   Ji Tianxing's pupils suddenly tightened, his face solemnly looked around, looking for the attacker.

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