Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 103: Seized

   "Little bastard, this is only the second punch, don't lie on the ground and play dead, get up!"

   The old man with white beard walked up to Ji Tianxing and looked down at him condescendingly.

   Ji Tianxing accumulated a lot of anger, resisting the severe pain and stood up, his eyes fixed on the old man with white beard.

   "Senior, do you really want to kill them all?!"

   The old man with white beard grinned, and said with a disdainful smile: "Are the younger disciples so delicate now? It's just two punches, neither hurt nor die!"

   "Furthermore, it falls into the hands of the old man. Even if you want to die, you have to agree to the old man!"

   After that, he gave a cold yell in his mouth and punched Ji Tianxing again.

   Ji Tianxing moved the real fire this time, and since the Black Dragon Sword was blown away, he used his trump card to learn his skills, spurring six sword auras.


   Six dark golden sword auras flew out of his palm, circled and danced around him, and immediately split into twelve swords auras, condensing into a streamer sword net.


   As soon as the light sword net came out, there were hundreds of golden streamers, which were criss-crossed and strangled, covering a three-meter radius.

   The fist of the old white beard was about to hit Ji Tianxing, but it was blocked by the streamer net.

   A few sword qi stabbed his fist, and it made a "ding, ding, ding," crisp sound, as if it had stabbed steel.

   The old man with white beard quickly retracted his fist, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he looked at the streamer net with interest.

   "Oh, I can't tell, you kid still has some ability."

   "This kind of sword spirit condenses the sword net, where did the old man seem to have heard of..."

   The old man with white beard frowned and thought, then he murmured a few words, and suddenly he was silent.

   He seemed to have thought of something, and a flash of shock and disbelief flashed across his eyes.

   But he hid the shocked eyes so deeply that he didn't let Ji Tianxing discover it.

  Ji Tianxing saw that the old man with white beard was no longer making a move, so he asked, "Senior, if you have calmed down, can you listen to the younger generation explain now?"

   The old man with white beard turned back to his senses, glared at him irritably, and exclaimed: "Explain what? How do you want to quibble?"

   "The old man's roof was demolished by you, and the green spirit tree was stripped by you. You even uprooted more than a dozen green soul grasses...Whose house did you clean up like this?"

   "Uh..." Ji Tianxing was speechless, except for an expression of shame on his face.

   Fortunately, the old man with white beard is no longer mad, and he has no intention of making any more moves.

   He removed the flowing lightsaber net and retracted the sword energy into his body.

   At this moment, the old man with white beard waved his hand with invisible strength, and wrapped the black dragon sword that fell in the corner of the yard.

   The black dragon sword was immediately wrapped in invisible strength, and he flew in front of the old man with white beard involuntarily.

   The old man with white beard grabbed the black dragon sword and looked up at him, stretched out his fingers and flicked the blade fiercely, and then cursed in confusion.

   "Damn bastard, let you destroy my elixir!"

   Although it seems on the surface, the old man is cursing Ji Tianxing.

   But in fact, his words are more like cursing the little black dragon.

   After all, the little black dragon was flicked by him, his back pain seemed to be broken, and he almost couldn't help screaming.

   The old man with white beard stretched out his hand again, and took away the scabbard behind Ji Tianxing.


   He inserted the black dragon sword back into the scabbard, and said to Ji Tianxing with a dark face: "Boy, you old man with the sword has been temporarily impounded, as punishment for you!"

   "Huh?" Ji Tianxing's expression suddenly changed, and he hurriedly shouted, "Senior, that sword is extremely important to me, it's comparable to life..."

   Black Dragon Sword is not only his hole card, but also one of his secrets.

   This secret must not be revealed, otherwise there will be unexpected troubles.

   But the old man with white beard glared at him and shouted angrily: "Important shit! Your kid is now a sinner, and he is not qualified to make conditions with the old man!"

   He pointed to the yard piled with leaves and tiles, and shouted again: "You made this. You quickly clean up the old man!"

   "And those tiles on the roof, you also put them back one by one to the old man!"

   Ji Tianxing suddenly looked embarrassed, and muttered in grief and indignation: "Old man, you are difficult for a strong man... Those tiles are all broken!"

   "Huh?" The old white beard stared at him angrily, and sneered: "I don't want to be responsible, do you?"

   While talking, his figure flashed up to Ji Tianxing, reaching out to grab Ji Tianxing's waist.

   Ji Tianxing stepped back and avoided subconsciously, but failed to escape the lightning-fast claws of the old white beard.


   The treasure bag he tied to his belt was grabbed by the old man with white beard in his hand.

   Before Ji Tianxing was angry, the old man with white beard stretched out his hand at the hundred treasure kit and grabbed the little ice fox Qianyue who was hiding in the kit.

   Poor Qianyue was sleeping comfortably in the kit, when she was suddenly picked up by someone, and she woke up suddenly.

   It opened its long, narrow, clear eyes, glanced at the old man with white beard, and immediately struggled violently.

   "Mom, where's the old white monkey? Let go of me!"

   It's a pity, no matter how hard Qian Yue struggles, he can't escape the palm of the old man with white beard.

   Ji Tianxing's complexion changed wildly, his eyes were full of cold light.

   He didn't expect that the old man with white beard was so unpredictable that he could see through the treasure bag and knew that there was a little ice fox hidden inside!

   Moreover, the old man with white beard also seized his black dragon sword, and he clearly saw the secret of the black dragon sword!

   Ji Tianxing had no secrets in front of the old man with white beard!

   Thinking of this, he was full of fear and alert, his eyes fixed on the old man with white beard.

  He said in a cold tone: "Senior, everyone has their own secrets and cards. If others don't have animosity~www.ltnovel.com~, they will definitely not expose it rashly."

   "Today, my strength is low, and you are the strong senior in the door. If you grab my sword and pet beast, I have nothing to say. But one day, I will take it back with my own hands!"

   The old man with white beard glanced at him and sneered disdainfully: "Hehe, you **** boy, do you think the old man is going to grab your sword and pet beast? How ridiculous!"

   "Although that sword and this little ice fox are very rare, but the old man has been in the mainland for two hundred years in this life, what kind of magical weapon and beast have not been seen? How can you see these foreign objects?"

  I don't know why, when he said these words, Ji Tianxing actually felt his domineering aura bursting out of his body, looking down on the world.

   His thin and short body is as majestic as a giant, which makes people only look up.

After    finished speaking, the old man with white beard pinched the little ice fox Qianyue with his fingers, causing Qianyue to open his mouth to bite his fingers, but he couldn't bite.

   He raised his head and glanced at the sky, and then said calmly: "Boy, it's getting dark, you should go back to Fengyun Courtyard."

   "The old man has detained your sword and pet beast, lest you don't come back after you leave."

   "If you want to get back the sword and the pet beast, you can honestly sweep the floor every day! The old man will look at your performance and when you feel good, he will naturally return it to you!"

   After that, the white beard old man carrying the black dragon sword and the little ice fox Qianyue turned and walked towards the depths of the yard.

   Ji Tianxing followed subconsciously, and wanted to say something more.

   But the old man with white beard waved his hand casually, and shot an invisible majestic energy, wrapped Ji Tianxing and flew out of the yard, and landed at the gate thousands of meters away.

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