Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 101: Excessive force, something happened

   Ji Tianxing walked along the tree-lined path for more than 20 miles before he found the Tai'an Palace.

   This palace is too remote.

   It is not on Qingtian Peak, but in a mountain behind Qingtian Peak.

   Tai'an Palace is surrounded by lush forests, and the forests are full of towering trees with lush branches and leaves.

   If you don't follow the bluestone trail to the top of the mountain, it's hard to see Tai'an Palace.

   Ji Tianxing came to the gate of the Tai'an Palace and was stopped by a middle-aged man who was tall as an iron tower.

   The middle-aged man has fierce eyes and sword scars all over his face. He looks particularly vicious and murderous.

   It is no exaggeration to say that this middle-aged man can stop a child from crying at night, and the child will cry with fright at the first glance.

   But strangely, the middle-aged man is dumb.

   Ji Tianxing showed him his identity token, indicating that he had been fined to sweep the floor, and explained for a while before he was allowed to enter.

   After entering the Tai'an Palace, he walked in the ancient courtyard and silently looked at the surrounding scenes.

   The area of ​​Tai'an Palace is so large that it almost occupies the entire mountain top, which is more than double the size of Ji Mansion.

   There are front and rear quadruple courtyards in the palace, at least thousands of houses, but they are basically vacant, looking deserted and silent.

  Except for the dumb man guarding the gate, Ji Tianxing strolled around in the Tai'an Palace, but he didn't see anyone else.

   Moreover, all the roads in the palace were covered with dust and leaves, and the roadsides were covered with weeds.

   Many houses are covered with spider webs on the door frames and porches.

   The entire Tai'an Palace is quiet and desolate, and no one has cleaned it for a long time.

   Ji Tianxing spent half an hour walking around in the Tai'an Palace and basically figured out the pattern in the palace.

   Then, he found a broom and a bamboo basket and started cleaning the Tai'an Palace.

   He started cleaning from the first courtyard, using a broom to clean the dust and fallen leaves on the road.

   An hour has passed.

   It was noon, but Ji Tianxing didn't even finish sweeping the ground of the first courtyard.

   He didn't even eat lunch, and continued to clean up the dust and fallen leaves.

   Until the afternoon of the application, he finally cleaned the road.

   But then, he has to remove the spider webs on the door frames and porch eaves, clean many dusty rooms, and pull out the weeds in the yard...

   Ji Tianxing felt tired when he thought of this.

   Cleaning the room takes more time, and you have to prepare rags and basins.

   Thinking of this, he didn't clean the room at all, entered the second courtyard, and continued to clean the road dust and fallen leaves.

   Time passed quickly, and it was evening before I knew it, and the setting sun was about to go down.

   Ji Tianxing looked at the tall bamboo basket full of dust and fallen leaves.

   And he only cleaned a small half of the yard. He wanted to clean the floor of the entire yard, at least until late at night.

   "The Tai'an Palace is so big, when will I have to clean the Tai'an Palace?"

   Ji Tianxing felt a strong sense of powerlessness in his heart, and his mood became increasingly angry and aggrieved.

   He simply threw the broom aside and sat on the stone bench under the eaves of the corridor, wiping his sweat while resting.

   "Damn bastard! If you let me find out who framed me, I will take revenge on him!"

   "I came to practice martial arts when I joined the Great Sky School, not as a handyman sweeping the floor! After a month's delay, I will fall behind other disciples... Damn it!"

   Ji Tianxing became more angry as he thought about it, his eyes filled with anger.

   At this moment, the black dragon sword he was carrying on his back suddenly moved twice.

   He frowned and asked in a low voice: "Little Black Dragon, what's wrong with you? Do you have something to say?"

  The voice of the little black dragon came from the black dragon sword, and the urn said angrily: "Old Ji, cleaning like you, I'm afraid I can't finish it in ten and a half months... I can help you!"

   Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows, smiled and asked, "Oh? What can you do?"

   "Look at me!" The little black dragon said confidently, and then flew out of the scabbard "唰" and flew into the middle of the courtyard.

   It showed the body of a three-meter-long dragon, hovering and dancing over the yard, and immediately caught a gust of wind.

   Ji Tianxing sat under the eaves of the corridor, watching it hover in the air with great interest, his face full of expectation.


   As the little black dragon hovered and danced faster and faster, the squally wind blowing in the yard became more and more violent.

   After a while, the squally wind turned into a hurricane.

   Ji Tianxing's eyes were shining brightly, and he whispered, "This is a veritable tornado!"

   In the blink of an eye, the tornado swept the dust and fallen leaves on the ground into the air.

   The entire yard was covered by a tornado. Not only the dust and fallen leaves on the ground, but the weeds all over the yard were uprooted and flew into the air and squeezed into a ball.

   Countless fallen leaves and weeds are mixed together, forming a ball the size of a room!

   The green and yellow sphere, wrapped in a tornado and circling constantly, looks very spectacular.

   Ji Tianxing suddenly smiled, and said in amazement: "This yard is full of fallen leaves and weeds, and it takes me at least a whole day to clean up."

   "Unexpectedly, Xiao Heilong, you swept the weeds and fallen leaves in the blink of an eye, it's incredible!"

   "Haha, the tornado you created is really an artifact of cleaning!"

   The little black dragon's voice came from the tornado, and he said with a triumphant tone: "Hmph, of course!"

   "Although my skill is very weak~www.ltnovel.com~, but this little thing can't trouble me! Old Ji, please look forward to it, and I will help you clean the yard immediately!"

   After all, the speed of the little black dragon circling and dancing suddenly increased twice!

The power of the    tornado also tripled, covering the entire yard and house.

   The tiles on the roof could not withstand the huge pulling force, and they all flew into the sky suddenly.

   Not only that, even the many herbs and trees planted around the yard were affected by the tornado.

  Countless herbs were uprooted and flew into the sky like weeds.

   Those big trees were also swayed violently, all the leaves were swept away and flew into the tornado.

   The dozen or so big trees that were still luxuriant in branches became bare in the blink of an eye, with no leaves left.

   Ji Tianxing was dumbfounded, and after he recovered, he shouted anxiously, "Little Black Dragon! Stop it! You tried too hard and something happened!"

   The little black dragon was flying at full strength, and only after hearing his shout, did he gradually slow down.

   At this moment, however, a violent curse suddenly sounded at the gate of the courtyard.

   "Ah! My green spirit tree! The green soul grass I cultivated carefully!"

   "Which one of the eighteen knives who killed a thousand swords, ruined the old man's efforts for many years?!"

   Hearing this sound suddenly, Ji Tianxing suddenly felt excited, and subconsciously looked towards the courtyard door.

   I saw an old man with a white beard wearing a purple robe, standing at the gate of the yard, staring at the bare trees, his angry beard was flying...

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