Swallowed Star

Vol 16 Chapter 6: Crisis

Chapter 16 Suihualong Chapter VI Crisis

Chapter 16 Suihualong Chapter VI Crisis

The two huge dragonflies, each one is hundreds of kilometers long, and the golden armor is only 20 meters long, just like the difference between the mountains and the ants.


The tail of the golden armor gently slammed, causing the air to slam and blast, and there was a crack in the space, and the blood red scorpion scorpion of the golden armor was staring at Luo Feng and the heavy arrow king.

"吼~~" The golden armor slammed a scream.


The two giant cymbals screamed, and then they looked respectfully, and the golden armor slowly crawled, but they kept looking at Luo Feng and Heavy Arrow King.

Luo Feng also stared at the golden armor.

"Master, this gold armor monster is very strong, and I just played it in an instant." Heavy Arrow Wang Chuansheng said, "Although it does not know any rules, it can be slightly stronger than the general seal Wang Yufeng immortal. And its tail...should be the strongest attack."

Luo Feng stared at the golden armor and said: "Is it weak?"

"No." Heavy Arrow King, "Before fighting with the giant forbidden escort, I found that the body defense of the giant forbidden defensive is weak, my arrow can shoot through, of course, this may be because there is a gold armor monster, so when designing The forbidden guard itself is weak on the belly defense. As for the golden armor monster... the defense is much stronger, it will be very troublesome to deal with, the master, and they are not suitable for hard fight, we still delay the time, the time is long, the forbidden space The passage may be discovered by us, so that we can leave quickly. These forbidden guards cannot escape their forbidden space."


Luo Feng stared carefully.

He always felt that the golden armor seemed to look at him and the heavy arrow king, but more attention was placed on him, instead of being too concerned about the stronger heavy arrow king.

"吼~~~" The golden armor suddenly screamed.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

In the distance, the giant cockroaches that have been like two mountain ranges have suddenly moved, and at the same time they flew to the heavy arrow king. Of course, because they are too big, and Luo Feng and the heavy arrow king are close, look at Luo. Both the peak and the heavy arrow king thought that they were attacking them with two giant dragonflies. Luo Feng immediately slid away from the wings and the heavy arrow king also ducked away.

And the forbidden guards hard fight, with Vulcan source crystal? Burning immortal power? Too bad.


I found the passage in the forbidden space.

"Hey! Hey!" The two giant screaming screams, even at the same time chasing and killing the heavy arrow king, one left and one right, with their huge size, it seems as if two huge fire red clouds are coming, and there are so many dense and numerous The tens of kilometers of giant sickle (claw), like a knife forest, shrouded the heavy arrow king.

The heavy arrow king body surface looming clock shadow, he is the ultimate king of the king, and there is an undead body, as well as the purple bell body... Even with the strongest source of fire, even if it is difficult to damage its 1% immortal body, this The two giant cockroaches seem to be powerful, suppressing the emphasis on the Arrow King, but can't actually hurt the Heavy Arrow King.


"Strange things." Luo Feng found that the two giant cockroaches all besieged the heavy arrow king, but also a glimpse.

"吼~~~" has been squatting in the distance, and the golden armor staring at Luo Feng has finally moved.

call out!

The tail of the scorpion glimpsed like a golden lightning and slammed directly toward Luo Feng.

"First look at the strength of this gold armor." Luo Feng is also confident in defense, plus the size of the golden armor is not as big as the giant scorpion, it is very troublesome to be trapped by the giant scorpion, can face the golden armor, only 20 meters long body shape, Luo Feng as long as a flash ... can escape at any time.

I saw the golden armor, the silver armor, the silver wing, the Luofeng, a golden light, a silver light, and instantly played in the air.


The sly silver knives and the huge claws collide, and the 'scorpion tail' that is faster than the claws draws a golden streamer, directly slamming Luo Feng, which is directly unstable due to strong impact. , Keluo peak reaction is also fast, a simple wing blocking action.


The sharp tip of the scorpion and the scorpion smashed the wing, which once hit the king of the ultimate king. The impact of Luo Feng was directly turned into a silver stream, and it flew away. As for the golden armor. It is also kicked to the iron plate, and the silk wing that has not been damaged has a huge anti-shock force...

The golden armor tumbling and flew backwards.

"Heavy Arrow King said yes." The wings slammed, and Luo Feng, who suddenly stopped in the air, looked at the golden armor. "The tail of the golden armor is really amazing, to deal with this kind of mechanical smash... ...the use of Feimo venom is not useful at all."

"Take me another attack."

Luo Feng holding a blood shadow knife, instantly turned into a streamer.

"吼~~" The golden armor is also greeted by the streamer, and it is hard to beat. It is not afraid.

Luo Feng has a knife in his hand!

The pair of big claws of the gold armor also want to resist.


Luo Feng’s right wing slammed into action, and the silver 弑 Wu Yuyi instantly displayed the “Mingyue Policy”. It must be known that this was originally created for the wings, and used in the knife method after the transformation, and has always been wary of the sword in Luo Feng’s hands. The golden armor, the abrupt attack by the silver wing, and some confusion.

Because they are too close to each other, Luo Feng is in an instant at a very close distance.

"Hey!" The edge of the wing is sharp and unparalleled. As the singer of Wu Zhiyi, the marginal theory is sharper and even more than the knife blade.


The space seems to be an unrivalled god. It is easy to cut a crack with a paper cutter. A silver streamer follows the crack and passes over the body of the golden armor. The power of the special space is directly drilled into the body of the golden armor. As the power of the immortal **** faces this space, the body will also be damaged by erosion, and the resistance of the golden armor is obviously weaker.

"Kang ~ ~" strange sound, as if using a sickle to break the steel bar, the golden armor tumbling and rolling back.

The surface of the gold armor is unharmed, but the body has already caused damage.

But the golden armor is rolling and falling in the distant desert, splashing a dust, and it doesn't move.


In the distance, the two giant dragonflies who had been besieging the heavy arrow king immediately flew in, and they did not care about the heavy arrow king again. After the flying, one of the giant cockroaches opened his mouth and directly swallowed the metal of the golden armor. I looked at Luo Feng and the Heavy Arrow King, and then I began to drill into the desert.

Two giant scorpions drilled into the desert, and a sudden squirm in the desert followed, and then they recovered and disappeared.

The heavy arrow Wang Fei came and fell beside Luo Feng.

"Is it so easy to beat?" Luo Feng frowned.

Always watch Luo Feng’s battle with the heavy arrow Wang Liandao: “Master, I only had an instant impact with its tail. As for its physical resistance, it’s unclear... Maybe the master just hit it, so that the energy core in it is damaged. After all, Small size, attack impact is easier to pass to its energy core."


Hearing the explanation of the heavy arrow king, Luo Feng also agrees that the mechanical sputum is indeed the case. It is very difficult to destroy them. Generally, the method of defeating them is to destroy the energy core.

I can always feel that something is wrong.

"Heavy Arrow King has not encountered such troublesome forbidden guards for so many years. When I first came and entered the first forbidden space, I encountered such troubles."

"And, the golden armor is led by the heavy arrow king, but ... the golden armor does not deal with the heavy arrow king, it is against me."

"And I can feel..."

"Golden scorpion, giant sly eyes, seems to have emotions, they are really full of murder, want to really kill me."

“Did I come to the Star Tower and cause their hostility?”

Luo Feng's brows are slightly wrinkled. He is thinking about all the movements that enter the Star Tower. Although he can sense the endless call of the entire Star Tower, he can't recognize the Lord. Obviously, things don't look like 'Army'. ''Wangjia' is as simple as that, and like the Star Tower, which is the most precious peak in the vast universe... It is not impossible.

"The closer you are to victory, the more careful you will be."

"Star Tower is special to me, special representative of two situations, one is friendly to me, and the other may also give me a heavy murder." Luo Feng secretly said, "If I was to create a star tower, leaving the big tower of the stars Can... will not wait for this treasure, feel free to give a younger generation, is it just luck to get this treasure? Impossible, even for the most peak of the vast universe, the Star Tower is an invaluable treasure. It is."

Luo Feng’s mind may be excited, maybe excited, and still calm in excitement.

Seeing your heart! Pointing to the heart!

The smile is laughing, the excitement is excited, the tension is tense, the anger is angry! Everything obeys this heart, but it does not mean that Luo Feng will be blinded by lard. I don't think that I am really lucky. I can easily get the star tower. If this is the case, I am afraid that it is very likely to lose my life.

"I have a feeling."

"Star Tower, it is probably my death." Luo Feng's eyes swept through the desert of the forbidden space. Just now, the golden armor and the scorpion contained emotional eyes. The killing in the eyes made him feel a bit cold.

He is cold, not in the forbidden guard, but in... the entire Star Tower!

"If the Star Tower has a master in the past, maybe his master is the creator of the nameless secret... I am lucky to get the nameless secret code. Is it true that this star tower is a memorable secret to me by luck? A real screening to eliminate?" Luo Feng secretly, "success, birth! Failure, death?"

Luo Feng’s mind flashed a thought...

"Master, master, I found the passage." Heavy Arrow Wang even shouted and woke up the Luofeng in his thoughts.

"Oh, channel?" Luo Feng looked around.

"Master, over there." Heavy Arrow Wang even led the way.


Soon came to the distance, in the middle of the desert, there is a desert vortex, endless vortex... black lacquered, faintly with a little star light.

"This is the passage, like this style of passage, I have traveled many times." Heavy Arrow Wang Liandao.

"Yeah." Luo Feng nodded. "Let's go."

Immediately fell into the desert vortex...

***: Chapter 2, continue to write the third chapter!

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