Swallowed Star

Vol 15 Chapter 65: madman! ! !

The fifteenth chapter of the sixty-fifth chapter crazy! ! !

With a radius of 10,000 kilometers, the looming voids and sacred secrets are everywhere. Where the voids of these vagrant rituals are scattered, the spatial fluctuations are completely stopped. This scene makes the blood beast king and the heavy arrow king anxious and angry. Yinhe Road: "Zi Ziwang, you are not saying that this human strength is very weak, teleportation, space *** do not understand?"

"This secret pattern..." The purple bell king was surprised to see it. "Yes, it is the mysterious sacrifices in the tower. It must be a special weapon hidden in the treasure of the tower. It can make him not understand the space." The human beings of *** are showing space ***. This is simply incredible."

"This human being, Yang does not understand the space ***, do you find the secret rituals that appear in the emptiness around the emptiness?" Zizhong Wang Chuanyin said, "This is a lot of ritual carvings often seen on the mainland. Like, he must have got a special weapon to do this!"

"Do not understand the space *** can also rely on weapons to display space ***?" Blood beast king, heavy arrow king was surprised, then excited and greedy.

This weapon is worthless.

It is definitely a treasure.

"made money!"

"Put it, kill this human being, this treasure alone, we will endlessly harvest."


It’s slow, but in reality, the three of them exchanged secretly in an instant, and the killing was also more prosperous. The three kings, the blood beast king and the purple bell king, all flew to Luofeng with lightning, as if they were trying to kill Luo Feng. Of course, the speed limit arrow king, blood beast king, the two kings limit is far beyond the purple bell king.

"Come on!" Luo Feng silver wings, turned into a twist of light, approaching the purple bell king.

The three strong players are around Luo Feng.

Killing the sky.

"Yan, you are dead." Purple Bell is a grin with a smile.

"Very good, very good, very good, just like this." Luo Feng sensed the distance between the three strong men and themselves, and suddenly his face was full of smiles, "this time!"

Luo Feng turned his hand!

The hand *** now has two black crystals that faintly ignite the red glow. The two black crystals are spherical at first glance. In fact, they have a full surface of 10081. The space law is fixed on it. Every black crystal contains incredible energy.

"What did he take out?" The **** beastmaster was so eye-catching and looked carefully. The three of them were all mechanical family camps, and this source crystal was made by the mechanical family, the most common, although they were reluctant to buy For each level of source crystal, they can still be recognized at a glance.

This look made his soul stunned.

"Heaven, yes, is the strongest source of the **** of fire, turned out to be the most powerful source of fire!"

The blood beast king is full of panic in one eye, and suddenly he wants to turn around and flee...

"It is the strongest source of Vulcan!" The heavy arrow king also saw it, and it was instantly lost. Then he did not hesitate to slow down and tried to run away.

"What!" The purple bell king who is excited to look forward to seeing this scene is also dumbfounded, and then refuses to take care of others.

"Crazy, it is a madman, this is the strongest source of Vulcan." The blood beast king screamed in his heart. "Even the king of the king of the kings may fall down in front of it, and still take out two at a time, this once The explosion is coming, even if it is not dead, it will be no longer miserable! But this one of the most powerful Vulcan source crystals is worth hundreds of billions of Yulan units! Two of them are 200 billion Yulan units. How did he get it? How dare you take it out? Is he not afraid that he himself will be killed?"

"Escape, this is a madman, the purple bell king, this man you have to deal with is a madman." Heavy Arrow Wang Chuansheng growled.

"Escape!" The purple bell king is also gnashing his teeth.

Luo Feng’s is indeed the strongest form of Vulcan source crystal. It has to rely on many means to stabilize the energy inside the Vulcan source crystal. This is the 'most powerful Vulcan source crystal', Luo Chao is the chaotic city owner. The pro-discipline disciple has spent nearly 30 billion mixed units to buy one!

Like the heavy arrow king, the blood beast king, the purple bell king, non-mechanical family, want to buy this strongest Vulcan source crystal, it really needs 100 billion Yu blue units (1 mixed unit about 2 Yu blue units).

At that time, the Vulcan source crystal of the value of 10 billion yuan, which was taken out by the purple bell king, was quite the same as the power of the king.

And Luo Feng is now taking out this... but it is equivalent to 10 times the power of Feng Yufeng! Even there is a certain probability that the limit of the king will be lost! Moreover, this time Luo Feng took out the two strongest Vulcan source crystals... The purple bell king can weaken the impact of 90% even if there is a purple bell, but the purple bell king also has a Wang Yifeng, how Dare to resist?

"Escape!" "Escape!" "Escape!"

The blood beast king, the heavy arrow king, and the purple bell king heart, all of them can't wait to teleport. They only know why this wicked silver wing human first ‘space***’, obviously let them escape.

"That's too late."

Luo Feng casually throws the source of Vulcan in two directions. At the same time, he has already detonated the source of Vulcan.


The blood beasts and the three of them slowed down and just turned around and fled. The two strongest Vulcans, which represent the 'destruction', have exploded... as if millions of stars were exploding in an instant. The radiance of the two groups of fiery white brilliance was born, and the light lumps of the two groups of ray of light have terrible energy.

The space moment is directly transformed into the most basic particle flow by this blaze, and even the numerous space fragments in the space interlayer are directly melted into the particle flow.

"Maniac, madman, madman!!!" The blood beast king roared in his heart. "Is he not afraid of death? Is he confident that he can survive in the face of two of the most powerful Vulcan source crystal explosions?"

"No!" The blood beast king whispered.


A huge beast phantom suddenly appeared behind him, a strange beast that was covered with hair, but with blood and red eyes but with endless stars. At this time, the Blood Beastmaster apparently has tried his best to display all the life-saving capabilities for a moment, and he does not want to be so depraved.

At the same time - the endless radiance of the destruction of the earth, Bai Huanghuang's light that can not open the eyes, it will cover the blood beast king.


"What kind of opponent did this purple bell king provoke? Is this opponent already dying? Is it a death?" The heavy arrow king is also full of anger and grievances, let him have all kinds of means, but he has not had time to Luo Feng started, the two most powerful Vulcan source crystals exploded.

"I want to survive and survive." The heavy arrow king roared in his heart. "Otherwise, it will only be able to wait until the distant future to be resurrected. Once it is resurrected by the mechanical family, it is equal to selling the life to the mechanical family, no!"


The light of Bai Huanghuang instantly enveloped the heavy arrow king.


"He, how he is so crazy, his defense is very strong, does he have a star fortress, a spiritual base? Directly hiding in the base of the gods? The base of the gods is the universe can not afford to buy ... he can not have, he Is it some defensive treasure, how can it be lived under the two strongest Vulcan source crystals?"

"I want to hold it down!"

"Then kill him again, he took his treasure, my means have not been displayed yet." The purple bell king screamed, let the two kings of the ultimate strong first, but his first plan, he The character likes to let other strong people be the first as the cannon fodder. The same is true for the exploration of the tower treasure. He first climbed under the king of Cang Jin... and then felt bad, he induced other strong men and Cang Jinwang to kill, and finally he started. .

The same is true this time.

He let the two kings limit first! First squeeze out the Luo Feng card to say, but... Luo Feng's card is out, but it is too scary.

Two of the strongest Vulcan source crystals! ! !

"I have to hold it down!" The purple bell of the purple bell king's body is faintly visible, while the body also reveals silver streamer.


The white brilliance of the ruined land is also shrouded in it!


The purple bell kings did not expect the Luo Fenghui to be so crazy, so it was so hot, this Vulcan source crystal, although powerful, can also have fatal flaws, that is, the enemy and me are not divided! In the void, it can be said that the tens of thousands of kilometers are the strongest explosion range, and Luo Feng was naturally attacked.

The light of the white Huang Huang also enveloped Luo Feng.


There is silence between heaven and earth.

This dazzling white light covers a range of tens of kilometers. All the earth, rocks, underground palaces, everything is turned into the most basic particle flow... After a long silence, the rumbling blast is ushered in, and the invisible shock wave is shocked in all directions. To blow away the mountains in the distance and tear the land thousands of kilometers away from the Grand Canyon...

"Human, human, you are dead, you are dead." In a quaint clock, the consciousness of the purple bell king is snarling.

He was shaken into powder in the first moment.

Although the ancient clock can withstand the attack power of 90%, this is the strongest source of the **** of fire, and there is a certain probability to kill the limit of the king! Even if it weakens 90%...and it is the explosion of the two most powerful Vulcan source crystals, and the four of them are in the strongest explosion range, naturally it is completely shattered in an instant, and part of his immortal body is Completely annihilated!

The loss of the body is more than 50%!

Even so, he survived.

"I am not dead, I am not dead." Zizhong Wang roared in his heart and began to condense the body in the ancient clock. "I am not dead, you are dead!"

call out!

A twisted silver streamer traversed the world of Bai Huanghuang, directly under the ancient clock, it was the silver-winged peak of the silver-winged twin-winged lightning. At this time, Luo Feng’s hand was holding a sword... There is a faint purple light, obviously this is the 'poisoning knife'.

"Hey!" Luo Feng directly went down the ancient clock, piercing the body of the purple bell king who was full of debris.

"Zi Ziwang, I am here to send you a ride!" Luo Feng looked at the immortal body that faintly wants to condense, and said.

The Feimo venom on the blood shadow knives, suddenly madly eroding the body of the purple bell king, the drama of Feimo venom, perhaps eroding the immortal body of the ultimate king of the king to trouble, can erode the seal of Wang Yufeng, especially eroding a loss of more than 50% The king of the king is immortal, and in a moment the **** is disintegrated and annihilated.

***: Two chapters are completed!

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