Swallowed Star

Vol 15 Chapter 56: Chain treasure chest (four more completed)

The fifteenth chapter fifty-sixth chapter chain treasure chest (four more completed)

A black flying saucer was flying over the mainland of the burnt offering, and two cups of fruit wine were sprinkled on the peak of the flying saucer control room.

"Night King, Tiger Thorn King."

"Although I want to save you, I am powerless." Luo Feng whispered, "The universe is sinister, the strong is degenerate, and the stronger are surviving. I hope to see you again in the distant future."

"Mr. Zhen Yan Wang and the teacher of Chaos City have told me that the crisis in the universe is always cautious. The most important sentence that the owner of the ink star, Mr. Yan Bo, told me to leave to me is also let me The universe is awe-inspiring and can never be arrogant." Luo Feng sighed softly. "This is a countless setback to gain experience."

"I thought that... the strong king of Feng Yu is absolutely safe on the mainland of the burnt offering."

"I thought that... the ultimate king of the king is absolutely safe in the entire field."

"I thought... it would be hard to fall with a teleport."

"But the truth is, it is just a sacrifice in the mainland. In the tower of the sacrifice, the King of the Night, the King of the Tiger, the Blade of Ice, the King of Cangjin... all fall, and the ultimate power of the King of Fengfeng is degraded." Luo Feng sighs "And Cang Jin Wang still died in a hand that is not as strong as his purple bell king. It must not be the slightest."

The outcome of the battle depends on many factors.

The special environment of the festival tower, so that everyone can not be teleported, unable to detect, etc. ... will cause such a big loss. If you kill in the air of the burnt offerings, Cang Jinwang is practicing the law of time and cannot stop those who are good at teleportation. The strong man escaped, but he did not escape.


"This is the universe. This is just a small sacrifice tower in the mainland. It is like a myriad of dangerous places in the mysterious universe. It is dangerous to know how much." Luo Feng secretly said.

"Whenever you are vigilant, you can never be arrogant. You can get such a treasure adventure. Some other genius of a different ethnic group may have a treasure adventure, and may even be even more powerful."

In this battle, the four kings are defeated!

How terrible!

I also let Luo Feng wake up and never dare to be too proud. Before I got ‘弑吴羽翼’ and ‘王甲’ ‘将甲’, Luo Feng was too proud and confident. Just like the chaotic city owner who is above the high point... In fact, in his opinion, Luo Feng’s encounter is really very general.

Wang Jia and Fang Jia are only external forces. When Luo Feng’s own strength is improved, the role will be much smaller.


"Call application?" Luo Feng frowned.


In the virtual universe, in a bar in Hongmeng City, Luo Feng and another human are drinking and chatting in the corner.

"Tian Chen, so urgent to find me?" Luo Feng looked at the human beings in front of him. This is one of the many friends he has made in the past few years, "Tianchen Wang", Tianchen Wang and the Night King are grown up in an era. They are the core disciples of the Giant Axe Fighting Field. The two have been competing and have had a deep friendship in the competition.

"Yan, the night king is dead." Tianchen Wang's eyebrows are very long. The whole person looks very fierce and sighs low. "He gave me a message before he died, saying that he was killed by the alien king, he died. The feast is on the mainland, and the mankind on the mainland of the feast includes the three of him. You are also on the mainland of the feast, and he is also his good friend. Do you know the details?"

"Yes, he died, and he died in the hands of King Cang Jin." Luo Feng sighed low. "The last is the self-destruction that was forced by Cang Jinwang."

"Cang Jinwang, who?" Tianchen Wang asked.

Although Cang Jinwang is quite famous on the mainland of the burnt offerings, he is an alien after all, and is an alien strongman in the camp of the mechanical family. Of course, the Tianchen King does not know, even if it is more than three million in the League. The family seals the king and the Tianchen King also knows part of it. Many of them don’t know each other.

"Cang Jin Wang is also dead." Luo Feng said.

"Oh..." Tian Chen Wang Yi, then nodded, "But, walking in the universe on the edge of life and death, the fall is hard to avoid. Come, drink with me."

"Good." Luo Feng also accompanied the Tianchen Wang to drink.

Regarding this incident, Luo Feng didn't want to say too much. He and the purple bell king's grudges were destined to have a day. He didn't want Tianchen Wang to be mixed in. Whether he or he was a purple bell, he had a heavy treasure. The body, each has a strong life-saving ability. Moreover, although the Purple Bell King did not get the treasure of the sacrifice tower, a large number of treasures besides the chain treasure chest... The Purple Bell King still got close to half.

That lot of treasures represent a huge amount of wealth.

Purple Bell King can buy Vulcan Source Crystal and buy other treasures to improve strength.

"I am afraid that the next battle will be more thrilling."

"Purple Bell King is killing the ultimate king of the king after all." Luo Feng did not dare to carelessly, but he did not know... Zizhong Wang actually counted as the king of the king, has already killed two extreme champions .

"I have to find a way to come up with a solution to the Purple Bell King."

The purple bell king regarded Luo Feng as an opponent and tried to kill Luo Feng. Luo Feng is also trying to deal with the Purple Bell King.


In the world of the world ring, the genocide and the golden horn are appearing.

"The sacrifice tower treasure." Black Luo Feng looked at the distance, a large number of treasures in the center - the chain treasure chest.

"The other treasures are all added up, and they are far less than this chain treasure chest." Black Luo Feng said, "Single protection costs hundreds of millions of mixed units, and the treasures are amazing. Well, give it a try, can you? Use the demon scorpion to change the ancestral mainland inhabitants, deceive the sensor system, and open the treasure chest."

"If you don't, you have to work hard, go back to the initial universe 'Chaos City', go to the Chaos City Master teacher, let the teacher help open."

This chain of treasure chests, Luo Feng estimated... Zhen Yan Wang teacher wants to open is difficult.

For the Chaos City Lord, it is definitely very easy.

Although I don't want to bother with the Chaos City Master teacher, I can barely ask for a trip to the tower treasure. For the Chaos City Master teacher, I will open it.

"Try it out."


The black Luofeng instantly turned into a stream of air, and then condensed into the appearance of the six-armed martyrdom of the mainland aborigines. There were some wreckage in the residential area of ​​the ritual tower. It was the stronghold of some of the mainland’s aboriginal people. The skeleton, the hardest part of the body is the skeleton. Like one of the disciples of the owner of the ink star, Hu Yanbo, his golden bones are still intact.

The peak of the world, the body is strong, and the bones are the strongest.

Compared with the body of the immortal god, the bones of the main body are very close...so the muscles are decaying, and the bones can exist for a long time. Luo Feng’s thoughts of changing the deception of the treasure chest naturally carry a trace of bones, and with the help of the gene, it directly simulates the bone gene of the aborigines and changes.

"The secret of nature - copy!"

The sorcerer's temperament changed, and it turned into a sigh of Chika.

After all, Luo Feng, who is alive and alive, has only seen the Chika, as for the fallen burnt aborigines... The copy of the deceased's breath is effective, Luo Feng is not sure, and always feels that the copy is not effective.

"Signature." The demon slaying rituals turned their hands and got a letter. The letter has long been the spiritual mark of Luo Feng. The three avatars and the soul mark are the same. Naturally, they also recognize the Lord. The symbol is directly integrated into the body.

"Everything is done."

"Gene, breath, letter, there are, I don't know if I can open this treasure chest." The magic kill Luo Feng went to the chain treasure chest.

The 12 chains are also connected with some metal fragments, all of which are bound to the treasure chest. The treasure chest has a mysterious sacrifice and secret lines. The magic kill Luo Feng takes a deep breath and extends his right hand to gently touch the treasure chest.


The induction system in the treasure chest began to identify.

"Be sure to succeed, you must succeed." Demon Luo Feng heart nervously expecting, although the chaos city owner can help, but in the bottom of my heart, can not ask the teacher, Luo Feng will never ask the teacher. Everything depends on yourself. There is really no way, there is no such treasure can not be wasted, then please do not be late.

"This treasure chest sensing system, I don't know how advanced, I hope to open it."


In fact, this sensor system is not as exaggerated as the image of Luo Feng. In fact, it is just a sensory one, one is a letter, one is a breath of life! As for the genetic structure... Different living groups do have different genetic structures and can collect genes. There are many deceptive methods.

‘Life Breath’ is different, different life contains different breaths, and different ethnic groups have different atmospheres.

Humans, though, have different breaths.

The entire human race, the breath is close, belonging to a type.

Like ‘human’ and ‘Zerg’, the breath is obviously a hundred thousand miles away, and the breath of life cannot be imitated at all, except for the ‘natural secrets’ possessed by very few strange groups in the universe. What is the secret of talent? The secret of nature is a special ability that the universe directly gives, and some can't be cultivated at all.


Life breath... Confirm!

Letter... Confirm!

"Hey!" The original locked lid of the treasure chest is automatically released.

"Ha ha ha ..." nervous waiting Luo Feng, suddenly smiled, immediately open the lid.

Inside the box are three world rings.

The power of the world has been swept away. These three world rings are all without the Lord.

"Look one by one." Luo Feng even picked up the three world rings and began to see, the power of the world penetrated into the first world ring... The world hidden in this ring is vast, and there are only a few metal mountains. A lake formed by countless rare liquids, an e-class spaceship... is like a myriad of locusts.

All items are massive.


"This, this, this..." Luo Feng was completely shocked.

Luo Feng picked up the second world ring and the third world ring.


"This time... it’s really developed."

"The treasures of the ethnic group, even when the most important time for the mainland's aboriginal ethnic group, the treasure should also occupy a small share." Luo Feng was completely shocked by this huge treasure, where did he know... The cosmic sages knew that it was difficult to live, and they all divided all their treasures into the 100 true inheritance towers.

This is the wealth of the mainland's aboriginal ethnic group, one percent of the entire ethnic group!


At the end of August, we got the first ***! Thanks to the supportive brothers, because of your support, the tomato is full of fighting spirit and full of energy!

Although there is a *** annual meeting this month, it can be promised to be completed.

Today's four chapters are written, and the promises are updated!

The new month is coming... The competition is very strong at the beginning of the month, and the tomato needs everyone’s ***, everyone will vote for the tomato!



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