Swallowed Star

Vol 15 Chapter 43: Treasure room

The fifteenth chapter of the forty-third chapter treasure room

The king of Cangjin, the blade of ice, and the king of Zizhong quickly split the two roads and explored along the two corridors.

"Cang Jinwang has the strongest strength and very fast speed. I will follow him." The night king Wang Chuanyin said, "The tiger thorn king, Yang, you two along another corridor... absolutely can not let the ice blade, purple clock king two Get a treasure."


"They want to get the treasure, they are dreaming." The tiger thorns screamed and Luo Feng, quickly turned into two streams of light to chase the past, and the night king is also quickly chasing the direction of the king.

Both teams are chasing two soldiers!

Because the entire ritual tower contains intricate complex ritual rules, under the special application, the entire space inside the ritual tower can not be teleported, so both teams can only fly at speed, and at this time, Luo The advantage of the peak came out, I saw his silver wings attack...

Hey! Hey! Hey!

In the winding corridors, the rapid change of speed has soared, making the Tiger Kings catch up.

"Yang, you stop them in front and affect them." Tiger Thorn King also knows that the speed is not as good as Luo Feng. After all, Luo Feng is not as strong as them. The reason why he is invited is this advantage.

"Do not worry, give it to me."

Luo Feng's speed continues to soar.

Because the corridor is the corridor inside the tower, and the core area is over 10,000 kilometers in diameter, and this deep and winding corridor is hundreds of thousands of kilometers, surrounded by many areas of the core area, some places are still very narrow, constantly twisting Change direction, even a large change of nearly 180 degrees, so that Luo Feng has to slam down to almost stop, and then immediately turn.

Under this channel...

Just accelerate, you have to slow down immediately, then accelerate and then slow down. Each bend is a few kilometers short and 100 kilometers long. For the strong king of Feng, it is easy to get to the end, which leads to many hardships that want to desperately speed up. Just like a tortuous roadway in a slum on the earth, even if it is the best sports car, there is no way to reach the speed in the winding lane.

For the existence of these extreme speeds near the speed of light, the bend of a few kilometers and the bend of a hundred kilometers are simply tortures.

"The longest bend is only a hundred kilometers. It has to be decelerated just after the acceleration. The speed can't get up at all. It can only maintain the flexible conversion under low speed." Cang Jinwang whispered, his eyes full of anger.

"Haha, Cang Jinwang, you are amazingly fast, but in this small place, your advantage can not be played, and I am a winged person, good at changing direction, haha." Night King chased after.


Cang Jinwang whispered and turned to look at the night king.


A thunderbolt with a thick water tank is the source of the Cangjin Wang Shuangyu. It is directly emitted. This thunderbolt is directly dispersed after it is emanating. It is like a myriad electric snake winding, forming a huge grid directly covering the night afterwards. Wang, the passage is only so wide, and the power grid completely blocks the entire passage.

"Peng." The night of the King of the Golden Dragon flashed in the cold, the whole person fainted into a white light, hard to break the grid, but also affect the speed.

"Want to overtake me? Haha, the night king, you junior is a dream, I will always be in front of you, as long as I find the treasure, I must first get it." Cang Jinwang Chuanyin laughed, and sometimes turned his head and shot a thunderbolt to block The night king, the night of the night, the king gnawed his teeth but it was not allowed.


The night king and the king of gold are so glued, and the other side.

Luo Feng is different, natural twists and turns, so the six strong players can not reach the limit speed, that is, Luo Feng can not do. Ke Luofeng is good at changing direction... or has a great advantage. In such a strange channel, he can almost reach the speed of the purple bell king and the ice blade almost ten times.

Ten times, what concept?

I caught up in an instant.

"I still want to escape." Luo Feng's vision is now two large and one small Saki people's figure, it is the ice blade and the purple bell king.

"Catch up." When the purple clock king turned, he found Luo Feng in the corner of his eye and was scared. "This is a fast, fast speed."

"Nothing, this strength is the weakest of the three. It is estimated that it is good at flying in such a narrow and tortuous area." The ice blade is from the channel, "Zi Ziwang, you can bear it."

"I can smash them with a single blow." Purple Bell King from the channel.

Luo Feng is too fast.

Beyond directly from the side!

"吼~~~" The purple bell king opened his mouth, and a humming sound heard by a faint ear, while the invisible strange waves directly bombarded Luo Feng.

The silver armor resisted the impact of this embarrassment, and survived a little impact on the armored suit on the inner layer of the silver armor, directly resisted.

Although Luo Feng is easily blocked, the speed is still affected.


Luo Feng's silver wings trembled and slammed into the three-vibration shuttle universe.

"Hey!" An acceleration, like a silver light, directly from the purple bell king, the ice blade side of the side, almost to the purple bell king are too late to attack.

"Fast, stop him." Ice Blade hurriedly, "Zi Ziwang, you are best at blocking!"


The purple bell king gnawed his teeth again, and immediately pulled out a big bell formed by the visible ripples. The big bell flew away, and the attack speed naturally exceeded the speed of the Luofeng flight. Luo Feng gave it to cover, and then suddenly slammed "嗡~~~" and burst open. The attack almost made Luo Feng lose weight.

"Rely." Luo Feng is also a sharp decline in the body's speed.

"You human, I want to get a treasure! Treasure is mine!" Purple Bell King roared.

"Get up!"

Luo Feng's wings were shocked, and Wu Wuyi's wings were indeed powerful.

Although it was affected before, it was only once again that the two wings were shaken, so that the purple bell and the ice blade behind it could not catch up.

"I know why the night king asked him, this human flight is too strange, the speed of the instant burst is too amazing, in this narrow and tortuous area can be like this." Ice blade.

"Purple Bell King, you have this ability! Haha... Get the treasure, you will dream." Luo Feng said.

At the same time, he himself turned into another corner.

Behind the purple bell king, the naked eye could not see that Luo Feng wanted to attack and could not attack.



The purple bell king and the ice blade are the two strongest people who bite their teeth and chase after them.


In the core control room of the festival tower, the four strongest people of the mainland's aborigines were looking at the two parties to chase.

"These aliens are really powerful."

"The more powerful the fight is, the better it will be." Chika looked at the virtual projection, the cold road, "This group of aliens...that year was the four peaks of the ethnic group to open up the battlefield, only to destroy our ethnic occupation. In our hometown, in the future, in the future, in the future, we must let them taste the taste of the genocide!!!"

"Let them know the taste of the genocide!"

The four kings are all gnashing their teeth, and endless hatred fills their chests.

It’s just that they themselves know that this is just their wish... the unfulfilled wish, even if the ethnic group is still there, it is many times stronger than it is now... It is still easily pinched to death by the peak group.

The hunter kills a lot of prey, and the prey certainly wants revenge.

But if you are afraid of revenge, you are not a hunter.

This is the weak meat!

There are many resources in the universe, but hundreds of millions of ethnic groups are also scary. Which ethnic group accounts for more resources... It depends on who is stronger! Naked weak meat.

"The two corridors, the four channels chosen by the aliens... are the closest to the first treasure room. The silver wing is the fastest human, and it is almost the first treasure room."


On the way of flying along the corridor, Luo Feng quickly observed a large cabin next to the corridor, which can be seen with the naked eye. The cabins are all empty, clean and empty.

“Hmmm?” Luo Feng saw that the door of the 100m wide door in front of a passage compartment was half-open.

And the body of an immortal **** is lying on the doorway.

"It is the immortal body of the aboriginal people of the mainland. It is estimated that it was swept by the soul and instantly fell." According to the location of this cabin, Luo Feng is not in the middle of many cabins. The cabin is in the middle and the corridor is also surrounded by it. Circle... This makes Luo Feng slightly slow down and look inside.

Look at it at a glance.

There is a translucent platform inside, and there is a body sitting in front of the platform. It is judged by Luo Feng’s breath. It should be a dead body of immortal gods, and it seems that the platform is very solemn. A gray box of the size of a regular book, which makes Luo Feng's eyes shine.


Luo Feng's wings fluttered, crossed an arc, and screamed into the cabin.

Inside the cabin, hundreds of meters long and wide, Luo Feng glanced at the body sitting on the knee, and ignored it. His eyes mainly fell on the translucent platform about ten meters long and wide in the center. The translucent platform was still dense. The text, and this text is clearly in the human language library.

"It is the text of the aboriginal people of the mainland." Luo Feng had already learned all the light in the language library.

A speed of consciousness calculation like Luo Feng, a language, can be learned in a few seconds and can be used flexibly.

"This is..." Luo Feng looked at the text and immediately figured it out.

Textual description.

My family is facing a big disaster. The three treasure chests in this treasure room contain a world ring. The world ring contains a lot of treasures. The future generations of the ethnic group can make the ethnic group rise again. The treasure chest contains an inductive detection system, which must be opened by the ethnic group, and the alien cannot be opened.

“It’s a refinery that’s a treasure chest made of g9-class metal containing the secrets of the law?” Luo Feng’s eyes swept away and saw the dense lines on the treasure chest. “It’s estimated that forcibly breaking open, it’s the strength of the universe.” Can do it, just this carefully crafted box, worth more than 10 million mixed units, as for opening..."

"Take him, go back and get it."

Luo Feng showed a smile, and he immediately took the three treasure chests straight away.

"Leave the treasure!" The 'ice blade' flying outside the cabin jerked, watching the cabin suddenly gnashing his teeth and screaming.

"The treasure is mine!" The purple bell king is full of madness in his eyes.

Although they did not see the treasure chest, they saw Luo Feng standing in the cabin... The time to explore the treasure was urgent, it was impossible to stop in one place. If it stops at a place, it is sure that there is a treasure in this place. Attracted him.

"Cang Jin Wang! Yang got the treasure!" The ice blade screamed.

The immortal power is to transmit matter, and this roar spreads along the passage immediately. The speed of the divine shuttle is amazing, and the corridor that Cang Jinwang chose.... and the corridor that Luo Feng chose on their side, there is Intersecting spiral channels.

"Hidden?" In the eyes of Cang Jinwang, who is entangled, Li Mang flashes.

"Yang got the treasure?" The night king is a joy.

Hey! Hey!

The two strong men immediately flew along the direction of the sound and spread.

***: Two chapters are completed!

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