Swallowed Star

Vol 15 Chapter 33: Second robbery

The fifteenth chapter thirty-third chapter second robbery

Luo Feng carefully read the information about the Hongmeng, the more he saw it, the more he was surprised.

Hongmeng City gathers all the human beings and all the strong people of many aliens. Who is the one who owns the treasures? Of course, these powerful kings are immortal gods, even those who are the cosmic sages, and even the most masters of the universe, who occupy the vast majority of the wealth of many ethnic groups.

and so--

Some of the so-called bank star customers participated in the auction, and the transaction in Hongmeng City is simply a family.

Ordinary transactions are the unit of ‘thousands of mixed elements’.

Some large deals are even more exaggerated.

Even like a special rare treasure, it is simply a matter of things.


auctions! Huge amount of trading! An elite team that swayed the universe! An elite team in the extraterrestrial battlefield! Some special organizations formed by common interests and common goals! In short... Don’t look at the power of this Hongmeng City for more than three million, but it controls the wealth and survival of human beings and a large number of ethnic groups.

Human beings are the rulers of the Hongmeng!

Like the super-overlord of the chaos city master and the virtual gold master, perhaps the interests in the survival of the ethnic group are the same, and they can cultivate their own forces to seize the treasures, etc., and there are also interests disputes! After all, even if it is the owner of Chaos, the Lord of the Golden King, the Lord of the Dragons... they also have their own desires!

There are disputes within human beings, and a large number of aliens also want to occupy a little more share to get more resources!

In short...

Hongmeng City is the place where the real fish and dragons are mixed and the forces are everywhere.

"Only the information I collected can find so many things. It is really the greater the interest, the more the battle will be.... Well, it seems that it will take some time to study in Hongmeng City."

"But I am currently practicing the second robbery of the nameless secret."

"Earth people are practicing at a fast speed, or they have finished their cultivation earlier, so that the people of the earth have a foothold in the mainland of the burnt offering."


The sacred offerings of the mainland, Luo Feng hidden in the old nest.

Luo Feng did not hurry to go to Hongmeng City immediately. Hongmeng City is obviously a dark and turbulent place, and must be carefully explored.

"The first name of the unnamed secret, the Earth's deity spent three months practicing, and the Golden Horn beast took 29 years."

"The second robbery seems to be similar."


As time passed, it took nearly three months for Luo Feng to practice the second robbery.

The body of the world, on the beach of the endless sea.

Half-naked body Luo Feng is sitting on the beach, sitting in the sand, the whole body is faintly faint, the natural atmosphere of the whole person has become unusual, like the golden horn beast, the smashing behemoth and other powerful life, even sleeping It will still make other life feel a kind of pressure, which is the pressure brought by the evolution of life.

The golden horn beast is the peak of blood, and the peak of the king is ten times that of human beings!

After Luo Feng’s cultivation of the second robbery, the Earth’s deity is six times that of normal humans! Absolutely comparable to the royal family of the Yaozu.


Luo Feng gently opened his eyes and "trained."

"The physical quality has reached 6 times, not 9 times that I guessed." Luo Feng then shook his head and smiled. "It's too greedy. The evolution of genes is going against the sky. It is equal to letting the earth and blood harmonize with the blood of the demon kings." I am practicing the third robbery, I am afraid I will surpass the peak of the starry sky."

This set of anonymous secrets, but there are a total of nine robberies.

The first robbery, 3 times.

The second robbery, 6 times.

Third robbery,...

Until the ninth robbery.

This secret method alone can make the ordinary human body evolve to a point far beyond the golden horn beast and the smashing giant beast. On the basis of this, it will lead so much and break through the cosmic law of the universe. What is the secret of the sky? The higher the status of Luo Feng, the more aware of the preciousness of this set of secrets.

"Try to merge blood Luojing, the last time I integrated eight blood Luojing... Now I have cultivated the second name of the nameless secret, the gene jumped a lot, and it is a level worse than the Golden Horn beast. However, it is comparable to the demon royal family." Luo Feng thought, "maybe you can become the 'black martial arts' who have not been born in the **** continent for countless years."


The sea water hit the beach and drowned Luo Feng's calves.

"Begin." Luo Feng turned his hand, and there was a beautiful and touching blood Luojing in his hand. His fingers smashed his palm and directly caught the blood.

The peak pain of the ninth blood Luojing, Luo Feng can easily withstand.

Just stand on the beach.

For a moment everything is back to calm.



"The ninth success, it depends on the tenth." Before the calm Luo Feng, at this moment can not help but breathe, quickly cut the palm of the heart to integrate a new blood Luojing, the suffocation is easily resisted, and then The blood of the blood is beginning to blend into the body of Luo Feng. Unlike the giant body of the golden horn, the body of the giant horn can only be integrated into the blood of the hoof. Luo Feng is changing all over the body.


The whole body muscles are shaking.

"Hey!" Luo Feng's face changed slightly, hard support, and even looked down at the palm of the blood Luojing, blood Luojing has been transparent, blood power has been completely in the body is undergoing the final step.

"Must be done!"

"Be sure to be!" Luo Feng frowned and felt the whole body.

The bones and bones seem to be oppressed to the limit and squeak, as if they will break at any time, and the pressure caused by the blood-blood force into the muscles and muscles of the bones is getting bigger and bigger, with the integration of the last bloodline. The pressure finally disappeared like a tide and a low tide.

Luo Feng, who has been covered with scales, has quickly disappeared.

Luo Feng stood quietly on the beach, silent for a long time.

"Ha ha ha... success!"

"I became a black martial artist, the real black martial artist!" Luo Feng couldn't help but excite the right fist and slammed it, causing a burst of space. The powerful shock wave waved in all directions, causing the calm waves in front to pick up hundreds of meters. The huge waves, the huge waves are rolling directly toward the distance.

"10! The 10th is a success."

"In the **** world, the black warriors are already legends, but I have succeeded." Although Luo Feng had thought about it before, he couldn't help but be excited.

In fact, Luo Feng’s success is normal.

On the genetic side, Luo Feng is an indigenous person far beyond the blood of the world, even if it is comparable to the demon kings of the wild beast yak ... and it is comparable to Luo Feng, the wild animal yak fusion of Bi Luofeng A little more, the first is that the gene is high enough, and the second is that the yak is an indigenous wild animal in the blood of the world. When the group is born, it is affected by the invisible beast spirit, and naturally it can fuse the blood crystal.

"Although I almost failed at the last moment, I was successful."

"I don't know if my guess is right..." Luo Feng's eyes lit up. "The Earth's deity is a step in the sky, or slowly crawling, just look at this time."

"The power of blood!"

Luo Feng’s eyes screamed wildly.

Boom, the whole body skin is faintly revealing a hint of pale gold, with a hint of pale gold in his eyes, and the whole body is slightly thinner at the same time, just like steel, more refined. At this time, Luo Feng... is not like human beings, more like a peerless beast that exudes true domineering.

"Of course, even, I guess is true!" Luo Feng's nephew reveals the color of ecstasy.

"Ha ha ha..."

"I really guessed it."

"Earth humanity deity integrates 10 blood Luojing, driven by the power of blood, the gene changes, and the body strength has skyrocketed, reaching 10 times before." Luo Feng was very surprised.

Yes, the body strength is 10 times that of the previous one.

When the golden horned beast was fused with 10 blood crystals, the right hoof claw itself was equivalent to the previous body strength, which was equal to the original power twice.

One is 2 times! One is 10 times!

Luo Feng has long guessed.

The reason is very simple, because the golden horn beast body is too large, the power of blood can only cover the right hoof! A single right hoof can be combined with 10 pieces, which will be comparable to the previous body strength... So how much power does the right hoof claw itself soar? The right hoof claw itself is quite a tenth of the whole body before it has changed. It suddenly rises to the body power...

10 times!

The right hoof paw itself is at least 10 times before the force that drives the blood!

The Golden Horn behemoth combines 100 blood crystals, so that the right hoof is equivalent to 10 times the previous body strength, and a right hoof can be equal to 10 times the previous body. How much has the right hoof itself evolved? At least a hundred times.


The golden horn behemoth is huge, has both benefits and disadvantages. The downside is that the fusion of blood Luojing is very disadvantageous.

The earth man's deity is the power of blood, and the whole body is completely transformed. It is naturally 10 times the body strength.

"Very good, it really surprised me. It seems that the original idea can be established." Luo Feng was looking forward to and excited, and gave a low voice, "The beast changed!"

Suddenly, the surface of the skin of Luo Feng began to appear innumerable scales, just like the humanoid beast.


"The beast **** has become perfect and successful, hahahaha... I am the earth man deity, and there is enough powerful combat power here." Luo Feng thought of the future battle scene, could not help but laugh.


Luo Feng practiced the nameless secret, genetic evolution, body strength is six times the peak of the common human world! The power of blood alone drives the outbreak, which is derived from the blood essence of the beast god, which makes the body genes soar and evolve again... directly soaring 10 times. This makes Luo Feng reach 60 times the power of the main force at this moment.

The beast **** becomes the first layer, and the body power amplitude is 2 times!

Then it is 120 times the main force!

The bottom line of ‘A’ is the 100-fold main force.

"Ha ha..."

"I will add another king's combat power." Luo Feng took the form of a humanoid beast and took out a crystal silver bead - the bead, "Make the bead, merge it!"


The bead directly rushed into the body of Luo Feng, turned into a myriad of silk lines and began to integrate into the cells of the muscles, organs and other cells of each muscle of Luofeng... Completely integrated into the combination, the pressure of the bead fusion is very high, but nowadays Luo Feng Can easily resist, I saw a glimpse of the word 'will' in the chest of Luo Feng, followed by the latent disappearance.

"Yes, now!"

Luo Feng quickly emerged a set of silver trenches, giving A to Luo Feng full 10,000 times the main force, and suddenly let Luo Feng's body strength reach the king level! Together with the knife method, the peak of the school...

A battle of the king, it is so formed!

"Haha... From today, I have two great kings."

"The Earth's human deity and the Golden Horn behemoth are all separated. They can't solve the enemy. I can't solve the enemy together!"

***: Two chapters are completed, the update is late, 惭愧~~~~

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