Swallowed Star

Vol 27 Chapter 44: Opportunities in Wuqi Building

Next to the Wuqi Building in the Valley of the Gods, the silver-gray palace.

On the four thrones of the main hall, they were sitting on the four commanders. They all looked at the suspended light curtain, which was exactly what happened in the Wuqi Building.

“Haha, it’s easy to get through the third floor.”

"In my opinion, this sergeant Galaxy is so relaxed, his will should reach the level of the true **** of the void. The master of a law... will reach the level of the true **** of the void, this sergeant Galaxy is really good." The black mist came to praise.

The silver armor woman commander even said: "Look at his use of the Golden Claw God's knife method... the level of exquisiteness is at least the first level of true God."

"This sergeant, body, knife, will... everything is absolutely top! It is the strongest one I have ever seen since I took the lead." The burly leader looked at the light curtain. "Just I don't know, he can If you can climb to the top, then I will not be able to live up to the expectations of His Majesty the King."

The other three leaders are silent.

The expectations of His Majesty the King?

They all looked at the light curtain, and the light curtain appeared in the fourth floor of the Wuqi Building.

"The fourth layer is a reward. I don't know what rewards the sergeant Galaxy will choose."

The fourth floor of Wuqi Building.

The surviving fifteen sergeants, all of them are full of expectation, because according to the previous Wu Qilou told them... Wuqi Building only has the death crisis in the first three floors, and from the fourth floor, there are only rewards and so on.

“Reward in Wuqi Building?”

"What the benefits are!"

One by one, the sergeant is looking forward to it.

Time and space turbulence.

Fifteen sergeants were transferred to the fourth floor, and Luo Feng looked around them one by one.

“Well?” Luo Feng looked around and stretched around the passage. There were a lot of trees, corpses, etc. on both sides of each passage. It seemed that countless lives and dead objects were sealed on both sides of the passage.

"Maze?" Luo Feng said, "I have a passage before and after!"

Fifteen sergeants hesitated to look around, and one did not dare to act easily, waiting for the guidance of Wuqi Building.

There was a ray of light around the scene, covering every sergeant.

"The surviving sergeants, you are fortunate, because... you came to the fourth floor of the Wuqi Building. From this level, you are no longer in danger. Any sergeant is also banned from killing each other. If it is a violation... all will be executed! Just beginning a paragraph, let the other sergeants breathe a sigh of relief.

They looked at Luo Feng and they were not as cautious as they were.

“The fourth floor of Wuqi Building has many rewards.”

“There are four passages around you that represent different rewards.”

"The passage of faint white light is a treasure passage. Once you enter, you can get some treasures, such as mechanical weapons, such as the restoration of the treasures of the gods."

"The passage that is faintly golden light is a passageway with some special secrets. You are lucky, and you may get some very powerful secrets."

"The passage of faint purple light is the road of true God. It will guide you how to break through and how to become a true God. This is the true God's way of the rule."

"The passage of black light is also the road of true God, but it is the route of divine power. Starting from divine power, it becomes a true god. It is even stronger, and it can be as difficult as a thousand times."

"The four channels can only choose one!"

"The harvest from this channel determines whether you can enter the fifth floor of Wuqi Building."

"Choose, lucky sergeants."

The old voice disappeared.

Luo Feng, one by one, looked around the four passages and originally represented different rewards.

"The secret technique contained in Wuqi Building is not ordinary, and there is a special mystery. I can play a stronger strength in the same level of the strong." A black python snake and beast directly swims into the pan. In the channel of golden light.

"I have been trapped in the rule of law for too long, and I have to be a true God. The route of divine power is too difficult, even if it is estimated to be a failure." Another small tribal sergeant, directly into the passage of the purple light.


One sergeant chooses.

Some think that there is a guide to the true God in the army, so choose the secret technique, or choose the treasure.

Some want to become a true **** earlier, and naturally choose the path of the true God.


Among the fifteen sergeants, although eight sergeants have chosen the path of the true God, six of them are the rule of choice. After all, they all know that the rule route is the most common and the most common and the least difficult, and the power route is much more difficult. They have not succeeded in even the rule of law, and naturally they dare not go far.

After all, this channel is only a guide, and it does not mean that it can be achieved.

"The route of divine power? I would like to see, this is the king of the king of the world, there is any special guidance on the line of divine power." Luo Feng did not hesitate, directly chose the road of true God of the ‘the power line.’

treasure? This harvest has been extremely much, and Luo Feng can not believe that only three layers can be given a powerful treasure.

Secret surgery? There are many powerful mysteries that break the Dong River.

Rule route? I have already abandoned it.

Only the true God route!

After all, this is what the King of God left behind, perhaps touching on himself.


The four commanders of the Valley of the Kings looked at the light curtain. Luo Feng and the other sergeant entered the road of the true God with black light in tandem.

"The selection is good."

"The fourth floor of the Wuqi Building, the truly precious is also the channel of this magical power. This is the heart of the King of God."

"This sergeant Galaxy, good choice."

One by one led the sigh.

The general army is not clear, but they are the commander of the gods Wang Gu, Wu Qilou, etc. are given to them to guard, they are certainly clear.

in fact……

The peerless figure that His Majesty the King needs is best to be the divine power.

After all, if you get a seal, in addition to the title task, there is another way - as long as you meet 1, the power line and the life gene is 90,000 times, 2, the 10081 Rhythm Bureau basics are all solved, which can be immediately sealed. , immediately get Wu Qishen! From this requirement, it can be seen that the peerless figures required by His Majesty the King of God are best to enter the line of divine power.

and so……

When the Wuqi Building was first built, the four passages on the fourth floor were the only roads to the true spirit of the ‘Shenli Route. It’s the sacredness of the King of God that left the guide to help the latecomers.

Luo Feng walks on the corridor. On the walls on both sides of the corridor, there are a large number of bodies or objects sealed like specimens.

"Guidelines for the Divine Route?"


Luo Feng looked carefully, and suddenly his pupils shrank and stared at the wall next to him. He was shocked to find that the seemingly simple specimens of countless bodies and objects, if they combined hundreds of millions of specimens, turned out to be an incomparably complex figure. The lines, and those corpse specimens have convex and concave, but also form a three-dimensional secret pattern!

This three-dimensional secret pattern...

When Luo Feng saw it, he would make a huge wave in his heart!

Other strong people may not know, but how can he not know... He relied on the endless sea to display the secret recipe of ‘creation’ to study the structure of life many times, and it has made his own body have broken through the perfect limit bottleneck.

"This, this is the most detailed structure of a perfect life." Luo Feng was shocked.

Take a look, Luo Feng quickly remembered.

I don't understand, I can't remember more. However, Luo Feng has made some achievements in this respect. Luo Feng’s research has surpassed this ‘life stereogram’.


Luo Feng turned his head and looked at the other side. Combining hundreds of millions of specimens is indeed a three-dimensional picture of perfect life.

"It should be flesh and blood, and this should be plant life." Luo Feng quickly wrote down and moved on.

Go all the way.

On both sides of the channel, countless specimens form a three-dimensional picture of life, all of which are perfect life! Even if they are all perfect lives, there is a difference between them. Even the 'perfect gene structure' of flesh-and-blood life can be divided into hundreds of thousands of clocks.

"It's incredible."

"So detailed."

Luo Feng was amazed and kept moving forward.

It was only a moment and it came to an end. At the end of the passage was a door with a broken life perspective.

“Well?” Luo Feng smiled as soon as he saw it. “Blood life?”

With one finger, the divine power is poured in, and the broken life stereogram is quickly added to form a perfect life picture. For Luo Feng, the perfect level of life... He did not know much before, but if it is energy life, he may have to spend a lot of time, but he is full of confidence in his flesh-and-blood life, and he will be instant!


At the end of the passage, the wooden door instantly emits blue light and envelopes Luo Feng.


Luo Feng disappeared in front of the door.


"Go in."

"This, this is only a moment, he will enter the next paragraph of the road of the gods of the gods route?"

"Sure, his deity must have broken through the perfect genetic level, and it is the divine route. It is only this sergeant Galaxy... full of ambition, he is not willing to be such a true God. He wants the life gene to reach higher!" Leading the low-lying road, other leaders are also shocked and excited.

"I don't know how much he can harvest."

The four commanders are all looking forward to it.

Even if they are, they can't see the deeper scene of the road of true God. The ‘Wu Qi Lou’ contains a major secret. Although the four commanders can monitor, they can only monitor part of the area. Like some special areas, such as the eighth layer, the ninth layer... the four major leaders can not detect a trace.

Like the depth of the fourth layer of the ‘Spiritual Route’, the true God, they cannot explore.


That is a big secret!

It is difficult to make the divine route a true God. Analysis of life... is even more secret! Like Luo Feng, there is the secret ‘creation’ given by the original universe. The exploration of some powerful lives is also vague, and the drop of blood that Wu Yuyi forced out is completely impossible to detect.

Like the true God, the emptiness of the true God, the eternal true God, etc., can not really analyze each life structure.

This series of endless and detailed life perspectives can be imagined.

of course……

Got it, understand, and remember.

I don't understand, I can't remember more and it's useless. Therefore, this set of life maps is only an aid... but this auxiliary, but definitely the ancient forces of ancient civilizations will never be passed on, even if it is a broken East River.

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