Swallowed Star

Vol 27 Chapter 32: Second era

The humanoid creatures of Pang Ran are still lying in the sea of ​​the universe, and the cosmic sea has calmed down the powerful forces of the recent era, but it has arrived.

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

A stream of light, across the void, flew into the humanoid between the lips and into the body.


In the void of the small universe 'the world of Jin', there are a series of palaces and treasures floating in the universe. They come from the three major reincarnation eras of the universe and the two holy places.

If you say the first epoch, just go ahead and explore.

This time, it was the first large-scale entry.

Among the many palaces that are like a star, there is a nine-story tower.

"The world of Jin, the danger is everywhere. After you enter with me, I will take you directly to the military camp outside the East Army. At that time, everyone will go directly to join the army... The danger of joining the army is known to everyone, and I don't have to say more. After the army, everything depends on everyone." The secluded Luo Feng looked around and said.

"This is natural."

"The lord of the Milky Way, trouble you." One of the main opening of the universe.

The secluded sea peak nodded.

This is the new secluded sea, because the new secluded sea has reached the perfect genetic level, and the natural **** body is as powerful as the earth human deity and the golden horn behemoth.

"Luo Feng." Standing next to the secluded sea peak is the chaos city owner, the voice said, "This time I entered the other aliens of the Hongmeng, a total of 36 universe masters. They are not humans after all... you You can guide them at first, and you don’t need to take care of them in the future. It is most important that you protect yourself."

"I understand." Luo Feng nodded and smiled.

"Oh, the color has changed." The secluded sea peak looks at the small universe "the world of Jin" in the distance to the outside world.

The outer membrane wall of the small universe 'the world of Jin' has turned white, and it is obvious that the obstacles are minimized and can be entered.

"Can enter!"


"You can enter the fourth Jedi."

"Enter the world of Jin."

The palaces that were originally suspended in the void in the world outside the world of Jin, immediately went through the walls of the small universe and descended into the world of Jin.

At the same time, there is still a stream of light, coming out of the small universe 'the world of Jin', apparently the first to enter the small universe and still alive.

"Hey!" A silver warship is flying fast, it is the boat of the tomb.

"We are in the past."

Soon the tomb of the tomb was close to the Star Tower, and the door of the tomb of the tomb was opened.

"Always go." Yu Hai Luo Feng ordered.

Immediately, a famous cosmic master of the Hongmeng, immediately left the Star Tower and entered the boat of the tomb, while the Star Tower was left with only the Luohai Luofeng and the Chaos City Master.

“Well?” The chaotic city owner immediately discovered that the **** of the secluded Luofeng was rapidly weakening, and for only a moment, the body was weakened to only about 80%.

"What's wrong?" Chaos City Lord asked.

"I am in the world of Jin, the gods consume a lot, take the opportunity to add." Yu Hai Luo Feng laughed, the original killing of the beast of the true God, after all, is the second heavy to display "broken", then the consumption is too amazing . Although killing the true beast of the beast, the body of the Luofeng is also very expensive. Fortunately, there is a golden horn beast to supplement, in order to maintain the peak state at all times.

In the world of Jin, it is very difficult to supplement the power. In the past, only a little added. At this moment, the tomb of the tomb is the earth's human deity and the golden horn beast. When the distance is close, the divine power can naturally be transmitted and supplemented.


"Haha, I am now learning to burn the mystery of mystery, and there is a suit attack to the strongest treasure... Even in the universe, I can break out the top ten battles. I can compare the original ancestors of the year! Now how do you marry you? Look at you, see it, this is my new Supreme Treasure Ship!" In a dazzling golden warship, the stalking demon **** is blowing with his old friend 'Beibei Star Lord'.

"You see, you are amazing." The star of the Bellows was forbearing to listen to the bragging of the devil.

"Ha ha ha..." The devil is very proud.

He is a lone player.

Got a powerful treasure, how can you not show off?

"Boom!" The warship flew at a high speed, and even the other ball-shaped palace was hit by a treasure.

"Who hits my **** eye palace!" The ball-shaped palace to the treasure immediately had a strong anger, and the voice roared.

"I am rampant, what happened?" The demon **** is unscrupulous.

Suddenly, the eyes of the gods are dying.

At the beginning of the journey, the demon **** planned to collect the strongest treasures in the universe, but it was discovered with the many messages in the army and was transmitted to the major forces of the universe. His plan eventually went bankrupt, and then the demon gods began to take the initiative to show off... Let the universe know how powerful the current demon **** is.

Even if the gods of the eye, when they encounter the lone walker, they can only endure the anger.



In the boat of the tomb, Luo Feng stood in the hall, behind him was the 36th universe of the Hongmeng, naturally listening to Luo Feng.


With a command, the boat of the tomb was immediately headed for the world of Jin.


In a darkened warship, there are a large number of cosmos masters, nearly a hundred.

"The ancestor has an order!"

"This time, my purple moon holy land, entered the world of Jin. The first purpose is... by the hand of the army, killing the lord of the galaxy, Luo Feng! As long as the army shoots, the soul kills Luo Feng, and many of Luo Feng’s avatars die. There is no hope of resurrection."

"I will wait, first of all, to find out where he is."

A double-sided four-armed black man squatted.

The group of the universe below is all listening to it.

"The lord of the universe has set off! We keep up!"


The black warship, when flying to the world of Jin in the tomb of the tomb, also followed the flight to the world of Jin.

At the beginning of the first epoch, there were fewer incoming people, the vast majority of those who died, and few of them could live in the world of Jin. Therefore, many forces only get some information from the other places such as Hongmeng, and they don’t have strong people in the world of Jin, so they still have jealousy and worry that the news is not allowed.

Therefore, this second era, the entire universe, the forces of the universe, a total of more than a thousand of the universe to start!

Relatively speaking, it is not too much.

Because especially in the first round of the era, the number of the Lord of the universe is more than two thousand, they face the limit, if you know the details of the world of Jin, the first round of the era will be more than half. At the moment, more than 600 people entered the entire first round of the era.

I believe that the Third Age will have a peak period of entry.


"With lost."

After the black warship of the Purple Moon Holy Land entered the world of Jin, it was discovered that the boat of the tomb was quickly teleported away.

"Although it was lost, but this Luo Feng led the position of the gang of the gang of the universe, apparently in the area of ​​the Eastern Army of the Jin Dynasty. Luo Feng, it is likely to join the East Army. But to prevent accidents We are the masters of nearly one hundred universes, the twenty masters of the universe go to the Northern Army, the twenty universe masters go to the South Army, the twenty universe masters go to the Western Army, and the other go to the East Army!"

The black warship of the Purple Moon Holy Land began to set off.

After all, there are two cosmic masters who marched before the universe of the Purple Moon. This era is enough for the two cosmic masters to get the approximate map of the world of Jin, so that the world of Jin knows the location of the four military camps.


The great forces of the universe have entered the world in a big way, as if a basin of water has fallen into the ocean, and it has not caused any big movement.

East Army Barracks, Luohe Military Camp.

"Galaxy, the Milky Way." There was a voice outside.

Luo Feng walked out of the stone house and looked up at the sky. In the sky, there was a sly beast.

"The Milky Way, the other sergeants are all ready to set off for the military mission of this era." Hehe even said, "There are nine new recruits who have joined the previous era and will also perform military tasks. Let's go!"

Hehe is now happy to join Luo Feng.

"Nine recruits?" Luo Feng was surprised. The sergeant who joined the recent epoch after the mission was naturally waiting for this new era to begin his first mission. However, the entire Luohe army is so big, and this small team is divided into nine sergeants, and there are too many.

"Every sergeant of the Luohe Army will be divided into a number of sergeants. Because our team has just experienced disaster-level tasks, and the losses are very large. So we mainly supplement our team." Hehe explained.

"Oh, let's go." Luo Feng nodded. "But hey, tell you in advance, I will not act with you this time."

"Don't act together?" He was puzzled.

However, it is not worried, because after the disaster-level mission, the military mission will be very easy for a long time.

"There is something." Luo Feng did not say much, the title task, he did not want to say more.


First, we went to the base to inherit the island confluence. Obviously, some of the old sergeants, such as the captain, were very hostile to Luo Feng, and some were friendly. However, the nine recruits were very curious about ‘Luo Feng’.

"New recruits, remind you."

When Luo Feng arrived at the base to inherit the island, he simply ignored the captains and directly confronted the nine new recruits. "Courfa is good, you can follow her. As for the captain? Don't want to die or don't be with him."

The recruits are wrong.

"Galaxy!" Captain's face is ugly.

"I was wrong?" Luo Feng gave him a look.

The entire six squads, all felt the hostility between Luo Feng and the captain.

In fact, when the captain was greedy with Luo Feng’s huge military strength, the two went on the opposite side. The captain saw the power of Luo Feng with his own eyes. In addition, the last task of Luo Feng received huge military strength, and it was very easy to change the mechanical treasure. After an era, the strength will be much stronger than it was at the beginning.

So deep down, the captain is somewhat afraid of Luo Feng.

"Go to the military mission." The captain immediately turned his head and directly ordered the order.


It took nearly a day to travel through the military camp and arrived in front of the evil hall.


A beam of light directly enveloped all the sergeants of the entire six squad. The other sergeants received a very simple task, while Luo Feng received the title assignment.

"Well? God Wanggu? Where did the king of God live?" Luo Feng passed a trace of surprise, "The title of the mission is actually there!" To be continued

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