Swallowed Star

Vol 27 Chapter 23: cut! cut! cut!

"It is him" Eight-hoofed claws and beasts are recognized by the real **** in an instant. This is the strong man who has been crushed by the huge fuzzy knife shadow. He was the master of the law who had stolen the body of the true god.

"The Lord of a Law!"

"Even if the melee is dodging and how powerful, his law is based on the basics of the law, and the realization of the secret of the battle is not strong enough." The eight-hoof claws are really confident, and he was scared before. Once confirmed, it is the master of the law, and he has no worries.

He is right.

The foundation determines the secret law!

It is incredible that a cosmic sheep has created a six-order top secret. Before Luo Feng, no one in the universe had ever done it. Luo Feng also used the help of the inheritance space to create the sixth-order top secret.

Seventh-order top? The East Rivers of the dynasties have been amazing, but they have only been created in half.

Eightth order? In the past, only two can do it.

But for the true God, even a very ordinary **** can create a seven-order top secret law and even an eighth-order secret. And some super strong gods, nine-level top? Tenth order top? But it can be done. This is the basic gap, the foundation is high, and nature is easier to understand.

This is the head of the eight-hoofed claws, the true God, after all, is the true God, the secret method of display, naturally nowhere to go.

"It's really greedy. I want to attack me. I have to look at the large number of true gods that I have collected." The eight-hoofed claws are really looking forward to God. "Ha ha ha, the master of a law, he is so powerful." In the army, it must be an elite of the first class, and it will be given to the real **** armor. Unexpectedly, my true **** armor will be obtained from the master of a law."


Eight hoof claws and beasts do not escape, but madly greet them.

Huge knife shadow, and huge beasts. Whistling through the surrounding purple vines, the two directly kill each other.

"It is the Lord of the law."

"It is that super genius."

"The Lord of the Law even dared to come again? Once again, he is the master of one law."

A few of the true gods killed in the battlefield in the distance, have noticed the vague shadows that appeared on the edge of the battlefield, and recognized the super genius who had stolen the body before.

"Catch this genius."

"kill him."

Suddenly there was a real **** flying over.

Because they know that the army is tempering genius, ‘the emptiness of the true God’ is not allowed to intervene, but the true God is completely capable of shooting. Even if the genius is degraded, he can only blame this genius for his own ability!

"It takes 29 seconds for the true gods to fly here." Luo Feng confirmed instantly.

After all, the true god-level battlefield is very vast. The eight-hoofed claws and the beasts have always been wandering in the fringe, while the Luofeng position is more remote. Even if the speed limit in the world of Jin is extremely high, it is necessary to come, it really takes 29 seconds. .

"29 seconds, solve it!"

Luo Feng's eyes condensed in the eyes of the eight-hoofed claws and the beasts of the true God.

"Haha, the lord of the law of greed, can't escape. I can't catch up with him to escape the ability to dodge, but I have to fight with me... I will kill him as soon as possible. This is my credit." The hoof claws and the beasts are also excited and violent, with a fierce color shining in one eye.



The two huge figures finally crossed in an instant, when the eight-hoofed claws and the beasts were roaring and waving a front paw through the sky, hehe! When the blade touched, Luo Feng shunned like a whirlwind.

"It is dodging again!" The eight-hoofed claws are really roaring in the heart of the gods. Its swift and incomparable tail is a slap, and the tail is like no bones. It is like a soft whip, running through the knot, directly whistling into an arc. Sucking to Luo Feng, the fuzzy knife shadow and the edge of the tail of Luo Luofeng touched, and directly trampled on it, but instead reached the back of the true sacred beast of the eight-hoofed claw.

Speaking slowly,

Only one of them was staggered, and Luo Feng went to the back of the true **** of the eight-hoofed claw.


The blood shadow knife in Luo Feng’s hand finally waved!

cut! ! !

The knife is like water, the ethereal is uncertain, and it instantly kills the long neck of the true sacred beast of the eight-hoofed claw. The true beast of the beast is suddenly turned, the skull twists to the rear, and the big mouth opens to reveal the fangs, directly biting Luo Feng's sword.


Originally like a wave of water, it instantly exploded, creating an unparalleled horrible penetration.

Luo Feng created the strongest knife method - the light of a fire!

"Ao ~ ~" breaks the Donghe River's precious meta-embroids 'Blood Shadow Knife', which contains the penetrating power, making the eight-hoofed claws and beasts really horrified.

It is round and round, and the heart is full of shock and panic: "Impossible, impossible, how is his power more powerful than my power? I am the true God, he is only the Lord of the Law!"

It is wrong.

The mistake is very outrageous.

Indeed, the eight-hoof claws are really gods, and the power of God is stronger than that of Luo Feng. However, it has never joined the army, and does not know the special burning power secret technique. Luo Feng only used the first volume of "Breakout" to make up for the gap in divine power, and the second volume of "Breakout" made Luo Feng surpass this true God!

In the burning power, Luo Feng is stronger than it!

The melee that was originally against the sky was dodged, and naturally it was strengthened. The attack of the eight-hoofed claws and the beasts of the beasts was easily sneaked or unloaded by Luo Feng. The attack of Luo Feng, the true spirit of the eight-hoofed claws can only be hardened.

I am jealous!



Luo Feng is insanely crazy, maintaining the burning of the second volume of "Breakout", making Luo Feng's power crazy. Even if there is no real **** in the distance, he will not be able to sustain it for so long, so it must be fast! fast! fast! Luo Feng's soul is like a blood knife in his hand.

The light of water! The light of water! The light of water! The light of water! The light of water! The light of water!

Such as the water of the knife, with awesome power.

Even Wei can faintly improve.

Under this limit... Luo Feng’s understanding of the knife method is actually improving, but at this moment he can’t notice this. He only knows to do his best to kill the true spirit of the eight-hoofed claws in the immediate direction.

"No, no..." The eight-hoofed claws and the beasts are completely covered.

Almost instantaneously, hundreds of knives lingered on it, and madness kept it weak.

It panicked.


It wants to escape!

"No, and..." The eight-hoofed claws and the beasts have never thought of killing Luo Feng. They are too lazy to think why this ruler has such a powerful force. It only knows how to escape!

However, before Luo Feng’s melee ghosts, it was a luxury to escape.

Can't escape!

"I am embarrassed, hehe, hehe..." Luo Feng was insanely crazy. I saw a vaguely huge knife and shadow. The whole person seemed to be integrated with the blood shadow knife. The water knife ** impacted the eight-hoofed claws and the beasts. Raspberry is a tens of thousands of knives whistling away in a second, crazy annihilation of everything.

This is a storm that wipes out all the storms.

Can't escape!

Can't stop it!

Everything is in absolute disadvantage.

It’s gone.

Not only was the besieged eight-legged claws and beasts really stunned, but even the dozens of true gods who came from Luo Feng’s nearest flight were also blind.

"How can it be?"

"It’s just a matter of dodging, how can you attack..."


"How strong is this? Certainly, his sword must be a mechanical treasure, must be a mechanical treasure." For a time, they are unacceptable, and the true God will be defeated by the ruler of the law. They can only accept one shotgun... The ruler of the law uses a mechanical flow treasure, which is a mechanical flow treasure!

Through the mechanical central operation in the sword, it broke out beyond the power of the ruler.

"It must be like this."

In the distance of the true god-level battlefield, the captain who has been silently lurking is also wide-eyed, and he is shocked to see everything in front of him.

Before he saw Luo Feng rushing out, he also secretly shook his head. He thought that the new recruit Galaxy was too stupid and too arrogant. It was too small to be the strength of the true God. After all, it was his captain who could smash the mechanical treasure to kill the true god. The time spent will definitely be trapped by other true gods.

"He, he is dead." The captain said so.

Can go here

"How, how..." The captain felt his head covered, how could a new soldier be so strong, strong enough to force the true God? Absolute suppression! Even a very ordinary one in the true gods is not so outrageous.

"It must be a mechanical treasure."

"Before joining the army, there was a mechanical treasure in his body. His sword was a mechanical treasure." The captain immediately determined that "it must be like this. It must be that the sword must have lifted his strength to several levels. Completely suppress this true beast."

At the moment, the whole true-level battlefield, although savage and fierce, has more than a thousand true gods who noticed the battle at the farthest edge. One is the ordinary eight-hoofed claws and the true gods, one is just a law. Lord of the Lord. But now the truth is that the true God of the Lord of the Law has no power to fight back.

"The sword must be a mechanical treasure."

"definitely is."

Almost every one is so identified.

As a meta-embroid, the blood-shadow knife is precious, but it does not raise several levels as they think, but only raises Luo Feng's attack to a higher level. The reason why Luo Feng is strong is that he relies more on the melee body method and relies on the first two volumes of "Breakout", relying on the "Light of Water and Fire".

A wave of knife-like light, crazy impact on the eight-hoofed claws and beasts, and this knife has become more and more perfect, under the endless knife light, the eight-hoof claws and the beasts are more and more weak.

"Do not--"

The eight-hoof claws and the beasts really have a feeling in their hearts... This time, I am afraid, I am really going to die.

"I am the true God." Eight hoof claws are really screaming in the heart.

"Booming and banging."

Endless knife light drowning.

The eight hoof claws and the beasts are finally disappearing, and the core of their lives has been annihilated. I saw that some of its armor and other items quickly fell off, while Luo Feng quickly waved his hand and put the eight-hoofed claws directly into the beast. Put away, and also put away some items that have fallen off.


Luo Feng immediately turned into a streamer to escape in the distance, and the previous battles killed, although many purple vine grass breaks floating in the swamp, but no trace.

God is dead!

The Lord of the Law wins!

And over thirty bodies of true beasts, come to hand!

"Catch up with him and recapture the body of my nine Yanze brothers." On the battlefield in the distance, a powerful animal with three golden horns is angry and roaring. To be continued

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