Swallowed Star

Vol 27 Chapter 10: Life and death

The bustling 3,000 warriors and beasts walked directly toward the huge stone arches in front of them under the guidance of several true gods.

"Galaxy." The north wind is flashing with madness, and the voice says, "When you can kill it all the time, if you perform very well, you will be selected into a special army."

"Special Legion?" Luo Feng was shocked.

"The interior of the Eastern Army is divided into a number of legions. The 95% of the troops are ordinary generals. Like our 3,000 screenings... not necessarily one can enter a special army." Beifeng voiced, "But the strength of the Galaxy Strong, there is still hope. Right, remember, we have to get closer when we first enter."

Said, the north wind, Luo Feng will directly enter the stone arch with the tide.


After entering the stone arches, it suddenly changed into time and space, and entered a land that was desolate and desolate. The ground was all sand.

"Here is this?" After Luo Feng entered, he couldn't help but look around. The other 2,999 warriors and beasts who came in quickly saw it.

It is faintly visible to see the surrounding area of ​​hundreds of kilometers, and then there is a darkness in the distance.

This is a deserted desert.

"The ancient civilization's control over time and space has reached a point of perfection." Luo Feng’s heart praised him, and he was close to the north wind. Many other warriors of the Ganye tribe were also around, just as everyone looked around. At the time, suddenly an invisible pressure came, covering the entire desert.

All warriors and beasts looked up and looked up.

Above is a one-man man wearing a black streamlined armor, the cold golden pupil overlooking the bottom, suddenly this pair of golden pupils simultaneously emit a golden light!

"Boom!" "Boom!"

Two golden lights, but instantly fell to the desert, actually bent, in a random 3,000 soldiers, different beasts ... two golden light, respectively, surrounded by 1,500 soldiers, beasts. The group of warriors who were encircled on the left side had a sinuous red light on the surface of the beast, and the group of warriors on the right side had a yellow light on the surface.

Invisible pressure envelopes.

All the audience were shocked.

The pressure is not strong... But the natural highness and the tremor of your own power make every one understand that this presence in the sky should not be a true god, but a higher level... God!

Luo Feng is looking up.

Void true God?

Can it exceed the existence of reincarnation?

"You wait, divide into two camps." The one-horned man overlooked the bottom and shouted, "kill each other and kill each other. When I let you wait for you to stop, you can enter the army when you are alive. If you have the strength, you can enjoy it... ...if you have a special outstanding person, or you are allowed to be selected for a special legion!"

"Get started!" The one-horned man shouted, and then he was surrounded by black light and disappeared into the darkness.


In the deserted desert, the two camp soldiers and the beasts were covered with a layer of red light and yellow light. At this moment, they could not help but burst into a burst of killing.

"Damn." The north wind gnashed his teeth.

Luo Feng looked opposite.

Among the soldiers of the Kanno tribe that came here, although they all leaned together, nearly a hundred soldiers were circled to the opposite camp.

"No wonder the north wind made me close to him." Luo Feng looked around in the dark.



The soldiers and strangers of the two camps roared in an instant and turned into a stream of lightning. The soldiers of the Qiang tribes naturally had a very tacit understanding and would not be killed with their own fighters. Instead, pick some other tribes or aliens, and try to use the means to kill each other.

"Special Legion?" Luo Feng passed a trace of fierce light.

In this world of Jin Jin, I have three major goals.

The first is to collect the creatures in the world of Jin, especially the bodies of the true gods, and to study the composition of life, so that they can break through earlier, and the level of life genes reaches 90,000 times.

The second is to explore the secrets of the depths of the universe.

The third is the mechanical flow treasure!

Luo Feng knows ancient civilizations, so it is very clear... the ordinary class of ancient civilizations and even the 'strong' class, mechanical wastes have great uses. Only when there is a super-existence level... mechanical flow treasures become useless. The more ordinary the class, the more a mechanical treasure can play!

For example, if you are a true god, if you get a precious mechanical treasure, you can even be the enemy of the enemy!

Although I have a 'boat of the tombs', it is purely defensive. ‘弑吴羽翼’ is also an auxiliary class and is extremely high-end. The complete 弑吴羽翼 should be used at a very high level.

Luo Feng needs...

Is the best for you!

The Eastern Army, the mechanical treasures of this huge military camp are so scary, even the taboo-like mechanical treasures that are used by millions of true gods and millions of true gods exist. Not to mention the mechanical flow treasures used by individual individuals. Luo Feng’s goal is that! As long as you get two or three pieces, human beings are holding this, which is enough to have an extremely stable position in the universe.

Ke Luofeng also guessed...

The origin of the original universe is very clear, and the guidance of the three great ancestors is not blocked. I am afraid that the more it is against the sky, the more difficult it is. Just look at the real gods who have seen all the way, and there is no mechanical treasure, you can understand... not enough status, I am afraid I can't get it. Ordinary warriors certainly can't.

To enter, you have to enter a special army!

Like the army on earth, there used to be special forces. Like the virtual universe company also chooses genius training... One reason, this ancient civilization ‘the world of Jin’ is since the endless army. It is normal to make some elite troops and equip them with treasures that the ordinary army does not have.


The residual limbs fluttered and quickly merged into one, and the two camp strongs were madly stifling.


Luo Feng holding a blood shadow knife is also a soldier and a beast that kills the ‘red light’ camp. Seeing the red light... just kill!

Knife whistling!

This time and space is extremely stable, even if so many cosmos of the universe are killing, it does not cause any space.

"The world of Jin is a long-term killing world, and the ancient civilization has not been cut off. The strength of the strong here is generally stronger than that of the universe." Luo Feng secretly, he found that the fourth-order top level should be regarded as the most Poor, most of them can reach the fifth-order, and even the fifth-order top.

Even like the north wind, the whole body is covered with gray light, and every punch and every claw is even more advanced. As the core of the Kanye tribe, the north wind has a supreme treasure.



Killing madness, if you are in a group battle, the other opponents will give you a chance, which makes the battle crazy! Because they are the masters of the universe... It’s hard to make a single hit, but because the battle speed of the Lord of the universe is already fast, it’s normal to die two-thirds in half an hour, so the weaker the strength, the more vigilant. Be careful, try to delay the time to live longer, just wait until the one-horned man calls to stop, it will be successful.

The weaker are careful.

Those who can be strong, especially those who have the strongest to the best, are trying their best to play, and they want to be outstanding and are selected into special legions. These two are... the 'North Wind' of the Huangguang camp and a different animal in the red light camp.

"Ang ~~~" The strange animal roared and rushed directly to the north wind. "Death."

"You **** it!" The north wind also rushed.

boom! boom!

The two lightning strikes, only a few times, the north wind was bombarded on the head by a claw, and the whole tumbling and flying back, he immediately stood up and gnashed his teeth: "burning power!"

"My father, the true sea master of Naibei! This is my mysterious secret of burning the magical power of the North Sea." The two-winged beast at the neck snarled, making the norther face look more ugly.

In the distance, Luo Feng, who is flying a fighter from the other side of the camp, turned his head and said, immediately screamed: "North wind, let me come."


Luo Feng is like lightning, killing directly.

"Good." The north wind immediately receded. Just a short time to fight, he found the terrible beast of the beast... It is definitely with a set of supreme treasure, and there is a burning magical secret, although the army has rules, the army Some of the inheritance of some retired strongmen are forbidden to circulate, but if they are self-conscious, they are not among them.

The North Zhenhai is a super power in a strange beast.

There are nine true gods in the North Zhenhai, and the head of the North Zhenhai is even more ‘the limit of the true **** of the sky.’ In the whole world of Jin...that is a big man. At least the little dry wild tribe is definitely not an opponent.

"Dead." The strange animal roared and rushed to Luo Feng.

"Burning the mystery secret?" Luo Feng secretly sneered, he is not surprised, the three generations of the founder of the "breaking" is divided into many volumes, the only strongest stage of the universe can be the first three volumes! Therefore, some strong players, it is not surprising to realize some secrets like the first volume and even the second volume.

After all, the world of Jin... is also rich in ancient civilizations.

"Hey!" Luo Feng figure fluttered.


In an instant, I went to the back of the animal in front of me, followed by a blood-shadow knife, which instantly turned into a thin light, followed by the rapid ray of light, turned into a miniature universe, and directly wrapped the whole animal. among them.


Killing the tragic, as time went by, a famous soldier and a stranger fell.

Among them, the most insane and most dazzling is the Luo Feng and the other animal.

Different beasts, there is a set of Xeon to the treasure, and there is a burning secret.

Luo Feng was practicing more than 8 million years ago, and it was more than 8 million years under the 10,000-fold acceleration. The long cultivation has made his knife and melee methods have made rapid progress. Because it is still not clear about the internal situation of the military camp, Luo Feng did not fully break out... After all, once he broke out, it was too scary.

That is the full guidance of the ‘Dongdong River’s inheritance,’ and the cultivation of such a genius.

In the world of Jin, the precious inheritance is in the army.

No special inheritance is so bad? Not realistic! I am afraid that it will cause the military to scrutinize the origins of Luo Feng. It will be troublesome. If you know more about the military, you will be sure to upgrade your strength to get what you want.

"Your power is less than 50%, and I still fight with me!" Luo Feng is crazy, his figure is flashing like electricity, and it is terrible. When he was in his 8 million years of leisure, he borrowed the ninth ancestor who broke the Donghe River. In the **** sea, the melee body method has also created a set of melee secret law.


The beasts tumbling and hitting the endless desert, causing the sand to fly. His body is less than 50%, and his strength has been ten times weak. It is not Luo Feng’s opponent.


A powerful pressure came instantly.

If the last pressure is high but it is only a gentle wind, then this pressure is like an endless mountain, and the bang, all the slain universe warriors are all under pressure, Luo Feng Also the whole body, no resistance.

"This is the strength of the true **** of the void?" Luo Feng was shocked.

The unicorn man walked down from the sky and overlooked it.

There are still 921 survivors left at the moment.

"You, and you!" The one-horned man pointed to Luo Feng and the strange animal. "You two, enter the Luohe Army."... (To be continued

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