Swallowed Star

Vol 27 Chapter 6: Enter the world of Jin

In the blink of an eye, over the past 1800 years, the color of the small universe ‘the world of Jin’ has changed from dark blue to light blue, and it has turned white until one day.

The palaces that floated outside the small universe 'the world of Jin' were moved to the treasure.

"It has turned white."

"You can enter."


For a time, the over 200 strongmen quickly flew to the world of Jin, and began to try to use the weapon to touch the membrane wall to verify. This verification, surprise found that... although the membrane wall has powerful power, The Lord of the universe can easily break through even the body.

After confirming that it can be easily penetrated, along with the first palace to the treasure, the other palaces and treasures also flew in, and Luo Feng’s tomb boat ‘silver boat’ also flew directly into it.

The entire world of Jin is seen from the outside, with a diameter of 10 million light years. The powerful powers also enter from different regions and naturally do not get together.


After the silver boat penetrated the world wall of Jin, it rushed directly into the other world, the world of Jin.

Luo Feng’s divine power immediately sensed the incomparable breath of the outside world. It was a breath of joy and sorrow... The whole soul was cheering, as if the fish had finally entered the lake from the desert, and the wonderful feeling made Luo Feng tremble.

"It's so comfortable, there is no restraint, it is suppressed." Luo Feng was surprised.


"Ha ha ha, this world of Jin, what a wonderful place. Even a little bit of restraint, my divine power can be fully displayed." After the sacred devil entered the 'world of Jin', it was also very exciting, because in the universe At most, the power of the level of 'the 10,000-fold power of the universe' is mastered.

In the "world of Jin", the **** is gone.

This is a world of freedom and greatness, and the true devil can burst out of the real 10%.

"Since it has become the strongest, it has never really exploded all the power, it is so happy." The devil is very happy.

call out!

He drove his palace to the treasure, quickly fell to the bottom, and sometimes teleported, and soon fell into the earth.

This is an ancient and endless land, surrounded by rolling majestic mountains, the energy filled with heaven and earth... more chaotic and more comfortable than the chaos.

"This is the place where the strong should live."


With a loud roar.


A flash of light in the distance, the speed is far more than a hundred times the speed of light, directly in front of the horizontal demon god, this is a head with three heads, the head is a golden head, two silver heads, all have huge fangs... The three tails are like metal whip, and there are barbs on it.

This evil behemoth overlooks the demon **** and screams: "Go away, this is my territory!"

When the demon **** sees this evil behemoth, he discovers the breath of the other party... It is also the strongest level of the universe.

"The strongest in the universe?" The sorrowful demon **** is wrong. Although the three great ancestors said that there is a creature in the "world of Jin", the first creature he encountered was actually the strongest in the universe. How can he not be shocked?

"Get out!" The evil behemoth snarls and warns again.

The devil is even more wrong.


He can understand, but he doesn't know how to say it! Because the language spoken by this evil behemoth is a very special language, even if you don't understand it, you can easily understand the meaning, but you can't say it.

"I, ah, you, you, me..." The sorcerer opened his mouth, but did not know what to say.

"吼~~" The evil behemoth is angry. It is as powerful as seeing the other person, so there is no immediate warning, but the guy who is full of golden light in front of him dare to ignore it. This is the provocation of it!


The evil demon **** instantly turns into a streamer, and there are three dazzling arcs of light appearing between the heavens and the earth. It is the three rays that appear in the three tails of the evil behemoth... sweeping toward the demon god, the demon **** is scared Even dodging, three large deep trenches appeared in the millions of kilometers around the land.

The fascinating demon **** is in a hurry. He wants to transmit power through the power of the gods. He can express his meaning through the sound. But when his divine power is passed, he is smashed by the power of the evil behemoth.

"To the soul attack?" The evil behemoth is even more angry.

The wandering demon is even more helpless.

The power of God does not give a voice.

"I don't fight with you."

"吼~~" The evil behemoth roared and killed directly.


More than 200 strong people in the universe have come one by one, and they are very happy to enter this ‘the world of Jin.’ This is a wonderful world. Of course, few of them are as unlucky as the demon gods. When they come in, they come across a local real god.

"Boom." The silver boat also descended onto a vast plain.

Followed by the disappearance of the silver boat, showing Luo Feng wearing a silver armor, he only wears the ‘mad devil’s god’, and there is a peak soul in the body to guard the soul, carrying a blood shadow knife. Apparently the whole body equipment... The blood shadow knife is special. This is just the first time that Luo Feng is not in a hurry to bring his most powerful treasures.

"A beautiful world." Luo Feng took a deep breath, a fresh but powerful energy quickly poured into the body, and then turned into divine power, "can easily transform the power of God? In the original universe, you must sense the law of the ocean, in order to absorb the power. No Think of this 'world of Jin', absorbing the outside energy can transform the power."

"A stable world."

Luo Feng's divine power is slightly shocked.

The surrounding space can not even appear, the degree of stability is terrible, far beyond the imagination of Luo Feng.

"Beautiful, stable, magical..." Luo Feng was shocked, so that a world is too perfect. I am afraid that this world really contains the ultimate secret of the universe.

“Hey!” “Hey!” “Hey!”

A figure in the distance leaps forward, stepping on the earth, the figure is like electricity, and soon landed in front of Luo Feng, a child with two brown and black scorpions, holding a large piece of barbecue in his hand. Look at Luo Feng: "External, this is the territory of my dry wild tribe. How do you get into my tribal territory? Are you the tribal elders who traveled around the world?"

Luo Feng was shocked.


In front of this indigenous strength, it is estimated that the king is immortal. But the language... The language spoken by the child is actually the language used to record the message of a large number of memory stones. This language belongs to the common language in ancient civilizations, and Luo Feng learned the language easily from the ancient civilization.

"Yes, I am a traveler." Luo Feng nodded and spoke out the lingua franca of this ancient civilization.

"Wow, I also want to be a traveler. But at the very least, I have become a ruler and I can go out to travel." Children have a desire in their eyes.

Virtual universe.

At the top of Thunder Island, Luo Feng and Chaos City are together.

“I have entered the world of Jin.” Luo Feng solemnly said, “Confirm that it is a very great and powerful world... From the moment of contact, the world will exceed our imagination. The language they use is ancient. The lingua franca of civilization. This language, I will. Teacher, I will leave this language message in the virtual universe."

"Indigenous people in the world of Jin, using the lingua franca of ancient civilizations?" Chaos City Lord was shocked. "So, this world of Jin... is probably the remnant of ancient civilizations. It is no wonder that there is a secret of detachment. The language you speak is really important, and the language is the most important part of the integration of the indigenous people."


The world of Jin.

Luo Feng bears the sword and invites the child to go to the Ganye tribe. The conversation with the child is inferred from some of the words of the child... Luo Feng knows that in this world of Jin Jin, there should be a lot of strength to a certain extent. If you are a rule, you can start traveling around.

The rule of the Lord, should be the cosmic sage.

The Lord of the Law is the Lord of the Universe.

"The front is our tribe." The child was very excited.


"Give me a fly!"

Far away, I saw two magnificent feet with a height of 100,000 kilometers. They used each other with a sword. They used a spear and slammed like a god. One of them was directly beaten and flew away. At the foot of the mountains in the distance.

"The Lord of the Universe." Luo Feng was shocked in his heart. "Look at the gods, both seem to be the perfect genetic level."

"Boom!" "Kill!"

Luo Feng carefully sensed, but found that there is still a pair of strong opponents in the distance, these are killing each other are the main level of the universe.

"My tribal warriors are training." This child said, "We are one of the billions of the tribes of the wild tribes. These are great warriors. They are the masters of the law after countless deaths and deaths."

"One billion people?" Luo Feng immediately swept through many thoughts. "It is extremely great. It seems to be the Lord of the universe. It is also difficult in this world of Jin."

Talking to this child, Luo Feng carefully inferred a lot of information from every sentence of this child. After all, he knew nothing about the world of Jin.

Hey! Hey!

Luo Feng and the children flew all the way.

It is closer to the tribe.

"Hmmm?" Luo Feng glanced at the three figures standing in the air. The three figures exude a very strong atmosphere, all wearing black armor, and they are carrying weapons such as warhammers and tomahawks, endless and terrible. The atmosphere is filled with...

"True God!"

"Three true gods." Luo Feng was shocked. When he first entered the world of Jin, he easily found three true gods. How powerful is the overall force of the Jin Dynasty?

Such a powerful world, according to the three great ancestors, once these creatures enter the universe, they are mortal.

This world is so powerful.

But it has been so bound by it... It really has a big secret.

Luo Feng is more cautious.


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*(To be continued)

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