Swallowed Star

Vol 26 Chapter 11: Waiting for the net

“The teacher finally broke through!” Luo Feng was excited. Before he passed on the ancient civilization to the human race, the chaotic city teacher had already vaguely broke through, and then received detailed guidelines, coupled with the oppression of the ethnic destiny. Next... The original human race is eager for chaos to break through before the 'big battle.'

But until the end of the war, chaos failed to break through. Fortunately, Luo Feng first broke through as the Lord of the Universe, and recovered the battle with ‘Endless Seas’.

"Before the war, I am eager to break through, not worth it."

"This war is over, but it suddenly broke through." Luo Feng in the virtual universe immediately went to the teacher's place.


Virtual universe, the thunder of the island.

At this moment, it is extremely lively. When Luo Feng arrived, he did not see who was in the distance. He heard all kinds of noisy voices, or hey, or sharp, or hoarse...

"Hey?" Luo Feng looked at it at a glance, not to be surprised. "There are so many coming, even the aliens are coming."

"The Galaxy Lord."

"Come on, the lord of the Galaxy, your teacher breaks through. Your disciple's availability indicates that you are prepared to pay more attention to the gift." A stranger of the universe with dozens of tentacles, seeing Luo Feng.

Suddenly many aliens came round.

What is the biggest thing in the universe!

In today's primitive universe, as long as a group can produce the strongest of the universe, it means that this group can become a 'peak group'! The original ancestor was suppressed and the axe fell. Human beings did not have the strongest cosmic person to sit in the town. In fact, the whole Hongmeng was somewhat uneasy. Now chaos has broken through, and all the masters of the universe feel the ‘heart of the heart’.

"Luo Feng, Luo Feng." The chaotic city owner, who was surrounded by the crowd, saw Luo Feng even beckoning.

"Teacher." Luo Feng also smiled and immediately greeted.

"Before the last war, I tried my best not to let go of it. I wanted to break through before the war. But I didn't break it..." Chaos City owner shook his head and smiled. "I didn't expect that when the whole person completely relaxed, he naturally broke through." ”

Luo Fengdao: "The teacher is a thick and thin hair, and nature has always achieved success."

Looking at the noisy scenes around him, Luo Feng also understands a bit. After all, the situation in the original universe is tense. The chaotic city teacher just broke through and told the entire universe of all the cosmos, everyone to celebrate, but also make the inner coalition more cohesive.

This noisy celebration lasted for half a day, and the aliens left here one by one, leaving only the human beings of the human race.

"Luo Feng, you quietly communicate, let us stay one by one, what is the matter?" asked the owner of the ice peak, Chaos City Lord, the Lord of Darkness, the Lord of the Dragon Line, etc. also looked at Luo Feng. At the meeting just now, Luo Feng did quietly hand over to the human race.

"I and Hao Leixingzhu, the first battle is about to begin." Luo Feng looked around.

Suddenly quiet down.

Although the human side has confidence in Luo Feng, after all, the opponent is the leader of Hao Lei.

"Luo Feng, Hao Leixing is not good at provoke, the giant axe is falling, we have to take revenge. But we are not in a hurry." Peng Gongzhi said.

"This war killed Hao Lei Xingzhu, I have a 30% grasp." Luo Feng opened.


Including the chaos of the city, all shocked and could not believe.

Kill the strongest in the universe?

Even the other strongest in the universe, dare not say so. Luo Feng is the master of the universe... dare to say this? However, I saw the plan of Luo Feng last time, and I also saw that Luo Feng’s endless power of the ocean was able to resist the entire coalition camp and the free alliance’s soul attack. The people of the universe liked Luo Feng.

"Three percent grasp?" Chaos City owner personally opened.

"Yeah." Luo Feng nodded. "After all, the strongest in the universe, to kill him, I certainly can't do it. I must rely on the three Jedi environments. So I can only say that there is a 30% grasp! If you are arrogant, if he is arrogant, It is very likely to be recruited."


The human beings of the universe, including the Lord of the Golden King, the Lord of the Sorrow, and the Lord of the Qingdong, were all shocked and excited. They could not believe it, and they thought that Luo Feng had a 'boat of the tombs' and The inheritance of the East River may have given some special means, and maybe it can be done.

"If it is successful, Hao Leixing's ‘Holei God A’ can be our human side.” The lord of the prince called.

Hao Lei Shenjia, and even strong to the treasure of God, is owned by Hao Leixing.

"Teacher." Luo Feng smiled. "I let everyone stay, because if I am really lucky, I will be successful... Once the Lord of Thunder is fallen, then the thunderstorm star who lives in the "Little Universe" of Haolei Star is strong. Those who will fall all the time, the small universe will collapse and dissolve. At that time, there will be a lot of treasures..."

Luo Fengyi said that everyone in the room understands.

From ordinary life to the Lord of the universe, you can't control yourself. If you live in the original universe, the root of life is in the original universe... and the life of the first cycle and the second cycle is pinned on the small universe! Once the small universe collapses, all life in this small universe is dying... Of course, if the small universe becomes the ‘Holy Universe, then the inner immortal, the sage, the Lord of the universe, etc. can exist forever.

"A group of people is dying, there are countless treasures, um, it is necessary to pay attention." Chaos City Lord nodded, then looked at the Lord of Darkness, "Teacher, you will go for a personal visit. If Luo Feng is really successful... that small universe Disintegrate, you will sweep it all over and bring all the treasures."

"Okay." The Lord of Darkness nodded, and then he turned to look at Luo Feng. "Don't let me run empty."

"I will definitely do my best." Luo Feng smiled.

In the universe, no one dares to say that he is sure to kill the strongest in the universe.

Luo Feng is also betting!

The Lord of Darkness quietly left the original universe on the same day. In the vast sea of ​​the universe, through natural wormholes and long-distance teleports, he tried to move forward for six days and finally arrived at the 'Halei Star Lord'. Small universe.

"Small universe."

Like the large black pyramid of sesame suspended in the chaotic airflow, in the black pyramid, the Lord of Darkness is looking at the incomparably huge small universe in the distance. "Luo Feng is really crazy enough to kill the most powerful universe... even It is still incredible by the Jedi environment."


The universe boat, the center of the sea, the huge reef.

"It's incredible." Luo Feng is in the Star Tower, overlooking the outside world, listening to the arguments of the cosmic Lords on the reefs. "It is generally the strongest of the universe to kill each other, which will cause one side to fall. The Lord of the Universe It’s true that the strongest person in the universe has died..."

"And my Luo Feng! On strength, it is enough to break out to the ninth-order combat power! In the strongest of the universe, it is top notch, but the speed can not break through the limit."

"I am entirely possible, creating a miracle." Luo Feng is full of endless warfare.

One to one.

I am successful, if there is a pair of two, three to three ... there is no hope. So I only provoke a Hao Lei star master. If this time, even the Zhenjia King and the Yanyan ancestors came together, Luo Feng must turn around and leave, and he will drink the daring star.


Time passes by.

"Booming ~~~" The whirlpool of the Rotary Sea is even more terrifying, and the wind in the air is getting stronger.

The wind on the reef is small, and the 15 universe masters are waiting to wait.

"It is estimated that in the recent period, Hao Leixing will come."


"Wait, Hao Leixing and the Galaxy Lord fight, I really look forward to it." Those of the universe are not willing to miss this battle.

Just when they were chatting, the sky was dark and the sky above the imaginary sea, suddenly there was a huge thunder, a thunderbolt instantly crossed the sky, and a blink of an eye went from the void to the top of the reef, making the original very The leisurely group of cosmic masters are all excited.

"Human boy! Speed ​​the surrender of my family Resor!" The loud voice came from high altitude.

The huge lightning in the sky has formed a thunderbolt giant. The thunderbolt giant is tall and tall, and there is a huge lightning ball in the chest that is rotating, overlooking the bottom.

"Hao Lei!" A cold drink rang.

I saw the side door of the Star Tower and walked out of a silver-robed silver-winged youth. The left hand stretched out, and the nearby Star Tower quickly shrank down in his palm. He was looking up and sneer at the lightning giant who stood still in the wind. "Hao Lei, Now that Resor’s Lord’s life and death are under my control, you are asking for me, but you dare to be so mad.”

"Hey." The lightning giant in the sky looked down and snorted, and then angered. "How can I release the owner of Resor?"

"It is easy for me to hand over the Lord of Resor." Luo Feng said, "As long as you kneel in front of me, I will pay tribute to me! I will spare the Lord of Resor."

When the words came out, the people of the alien universe who had been watching the excitement were all shocked.

Luo Feng is crazy!

"Let's relax!" The lightning giant in the air heard it, and suddenly snarled. "Insult a strongest person in the universe, **** it."

"Insult? If I have enough strength, I have already killed you and tortured you thousands of times." Luo Feng looked up and looked at the lightning giant in the sky.

The Hao Lei Xing main overlooks the bottom.

He suddenly understood...

Humans seem to know the death of the giant axe, and they are related to three! It is because of the great hatred that Luo Feng will insult him.

"It seems that you are not willing to surrender the head of Resor." Hao Leixing master overlooked below.

"I never thought about paying!" Luo Feng chilled.

"Resoe..." The Lord Raytheon made a sound in the air. "I will avenge you."

When the words came out, the group of cosmos who had been hiding in the palace and the treasures on the reef had been excited. They understood that this Haolei star said that this is obviously no longer rescued. 'The idea is obviously to start the war.

"Human kid, I will let you understand, how stupid is to provoke a strongest person!" The thunder and lightning giant in the sky suddenly screamed, his huge thunderstone thunderous right leg suddenly turned into a huge thunderbolt. Directly hit the rock below, the power of the power, wherever you go, the space is shattered.


The second chapter is! Continue to fight for today's five chapters!

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