Swallowed Star

Vol 25 Chapter 48: Bloody battle, Luo Feng's madness! (in)

The Liberty League and the Allied Forces have a total of 17 palaces in the dark, surrounded by the stars and towers in the dark and silent void, about 100 billion kilometers away from the Star Tower... and the original height of the Star Tower is 100 billion kilometers, and the base of the Star Tower The diameter is 10 billion kilometers, which is equal to the death of the 17 palaces.

"Take out the inheritance!"

"Hand over the inheritance!"

The morale of the coalition forces is like a rainbow, and the overwhelming advantage makes them all full of absolute confidence.

"Big, big, big!!!" The Star Tower suddenly burst into a large, high altitude from the 100 billion-kilometer level to the trillion-kilometre level, and the diameter of the base of the Star Tower suddenly rose from 100 billion kilometers to 100 billion. Kilometer level, it is directly hitting the surrounding mouth of the palace to the treasure.

"Humans want to escape!"

"Be careful, this star tower suddenly becomes bigger and humans may find a way to escape."

"Everyone is alert, Northern Xinjiang, see you."

"They can't escape."

There are suddenly a star point in the endless void, and countless star points appear out of thin air, and each star point has light faintly connected to each other. For a time, the surrounding light years range is covered by countless light spots. It is the Xingqiang Zhibao ‘Ziqu Star Lake, which is the strongest treasure in the field of the Northern Alliance.

Luo Feng stood in the Star Tower, watching the base of the huge Star Tower hit the palace to the treasure, and the coalition side did not care about the impact, but apparently saw such strange actions of human beings and worried about any changes, even the field class is strong and treasured. 'Ziqu Star Lake' is used.

"Escape?" Luo Feng stared outside, sneer, "It should be that you have to run away, black, unfortunately, you want to escape can not escape.

"Endless secluded..."


Before the control of the Star Tower became more powerful, Luo Feng began to control his endless sea, so that the endless sea water has directly reached the side door of the base, waiting for the star tower to expand suddenly at this moment, with Luo Feng a thought... ... suddenly the undulating secluded sea of ​​sea along the side gates, began to burst out loud out!

The base of the Star Tower is in all directions, with a total of nine side doors. The bottom of the base, the 'Abyss Entrance', is the main entrance for swallowing.

"Be careful that humans will escape, be alert everywhere, don't let humans escape."

The coalition camp is worried that humans will flee, suddenly...

The nine towers of the base of the tower of the tower, the rumbling rumbling ~ ~ ~ know that the star tower height is over one trillion kilometers at this moment, and the height of the side door of the base is tens of billions of kilometers each... with the frenzy of the nine side doors Out of the endless sea, and the palace that was originally hit by the impact of the Star Tower is incomparable, almost instantly swallowed by the sea of ​​crazy water.

"Booming ~ ~" If the main body of a universe becomes bigger, it can reach a height of one million kilometers or even ten kilometers. If a piece of treasure is getting bigger, it can also be tens of billions of kilometers, hundreds of billions of kilometers...all are not subject to the so-called 'speed of light' speed limit.

The endless sea is essentially a god.

It is one of Luo Feng's four great gods. Only the 'new secluded sea avatar' is just an incarnation created by the talent of endless secluded sea. The avatar is only a thousand times of genes, and the real endless secluded... It is the master of the universe of perfect genes, and it expands violently with the endless seawater.

Especially in the abyss at the bottom of the Star Tower, there is also a lot of endless sea water.

"Big, big, big!!!" Luo Feng consciousness is trying to control, and at this moment is controlling the endless sea to grow bigger.


The endless sea has reached a maximum diameter of 300 billion kilometers, and the depth is 30 billion kilometers. The natural volume of the endless sea is 80 billion kilometers long, and it becomes the largest diameter of 300 billion kilometers. The terrible ocean... The gods have deliberately grown a lot.

Just for a moment.

The Star Tower has grown to a trillion-kilometre high, hitting 17 palaces to the treasure, and then the endless sea of ​​violent expansion has made the body bigger. Because the original volume is very large, it is only a little ten times larger. It is also very easy.

"What happened? How are the seas around?"

"what happened?"

"This, what's going on, yes, is the domain class strong and powerful?"

The coalition camp is not in a hurry, has an absolute strength advantage, so that they are very confident, but they are very confused about the sudden emergence of endless sea water, such endless sea water is the field? Before the Northern Alliance, the lord had already applied the ‘Xiqu Star Lake, and it is reasonable to say that other areas should not appear.

"It is not a field, it is a divine power!" The Northern Alliance ally said, "The endless sea water and my habitation star lake are not in conflict, not in the field 0 and I feel a powerful power... this endless sea water, it should be endless The power of the gods! It should be the nine seas of the Nine Quiet Lord! The whole endless ocean, with a maximum diameter of about 300 billion kilometers, and a minimum diameter of 30 billion kilometers."

"Divine power? Right, careful sensing, it is indeed divine power. Every drop of sea water is such a huge body of divine power 0. It is also the lord of the nine gods."

"Nine quiet sea?"

"No, this is not the sea of ​​nine secluded seas. I am clear about the breath of the sea of ​​nine secluded. I have had many contacts with Jiuyou, and this divine power is not his."

"This, this is the breath of Luo Feng!!!"

"The angle of attack, what do you say?"

"It's Luo Feng's breath, yes, I killed him and fought. This is his divine power!"

"The Milky Way Lord Luo Feng?"

"This is the body of Luo Feng?"

"Luo Feng also has a body similar to the nine seas?"

Some of the more than 800 cosmic masters and more than 10 of the universe's most powerful people were shocked, because the 'Nine Seas' is famous in the original universe, and the nine seas are only the nine quiet masters. A unique one, no one, no one, can be called a supremely powerful sacred body, so that no one can do anything about it. The power of swallowing the huge body of the gods at any moment must surpass the power of the whole **** of the other universe. ... Who is not?

However, such a huge body limitation is also obvious, and moving is extremely difficult! The nine secluded masters are divided into an incarnation by the secret method of nature. The avatar is only a one-tenth level of the power of the gods. The volume of the body is more general, making the strength of the nine secluded masters less powerful than the chaos of the city, the owner of the river. of.

"Luo Feng has six top-level combat power! How can he still have such a huge body?"

"Yes, Luo Feng had a cash-horned behemoth before the body, and there were six-level top-level combat power. The strength of the avatar is so strong... How could he still have a body like the Nine Seas?"

"The universe is fair, and it is impossible to do such a thing."

"And the gene of the nine secluded sea is extremely high, and the talent of the golden horn beast ‘the body’ can’t give birth to such a detachment. ”

When the coalition forces were shocked by the infinity of the ocean, it was Luo Feng's avatar, and the people of the alien camps in the human camp were equally astonished.

"Don't hesitate." Chaos City Master said, "All the masters of the universe began to unite collective attacks."

"Attack? Chaos City Lord, then, the coalition forces counterattack us can not stop."

"Yes, Chaos City Lord.........,.

Individuals are obviously reluctant to die.

The chaos of the chaos of the city swept the surrounding, indifferent: "Reassured, all their palaces and treasures are all within the sea... and the sea is the endless power of the cohesive, their attack, will be resisted by the power of the sea! So they The attack will not attack you at all, and you can attack the past with arbitrarily. The sea will not resist, but will attack with you."


"Human means..........

The lords of the alien universe, as well as the ancestors of the ancestors who were heard in the ancestral temple next to the Star Tower, were all lost. They all understood the human plan, and it turned out to be... let Luo Feng rely on this 'secret sea' to resist the attack of the entire coalition camp.


too crazy.

Do humans think that with the great outrageousness of the gods, they can withstand the combined attack of more than 800 cosmic masters and more than 10 of the universe's strongest?

"Too dangerous."

"This, this is too dangerous."

"Luo Feng is killing ah 0" These aliens can't believe it, this is simply sent to the enemy to kill the enemy! Perhaps this endless sea of ​​one-on-one ... or a pair of ten, can be proud of the entire original universe who can not help. But this time it is the convergence of more than 800 universes.

The Lord of more than 100 alien universes all looked at Luo Feng, who was in the silver armor.

"You." Luo Feng shouted. "Don’t waste time, attack, recent goals!"

Saying that Luo Feng Yao refers to the nearest palace to the treasure, and the endless sea water around the palace to the treasure also began to appear vortex, the vortex directly separated a passage, directly to the deep below the palace to the treasure, it is by the Yaozu A team led by the dream demon ancestors has about 40 cosmos.

The human side, plus the ancestral gods, about 200 the Lord of the universe! In particular, Luo Feng, the owner of Chaos, the Lord of Darkness, the Lord of Penggong, and the three great ancestors can all exert their great strength.

All the people of the class are united and attack the temples to the treasure...

Naturally, it is based on absolute advantage!

The human race is slightly moving, and the coalition camp fully understands what the human side is doing.

"Human being crazy, even trying to block our other parties with the nine seas of the sea, and then concentrate their fighting power against a palace to the treasure. So broken one by one! Too crazy, too confident, too arrogant, they thought only A divine power ocean can withstand more than 800 of our universe's masters and more than 10 of the strongest?" The Northern Alliance's lord, the old voice, said, "All the masters of the universe, all the strongest, all exert soul attacks, all!! Against the surrounding sea of ​​divine power, collectively exert a soul attack!"

"There are so many cosmos of the universe, so many of the most powerful in the universe... The collective soul attack is all cumulative, and I don't believe it. Can Luo Feng alone be able to withstand it? I want this peerless genius, and now it will fall."

"Luo Feng, fallen.

"Luo Feng, Luo Feng." The coalition camp was extremely excited and excited.


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