Swallowed Star

Vol 25 Chapter 24: Unstoppable

Tens of powerful cockroaches can exert their strength, so that the mechanical clan brothers are also somewhat unwilling: "If it is in the universe, even the most powerful of the universe does not dare to pick me up. The wicked original will of the universe, Actually forced every one of my scars to a very low level, forget it, hold them both!"

In the original plan, the father of the mechanical family guessed the power that he could break out, so he said that he would be one-on-two, dealing with the Lord of Darkness and the Lord of Penggong.

However, the Lord of Darkness does not show up in the Black Prison Tower. He can only deal with Luo Feng and Peng Gong.

"Although I can't suppress them, but they are both trapped, but they have full grasp." The mechanical family father looked far away.

Hey! Hey!

The mighty squadrons, overwhelmingly, swept the space of Luo Feng and Peng Gong’s Lord in an instant. For a time, these powerful squads supported each other and entangled around Luo Feng and Peng Gong’s Lord. Let Luo Feng and Peng Gong's Lord seem to fall into it - like a spider web, how can they get rid of it.

"Damn us!" The Lord of Penggong roared, and the Yankee in his hand screamed and swept around thousands of kilometers.

"Get out of the way." Luo Feng's blood shadow knife is also eliminated, the blood shadow knife passed the way, the one dignity directly thrown away, and then surrounded by all around the 傀呃

"The only thing that can be attacked and thrown away is only a very small part.

Going forward!

And every deaf is indestructible, so that the Lord of Luo Feng and Penggong was indeed completely besieged by the tens of thousands of people, and they could not rush out.

He is sick and wants him!

"The earthquake angle, the dream tea, the empress, the three of you are vigilant against the black prison tower! The other masters of the universe attacked Luo Feng and the Penggong Lord respectively." The father of the mechanical family even ordered.

"it is good."

"After killing one of Luo Feng and Peng Gongzhong, the odds will increase greatly."

The Zerg Queen’s ‘female palace’ suddenly reveals a huge abyss, and the abyss is a densely populated figure. It is the cosmic lord of the Zerg and the host of a large number of alien universes.

At the same time, the ‘elliptical black sphere’ of the father of the mechanical family also broke open and a hole appeared, showing a master of the universe.

The ship on the side of the demon ancestors’ dream ancestors opened the door and there was also a master of the universe.




Brushed, the 112 universe masters, some of them have avatars and brought, so they have more than 120 universes of the main body, and they all use their means, for a time, many treasure weapons, or Illusion-like attacks, or soul-like attacks, or direct material attacks.

And the means are different. The lords of the Zerg are summoning a large number of Zerg warriors, and the masters of the mechanical universe also summon a group of powerful crickets. These two families... are actually group sea tactics.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"


Wei Nengqiang even trembled with all parties. Even the demon ancestor, the dream demon ancestor, the mechanical family father, and the Zerg female empress were trembled. Actually, it is too strong. In this primitive universe, there have been no terrible scenes of collective attacks by the mass of the universe.

"Not good!" Luo Feng was so scared that his face changed.

"The trouble is big." The head of Penggong even screamed.

"Help me quickly." Luo Feng voiced to the Lord of Darkness.

Not far from the black prison tower is suspended, there is also a huge abyss at the bottom of the tower, and there are also a large number of strong figures on the edge of the abyss, including the human race, 91 universe masters, on the total number of gods It is more than 100. When they were trapped in Luo Feng and Peng Gong, they knew that it was not good. But they did not expect that the other party was really decisive, and the joint attack of hundreds of cosmos of the universe...

"Attack! Attack the host of the universe in the abyss of the female palace." The Lord of Darkness immediately ordered it.

One order.

Collective means of display, for a time, all the gods in the universe of the universe have erupted powerful means, sweeping to the female palace.

In the original space, the two sides are far apart from each other, but in the dark universe, the distance is too close.

A joint attack by the cosmic masters of the tri-family coalition camps immediately came to Luo Feng on their side, and the faces of Luo Feng and Peng Gong who were trapped by a large number of people were completely unable to escape.

"Luo Feng, I am afraid I can't stop it."

"Can't stop, you can't stop." Luo Feng also waved.


After entering the dark universe, the tomb of the tomb was instantly appeared in front of Luo Feng and Peng Gong. It seems like a mountain, blocking everything.

"Peng!" "Peng!" "Peng!" "Peng!" "Peng!" "Peng!"

After successive bombardment, they landed on the tomb of the tomb. There were still some soul attacks and illusion attacks that bypassed the tomb of the tomb. They still fell on the two of Luo Feng and Penggong.

Both Luo Feng and Peng Gongzhi felt that they were shocked in their minds.

"The mad demon destroys the gods and can weaken the impact. I have the peak soul and the treasure body, and the will is so powerful. I feel so struggling...

It’s just terrible, and it’s just a part of it. Many energy attacks and power weapon attacks are blocked by the boat of the tomb. If it falls on the body.

Luo Feng was afraid of it.

Ten cosmic masters join hands, and the power stack 1zlx blade can form a sixth-order top power.

The convergence of this energy causes a qualitative change.

One plus one is to produce an effect greater than two.

Like a sixth-order top strength, it should be ten times better than the fifth-order top. But some powerful masters of the universe, the ten masters of the universe join hands, the qualitative changes produced by the attack and convergence... can reach the sixth-order top! And the moments of the hundreds of cosmic masters are even more than the seventh-order, estimated to be close to the eighth-order power!

Luo Feng, the head of Penggong, dare to block? Even if they squatted with the ‘blood shadow knife’ and the 钧 钧 ”, they both survived, fearing that the body would be greatly damaged.

"Hang ~ ~" "Boom ~ ~ "Hang ~ ~" "Boom ~ ~" "Boom ~ ~" "Boom ~ ~"

The powerful attacks gathered together and attacked the tomb of the tomb. The shock wave that was only scattered and scattered, let Luo Feng and Peng Gong change color. This shock wave can be more than the sixth-order top.

"Come in." Luo Feng said.

At the same time, the door of the tomb of the tomb was opened, and the door was toward the side of Luo Feng. Luo Feng naturally had this force when releasing the boat of the tomb.

Hey! Hey!

Luo Feng and Peng Gong immediately got into it!

The tomb of the tomb.

Luo Feng, the head of Penggong in the hall, the line of sight is not obstructed by the tomb of the tomb, easy to see the outside world. At first glance...

The powerful joint attack of hundreds of cosmic masters of the tri-family coalition forces, the power can be overwhelmed, but at the moment the black prison tower, there is also a terrible joint attack that is almost the same.

"Boom ~ ~ ~" devastating joint attack, sweeping directly attacked a distant universe of the Zerg Queen's ‘Female Palace’ on the edge of the abyss entrance of a famous cosmic.


Although the Palace of the Queen is the supreme treasure of the palace, in the battle, every master of the universe is standing at the exit, unless it is hidden inside, it will be completely attacked.

"Block!" The father of the mechanical family even voiced.

"Give it to me."

A silver snake suddenly plunged, and it reached 10 billion kilometers in an instant. In the original space, the three tribes were very close to each other, and in the dark universe they were equal. At this moment, the dream demon ancestor body became bigger, even without moving, it completely covered the surrounding female palace, the mechanical family father, the shocking ancestors and so on.

This huge silver snake directly covers everything, and the disk is wrapped around it.

The human camp side, those huge weapons of the treasure! Those powerful energy attacks can't be evaded and directly bombarded on this silver snake.

"Hang ~ ~ ~" Dream demon ancestor was directly tumbling and throwing flying, first hit the female palace, the mechanical family father, etc., followed by far away, and instantly turned into a vision in the field of vision The small point, followed by it completely disappeared.

"It’s terrible." The Lord of Penggong was amazed in the boat of the tomb.

"It's really courageous." Luo Feng also praised.

The human camp is a joint attack of hundreds of the main gods of the universe. Even the mechanical father, the Zerg queen, and the demon ancestor are afraid to come to the block. It is also the dream demon ancestor who has the strongest treasure armor! However, even if it can block, the dream demon ancestor can only play the sixth-order top strength, so her resistance is naturally weak, and she is directly hit by the ‘throwing fly’ to a great distance.

Not at all a level.

Ke Luofeng, the head of Penggong also understands that although it is far from being thrown away, it can have the strongest treasure armor, plus the powerful deity of the dream demon ancestor itself! Even in the universe, the strongest of the universe is hard to hurt her, and this attack naturally can't hurt her.




All the cosmic masters of the tri-family coalition camp, with the dream demon ancestor as a buffer, immediately turned around and used their means to attack the past against the black prison tower.

The cosmic masters of the human camp in the Black Prison Tower also used the means to attack.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

For a time, the masters of the universe in the two camps suddenly rushed together.


The huge female palace instantly produced a breath of heaven, swallowing the large group of cosmos of the human camp, and also sucking the black prison tower! However, the hundreds of the gods of the main class of the universe, united together, the burning power is transpiration, easily resisting this swallowing, but this also makes them dare not care to "be more careful to resist the universe of the three-party coalition The bombardment of the Lords.

Because, once you can't stop it, you will be bombarded. If you are partially stunned, you will probably be swallowed up.

"Swallow!" The Lord of Darkness also manipulates the Black Prison Tower.

The abyss of the Black Prison Tower also produced a breath of heaven, swallowing a large group of cosmic masters on the edge of the abyss of the Queen's Palace, and swallowing the Queen's Palace itself.

Two pieces of the Supreme Treasure Palace.

Black Prison Tower to the Women's Palace!

They are also sucking each other!

However, the Supreme Treasure Palace, unless there is a big gap, it is difficult to swallow the other side! Even if the two pieces of Xeon Zhibao really have a big gap, it depends on whether the user can play it out. The black imprisoned tower controlled by the Lord of Darkness and the female imperial palace controlled by the Zerg Queen, it is obvious that the power that broke out at this moment belongs to the same level, and neither of them can help.

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