Swallowed Star

Vol 25 Chapter 22: For ethnic groups

Human territory, the original secret.

Luo Feng is sitting in a high-rise hall on the knees. There are no shelters on all sides. You can see the endless voids and other magnificent palace buildings in the distance.

In order to prepare for the upcoming World War I, Luo Feng has been working hard to cultivate, but... Maybe it can only be said that this bottleneck is not in a hurry, breaking through this critical bottleneck, sometimes watching the universe change, or killing with the mighty Midway, sometimes in the process of teleportation, in general, it is possible to directly break through.

"Luo Feng, speed to the main hall!" Haohao dàngdàng's Qianbao River is diffused, covering several light years, and the sound is instantly ringing in Luo Feng's mind.

"Teacher!" Luo Feng suddenly opened his eyes.

"The war is coming?"

Luo Feng can't hesitate to get up and brush up! A teleport disappears immediately.


In the quiet palace group, there is a strong presence of a stranger. They are either like a mountain, or they are green and like a meatball. Only a pair of eyes on the body makes people feel tremble. Or... In short, the owners of these alien universes are not far from each other, and they are scattered around the main hall of the "Chaotic City Lord."

They are also waiting.

Waiting for the arrival of the war! They also know that the danger of joining this war is xing, but the dangers and benefits are corresponding! Joining the human camp... As long as the human camp can become the third holy universe in the future, at least their respective ethnic groups can be allocated to some space to inherit, and their high-level cosmic masters can survive for a long time.

In addition, human beings will also give some experience of the 'master of the universe to the strongest in the universe'. They know that human beings cannot all say it, perhaps only one tenth of what humans know. It may even be one percent or less, but it’s better than they don’t know.

As long as you know the part, it is of great benefit to them.

"For the ethnic group!"

"For the ethnic group!" This is true of the Lord of the universe.

The fight time, it should be spelled.

In order to fight together, they rushed in, the benefits are very much, but the same... This war is also in danger of falling.

"The Lord of the universe, the speed to the main hall." With the spread of the Qianbao River, the voice of the Chaos City Lord also sounded in the ears of every universe.


"finally come."


A stranger of the alien universe waits for a long time, all moods are moving, or stunned, or crazy, but they are all ready! Then they are teleported one by one...

The original mystery, the main hall of the chaos city.

A number of figure appeared out of thin air, the number of strong people gathered constantly, 60, 70, 80, 90... Only a moment, all arrived, the whole hall restored a quiet.


Chaos City Master stood on the steps, overlooking the bottom, at this moment he did not go to the throne.

There is a strong person standing below, there are human races, there are different ethnic groups, and there are other aliens... Of course, from the moment of joining, the other idle groups have automatically become a part of the Hongmeng! In the large group of super-existence standing under the Great Hall, the one standing at the forefront is -

Luo Feng with a silver armor and a silver knives! Handheld Yankee chubby with a big belly of the Penggong Lord! The dark Lord who exudes a sigh of breath and a black robe!

"The demon, the zerg, and the mechanical family have already acted." The chaotic city owner solemnly said, "And their tribes have gathered together at the moment. Obviously, the last time we were taught a lesson, we have lost six universes. After the Lord, none of them would dare to kill me alone in the human domain. I was scared to join forces to act together."

There was a strong smile on the face below.


What about the three tribes? Not so scared, they can only act together.

"At the moment they have been **, and it is estimated that they will act soon." Chaos City Lord overlooks the Lord of the universe. "Now, according to our earlier plan, this battle... all the cosmic universe masters, except the lord of the Milky Way The Lord of Darkness and the Lord of Penggong have the right to autonomous action, and everything else is in the Black Prison Tower."

A lot of the face of the universe below is a little relaxed.

The black prison tower, and even the strongest treasure.

In the black prison tower, natural safety xing skyrocketing, of course... in the real battle, naturally can not completely hide in the tower or how to attack? Must go to the exit of the Black Prison Tower, without hindrance, in order to attack the outside world! Can attack the outside world, the outside world can naturally attack them.

However, since at the entrance to the exit, it is natural to hide in the depths at any time, at least not much better than in the void.

"The Lord of Darkness." Chaos City Lord looked at his younger brother.

The Lord of Darkness nodded slightly, and then he reached out and a black pyramid appeared in his palm.

"Black Prison Tower?" The ones of the alien universes look at one by one, their eyes are bright, but this is the supreme treasure! How can these idle groups qualify for such a supreme treasure?

"Go!" The Lord of Darkness listened to the control, and suddenly the Black Prison Tower flew to the center of the entire hall, rapidly becoming bigger and higher, becoming a sly pyramid, and the three sides of the pyramid appeared at the same time. This Xeon Zhibao has a side door with a main door. Like the first floor of the Star Tower, there are also a large number of side doors. At the same time, the base can also form a huge abyss and devour everything. Like the tomb of the ship, the bottom of the ship can also be divided into a huge entrance, just... because the tomb of the tomb has not been able to absorb the energy, so the small door of the side door has been used.

"You, go in." Chaos City main road.

With a command, the dragons of the human race, the Lord of the Ice Peaks, and the Lord of the Wild, they went straight without hesitation, and the other cosmos of the universe hesitated and looked at each other, but one after another. Going in, just a moment, there is only one black prison tower in the hall, and chaos, Luo Feng, darkness, and Penggong.

"Darkness, there are 21 members of the original Hongmeng, and a total of 70 newcomers, a total of 91! They are all led to you." Chaos City owner solemnly said, "This will be the most important force, they 91 people teamed up, and any of the most powerful people in the universe will be bombarded and beaten. They will be 91, how to attack, how to attack, how to defend, everything to see you."

The dark Lord nodded, and did not say much, he stepped into the black prison tower.

He is the master of the black prison tower, so he can keep the aliens, because once the chaos comes, the Lord of Darkness can permanently 'detain' the aliens in the black prison tower, even if they want to escape, they will not escape. Strong to treasure swallowing. This war... The Lord of Darkness is mainly to manage the group of 91 universe masters.

In fact, the escape of the key moments of aliens may not be great, because before the total of 92, a total of 70 at the moment ... the other 22 are in the initial universe, in fact, is equivalent to 'hostage', such as a group of three universes Lord, two on the battlefield, one in the initial universe. The excuse of the human race is naturally... For the inheritance of these ethnic groups, try to share the risks! Those aliens also know why humans are doing this and will not refuse. In fact, the demon, the mechanical, the zerg ... also do the same.

"Luo Feng, Peng Gong, the other will be handed over to you two." Chaos City Lord looked at Luo Feng, the head of Peng Gong.

Luo Feng and Peng Gong nodded.

Then Luo Feng waved his hand, and suddenly a ship fell in the main hall hall, which is the boat of the tomb.

Peak road.

He and the master of Penggong flew directly into the boat of the tomb.

"Get off! Go to my virtual universe base camp and wait there." Chaos City Lord ordered.

boom! boom!

The black prison tower, the boat of the tomb, and a teleport disappeared.


The virtual universe base camp was originally a place where many domain owners, landlords, and immortal places of the virtual universe company, and the original secrets were more secretive. Both, one is open and the other is secret. One deals with many basic issues, and the other is to train core geniuses to deal with high-level issues.

It and the original mystery have a cosmic passage to the 'initial universe'.

It is also a place where humans must protect!

It is estimated that the enemy is going to attack, fearing to attack one of the two bases of the virtual universe and the original secret... and these two places have established a stable channel of the gods at this moment. If the enemy attacks the original secret, they can return immediately.


A black sè pyramid, an ancient ship, is suspended in the void of the virtual universe base camp.

"Luo Feng, nervous and not nervous?" Peng Gongzhi smiled.

"Of course, nervous." Luo Feng exhaled and looked at Penggong next to him. "This is a tribal alliance, and according to intelligence, when some of the idle ethnic groups are relying on us, they can also go to the three major groups! And also There are four of the strongest, after all, really killing, the strongest can have an advantage over us."

Because the strongest person has seven levels of combat power, and even eight-order combat power. Only the original universe is suppressed, it is the sixth-order top.

Therefore, they can completely use one heart and two, that is, control the far attack, and close combat, while playing the sixth-order top combat power! It can be a dozen! This is completely reflected in the war with the Yaozu.

"And the mechanical family father, the Zerg Queen, single-on-one, are stronger than the demon family, the demon ancestors, and the dream demon ancestors." Luo Feng whispered, "this battle is not easy."

"We still have a glimmer of hope." Peng Gongzhi's main road.

Luo Feng nodded.

It’s just that Luo Feng’s heart is still heavy, because the mechanical father and the Zerg Queen are all good at group battles, and the means are unpredictable. Just look at the fighting styles of the robots and the Zerg.

"Luo Feng, Peng Gong, darkness, this is the coordinates. The tri-national coalition forces have just sent this to the Kingdom of God." In the virtual universe, the chaotic city owner immediately informed Luo Feng, the dark, and the Penggong three.


"Got it."

"set off."

Luo Feng, the three of them immediately condensed, no longer distracted.

brush! brush!

The black sè pyramid, the ancient ship, one after the other, successively moved, and teleported toward the coordinates! That coordinate point... is very close to the virtual universe base camp, Luo Feng they only need to teleport about 300 light years or so to get there.


In the distance, there are some quiet desert planets. Beside the desert planets, there is a dimly lit star that is red and rushing into the end.

It is in this starry sky.

The huge purple sè spheres, ancient ships, and elliptical black sè spheres are all in the void, emitting endless pressure, which makes the time and space have been distorted. The stars in the distant places begin to tremble under such pressure and begin to change dramatically. .

boom! boom!

Ancient ancient civilization ships and black sè pyramids appeared at the same time. ! .

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