Swallowed Star

Vol 25 Chapter 20: The strongest limit of the universe

"The human race is rising and decaying. I am too lazy to manage. Your current strength is no danger in the original universe, let alone the star tower and the tomb of the tomb. It is difficult to die. So, the teacher is even less. Reason to intervene." Sitting on the mountain road.

Luo Feng a trip.

This also refused too clear, and the teacher came to visit the mountain, Luo Feng thought, there should be hope. [bsp; "Teacher..."

Luo Feng just opened.

" Needless to say, I will not join your human camp, and will not be incorporated into this drowning water." The mountain passenger said directly, "No need to say anything else."

Luo Feng helpless.

"I am coming this time." Sitting on the mountain to look at Luo Feng, "I was the last time you sent me a message, and I mentioned that you got a drop of blood! It should be the blood of the ancient civilization." It has a very strong will. Shock, would you like me to help me refine a treasure?"

Luo Feng nodded: "Yes, this willingness to the blood of the will is the spread of any direction in all directions. I want to bind the will of the blood to one direction! So, the will impact will definitely be a strong one. Level. I don't know if the teacher can do it?"

"I promised that when you kill a cosmic master, I promised to help you refine a treasure." The mountainman laughed. "This time I heard that you and the Yaozu were in a battle, you Killed a monster of the universe, so I came.

Luo Feng can't smile.


The teacher still insisted on this promise. It seems that the teacher has already returned to the original universe, but he did not come. When the news spread, he knew that his disciple had killed a cosmic master. This was late.

"Show me the blood of the gods first," said the mountain guest.

"Yes, but we still enter the space mezzanine, that will be too strong to prevent harm to the people of the earth." Luo Fengdao, a drop of blood to take out, fear that all human beings of the whole earth will be extinct in an instant, after all, even the universe The Lord is incomparably painful, and the ordinary humans can resist it.

"Okay." When the mountain swayed, there was a space crack next to him, and he had already entered.

Luo Feng is also stepping into the space crack.

Space inside the seam.

The mighty, countless pieces of space.

Luo Feng and the mountain passengers appeared one after another.

"Teacher, please see." Luo Feng turned his hand, and suddenly a boat of the tomb was floating in the palm of his hand, and then gradually became bigger and became a boat about ten meters long, and that drop of blood gradually came from It appeared in the boat of the tomb, appeared on the top surface of the tomb of the tomb, and was carried by the boat of the tomb.

This is a drop of crystal red blood, surrounded by a layer of thick black awns.

boom! boom! boom!

A strong will impact, a shock in all directions, and the Luo Feng and the mountain passengers next to it are also naturally affected, but this impact Luo Feng naturally can easily withstand, 1zlx blade not to mention the mountain guest.

“God blood?” The mountain guest admired and nodded. “This kind of strange thing is extremely rare, and you can get it.”

"Luck." Luo Feng connected.

"If you want to be lucky, you must have strength. Otherwise, you will not be able to get close to this blood." In my opinion, ordinary treasures cannot carry this blood, and the general power cannot reach this blood." Laughing, "It is enough to let a lot of strong people do nothing to collect this blood."

Luo Feng suddenly admired, too powerful.

This, this has not been studied carefully, and the opening speaks so much.

"Teacher, can you have a solution?" Luo Feng asked.

"You want to use this blood to make a treasure, and to bind its will." The mountainman nodded slightly. "In fact, if it takes a lot of material and enough time, I have a certain possibility, relying on it to refine." A strongest treasure. Of course, it takes a long time... and there is a great probability of failure."

"Xingqiang Zhibao?" Although Luo Feng was shocked, he was still connected. "I only need the treasure of will."

"Yeah." Sitting on the mountain road, "For your human race, a will shock, you can sweep the 'the strongest under the will of the universe', the treasures of all the strong, in this war, than a strong The treasure is still useful. This kind of treasure... In fact, the core of this treasure is equal to the blood of God! What I need to do is to bind this will, it is much easier than refining the peaks and treasures, etc. I will not refine Difficult, the cost is small, the time is small, and the refining success can be achieved within three days. As for the material? The material is not precious, I have a lot, and this time the teacher is out for you."

Luo Feng was overjoyed and said: "Teacher, I have two drops of blood. I don't know if the teacher can refine these two pieces for me..."

"Two drops?"

Luo Feng smiled.

Since returning from the white wing, I have used my extremely high contribution value to exchange a large amount of precious materials from the refining treasures to the white wings! When the white wing swallowed many materials, the damage on the damaged part of it recovered. In the process of recovery, it also expelled a pool of blood. After the blood was expelled, it also condensed a drop of blood.

Now, I have two drops of blood.

Before the war with the Yaozu, the boat of the tomb was carrying a drop of blood, and the Star Tower was also carrying a drop of blood.

"Thinking of beauty." Sitting on the mountain and shaking his head, "I said, you kill a cosmic master, I will help you refine a treasure. This is your first time... materials are not precious, The teacher helped you out. I want to refine two pieces? Wait until you kill another master of the universe."

"Teacher." Luo Feng said. "The demon race, I killed one on the spot, and I used the tomb of the tomb to collect three! The three are now dead..." This should be my kill. Let's go. ”

"Dead? Is it dead in the initial universe?" Sitting on the mountain and shaking his head, "Not counting, this is to suppress the killing with the original cosmic origin, not to kill you."

Luo Feng is speechless.

"Well, this is a treasure, nothing else is useless, no more nonsense, even this teacher will not help you." Sitting on the mountain directly.

Luo Feng can only bow down and say yes.

The mountain stalker immediately took out his cyan mountain peak, and the blood of the **** dripped on the cyan mountain peak, and was quickly led by the blame mountain peak.

"Three days later, I will give you a treasure." Sitting on the mountain directly, after leaving, you have to go.

"Teacher." Luo Feng said, "The disciple got the inheritance of the broken Donghe, teacher you..."

"Hey, break the Dong River and pass it on?" The mountain passenger turned his head and looked at Luo Feng. "Why, under the will of the source, can you see how to get rid of the reincarnation?"

Luo Fengyi: "No."

"If you can't, then it's useless!" The mountain guest shook his head. "On the refining treasure, look at the universe. I dare say it is the first. Unless it is a message of detachment, it will be useless to me! I am only now. That step... how to break through that step..."

Luo Feng squatted his eyes.


I wanted to tell the teacher about the message about the strongest of the universe inherited from the Donghe River. I didn’t expect to sit down and take care of the mountain.

"When you arrive at my level, you know that by the last step, the so-called experience message is useless." Sitting on the mountain, he said, "Like your chaotic city teacher, it is estimated that it is stuck in the last step, only breakthrough. In order to become the strongest in the universe, the cultivation experience you get at this time is useless to him. The cultivation experience is only useful to the strong who have not cultivated to the limit and who do not know the path to cultivation, and are useless to me. ”

"and also……"

"Although it is useless to me, but the original universe, I am afraid that the other ones exist, and none of them can reach the limit of the strongest universe. Even if it is a fallen axe, he is very strong, but it is not the limit of the strongest in the universe. It was the original ancestor who reached the limit. If he was not crushed by the town, he might be able to get rid of the reincarnation now.” The mountain lord solemnly stared at Luo Feng. “The ones who are the most powerful are eager to get rid of the reincarnation, so Be careful to be alert to them, even the old beast gods and the three great ancestors who have a good relationship with you are equally vigilant."

"Yes." Luo Feng was in a tight heart.

"Haha, as for me, it is a visitor." The mountain guest laughed and disappeared in the endless space storm.

Luo Feng stood in the distance, quietly thinking for a long time.

Luo Feng has been staying on the earth and waiting silently. Three days later, the mountain guest came and brought the treasure of his refining success.


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