Swallowed Star

Vol 25 Chapter 3: Black prison and delay

In the smashed small universe, the time of decay and collapse is counted in the cycle of reincarnation, making it like a half sieve. Except for the missing half, the small universe itself has almost all kinds of large or small holes on the membrane wall. The internal chaotic airflow is as rich as the outside world.

"哗~~" The boat of the tomb was easily passed through a hole in the wall of a cosmic membrane.

In the broken universe, a piece of collapse, you can also see some bodies, space debris floating.

"Since the founder of the giant axe fell, I immediately set off to enter the cosmic sea. It has been nine days since now! In just nine days, the news is not leaking." Luo Feng in the tomb of the tomb of the control hall, in the heart But it is a bit nervous, this transaction is really too important for today's troubled humans.

"I hope not to have an accident!"

"Never!" Luo Feng secretly said.

"The Galaxy Lord! I have already found you, and this is coming." The message was sent to the token.

Luo Feng hand-copied the token, and also consciously said: "I am waiting for you here."

At the same time, it also sweeps around, and the boat of the tomb is naturally not obstructed. It is easy to see the outside scene and soon see a huge black sè polygon sphere in the distant place. The black sphere is only a teleport. Brush, it has already reached about 10 million kilometers from the tomb of the tomb.

"Galaxy Lord, you will give me the stone of memory, I will give you two pieces of Xingqiang Zhibao."

"Northern Star Master, since I have already arrived at this, I believe that both of you and I have the sincerity of trading, then talk nonsense." With the booming sound, the hatch of the tomb of the tomb was actually opened, Luo Feng Standing on the door with a stone knife, "I am here. You will throw two pieces of the Supreme Treasure, and I will give you the stone of memory."

"If you are the lord of the Milky Way, don't you give it?" The huge black sè sphere suddenly broke through a gap and there was a passage. The northern true star came out of it. Just a step, it was already at the door of the tomb. outer.

One is inside the hatch.

One is in the void outside the hatch.

Both look at each other.

"This is the stone of memory." Luo Feng held a stone of memory in his right hand. "Believe me, I will give me two pieces of Xeon Zhibao."

The North Star Master looked at Luo Feng in front of him. At this moment, how close is it?

He has an impulsive hand.

But he knows that this Luo Feng had a strong strength before he accepted the inheritance. In the "basic inheritance, since it can defeat the blood-stained, the deer, and so on, it will eventually become the inheritor. It is bound to create the most in the universe. The secret tactics of the strong level! Coupled with the one-on-one means of the core inheritance, he is afraid that he is really not sure to win this Luofeng.

What's more, Luo Feng is in the cabin, I am afraid that a thought, the door can be dropped.

"it is good!"

The Northern Star Master threw a world ring.

Luo Feng’s hand, the surface of the fiery red sè seems to have a ring of flames falling on the palm of the hand, and the divine power is quickly branded, and it is easy to drill in. In the world of the world ring, only two strongest treasures are seen. Standing on the vast wilderness, one is a black sè pyramid shape, and the other is a huge long stick.

"It's really true." Luo Feng said, "In the beginning, the rule must be that there must be a palace class that is strong and treasured. The East Emperor Holy Land does not dare to slip, and got this "black prison tower!" But the other one is simply an attacking class that is so strong that it is only a treasure. Even I have never heard of its existence. It should be the internal reserve of the East Emperor. ”

Although it has not been seen, it can be judged from the breath, this long stick is indeed the supreme treasure.

Xeon to Baofeng...

The palace class is extremely precious, and the attack class is obviously worse.

"This world ring is specially made by the ancestors of the East Emperor's Holy Land." The North Star Master laughed. "The strongest treasures are extremely strong even if they are naturally distributed. The general world ring is afraid of this pressure." Will crash."

"The ancestors personally refined?" Luo Feng smashed the ring and nodded. "These two pieces are strong and powerful, are there any other details?"

"The lord of the Milky Way, you see the stone of memory." The Northern Star Master even laughed, while the eyes were always staring at the memory stone of Luo Feng's other hand.

"Good to say." Luo Feng throws it away.

call out!

The stone of memory quickly flew away.

The northern true star master reached out and grabbed it, and he only let out a sigh of relief.

"These two details of the strongest treasure?" Luo Feng looked north to the true star master.

"The two pieces are the most powerful, and the other is the black prison tower. You must know the lord of the Milky Way. The other one is called "Yan Yan." As for the details of the two of them, once they recognize the Lord, they are naturally aware. "Northern Star Star Road.

"Is the confession condition?" Luo Feng asked.

"Recognizing the Lord is only demanding the will." The Northern Star Master explained that "the Black Prison Tower, if it is the Lord of the Universe, must have the will of the strongest in the universe. As for the Yankee to be normal, the Lord of the Universe There is "the cosmic king's will to the will". The most natural nose of the universe has the strongest will of the universe."

The peak nodded.

From the recognition of the conditions, in fact, we can also see that some treasures are precious, although most of them have requirements for the will, but the degree of demand is different.

The black prison tower, the conditions of the confession are obviously higher than the "long sticks, high points.

However, Wu Wuyi claimed that the cosmic sage had "the strongest will in Yu... and it was better than the black prison tower!"

As for "Star Tower,.

The Star Tower actually requires more terrible!

The landlord, you have to have the cosmic lord's peak will come over! As for the request for immortality, Luo Feng is not clear. In short, the mountain guest said that the universe, the Lord of the universe, and so on, did not recognize the Lord! And once the confession of the Lord fails, it will die. The conditions are obviously better than "Wu Wu Yu Yi,

Still harsh!

Although Luo Feng has seen a lot of treasures so far, Xeon Zhibao knows a lot, but it never appears, ...., the case of acknowledging the failure of the Lord must die.

and so……

Luo Feng has always felt that from the point of view of the harsh conditions of the Lord, the Star Tower should be more terrible and special. Only nowadays, the Star Tower is still quite satisfactory, and it has not been found to be too special. And "Wu Wu Yuyi, the power is not ordinary, the incomplete Wu Yu wing is so strong, of course, "Wu Wu wings, is a mechanical flow, was originally good at extraordinary outbreaks, but unfortunately the most important "source, temporarily Not willing to use.

"If this stone of memory makes me satisfied with the ancestor of the East Emperor, there will be another transaction." The North Star star stood in the void, watching Luo Feng in the hatch "I hope the lord of the Galaxy, don't let us ancestor Disappointed."

"Reassured, will not be disappointed." Luo Fengdao.


The North Real Star smiled and nodded, then turned and took a step, and it had already reached the crack entrance of the distant polygon black sè sphere, and then the entire black sè giant sphere disappeared out of thin air, apparently teleported away.


The door of the tomb of the tomb was dropped.

Luo Feng sighed with relief.

"Everything is going well, no accidents, two pieces of Xeon to the treasure." Luo Feng returned to control the hall, recalling the expression of the former North Star master, Luo Feng wanted to laugh.

He can see that...

The North Star Master actually has an impulsive impulse. However, there is no "1 small universe. The strength of the Northern Real Star is only moderate in the strongest of the universe, and it does not grasp itself."

"If you rush into the boat of the tomb, I will close the door and hit the dog." Luo Feng secretly.

Anyone who is the strongest in the universe is even more powerful. As long as he enters the tomb of the tomb, he is destined to fall.


All ethnic groups know the dangers in the boat of the tomb, and no one will come in.

Virtual universe, the thunder of the island.

The Chaos City Lord is sitting at a wooden round table, with a screen floating in front of him, and a lot of information flowing through the screen, all of which are recent human races. Since the fall of the founder of the giant axe, the chaotic city owner has always been concerned with all aspects. Now the entire human race is bringing a large number of immortal gods to the original universe at high speed.

However, the human domain is vast and it takes a long time to concentrate.

Even if it has been the most efficient action, relying on the transmission of the gods, etc., it will take a long time to consume energy, after all, the points are too scattered.

"Teacher." Next to a figure, it is Luo Feng.

When Chaos City Lord saw Luo Feng, his eyes lit up and he even asked: "How?"

"Everything went well, and the strongest to the treasure." Luo Feng smiled. "I have already acknowledged the Lord's investigation. These two pieces of Xeon Zhibao are not bad."

Although it is better to look at the conditions of the Lord, it is worse than Wu Yuyi.

The higher-quality baby can play out to be considered high, and for the strongest in the universe, a supreme treasure with six secret lines, and a supreme treasure with nine secret lines are the same! Because the extra-three secret secret universe is the strongest, there is no hope to drive.

"One is the black prison tower." Luo Feng smiled. "You know the special xing teacher of the black prison tower.

It is a real treasure. Another name is the Yankee stick, which is a strong attacking weapon, and the Yankee stick can also play a part of the armor. ”

Holding the Yankee stick, the material of the Yankee stick will naturally extend, covering the whole body and forming armor.

Although not as good as the real Xeon Zhibao armor.

But it can also rival the level of madness and destruction of the gods.

"Extending the crowbar, focusing on strength." Luo Feng explained that "is to attack with extremely terrible gravity. As the divine power urges the secret lines to be stronger, the crowbar will become heavier and more terrifying."


Chaos City Lord frowned, nodded. "So, there is no doubt that the Black Prison Tower should be suitable for your uncle Dark Lord. His strength is special, just fit the black prison tower. As for the Yankee stick... it is more suitable for Penggong. The Lord, the top of the human race, is also the Lord of Penggong, who is very good at weapons like this."

"The Lord of Darkness? The Lord of Pengong?" Luo Feng glimpsed.

"Teacher!" Luo Feng said, "Your strength is recognized by my family. Once it is matched with the strongest treasure, it will be the sixth-order top. That black prison tower, the teacher you should have, and this palace is supreme." The important thing is defense, so anyone can use it, there is no suitable for it."

Whether it is the status of the chaotic city owner in the human race, or Luo Feng's own feelings, I hope that the chaotic city owner will use this black prison tower.

Can't always...

The master of the initial universe "Chaotic City Lord, a supreme treasure is not, and Luo Feng, the Lord of Penggong, the Lord of Darkness have a strong and powerful treasure.!

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