Swallowed Star

Vol 24 Chapter 19: Sworn


When the East River was broken, the three reincarnation eras gathered in the corridor of life and death, and all the strongmen of the two holy places were all trembled. In addition to the Hongmeng, all other strong people had anxious, angry, Unwilling to wait for a variety of emotions, the long-term study made them think that Luo Feng, who had only been a leader for a year or two, did not have much threat, but they did not expect that the first one to meet the requirements turned out to be Luo Feng!

"The trouble is big."

"This is bad."

"The abominable human being, hateful, the first ancestor has already told us to desperately want to win the inheritance." Those strong ones are angry and anxious.

The group of cosmic gods in the Purple Moon Holy Land are also transmitting to each other. The Lord of the Deer's Worms is also frowning. "I can't help. From the beginning, this Donghe River is very preferential to this Luofeng. Now Luo Feng is The first one to meet the requirements of the Rhythm Bureau, the so-called faster is faster, continue, his advantage is likely to grow bigger and bigger! By the time we want to get the possibility of inheritance is even smaller"

"The Lord of Deer, or else, have we killed this Luofeng?"

"Yes, the Lord of the Deer, we killed him."

"I would rather be killed by the East River... I have to kill Luo Feng and destroy their human opportunities."

The main body of the deer worm is the three voices. "Don't worry, this is not only anxious for us, but the East Emperor's Holy Land is just as anxious. The most anxious thing is the first round of the era. If they face the big limit, Luo Feng will win this inheritance. They ruined their chances of being detached from the first round of the era. They will act! Moreover, in my opinion, it is difficult to break the palace of light and shadow."

All major forces have quietly thought about it.

The East River is indifferent and overlooks the parties. It continues: "The human Milky Way has my secret law. Even if you attack, you can't break the guard and hurt him. So don't send it to death! Enlighten the time of the Rhythm Bureau. It’s still a long time to work. The more the solution, the more opportunities you have to inherit.”

"If anyone can solve the 6,000 games, then I will directly get the inheritance of my Dongjiang River!"

Broken Dong River glances below.

The parties are very calm, because about 6000 stations, every batch of candidates will come to the East River when they come in. The newcomers are still very enthusiastic at first, but the real enlightenment will find that they want to get 6,000 innings. That is so hard and incredible, it is a dream.

"6000 Bureau? It is much harder. I am just now enlightening the 100th. God sighs that "the old seven is stuck in the bottleneck of the 1000th." Every 1000 innings is a leaps and bounds, and this 1001st and 2,000th innings is more difficult. I don't know what the minimum bottom line is. I realized that the 1005 game is the highest among my gods, but I still have not reached the bottom line requirement of the East River. ”

"Kona Luofeng has met the requirements. Is it more than Luo Feng to enlighten me?"

"Or, the requirements of the Lord of the Universe and the strongest of the universe are different?" The second God is so speculative.

Broken Donghe looked at Luo Feng and said: "Human Galaxy, you are only going to meet my bottom line requirements, continue to work hard! The more the solution, the better..."

"Yes, the East is the same as the adults." Luo Feng slightly covered.

Broken Donghe nodded.


Immediately disappeared and disappeared, and the entire life and death corridor was in utter disappointment, and each of them discussed it.

Luo Feng glanced around and saw a lot of resentment, grievances, killings, etc. that the strong guys looked at. He couldn’t help but laugh: “Want to kill me? Even though I will never give up! Just like the years before. If you attack, you will not fight back."


"嚣 system."


Many powerful powers have no way to gnash their teeth, but they dare to attack before, but now... the East River is broken, but once the attack is directly eliminated, kill it! Moreover, the East River is even more convinced that the strong shadows of the shadows can not be broken.

"Ha ha" Luo Feng smiled, his eyes swept over the one who had attacked him before, and the provocation in his eyes was so obvious.

This made the heads of the universe more angry, but they understood that Luo Feng was doing this deliberately... If they attacked, it was the trap of Luo Feng.

"Before I was willing to attack me, I am afraid now." Luo Feng shook his head and sighed under the eyes of the three major reincarnations and the nearly 100,000 families of the two holy places. "It’s ridiculous, my Luo Feng time is precious, too. I am too lazy to waste with you, I will continue to enlighten, and this inheritance is inevitable."

After talking about Luo Feng, he sat down on his knees and silently realized.

I saw the miméng gold sè light and shadow palace enveloped Luo Feng, it is like a huge canopy.

The strong people of all ethnic groups, especially the first round of the era and the two holy places, have strong people close to the light and shadow palace, they can sense the breath of their shudder! There is no doubt that the guardianship of this secret law is absolutely terrible. The masters of these universes have lost their confidence before they have done so.

The heart is anxious and angry but there is no way, which makes them even more hateful of this Luofeng!

"Oh, the chance of taking my family off the reincarnation is awful!"


I stared at Luo Feng one by one.

Luo Feng glanced around, then grinned and closed his eyes and looked too lazy.

He has long been a target of public!

Since the East River showed his eyes on him, the major forces were attacking him. Since he had already torn his face, there is no need to pay attention.

In the face of real opportunities, it is time to go forward without retreating! There is no need to manage the inheritance of this one by one, I have to set up Luo Feng! !

Are you angry? Are you threatening?

The threat is threatening.

I am afraid of a fart!

Instead, I will do my utmost to go to the Rhinoceros Bureau at a faster speed, and I must get this inheritance!

The virtual universe, the mist of the mi, and the stone pillars are topped with three-dimensional virtual shadows.

Luo Feng is standing in front of the three-dimensional virtual shadow of the 1001 Bureau of the endgame, and the white robe man not far from the side is watching the 2001 Bureau.

"Luo Feng."

"Luo Feng, hahaha."

"You don't tell us about these happy events." I saw several figures suddenly appearing not far away. It is the founder of the giant axe, the human race group headed by the chaotic city owner, and the Lord of Darkness.

The Lord of the Ice Peak, the Lord of the Sorrow, the Lord of the Dragon, and so on, all of them are happy.

Luo Feng got up and greeted.

"I just waited." The founder of the giant axe laughed and sounded Lang Lang. "You actually reached the request to break the East River. You are the first to meet the requirements! The so-called faster is faster, the longer the time, your advantage. On the contrary, it will be bigger. This time inherits your hopes the most, now don't care about anything else, regardless of the threat of those forces, big deal, our human race has been in the original universe, haha, as long as this inheritance, my human race will be It is very possible to go beyond the two holy places. I have never heard of it, the two holy places will pay so much attention to a heritage." Chao also nodded "don't care about the other, one heart to seize the inheritance!"

"Yes, teacher." Luo Feng also nodded and grinned. "They don't have any way to interrupt me now."

"Good, good, good, I will not bother. You continue to enlighten!"

"We just congratulate you." The Lord of Darkness also has a rare smile. "This is the greatest opportunity for me. This is a rare opportunity for hundreds of thousands of reincarnation times. I missed the biggest sin."

"Just look at you." Shouted the Lord of the Hou.

The Lord of the Ice Peak is also encouraged by the side.

The strong group of them said to Luo Feng on the side, but they included Luo Feng, but they did not find the white robe man standing silently next to him.

"All the human race can only rely on them to fight, but I can only look around.

The white robe man shook his head gently, sighing, and the endless years came. He looked at the human race and encountered some crises, but there was no way because he was unable to go out because of the permanent 〖township pressure.

Because of this, although the original ancestors often went to various places, even when he was meeting with the human ethnic group and the Hongmeng meeting, he did not know that he was there!

The virtual universe is the master of the virtual universe.

In the virtual universe, he can do anything.

"Luo Feng, try to do it." The white robe man whispered, let him have the strength of the heavens, and the confrontation with the original cosmic source made him feel a lot. He was more powerful in the years of permanent 〗 〖 Today, he even has a full grasp of the reincarnation. But it was late and was pressed by the permanent 〗 〖, can not do anything.

"The original universe, I will not be willing to bow."

"will not!"

"Even if there is only one chance, I will fight to the end!" The white robe man passed the terrible light in his eyes, then turned his head and looked at the Rhinoceros Bureau to study enlightenment.

As time passed, the tomb of the tomb was very quiet in the life and death corridor, and all the forces gathered here to study the Rhinoceros Bureau.

Luo Feng has been naturally more relaxed since he reached the end of the East River.

He also decided to change the way of enlightenment!

In the previous 500 years, he has been immersed in enlightenment. However, the more he studies the Rhinoceros Bureau, he will find that the Rhinoceros Bureau and the Secret Law have something in common. Luo Feng had been trying hard to solve the situation before, so he dared not try it. But now, Luo Feng decided that 80% of the time to study the Rhinoceros Bureau, 20% of the time to study the secret law in the secluded space of the ninth abyss.

The secret law, the rhinoceros bureau, compare each other!

It should be noted that from the ninth abyss to the black stone pillar space, it will take hundreds of years!

From the black stone column space to the icy ice field, it also costs hundreds of years!

In particular, the time flow rate of the black stone pillar is more than 3000 times. So the study of the secret pattern has been a long time, and even the "Beast God, Luo Feng has long been cultivated to the point where the seventh is close to Dacheng! The peak has even stopped and dare not continue to cultivate, because the cultivation is Dacheng!

Once Dacheng is sure, it will cross and become the master of the universe!

You have to get the white wings! Must be the cosmic identity!

I have to accept the Dongdong River heritage! The cosmic identity is afraid to be more favorable!

So the law... Luo Feng has long stopped practicing.

The mystery of the mystery has already reached the peak of the universe, creating the six most powerful secrets, and the closest to the creation of fusion is also close.

"80% of the time to study the Rhinoceros Bureau."

"Two percent of the time to study the secret law." "Perhaps, comparing my speed of understanding with each other" Luo Feng secretly said, "And I have to occasionally take some time to continue to sharpen the will, I will never break through to the strongest of the universe if the will Then change to a new level, I can study the secret law faster."

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