Swallowed Star

Vol 24 Chapter 11: First ancestor

There are only two great holy universes in the universe that can be removed from the reincarnation. They are the Ziyue Holy Land Universe and the East Emperor Holy Earth Universe. They have a long history, a strong power, and a profound foundation. Naturally, no one knows the existence. How long is the East Emperor Holy Land universe.

The universe of the East Emperor, there is "the endless gods."

The endless gods gather the immortal gods of the entire Holy Land universe, the nine hundred and nine cosmic sages, the masters of all universes, and the strongest of the universe. The whole endless gods are beautiful, peaceful and peaceful, and there are countless buildings of various civilized styles. All kinds of rare huā grass plants can be seen everywhere.

"Ang! Hey! Hey! Pieces! Hey!!" The endless gods 〗 〖Central, is a green tree that runs through the entire realm of the gods, always making a sound, passing in all directions.

The ancient trees are ancient and green, straight into the sky, surrounded by a large number of vines carved like jade, under the wind blowing, slightly dàng squatting, sending out a burst of Linghun hunmi drunk voice, I saw this ancient tree under the knees Sitting in a group of people, at first glance, I can't see the end, people are crowded.

"Boom!" The whole tree suddenly burst into flames.

"Boom!" Then it turned into endless red light.

"Boom!" The big tree sheds endless black light.

"Boom!" turned into endless blue light.

"Boom!" The last is the dazzling golden light.

Then the whole ancient tree is surrounded by a layer of aperture, five layers of aperture, dazzling, and the whole endless gods can be seen for a time.

"The ancestor tree!" "The ancestor tree is now five s glory, the first ancestor to appear." "The ancestor is going to show up."

"The first ancestor!"

The infinity of the gods, sitting in the knees under this ancient tree, immortal, the universe, and even the Lord of the universe, at this moment, seeing the five sè apertures of the ancestral tree, surrounded by a lot of airflow... could not help them shock Ji movements, some immortal gods immediately burst into tears, some crouching ji trembling.

The first ancestor!

The universe of the East Emperor Holy Land is endless! The ancestor "East Emperor, is the supreme existence of the universe of the entire Holy Land."

However, the ancestors of the endless years of the "East Emperor, but as if they do not exist, rarely appear, even a lot of "the Lord of the universe, live a lot of reincarnation, have not seen the ancestor East Emperor! Not to mention the outer universe is in the outer universe, and no one has ever seen the two ancestral universe ancestors.

Therefore, the original ancestor is called the first strongest in the universe!

However, if the two sacred ancestors of the two holy places have long been detached from the reincarnation, they are certainly better than the original ancestors. But no one has ever seen it, even within the two holy places of the universe, it is extremely difficult to see their ancestors. The ancient "East Emperor, the number of appearances is even less pitiful, and every time he appears, the ancestral tree will be radiant.

"The ancestor is going to show up!"

"The first ancestor!"

The masters of the universe in their respective palaces were shocked and moved.

"I have been born until now in 82 eras of reincarnation. I have never seen the ancestor, and the ancestor has finally appeared." A master of the universe is extremely motivated, even his disciples are not allowed to take care of it. The ancestral tree rushed.

"The last time I saw the ancestor was before the 119 reincarnation era."

"The ancestors appeared!"


The whole endless world of God is in a state of madness. As the soul of the oldest holy earth, they have the pride in their bones. Even faintly look down on the purple moon holy universe! From the "Sacred Earth universe, the size can also be seen their ancestors of the East Emperor, I am afraid to be stronger than the purple ancestor ancestor!

Absolute pride, and at the same time they are extremely adored by the ancestors of the East.

A stream of light appeared and gathered under the ancestral tree.

A strong man is suspended in the air, and the courage to float in the air is the Lord of the universe or the strongest in the universe! At first glance, hundreds of thousands of people exist in the air around the ancestral tree, all respectful, waiting for their supreme ancestor.

"Ang! Hey! Hey! Pieces! Hey! Huai!" The inexplicable voice suddenly rang loudly.

Every strong man in the room was intoxicated by this voice, including the strongest of those universes.

In the strange vocal music, an incomparably dazzling figure appeared in the air. The robes he wore had numerous green branches and leaves, and the leaves exuded the endless méngméng's blue light. The blue light contained rich vitality and only the endless blue light shrouded. Underneath, the hundreds of millions of strong people waiting underneath, feel very comfortable.

Even if the injured body is damaged, it will recover completely in an instant.


All creatures, whether immortal or the strongest in the universe, wake up at the same moment, and then all respectfully shouted: "The first ancestor!"

It was quiet, and all the creatures were watching the ancestors of the East.

The East Emperor overlooks the lower body and looks obscured under the endless blue light bath. Even the strongest of the few universes, hundreds of cosmic masters feel invisible absolute oppression.

"I have heard that in the universe of the three great Jedi of the universe, there is a heritage named "Dongdonghe, Wu, the inheritance, can there be?" "East Emperor slowly said.


Hundreds of masters of the universe and the strongest in the universe respect each other.

They just received the news, but everything that happened in the Holy Land universe could not be concealed by the "East Emperor....

"This is the inheritance of the East Slip Wu. In that powerful ancient civilization, it is also a top-notch inheritance! I am the northern true star master, you personally **** 20 cosmic masters, 200 cosmic sages,

2000 immortal! They rushed to the space boat at the fastest speed and sent them to 闯dàng to win the inheritance. "The emperor ordered.

The white robe man was respectful in front of him.

The northern true star owner, extremely ancient, as the strongest of the universe, naturally became the strongest in the universe in the primitive universe. And the ancestor of the East Emperor is also a time of existence. Only his small universe has long since decayed, and he can only live on the roots of the Holy Land.

“Can there be volunteers?” The East Emperor looked down. “There is only one that can be accepted, and others are in danger.”

"I am willing."


"I am willing to go."


Almost instantaneously, a large number of cosmic sages and immortal gods crouching underneath shouted, and the total number of cosmic hosts in midair was not many, and there were dozens of voluntarily shouting.

"The elders negotiated and set a detailed list." East Emperor overlooked the bottom, slowly said "must be set at the fastest speed, the fastest speed to the universe boat! 20 universe masters, 200 universe sages, 2000 Try to immortal together, that is the inheritance of the East River, I must get the East Emperor universe. I need this inheritance!" "Yes!"

One piece in unison, the sound is full of ji movements.

What does East Emperor need?

This suddenly makes the countless strong people below even more fanatical.

Just have a cup of tea.

The North Star Master rides in a dazzling polygonal black sè sphere, advancing at high speed in the universe.

"I have not entered the universe of the sea in more than 10 reincarnation eras." "I have appeared, I must let my East Emperor universe win this inheritance." The same day.

When the message was passed to the Ziyue Holy Land universe, the same mysterious ancestor Ziyue, finally in the world, gave orders, and must inherit the inheritance of the East River.

"Yes." "Yes, the first ancestor."

"This inheritance must be our holy place in Ziyue, the owner of the deer worm is already there, and we have the greatest advantage." "Start!"

"According to the ancestor command, 1,500 immortal, 150 sages, and 15 cosmic lords all rushed, the strongest of the universe is on the road, the speed is naturally very fast.,...

The gods who are close to the power of the two holy places are even more crazy.

The Seven Great Gods, the incarnations gathered together.

"This is our only chance."

"The deadline is coming."

"The inheritance of this broken Donghe must be obtained. The complete inheritance we got at the beginning, and the Dongdong River are a lot worse than the Dongdong River! And from the saga of the shadows and witches, the endless years after the fall of the East River The means that can be used are so terrible, and we can see one or two. "I suspect that not only the Lord of the universe can accept inheritance, but the cosmic sage and the strongest in the universe can accept it."

The seven great avatars gathered in the void and talked to each other.

"I am willing to go, even if I am in danger, I have the palace to be strong and treasure! It is the strongest in the universe... I don't believe it. After the endless era of the East River, the means left behind can kill me. "The seventh true Lord opened.

"I am going with the old seven." The first God slowly nodded.

"The first God."


"First God, how can you go, even if this failure, the most important thing for you to rely on is the reincarnation."

"God's eyes, can't be chaotic." Suddenly awkward.

The first true is the strongest of the whole gods, and he ventures. If it is fallen, it is not good.

"On strength, I am worse than the original ancestors, even if compared with the founder of the giant axe, I am afraid that it will be almost the same." The first true sighs "can be reincarnation...

The success of the Endless Reincarnation era is only the ancestor of the two great holy universes! I can't even surpass the original ancestor and the giant axe. This time, I am afraid that it is the last chance of my **** eye. "No matter what, God can't mess with the eyes, I go with the old seven." Send more cosmic masters and cosmic lords! ”

"Well, the second child, the old seven, this time we will rely on them."

Soon everything is arranged properly.

The gods of the eye sent two second trues, the seventh true master, and led the full 20 universe masters,

The 100 universe lords went to the universe boat, and for the eyes of the gods, it was already red-eyed.

A stock force is indeed a fanatic, especially in the first round of the era, it has faced a big limit and is naturally more crazy. The second round of the era, the original universe is also the same,

The so-called people have no worries and must have near-worry. This so-called broken Donghe inheritance, missed this time, I am afraid that there will be no more times in the next rounds of the cycle.

If the major forces know the ancestor of the two great sacred universes, they are all ordered to appear, I am afraid that nearly 100 forces in the three major reincarnation era will be even more fanatical. @.

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