Swallowed Star

Vol 24 Chapter 5: My name is Donghe* Wu

The peak is not nonsense, and keeps the speed of the streamer. After a turn, the front is a huge and beautiful door. The whole door is made of gold and green, and the whole body has a noble meaning, which will only make countless creatures feel high. I don’t dare to enter the heart.

The main will of Luo Feng and the deer worm are extremely firm and pushed almost at the same time.


The door opens.

"Control room!" Pushing in the door, inside is a vast and beautiful hall, there are many ornaments on the ground, and some ornaments are hanging on the wall.


As soon as Luo Feng entered, he did not hesitate to shoot a lot of silk power lines. He rushed toward the whole hall in all directions, and there was a trace of madness in his eyes. Although Luo Feng could not recognize the core of control, but in this tomb The boat is very safe, without the destruction of the external environment, then you can completely imprint the mark of life, and instantly verify it once!

"I don't need to know which one is the control core, because I will try to recognize the Lord for all the items." Luo Feng looked at the owner of the deer worm not far away.

After the Lord of the Deer worm came in, he was identifying which is the control core.

Suddenly seeing Luo Feng so large and scattered a lot of divine power, could not help but be shocked: "Galaxy lord, what are you doing this distracting divine power?"

"What do you say?" Luo Feng smiled. "I can't see you as the owner of the deer, you can only use this stupid way."

"This is the boat of the tomb. Do you think that the method of acknowledging the Lord is to imprint the mark of life? Is it simple?" The main deer smirked, "Haha, I didn't tell you before, the real way to control the core!" ”

Luo Feng face sè slightly changed.


It is very complicated to recognize the Lord who is strong to the treasure. The control of the core of the tomb is a bit more complicated.

"Do you know why I am pulling you? In addition to the two reasons I mentioned before, the third reason is... the guys in the first round of the times, see more, maybe they know how to control the core "The deer's lord said, "They are my biggest enemy! Come on, have the ability to find the core of control, I will never interfere."

The mouth said, the Lord of the Deer is quickly exploring.

"Sure enough, I still have a hand." Luo Feng secretly said, all this is expected.

"Since it is difficult to find, then..." Luo Feng quickly made a decision. Most of the attention was placed on the main body of the deer, and the expression of the deer's lord was carefully observed to judge the target.

The main face of the deer worm has a smile, and the leisurely and self-satisfied is looking for the core of control. Soon, everything in the entire control room hall has been checked again, which makes the main face of the deer worm slightly changed, and he is even more Detailed inspection of every item in the entire hall, this face changes.

"How can it be!"

"How come?"

"Control the core, how is it not in the control room? Impossible!" The main body of the deer worm has a hint of anger, and it seems that many calculations become empty, making him very uncomfortable.

After all, the value of the boat of the tomb is almost as strong as a treasure.

It can't be broken alone, it is second only to the palace to the strongest treasure... plus the ability to enter the tomb. Even the Lord of the Deer's Worms... The only treasures that have been obtained since the endless years are better than the tombs of the Tombs - his deer worm. A boat of tombs is about to arrive and no more... How can you not be angry?

"The deer worm, you are afraid of miscalculation." Luo Feng whispered, "This control core, perhaps not in the control room."

"What do you know!" The main body of the deer snoring, "The control room is the place where the master of the tomb of the tomb is located. The ancient powerful civilization is a hierarchical position. This control room is the master, noble and incomparable. Other powerful people dare not be acquainted. You can see from the previous temple door... and the control core is always in the control room. This is the custom!"

"Convention? Have you seen a few tombs in the tomb?" Luo Feng shook his head and smiled.


"Well?" Luo Feng face sè slightly changed, turned to look at the temple door in the distance.

The owner of the deer worm also turned to look.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Four streams of light rushed into the temple door almost simultaneously.

The main face of the insect changed.

"Ha ha ha, Lord of deer worms, are you not stopping us? But this is a huge ship after all, there are many passages, and there are more than one passage to the core room." The Yi people are laughing in the sea. Full of ridicule.

"And it seems that the Lord of the Deer has not yet got control of the core."

"Hurry and find." The main voice of the actor.

The Lord of the Skull did not say a word and quickly began to look for the core of control.

The singer of the singer snorted and suddenly waved his arm. Suddenly, a lot of gold squirted in the air, and dropped a drop of gold and fell on every part of the hall.

"God eyes! ... is not a **** eye, but also know this verification method." Deer's Lord laughed.

"Do you think that you know the universe of your holy land?" The Lord of the Witches sneered, followed by a change in his face. "How come?"

After all, the gods are the first forces in the three major reincarnation eras, and they are very close to the universe of the two holy places. On the main level of the universe... the gods are weak. On the level of the strongest in the universe, the gods are more powerful than the two great holy universes. The information collected by the gods in the past three reincarnations is indeed very rich and knows a lot.

This drop of blood is a way to verify the core of control.

Once you've verified it, you can recognize the Lord. It is more complicated to recognize the Lord.

"No! There is no control core!" The Lord of the Shadows was also surprised. "How could this be?"

"Don't you have the Lord of the Deer's Worms?" The Lord of the Dais and the Seas burned a mad flame.

"If I get it, will I still stand here?" The Lord of Deer sneer.

"It’s weird."

"How can I not control the core?"

The six strong players in the field, scattered in this hall, have been suspicious for a time.

"Boom ~~~" An intangible energy suddenly came.

The Lord of the Deer, the Lord of the Shadows, the Lord of the Shadows, the Lord of the Witch, the Lord of the Sea, and the Lord of the Skull, the six of them turned their heads to look forward, which is above the main hall of the control room... There is an ancient throne, and at that moment the invisible energy gathers on the throne, gradually forming a blurred figure, and finally clear.

This is a seemingly ordinary human man.

Eyes, a nose, a mouth... two hands, two tui, black eyes, yellow skin, hair is green.

"Much like humans."

"It is also like the most ordinary people in the Holy Land of Purple Moon."

"There is no slight pressure..."

Luo Feng, six of them were shocked to see the vague figure.

The blue-haired human man sitting on the throne is wearing a simple armor with a huā pattern. At first glance, the armor seems to be a rushing endless river. He looks down at the bottom, his eyes are cold, and then he opens. : "I, named ... Broken Donghe * Wu!"

This made Luo Feng’s six surprises.

"Wu? Wu is a very honorable title in the ancient civilization. The name can be followed by the Wu... The status is unconventional." The Lord of the Shadows is very solemn.

"I know a little, but I also know a little bit, or don't say it. If you let the ancient civilization know, I am afraid that you will laugh at you." The deer worm smiled at him.

The Lord of Egypt looked coldly at the Lord of the Deer.

The blue-haired human man on the throne did not seem to find the situation below, but continued to be indifferent: "The younger generations of the endless cycle, when you saw me, I have fallen and I don’t know how many reincarnations. I started with the generals. With this final adventure, you know that it may not be a big one."


"This road is the most difficult road. Even the most powerful ships, even the brave and powerful strong, are still failing."

"When I expected to fail, I didn't want to break my inheritance."

"I, Broken Donghe * Wu! It is the 192th to break the East River! It is also the only descendant... The ancestors of all ages, all of them died in battle, to my hand, I have passed down for a long time. If I die... the inheritance is cut off in my hand. I am a ancestor of the ancestors of the past. This tomb of the tomb has been transformed by me, and the boat of the tomb is different. The tomb of the tomb is a place where there are more dangerous places."

"I can die."

"But the inheritance of the East River in the past is endless!"

"If you are afraid, you can leave now, otherwise you will be more dangerous once you set foot on this road! Especially in the end... When you come into contact with the true inheritance of the East River, you must only accept the inheritors to survive. Or one can't accept the inheritance, it's all fallen!"

"The sooner you leave, the safer you leave, the later you leave, and you are especially exposed to a trace of inheritance... Non-historic Broken Donghe, other creatures will watch the inheritance of me, then they will die!"

"Choose it, younger generations."

The sound dissipated and the figure on the throne dissipated.

For a time, the entire hall was suppressed, and there were six singers in the field, either crazy or ji, or worried.


Real heritage!

Why are the seven Great Gods of God's Eyes so powerful? It is because the gods of the eye have obtained a complete inheritance in the monuments, so that the seven great gods can exert their incomparably powerful strength once they join hands... So in the universe, the most precious is undoubtedly the complete inheritance that can be cultivated from low to high. !

And this inheritance... is the inheritance of the East River?

It sounds like this is a pulse of the East River, which should be a very strong spurt in the ancient civilization, each pulse has only one successor. The name can carry the word '吴'... even he can transform a boat of tombs, even listening to the tone, he followed the generals on this journey. So the so-called general, should be the general of the universe boat? His status should also be extremely high.

Obviously -

This inheritance of the East River is very precious.

This breaks Donghe himself to die, but also to inherit the inheritance! An ancient inheritance with endless and long-lasting... I am afraid that the ancestors of the past generations are stronger than this one. Therefore, it is even more difficult to judge this inheritance with the strength of 'Dongdonghe* Wu'. Perhaps this inheritance is still deeper, but this is not a practice.

No matter what, one of the total points... The inheritance of the Donghe River is definitely the most precious inheritance.

But once you set foot on this road, the ending is terrible.

Once you touch mo to a trace of inheritance...

"Either accept the complete inheritance, or die!" @.

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