Swallowed Star

Vol 23 Chapter 55: Message (the end of this article

Smooth rock walls, endless.

Luo Feng walked on foot and watched the stone carvings left on the rock wall.

"Even a space master represents a reincarnation era. It is far more than 10,000 reincarnated times, not to mention the fact that many strong people here lived in nearly three reincarnation times, and the former space owner died, black tokens were left behind, maybe It will take a long time for the next owner to get it." Luo Feng secretly.

Watch one by one.

And many of the strong have left their secret tricks, obviously this is the most energy they spend, and their hard work. Although I have reached the main level of the universe in mystery, and these secrets are almost always left by the Lord of the universe, only a few of them are the strongest of the universe, but they can still open their eyes.

Can the secret be created like this?

And what about these secrets?


Luo Feng walked under the rock wall and watched the taste all the way. Whenever he saw some secret patterns, he would rather stop for a moment.

"I, Feng Guling, the 20293 space master! I have seen the space masters, including me, there are a total of 9 universe strongest... Like them, before the big limit, I will also choose the reincarnation闯 , once, once, this time to go back to the reincarnation, the crisis is unlimited. I ventured in the mountains, I had a armor, the power is very strong, second only to the Xeon to the treasure. I will leave this crazy demon **** and some other peaks and treasures that I can't use, and stay here for the younger generation. I will re-enrich the maps of the three great places! This black token space...not to mention other, just for generations The maps left by the strong are rich in generations. Although there are more than ten times in the middle where the space owner ruined the map, most of the space owners are rich in maps, and hope that the younger generation can continue to enrich the map."

"I, the Lord of the Five Commandments, the space master of the 20294th! I am fortunate to have the treasures of Feng Guling's predecessors. I am very grateful. I will also enrich the map and leave some of my treasures here. My life. Ingenuity, the strongest is the extinction of the five beasts..." It is convenient to record the secret map.

Seeing this is the last.


Luo Feng instantly skyrocketed and flew directly to the heights of the entire mountain range, looking around the entire space.

"Where are the five treasures left behind?" Luo Feng watched carefully.

"Get up!"

Behind Luo Feng, a silver wing suddenly appeared. With the magical force driving the secret lines on the wing of Wu Yu, I saw the golden light of the moment spread. The entire independent space is large, but it does not exceed the 'golden country'. Explore the scope. The entire independent space is enveloped in an instant.

One thought has already looked at the entire independent space.

"Where is there a treasure?" Luo Feng shook his head. "The whole independent space, except for a map, there is no such thing. The five masters... It seems that all the treasures have been ran away."

Then the foot moved, and then went to the mountains in the distance. There were half transparent black crystal columns on the mountain. The whole crystal column exudes a faint glow. Luo Feng knows that according to the records of the space masters of the past, this crystal column It is the map bearing the object, with a map of the three great places.

Although a lot of inheritance has been broken in the middle, it is already a map of nearly 900 space owners. After each generation of space owners have recorded it, they will generally enrich their own maps.

"While the Wuyi left a last word, but it was still early from the limit, so he did not rush to leave the treasure here?" Luo Feng secretly guessed, and the fact is also true, the five-year-old owner does have a plan, From the last days of the big limit, most of the treasures are left here.

As for now?

It’s still early from the legacy!

"The treasure is nothing, this map is precious." Luo Feng step by step, the wind whistling, Luo Feng went against the wind, and quickly went to the front of the black crystal column, a little divine power, directly infiltrated into.

Three invisible three-dimensional pictures appear in my mind.

Three three-dimensional maps, namely the heavy mountain, the universe boat, and the peak!

“Good and detailed maps.” Luo Feng reveals a happy color. “The map of nearly 900 space owners is really extraordinary. It’s a pity that in the map inheritance of 20,000 space owners, there are more than ten space owners in the middle destroying the map. It’s really abhorrent, otherwise the map should be more detailed.”

桀Vanzi is awesome.

The ‘the map of the universe’ that is left behind by Van Gogh’s remains is much simpler than the map contained in the black crystal column.

However, although nearly 900 space owners have successively rich maps, only one of the nearly 900 space owners is the strongest - Feng Guling! So the inner domain is extremely detailed, but the core land is very vague, just a few places.

"I also enriched my map." Luo Feng did not hide, and quickly enriched it.

And I will record the maps of the three Jedi that I know myself, and I will record them in the drawing.


Standing at the top of the mountain, Luo Feng held the drawing of the wire and quickly recorded it. After one breath was recorded, he carefully observed the three maps in the enriched drawing.


"This..." Luo Feng's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but hold his breath. The more he saw it, the more excited he was, and his hand could not help but tremble.

"Ha ha ha ... five 浑 浑 five 浑, you really treat me not thin, sent me crazy demon god, and sent me this black token." Luo Feng laughed, excited, "I have been Worries, troubles, how to get the treasures left by the 桀Vanzi, the treasures left by the 桀Vanzi are placed in the cyan token space. It is at the border of the core area of ​​the universe, where it is extremely dangerous... even now, I Did not grasp the past."

"But you, you sent this black token."

"Let me get a richer map."

Luo Feng is very excited.

He also feels the same at the moment, and understands why the strong people in the universe are so attached to the map. There are many detailed routes inside the three great places where the crisis is recorded, and the dangerous maps of each area are recorded in detail... It is so important that I did not know how to get the treasures of the Vatican before.

The map, which is rich in nearly 900 space owners, has very few records on the core, but most of the routes are recorded in the inner domain. It’s better than the map of the Vatican’s map.

"The cyan token space is the deepest part of the inner domain, the end of the core land."

“The more you go, the more dangerous it is.”

"The newly available maps are extremely detailed. From my trip to the blue-red token space, there is a safer route." Luo Feng did not dare to go before, because he was staring at the star tower and the silver wing, fearing that he would be trapped in some Jedi can't get out, can't it be done, please ask the mountain to help?

I am not so cheeky, if I ask the teacher for an anecdote, it is too much.

Now that I have a more detailed map, I am sure to go there.

I really need treasures... because the ‘white wings’ that are inevitable are broken, and they need to be swallowed up with precious materials and even restored to the peak. The perfect six pairs of wings to the treasure, is a terrible treasure... Even in my opinion, there are few comparable to the Xeon to the treasure!


"Map is at hand."

"Then I will set off immediately and go to the blue-red token space." Luo Feng nodded. "I just need to leave a demon squad in this tempering will! Anyway, there are 16 black stone columns, one of which is black." The stone pillar is the ancestor of the blood orchid, and no other strong person is willing to go there. There is also a black stone pillar which is the main star of the beigu star, but it is a collection of a large number of idle universe masters. As for me... you can choose other black stripes. Shizhu, I am alone in retreat, and there is no field exploration around the black stone pillars, but it also saves trouble."

Then Luo Feng smiled and directly turned into a streamer, leaving an arc in midair and flew to the end of the smooth rock wall.

The owner of the 20293th space is Feng Guling, who is the strongest person in the universe, leaving some treasures such as the mad devil.

The owner of the 20294th space is the owner of the Five Commandments.

"Ha ha..."

Luo Feng stood in front of the rock wall and suddenly smiled. Then he pointed his right hand, and a golden light appeared directly in his finger. He pierced into the rock wall and began to write freely. He directly wrote human lingua franca, but his powerful The will is poured into it, and even if you don't know the words, you can understand its meaning.

"I, the lord of the Milky Way, the owner of the 20295th space! I killed the deity of the former owner of the space, the lord of the five lords, and got his madness and black tokens. So it is a pity that I did not give it to me." The Lord is in this opportunity to store the treasure." Luo Feng fingers waving, Jin Mang carved a text, then suddenly stopped.

"Have half of it." Luo Feng whispered softly. "I have lived for more than a dozen days. I don't know how many times I am from a reincarnation era. This message will wait until the time comes, and then continue writing!"

"Ha ha ha ... the upper space master 'Feng Gu Ling' got the madness and destroys the gods but never used it, left it directly. It was obtained by the host of the space, and now I am getting it. Interesting, fun!" Feng smiled and put down his fingers, looked at the text, and sighed softly. "I don't know where I can go. Do you have to fall to the three reincarnation era before leaving the last words in this sadness?"

I even laughed.

Other strong people may be saddening narcissism, but they only cultivated a dozen or so eras. Who dares to say that they will achieve in the future?

"Ha ha ... then my Luo Feng, is annihilated in the long history of the universe, or create a holy universe, eternal existence." With the laughter Luo Feng turned into a streamer, flew directly to the distance, and quickly flew At the end of the independent space, this independent space emerged.


Flying out of the space secret room, the front is convenient and endless, piercing the black stone pillars deep in the dense fog.

"There is a Bellow star around the No. 2 black stone pillar. There are many other strong people. Many of them are. The black stone pillar around the 11th is quiet, and there is no strong one." Luo Feng did not waste time, turned into Silver rainbow light, quickly flew toward the 11th black stone pillar and continued to approach the past.

for a long time.

Landed on a boulder that eternally revolves around a black stone pillar.

"It has made me very uncomfortable, the pressure is very strong, and the time is accelerated to 3100 times." Luo Feng forced to hold, then waved a hand, a stone fell into the huge canyon under the foot, this high-speed flight The rock is like a continent, and the folds on it are like canyons and peaks.

"The genocide is separated, the naked eye is not discernible, and the field is unrecognized without exploration... You can sharpen your will in this peace of mind." Luo Feng secretly said.

"No one can find it."

"When my devil squad is automatically disintegrated, it is the moment when my will reaches the strongest in the universe." Luo Feng silently looked forward to, even if he flew away from this high-speed flying boulder, quickly went away, leaving this The black stone pillar space began to move deeper into the space boat...

At the end of this article, Luo Feng entered the universe and soon experienced some tempering. It is also considered that the wings are gradually full, but it is obviously far from the true plump.

I will stop for another day tomorrow (and go off with Saturday).

The day after tomorrow begins to update the new chapter!

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