Swallowed Star

Vol 23 Chapter 43: island

The huge mysterious pattern printed on the endless ice sheet suddenly rises to the sky.


The deep green sè peak disappeared from the air.

“This is a special means of transmission.” Sitting in the mountain is a smile. “It’s a bit like your star tower. There is a lot of space in your star tower. From one space to another, it will appear easily. A transmission channel. This is also a close way, just to make the transmission channel into a virtual non-condensing point."

Luo Feng listened, but there was still some doubt in his eyes, meaning he understood, but he could not understand.

"Haha, I said, in the three reincarnation eras, the two great holy universes, I fear that no more than three can be recognized. And they are not as fast as I am." The mountainman laughed, "even the most powerful universe." I don't understand, how can you understand, as long as you know, this is one of the capabilities of the universe boat itself. In fact, according to me... the universe boat is a magical treasure! Just more than we know. Strong to treasure, but also magical."

"I feel like it too." Luo Hao nodded.

"What makes you feel like this, the universe boat, the shape of the boat, the traces of refining are so obvious, most superpowers suspect that it is a terrible treasure. Well, the transfer is over." Take the mountain road.

The outside world is faint.

Time and space flow.

In a quiet space, sitting on a mountain peak appears by word.

"Look outside." Sitting on the mountain is far away from the outside world, and the deep blue sè itself is quickly turned into nothingness, without obstructing the line of sight.

"It's very beautiful, very simple space." Luo Feng looked at this space at a glance. In a huge lake, there is an island in the center of the lake. There are no plants on the island, and some are just beautiful. The stone palace is carved out, and the ancient palace is undulating.

"Teacher, I can feel that the two scales are in the lake." Luo Fengdao.

"I already know how you got these two scales." The mountainer points to the bottom. "This huge lake, the water of the lake... is the vast area of ​​ice water that is about three days away from this. Your two scales are falling into the ice water, perhaps through a hidden passage."

"Teacher, I will go down first." Luo Feng is very uncomfortable, and there is time to talk slowly with the teacher.

"Haha, let's go." The mountainman smiled and nodded.

Take the blood sè pyramid and fly out of the mountain.

Whistling down, directly into the cold waters.

Keep drilling down...

Luo Feng, the former ice water field, also collected hundreds of thousands of scales, so it is clear that these ice waters are not threatening. Accurately speaking, the entire abyss cannot threaten the 'Star Tower'. At most, it is trapped that Luo Feng will never go out.


Luo Feng induction is more intense.

In the depths of the lake, the pyramids of blood continued to sink, followed by the golden light of miméng quickly condensed into gold, and they seized the two scales.

"Haha, get it."

Go back to the core space inside the mountain.

Sitting on the mountain, smiling and standing aside.

Luo Feng is extremely versatile, and then the two scales in his hand also quickly recognize the Lord, and suddenly the original semi-finished extinct gods are instantly disintegrated, plus a large number of scales that have not been integrated before, for a time, full 8999999 scales all They are all suspended around Luofeng, and most of the scales are black, and very few are gold.


Instant combination, combined with incomparable precision, this also makes Luo Feng sigh, first of all can create many secret methods, and constitute a secret pattern. It is also decomposed on nearly 90,000 scales, and many secret lines such as defense, melee, and far attack are combined. It is incredible to be able to create such a treasure.

"Not bad." The mountain guest nodded with amazement.

Luo Feng is a black sè scale, behind which is the silver sè four wings. Suddenly, the scales became a silver armor, and even the right hand position of the gold sè became silver sè, and the style was slightly changed. "This way, the Lord of the Five Donkeys saw you, and they could not recognize it. "The mountainman smiled and nodded."

The peak is also a bit exciting.

"But the five scorpions, this madness is used as a palace to the treasure, the armor is a little damaged." Sitting on the mountain road, "should be the five Wang, the injury in the magma."

Luo Feng nodded, he can also sense that the mad devil is indeed a little damaged.

"Give me, I will help you fix it."

The peak is not sensational, but the more it feels.

"The damage is actually very slight, and it doesn't cost much. But this is second only to the treasures of the supreme treasure, and you can look at the cosmic sea, but few can be repaired." Sitting on the channel from the mountain, "I want to say that there is a universe in the sea." It can be repaired, that is naturally me."

Luo Feng is speechless, and the teacher is very confident in refining the treasure.

But I have to ask for a teacher, or take advantage of it.

The mad demon **** was temporarily given to the teacher, but the teacher did not urgently repair it, but said: "Go, go to the island to see, this mysterious space, independent of many places, should be somewhere in the universe. The space where the strong people live."

The peak nodded.

The universe boat, very early and long ago...accurately said that before the two great holy universes were born, the universe boat was not the three great places, it should be a user. Because of the black sè, the green sè, the silver sè, the corresponding secret room. That is actually a special space for rest and cultivation.

If you say that the peak of the peak, the flow of mountains, like the birth of nature.

The cosmic boat, the traces of refining are very obvious.

“Hey!” The mountain quickly flew away and quickly flew over the lake in the middle of the island, then slowly landed on the ground, and a hole in the mountain was left.

"Go out and see."

"Teacher, this outside..." Luo Feng couldn't help but speak, and the abyss could be careful everywhere.

"There is no danger on the island." The mountainer has already gone outside.

The peak can only follow, but his golden Horn behemoth is in the blood pyramid.

After the teacher and the teacher, they walked out of the mountain and landed on the ground of the island.

"The island, only a million kilometers in diameter, it is not big." Luo Feng secretly, for him, one step can rush from the side of the island to the other side.

Sitting on the mountain, but looking at the rolling palaces, watching silently, seems to be immersed in it.

Luo Feng also turned to look at the palaces to be able to identify at a glance, all of them are the island's own rock carvings and other hollows, etc., forming a stone palace, on the walls of the palace, there is also an ancient pattern with a huge The ship's boat has an empty pattern, with a strong killing pattern, and a strong man with a headless human appearance suspended in the sky below the hustle and bustle of the figure...

Many patterns, as if to tell an ancient history.

The breath of the face is another breath of ancient civilization, and only the engraved strokes contain endless love. That and a strong attachment, even affecting the mood of Luo Feng...

"A terrible civilization."

"A terrible strong man." Luo Feng whispered.

Sitting on the mountain to look at Luo Feng: "Do you see it?"

"I didn't see the other, just saw that the boat was flying in the sky... Look at it, the boat is a space boat. Can you make such an incredible treasure like the universe boat, how can such a civilization not be terrible?" Luo Feng Exclaimed, "And the sculptor, his strength should be terrible."

"Teacher." Luo Feng turned to look at the mountain, "Is it really a very powerful civilization?"


Sitting on the mountain, he said, "Even if there is, it does not know what happened before the reincarnation era. The two holy places have existed for a long time. When they were there, the universe boat has been broken and it is already one of the three great places. Only traces can be found from some monuments. My means of refining treasures are also special occasions, and my own comprehension is finally achieved. Like the seven gods of the gods, they have also received some The heritage of the ancients, careful study, and even some methods of joint attack. Like the two holy places of the universe, their fighting methods, cultivation methods are very unique, one is the teaching of the ancestor of the Holy Land universe, and the second is also the discovery of many historical sites. ”

"The Holy Land Universe." Luo Feng couldn't help but say, "Teacher, that, the two great holy places of the universe, no one has seen it."

"This involves the secret of the strongest in the universe." Sitting on the mountain to look at Luo Feng, "Don't think too much, try to cultivate, when you become the strongest in the universe! You will naturally know many mysteries, if not That level, you know, it’s also asking for trouble.”

The peak nodded.

"Go, go in and see." The mountainer walked straight inside.

Walk along the door of a palace.

Luo Feng and the mountain walker walked side by side, watching, the entire palace has ancient carvings everywhere, with countless life jubilant figures, with killing maps, with a leader roaring map... countless patterns, revealing that ancient civilization, that is A very magical and powerful civilization.

"Love..." Luo Feng felt the love of the sculptor, and even Luo Feng suspected that this palace should also be some famous buildings of the ancient civilization that imitated, because some buildings in the carving pattern, and the entire stone palace group The same as the middle part.

I have seen a lot of ancient palaces for a long time, and Luo Feng and the mountain riders also entered the hinterland.

"Teacher." Luo Feng suddenly found that the mountain passenger stopped.

Luo Feng also followed the line of sight of the mountain stalker. The huge wall in the distance has complex texts. The ancient mystery of the text is the text of a large number of messages from the treasure. Although you don’t know, you can clearly understand the meaning. .


"This is a mistake!!! It costs me to pay for it!"

"One by one, one by one, haha, I broke through, what happened, still died, died!!!"

The words left on the wall contain anger, sadness, unwillingness, regret... Let Luo Feng and the mountain squatter stand for a long time.

The first chapter is! Brothers, the monthly ticket recommendation ticket, to force! ! ! @.

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