Swallowed Star

Vol 23 Chapter 35: Soar

"Hey, ~~...,吼,~~~...,吼,~~~"

The wind is raging and roaring, and the wind is like a knife.

"Silver wing lord, you can't escape, and it is a waste of time to struggle. I am willing to take treasures and exchange wings with you, and three pieces of peaks and treasures to exchange wings and treasures, how?"

"The Lord of the Seal, you are too confident, I will bring back the whirlwind in this cold wind, you are now nearly a light year away from me, in this cold wind with space condensation, and can not be teleported only Fly slowly. It takes a few days to fly over. If you want to catch up with me, what you think is really beautiful!" Luo Feng sneered.

Three days.

It has been three days since the siege of the universe of the Ziyue Holy Land universe. It has been blocked by the Lord of Yaya three days ago, and he guessed that the situation might be very bad.

Sure enough, after the Lord of Youya blocked himself for a long time, one day later, the owner of Pan Ke also appeared, just now, the Lord of the Seal also appeared in his own country, within the scope of the king, and the Lord of the Seal It also resisted through the peak field class to the treasure, at least in the face of the country of gold, maintaining the field.

"The Lord of Youya, the master of Pan Ke, the strength is slightly weaker than the Lord of the Seal. They are two and three divisions."

"The Lord of the Seal is the Lord of the Five Masters."

"And the domain of the Lord of the Rings is "the nebula lamp" is slightly better than the water jail of the Lord of the Five Commandments." Luo Feng also felt a headache.

The situation is very bad now.

The three cosmic masters of the Purple Moon Holy Land contain themselves from three directions, and the strongest lord of the seal, once close to himself. It is entirely possible to use a secret law like the micro universe to obstruct yourself!

"It’s really a treasure!"

"Many fortune, birds for food and death! I know that once Wu Yuyi shows power, it will cause trouble. But the news is too fast." Luo Feng has a hint of madness in his eyes." The three of them are too confident, and they want to obstruct me. Save it! ”

The owner of Youya, the master of the album, and the Lord of the Seal also felt very troublesome.

"Feng Yu, Pan Ke, Na Luofeng has been in the cold wind belt, the condensation inside the cold wind can not be teleported, although I am the closest to him, I can not suppress him at that time under the air, I can not suppress him. The strength is also almost, although your strength is enough to be close to him for a light year! He has a golden country, always control each other's distance, you enter him, you detour, he also detours. In short, seal you I couldn’t get close to him at all, and we couldn’t do anything about it.” The Lord of Youya was also anxious.

It has been chasing for three days.

"Block, you have no way to ruin his gold sè time?" "The main partner of Pan Ke" "he is not strong in his own strength, but there is gold and time assistance, and I and Yuya sometimes suffer. ”

"The gold sè caused by his wings and wings is very strong. I am also reluctant to resist the most around me. You are far away from me. Nearly one light year, I can't influence that far and it is impossible to destroy the golden time." "The Lord of the Seals is also helpless." "I hope that he will escape from the cold wind belt. Once the cold wind belt is released, we can quickly catch up with him in a place where it can be teleported. ”

"He is not stupid, he has been in the cold wind, have we been consuming it?"

"Let's wait and see."

The seal also bites the teeth and is anxious.

The cold wind belt is a very common place in the nearly 100 dangerous places of the Yanshui Lake space. It is not dangerous even for the Lord of the Universe. So even the name is very random, only some really extremely dangerous places. The reputation is a little more special.

The maximum diameter of the cold wind zone is about three light years, and the smallest diameter is the old light year.

And Luo Feng is now in the circle of this cold wind.

"Block, I just keep a distance of light with you at any time, you can't help me at all." Luo Feng shouted, the voice passed directly through the time and space of the golden sè" "I am not stupid, I will not Silly rushed out. Even if you come to a few strong ones, you can't take me!"

"Human Luofeng" is not the strength of your strength, even if you escape today. There will be other disasters. You may not know now that you and the cause of the Lord, the Lord of the Five Commandments, and the Lord of Arrows have already spread. Soon, nearly 100 forces in the entire universe will know how special your wings are. Know your wing power. If you are strong, then no one will grab it. But you have become the master of the universe for a short time, the strength is obviously weak, there will be a lot of robbing, I am willing to exchange with you three peaks and treasures, but if other forces, I am afraid that you only have a way down. "The main body of the seal is gentle.

"Human! It's really urgent for us, summoning the lords of the universe in my holy land. You can't escape if you escape. Even if you are the founder of the giant axe, you can't keep you in front of dozens of cosmic masters. "The Lord of Youya is angry and shouting."

"You exchanged treasures with us, and it is good for me," said the owner of Pan Ke.

They are also reluctant to summon too many masters of the universe, because once a group of cosmic masters of the Purple Moon Holy Land come over, it is time to give the benefits of each of the universe's main points.

"Sing a red face and sing a white face, haha, useless!"

"No matter who you are, I want my wings to be treasured, let me talk by fist." Luo Feng still does not bow down! Peng! Peng!

Endless gilt light and gold sè flames superimpose each other, madly suppressing the beautiful nebula that is constantly yu to collide, and the circle of the expanding nebula is the domain of the lord of the world. The water of the Lord of the Five Lords is more precious.

Two major areas, collisions, collision range bo and light years.

It also formed an incredible energy bo movement.

And this energy bo movement also attracted another strong in the flame water lake space.

Luo Feng was trapped in the eighth day of the cold wind.

"I have patience." Luo Feng looked up and looked at him. He was waiting for an opportunity. "If it is really so expensive, I can only wait for the frozen lake to bonfire." ”


Luo Feng's face changed.

His gold sè country has long since spread beyond the cold wind zone, so when the head of the five scorpions appeared on the edge of the cold wind belt, Luo Feng naturally discovered.

"The Lord of the Five Commandments!" Luo Feng's eyes stunned a fierce light, and then sneered the voice. "The Lord of the Five Commandments, I did not expect you to be alive, really fate, admire! ”

The sound blew through the kingdom of the golden sè.

"Appreciate? I admire you too!" The Lord of the Five Commandments whispered. "I didn't expect you to live through the magma sea. I thought you will be degraded in the magma."

"You haven't fallen, how can I fall? My life can be longer than your life." Luo Feng laughed.

"Oh, I have lived for nearly three reincarnations. I see you, this era of reincarnation can't live, how can it be longer than me?" The Lord of the Five Skulls also laughed.

The short words of the two people have implications for killing.

Both of them understand that the other party wants them to die!

"A small chop." The Lord of the Five Commandments secretly gnashed his teeth. He never put Luo Feng at a level with him, but a new kid.

"You want to kill me too." Luo Feng is also not afraid of anything, he has Wu Yuyi, the Star Tower is the strongest in the universe, and he is not afraid.

"Boom!" The Lord of the Five Commandments crossed the stream and quickly flew toward Luofeng. At the same time, he was surrounded by countless knives. Numerous knives slammed into the "Golden Kingdom" and maintained for a while. Existence, at this moment, the Lord of the Five Commandments is the one-piece core of the fallen Lord of the Arrows.

The core of the knife core is the only peak in the field of the arrow.

When the Lord of the Arrows was cast, it was not as good as the Lord of the Five Commandments. But the county is mainly the Lord of the Arrow itself. When the Lord of the Five Commanders drove the core of the knife, it was only in the downwind with the kingdom of the gold and the sea of ​​flames.

"The Nebula Light? Is the Lord of the Seal." The main road of the Five Commandments.

"You are the Lord of the Arrow?" In the other direction of the main road.

The distance between the two is nearly one light years.

Only the core of the knife and the nebula light touched each other, and both of them recognized the other party's domain but could not determine the identity of the other party.

"I am five." The Lord of the Five Commandments said directly.

"Haha, the Lord of the Five Commandments, it seems that you have not fallen." The Lord of the Seals is happy and eager to join hands with the Lord of the Five Commandments to be sure to deal with Luo Feng, anger, because of the feathers to the treasure, and There is more than one opponent.

"I am not so easy to fall." The Lord of the Five Kingdoms said coldly. "You are still entangled with him for a long time, why not let this Luofeng?" You and I join forces and block the past in both directions. Whether you are, or any of us can entangle him, he must be finished. ”

The main road of 砻.

"As for the distribution of the treasure, wait to kill him and say." The main road of the five.

The Lord of the Lord is no nonsense.



The two quickly approached Luofeng from both directions.

"Haha, I can let the two big men join hands to deal with me. It is the first round of the era of the eyes of the gods, one is the purple moon holy universe, I am also proud enough. But want to win the wings to the treasure? Not far enough!" Luo Feng haha ​​smiled, but the action was immediately flying into the sky, whistling and flying directly upwards.

He understands that he can maintain a long distance with a strong man, but once they join forces, they will certainly be caught up by one of them.

The longer the time drags, the smaller the room is.

So it is necessary to plan ahead.

"He flew up."

, "Flying upwards.

The parties are surrounded.

In the vast universe, the three major reincarnation eras, the two great holy universes, the news spread very slowly.

Because of the spread of the news, after spreading to the universe of the Great Holy Land, it finally began to spread gradually to the second round of the era, the original universe...

At the time when Luo Feng was the chief of the seal, the Lord of the Five Commandments, and other four masters of the universe.

The news reached the human race.

"What! Where is the news, isn't Luo Feng in the outer domain of the universe boat?" The eyes of the Lord of the Golden King stunned, and the eyes were full of shock and unbelief. @.

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