Mark Twain(1)

“Congratulations on your success, Hans!”

“Thanks for taking care of everyone. ha ha ha.”

Bentley Publishing House.

Mr. Bentley and I celebrated the success of The Mathematical Knight and drank a toast.

But it wasn’t just the two of us. There was one more person in the middle.

Of course, that person wasn’t me and co-author Lewis Carroll…!

Mark Twain.

It is the number one contributor to viral marketing that has put extensive reviews in newspaper advertisements this time.

─It is light as a spring breeze, cool as the summer sea, mysterious as autumn’s magic, and cozy as winter’s snowflakes.

─A sincere tribute from two venerable writers to the young buds they truly love.

—British people can be proud of their neighbors more than anyone else. There has never been a literary artist who has opened up a new horizon of great literature for the future and has given such a great gift.

Previously, if it is similar to what Lewis Carroll did for <Peter Perry> and George Bernard Shaw did for <Vincent Villiers>, it is similar.

However, the name ‘Mark Twain’ had a ripple effect that was incomparable to these two.

Of course, as a writer, the level of the first two is by no means inferior.

There is no correct answer in literature and art, and the form of its beauty is different for each writer, so why do you try to measure its depth with low standards?

However, Mark Twain is a great foreign writer for the United States… that is to say, for the United Kingdom.

In other words, the so-called ‘gukppong’ is cold.

“The housekeeper… No, Master! One more bowl of ale here!”

“As expected, when it comes to literature, we are England! cancer!”

“By the way, isn’t Lewis Carroll that pervert? They said girls would undress and play…”

“Oh, is that important now?!”

It is the same for all people who have a country in all times and places to turn their eyes to enhancing national prestige.

Especially to the British of the present age, the United States, for a very futile reason, broke out and became independent. In other words, isn’t it a country like the first son who has run away from home and now has no face?

The fact that the great writer, who is the pride of such a country, sincerely praised it further refined the taste of the mulberry.

“By the way, are you okay?”

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t think Americans will like it as much as the British like it.”

“under! If you hate it, hate it.”

As expected of a person famous for his genuine rebelliousness, Mark Twain confidently said with a snort.

“I’m not the kind of person who says things without a gun to my head! Got it? I’m not talking nonsense when I say that you and Mr. Carroll ‘broadened the horizons of literature’.”

His mustache swayed in the wind that he exhaled violently, as if slightly excited.

“You see? People like us always worry about how to convey our thoughts to children. I also wrote fairy tales for children, but that in itself didn’t help much. Cases like <The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn> are typical.”

“Ah, that’s also the story of ‘Jim’.”

To my words, he’s like the right answer! He replied with an expression as if he wanted to say something.

“Yes! Even though I said I was writing for children, I wanted to include the abolition of discrimination and the liberation of slaves in my work. However, even that has its limits.”

Dae Mun-ho sighed deeply and took out his pipe from his bosom.

“You know better than anyone, but the subject of the story is the same as the spine. It might not be known if the themes converge, but discordant themes interfere with each other. In the end, it becomes a delusion.”

I nodded.

<The Adventures of Tom Sawyer> and <The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn> are both Mark Twain’s masterpieces, but <Tom Sawyer> is generally evaluated as a ‘fairy tale’ and <Huckleberry Finn> is evaluated more as a ‘social critique’. high.

The reason is simple.

<Tom Sawyer> is an easy story. It is purely about the day of Tom Sawyer’s stupid and bewildered bad boy.

However, <Huckleberry Finn> views the evil of slavery through the eyes of children and criticizes American society harshly.

From noble mtl dot com

But that doesn’t mean that both are somewhat incompatible. If that were the case, it wouldn’t have become a classic in history.

However, for this great writer, it seems that it is regrettable that neither of them are perfect writings.

“It’s because delusion leads to consideration, and when that happens, the story becomes boring. So I have always struggled to keep that center.”

It’s unfortunate.

He said that and lit the pipe.

I couldn’t help but nod my head at him.

When I do research, I have a lot of things in my head, and there are too many things I want to say.

But there is one thing that I am definitely different from him. It is that I am a web novel, that is, a person who does popular literature, and I am a self-employed person who makes products.

If I was only going to tell my story without considering the listeners, I would have done pure literature.

Regardless of the genre, products that do not consider the public end up drowning with ideals.

Of course, there are cases where you are lucky and the ideal fits the reality exactly… but that’s because those people are really lucky.

When will the lotto happen again, and who guarantees that it is me?

That’s why I focused on refining a form that would succeed in the future and also succeed in the past.

And the format, fortunately, even in the eyes of this great writer of the past… it doesn’t seem to be too bad.

“Look on the other hand. Seeing The Mathematics Knight you and Mrs. Carroll showed me, I couldn’t help but marvel! oh my god! Literature that so innocently protects children’s innocence and enlightens them! As a writer, it is no different than teaching children how to enlighten themselves! Christ will cast all those who are displeased with the progress of mankind as a whole!”

“hahahaha, what is that… It’s nothing more than a momentary change of perspective.”

“That’s the most important thing, cancer!”

Mark Twain looked at me with burning eyes.

The more I look at it, the more it seems like someone who is growing a high-performance thermal power plant inside something.

“So, you’re not thinking of ending it with just math, are you?”

“Ah, of course.”

Of course not.

I nodded and said.

“Right now, I’m thinking about… about five or six subjects, including math.”

“Hmm, science wasn’t missing, right?”

“That is a concern. Science will be two or three.”


To Mark Twain’s astonishment, I laughed bitterly and scratched my head.

In fact, although they are grouped together as science, physics, chemistry, and biology are completely different subjects.

Above all, since I am a liberal arts major, it is difficult to properly determine this.

The last science I learned was in high school.

After all, I know the outline, but to the extent of teaching others professionally… it’s somehow not organized.

At most, the periodic table of the elements, or enough to be in your head?

“two? three?”

However, Mark Twain was rather surprised by my appearance and quickly started rubbing the tip of his mustache.

And then, eventually, um, yes. Is it like that? He muttered and said with a smirk.

“Hey, you have a deeper notion of science than I thought.”

“Ah, yes… well, not to that extent.”

“hahahaha, what are you ashamed of? The desire to learn is not a sin.”

He smiled happily as if he knew everything, then narrowed his eyes and removed the pipe he was smoking from his mouth.

“Hmm, then won’t you leave that to me?”

“yes? Whole science by any chance?”

“okay. There are quite a few scientists I know who are serious about this. Especially Nick, if it’s that friend, I’ll give it to you after taking off my feet even though I’m grumbling. Pretending not to be, I am your fan.”

“hahahaha, thank you for that.”

“hehehe, you should have seen that friend who said he had an idea and jotted it down in a notebook while asking where there was such a thing as a fairy… ?”

“ha ha ha. It’s just good stuff to write about.”

“Heh heh heh! Is it too?”

Looking at Mark Twain, who I like because he won ten dollars, I searched for memories.

Let’s see, American scientist Nick. But was there such a person? I involuntarily tilt my head.

Of course I don’t know all American scientists, but I’ve never heard of an American scientist named Nick.

Fury is a government agent, and Wilde is a cop who used to be an ice cream vendor.

is it a nickname? Nicky? Dominic? Nicholas? Surely not Nikola Tesla?

It’s plausible to see that he was impressed by the huge exchange tower in the dwarf city, but… Were the man and Mark Twain friends?

oh i don’t know

It’s not important, it’s good if it’s right or not.

“Then can I entrust you with writing the science edition?”

“Of course! Rather, I am happy to be involved in something meaningful. Mr. Bentley, I will mail it to you as soon as I finish the manuscript.”

good night.

I smiled and took Mark Twain’s hand.

It’s still a verbal agreement, but oh my god. I never thought I’d put a left carol right mark. This is the guarantee of success.

“Oh, by the way, since subjects are subjects, I think it would be difficult to just pick them from the Chronicles of King Arthur.”

“Ah, you can decorate the story freely. It just needs to be established with the same study book series, and it doesn’t have to be related.”

“Um… is that okay? It’s said to be from the same publisher, but it’s not even written by the same writer…”

“You can tie it up with a label.”

I spoke calmly, then cleared my throat when I saw the puzzled faces of Mark Twain and Mr. Bentley.

Come to think of it, this division originally originated in Japan, maybe?

“What kind of series is written above the title of the book cover in advance. Of course, in a color separate from the author’s name and title.”


“Or something, like making the cover picture similar. Like that.”

“Hmm, let’s make it recognizable just by looking at the cover? That’s fine.”

“But, writer, there is no such thing in <King Arthur and the Knight of Mathematics>?”

“You can attach it from the second printing. Or stick it from when the second series comes out.”

Among the educational cartoon series, the distress survival cartoon series was such a case.

At first, the writers changed in units of 4 books, but later settled on one side, maybe?

“You seem to have a knack for business, too.”

Mark Twain looked straight at me and said.

No, it’s a successful method in the future, so I’m just going to try it, and I didn’t think of it. The eyes looking at you are a bit too burdensome…

“He’s a human being who can succeed wherever he goes.”

“Ah, please. Not so much in the country I came from…”

“No, your ability to improvise is unquestionably great. The work ethic is great, and very desirable.”

uh, well It seems like they are overdoing it with gilding, but for some reason it’s a little different from before.

Is it the look that clearly wants something? I felt something close to such a strange tenacity.

So it’s a bit of a headache to know what to answer.

“Mr. Bentley. Could you bring me some more of this ale? This is fine.”

“Ah, yes. All right.”

Besides, he kicks out Mr. Bentley?

That’s how I sat down with an American writer and social activist who seemed to have condensed a roaring furnace into the body of a small old man.

“Actually, I never thought I would say this in person before we met.”


“Hanslo Jin, I will ask you one thing. —Are you satisfied here?”

“… Satisfied.”

I shudderedly recalled the words of Mark Twain.

Satisfaction, satisfaction…

Well, that’s a strange word.

It means to fill in Chinese characters.

In English, a word that means to satisfy or compensate. And if you go to the etymology, it even has the meaning of repentance.

I don’t know what he meant by this word to me. However, one thing that can be answered with certainty is…

It’s just that I’m still not satisfied in any way.

To do so, a creature called a writer thinks, expresses, and has no choice but to endlessly seek attention as a reader… because he is such a human being.

“Yeah, so it was.”

And to me who thought so, Mark Twain nodded his head as if he knew everything, then looked at me with his hands folded on the table.

And before long, quietly.

threw the bomb

“Hey, are you thinking of coming to America?”


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