Survival on the Star Sea: Starting from a small broken ship and becoming stronger

Chapter 367 Mechanical Life [4000] Thank you all book friends for your long-term support

This third stage of trials is obviously very different from the previous trials.

Zhao Feng estimated that there was a high probability that his body would also change after going down.

He was really not sure whether his telekinesis could block it.

In order to avoid this situation and prevent it from falling into a box, the only way Zhao Feng could think of was to "stack armor."

In other words, he wore a mecha and sat in a frigate, then used his telekinesis to defend himself, and finally landed on the planet.

But to be honest, Zhao Feng felt that this method was probably ineffective.

But after all, the trial must be completed, and there isn't much time for him to prepare now, so he can only use whatever ideas come to mind.

He didn't know what the ancient ones wanted to test in this wave of trials, but there must be some deep meaning in it.

The first time was a pure test of personal ability, the second time was to see Zhao Xin not believing in fate, this time. . .

Shaking his head, Zhao Feng stopped thinking about it.

The road to the bridge was naturally straight, and he had to take a trip through the muddy water.

Not only to save his wife, but also for the legendary "dimensional ascension".

Of course, Zhao Feng's pursuit of dimension advancement was not purely for transcendence like the ancient ones.

He pursues dimension advancement because he always feels that something is not right about the world.

Call him false. All perceived enemies and humans he comes into contact with are real. At least they exist in their memories and lives.

But if you want to say that this world is real, what about the Xinghai system and plug-ins?

Even if you don't consider these, Zhao Feng has gone through many difficulties and dangers to reach his current strength.

With the strength improved to this level, who wouldn't want to enjoy it forever?

As it stands now, even if super-sensory abilities are raised to the extreme, there is a lifespan limit, and the human body also has its ability limits.

So even if he didn't consider anything else but just for better enjoyment, he still had to study and understand the path to dimensionality.

. . .

At this time, as the frigate entered the planet's atmosphere, Zhao Feng's attention was quickly attracted by another thing.

I saw that the interior of the bridge of the [Kite-class] frigate he was riding on was undergoing transformation at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This is the process of "turning from death to life".

The scene was as magical as in the movie Transformers, where the roadside vending machine was accidentally given life by the Cosmic Cube.

Obviously, the moment he stepped onto this planet, this [Kite] had been activated by similar energy.

It didn't take long, maybe 10 seconds or 30 seconds. In short, the next moment the change ended, it became a conscious life form.

What's even more amazing is that the [Kite-class] frigate that seems to have just come to life is not like the Decepticon force in Transformers. After the transformation, it appears manic and irrational because it is a newborn.

Not only does it have reason, but the frigate that has become a mechanical life also speaks in a very orderly manner, unlike a newborn who has just gained life.

And the first sentence it said was directly beyond Zhao Feng's expectation.

"Hello my master, thank you for giving me life."

Hearing this, Zhao Feng couldn't help but be a little surprised, but then he became deeply confused.

After being confused, Zhao Feng did not intend to claim the credit for giving life, so he said matter-of-factly:

"I'm just the one who created you, but I didn't give you life."

"Master, you are joking. The moment every inorganic body or machine is created, it is just like a human child being born, possessing the most rudimentary consciousness."

"Whether it is a battleship, a computer, an optical brain, a mobile phone, a communicator, a naval gun, a mecha, or even an armor plate that leaves the factory, it will have its own soul at that moment."

"From that moment on, everything around us will be perceived by us. It's just that we can't talk to living beings due to the limitations of our structure and certain rules of the universe."

"So there is nothing wrong with me calling you master."

Hearing this, Zhao Feng couldn't help but be startled:

"Are you saying that all machines are like humans and have souls the moment they are manufactured?"

"Yes, my master is exactly what you think. Of course, I have to correct one thing. It's not just a machine. It's the same for a complete house, a tree, a grass, and a planet. Don't be surprised. It is a fact, but it is limited by the rules of the universe. In a normal world, we cannot communicate with other intelligent life forms."

Zhao Feng took a deep breath and asked in disbelief: "My mecha too?"

"Yes master, it also has a soul, and it will awaken soon."

"Where are the battleships in the sky?"

"It does, too, but I don't recommend letting it land on the surface of the planet, because even if it can activate its ability to communicate with you, due to the weird rules of this planet, all activated mechanical life will gradually lose the ability to fly. Now the output of my engines is gradually weakening, and when they land on the surface, they will completely lose their original function."

"If you let it come down, you will lose the opportunity to return to your hometown to save the mistress." As the conversation continued, [Kite]'s tone became more and more normal.

At the same time, its mentality seems to be gradually undergoing an unknown change.

Listening to the words of the mechanical life form, Zhao Feng raised his eyebrows and did not choose to believe them all.

Then suddenly he realized something and asked directly:

"According to what you say, if I use the stacking enhancement device to strengthen you, wouldn't it be equivalent to killing your compatriots?"

"That's not the case. After superimposed strengthening, we not only become stronger, but the fusion of consciousness also allows us to get closer to each other. In fact, all of our machine souls are eager for you to superimpose and strengthen us. This is not Cruelty is an evolution."

Feeling the energy fluctuations produced when the frigate spoke, Zhao Feng could not tell whether what the other party said was true or false.

Because from beginning to end, the other person’s emotional energy was very peaceful.

After thinking for a while, Zhao Feng pointed to himself solemnly and asked:

"Am I also affected by this planet?"

"Not for the time being. That energy is most efficient at transforming machinery and inorganic matter, but for organisms, the energy emitted on this planet is not that effective."

"I can clearly feel that those energies cannot even invade your body."

"Oh?" Zhao Feng showed interest when he heard this, but he gradually became wary in his heart.

It seems that it has completely converted into mechanical life, or it may be because it is getting closer and closer to the surface of the planet, or this [Kite] already thinks that it is an independent and free life form.

In the conversation with Zhao Feng, not only did the conversation become more intimate than at the beginning, but he also gradually lost the respect he had before.

"When facing normal organisms, these energies can be slowly transformed from a more microscopic level, but as long as they can leave this planet in time, they can get rid of the process of transforming from carbon-based to silicon-based."

"But to be honest, why should you refuse the transformation here? After becoming a silicon-based life, your lifespan will be greatly extended. Even if you don't pursue the nihilistic road of promotion, you can still rely on the eternal silicon-based body and the universe. Same life."

Listening to the other party's words, although Zhao Feng said nothing, the vigilance in his heart had been raised to the highest level.

At this time, the mecha he was riding in was completely transformed into mechanical life.

At the same time, a cold female voice with a bit of mechanical sound came from the speaker inside the mecha.

"Can you get out of me first? This feels so shameful."

"Uh..." Zhao Feng was speechless, but he still opened the cockpit and walked out.

Although it was strange for Zhao Feng that the mecha was a "girl", but then again, it was too weird for this thing to be divided into men and women.

No matter what gender you are, you still have to control them on the battlefield in the end.

But when he thought about it, he felt relieved.

After all, he was on the trial planet of the Ancient One.

It's normal to be a little weird.

At this time, two newly born mechanical beings were brazenly in front of him, constantly exchanging their feelings after being "reborn".

Why is the design of this joint unreasonable? The pipes in the engine room are always stuck.

Listening to the conversation between the two machines, Zhao Feng suddenly felt that if he could obtain this kind of communication ability, it would be truly incredible.

Apart from anything else, the research and development of technology probably does not require Xinghai's technology tree. Human beings alone can easily do it.

After all, the progress of science and technology is a process of constant trial and error.

But as long as he can communicate with those so-called "dead things", he can greatly shorten this process.

Just by asking how these "dead things" feel, you can know whether the current research and development route is correct.

After all, matter itself has feelings, and they know what is comfortable and what is right.

If the assembly or development is wrong, the communicable "dead object" will inevitably be deformed or even painful.

So as long as you solve their pain and follow their prompts, technological progress is almost certain.

Not only in research and development, but also in other fields.

If it is really possible to communicate with dead objects, then it will not only be material science that can advance rapidly.

To put it more simply, whether it is repairing a battleship or overclocking an optical brain, you can learn the best method based on the machine soul and obtain the highest efficiency.

Going a step further, is it possible to communicate with the Death Star? Conversation with stars?

Thinking of this, Zhao Feng was even more looking forward to the next trial.

After thinking for a while, he continued to ask towards the frigate: "Can you feel the source of that mysterious energy?"

"Do you want to get it and get closer to them?" At the same time as he asked the question, the large screen on the frigate began to pop up a large amount of search information and radar scans.

Soon, all areas on the planet where the mysterious energy was released were marked on the big screen.

According to what is shown on the display, there are a total of 32 places.

Looking at the 32 highlighted areas, Zhao Feng couldn't help but have a trace of doubt.

‘Based on the previous two trials, the first step is to find the real trial place, which may be in a castle or on an altar. In short, it must be different from the surrounding buildings or environment. ’

'But this trial gave 32 locations. Needless to say, there is a high probability that 31 of them are deceptions, and only one is the real core. ’

While Zhao Feng was still thinking about the problem, the ship's body experienced a series of tremors.

Immediately afterwards, he felt the sky light up, and with the clicking sound of the mechanical combination, he was expelled from the body by the [Kite] that landed on the ground.

Then [Kite] turned into a huge robot over 5 meters tall after a burst of distortion.

"I'm sorry, I can't help you with the rest of the journey...Besides, I also want to see this world."

The mecha on the side didn't even say anything, and ran quickly in one of the directions.

They say that bitches are ruthless and actors are unrighteous. Zhao Feng finally realized this this time.

Good guy, it’s still a mechanical version.

After all, he was her creator, but he didn't even know how to say goodbye. This behavior was so stupid.

Although he complained in his heart, Zhao Feng did not show any dissatisfaction.

I don't know what is going on with these mechanical life forms, but Zhao Feng doesn't want to interfere too much with them because they are becoming more and more self-centered.

After just ten minutes of contact, Zhao Feng had already understood that these mechanical life forms were no longer his tools from the moment they landed on this planet.

In their view, they have become individuals with free will.

But in Zhao Feng's view, although they gave birth to their own consciousness, they seemed to have gained a certain degree of freedom.

But in fact, they are just consumables trapped on this trial star, and they are still acting like dogs.

After all, to put it bluntly, the key to causing the current phenomenon is just that weird energy.

If he can complete the trial, this planet will most likely disappear, so what's the point of their short-term freedom.

From the moment he came here, the free will of these mechanical life forms had already entered a countdown.

As for the fact that he lost a frigate and a mecha, Zhao Feng didn't feel bad.

Zhao Feng didn't mind the change in the language of these little guys. After all, the planet was almost gone, so there was nothing wrong with letting them enjoy hospice care.

Compared to the trivial change in tone, the acquisition of key information was what Zhao Feng paid more attention to.

After knowing that there is no threat to his life for a while, he can freely let go and do whatever he wants.

As for issues such as the transition to silicon-based life and the inability to fly or leave the surface of the planet, it is not a problem at all for him.

If other aliens come over and don't complete the trial before they are siliconized, they may actually become part of this planet.

But who is Zhao Feng?

It's totally true, right?

Even though this planet is comparable in size to Jupiter, its gravity index is off the charts.

But for Zhao Feng, such a small amount of gravity and such a small distance are completely in vain.

With a trillion tons of telekinesis, if you exert a little force, you can accelerate to dozens of times the speed of sound in the blink of an eye.

Not to mention 32, there are 320 energy nodes and 32,000 energy nodes. Zhao Feng can also investigate them in a very short time. (End of chapter)

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