It was precisely because he knew this that he had to get the [Crack Generator] out.

Now, although the human race's territory can be physically isolated to prevent aliens from coming over for on-the-spot exploration.

But if you can't stand it, you can use high-tech equipment to scan and directly use high-level detection methods to conduct reconnaissance. How can you prevent this?

To understand the reality of human beings from the atomic level, I ask you if you are afraid?

Facing the crushing force of technology, the human race's true strength cannot be effectively disguised.

So we can only find another way and use "technology" to defeat technology.

Crack generators are undoubtedly the best choice.

The dimensional shadow it creates can effectively obscure the area where humans are located.

Faced with the dimensional shadow, no matter whether you are an 8th-level or 9th-level civilization, you can't easily explore the reality within it.

Even if you can break through the dimensional shadow, what will their expression be like when you see the human race with super hidden technology but using level 4 and 5 technology to develop at home?

At this time, the aliens who try their best to infiltrate will only think that the human race is playing tricks.

They will not think about the human race being "trash" in the short term. They will only think deeply about the insidiousness and power of the human race.

This is Zhao Feng's true purpose.

Moreover, he does not need to delay for too long, just a year or even a few months.

Just wait for him to come back, or wait for the base to develop a large class, and wait for those light-oriented warships and weapons to begin to spread.

Even if an abnormality is discovered and exposed by others, it can be because of the improvement of human hard power.

Then he won't have to worry about other civilizations' dirty tricks.

. . .

As hope points continue to be consumed, technology and buildings are constantly being unlocked.

After spending tens of millions of hope points, the crack generator was erected in the center of the base.

When the crack generator started working, all the investigators of the alien civilization were surprised to find that the location of the human race suddenly disappeared from the radar screen.

They immediately switched to visible light cameras for secondary observations.

Then they discovered that the outer armor of the human base, which was originally clearly visible to the naked eye, had become hazy, as if the pupils could not focus on that area.

No matter what method you use to survey, you can only see a blurry patch.

Observers from the Zerg and Eldar tribes were a little surprised as to why the Terrans were still using Level 4 technology.

But after Dimension Shadow went online, they finally realized that what they showed you before was just for fun.

The observers and radar squads of several major empires were suddenly inspired by the human race to be competitive.

The observers on the dreadnought were all using all their technical means.

But no matter how advanced the technology the aliens used, they were all defeated when faced with the unreasonable crack generator.

What about micron wave detection, neutrino detection, gamma ray detection or electron cloud detection?

All of them can only detect a blank, and even if they die, they will not be able to detect the human base.

Once this crushing level of technological means was used, all the unreasonable points that they had previously detected were straightened out.

It can be regarded as stabilizing the situation in Eternal Eden in disguise. . .

Just like this, Zhao Feng arranged everything in the base properly in this week.

At the same time, his ship was also strengthened to a new level during this week.

First of all, the outer armor was replaced with level 6 crystal armor plates.

Most of the weapons on the gun position have also been replaced. The original S-type [Battering Ram], M-type [Quadruple Cannon], and L-type [Quadruple Ifrit Cannon] were all replaced by the ones that Zhao Feng just selected. Those phototactic weapons.

Although the level of the weapons has not yet been upgraded to the level of the previous live ammunition weapons, after being upgraded to Lv. 6, these light-oriented energy weapons are already significantly stronger than those crappy live ammunition weapons on the street.

Especially after the Lv.6 feature is turned on, these spider web series energy cannons and the anti-small unit [Fire Clearance Cannon] have been strengthened to increase the number of barrages.

Now the barrage created by his ship alone is already equivalent to the full firepower of the previous 200 offensive-class ships.

That doesn’t even count the blessing of [Leaping Light Phantom Bullet Chain].

You must know that in the current offensive, except for the keel main gun, which is not produced by phototropism, all other weapons are phototactic technology.

One of the attributes of [Light Jump Phantom Bullet Chain] is that if there are enough weapons of the same type, the probability of triggering dimensional phantom will double.

The current offensive-class battleships definitely meet the requirement of "enough".

In other words, the excitation efficiency was still 50% before, but it was increased to 100% on the spot.

Not to mention the critical hit of the sword, the sword is still durable.

After all, it is a high-dimensional phantom, so it is appropriate to be unreasonable.

While the warship's troop clearing ability has been enhanced at an epic level, Zhao Feng has also not forgotten to enhance the ship's anti-ship capability.

The most outstanding anti-ship means of the human race is the newly developed "mecha".

After all, the bombardment of the main gun consumes the shield value of the target unit in all directions, while the mecha can neutralize the shield of a small area.

The two are completely different in terms of difficulty of breaking shields.

Therefore, in order to deal with the possible emergence of evil warships or other weird things, Zhao Feng placed 5 million mechas enhanced to Lv. 11 in his own ship.

These mechas are all elite-level mechas, which are enhanced versions that use T5 technology "crystal metal".

After they were strengthened to level 11, the two characteristics they obtained were all related to shield breaking and the enhancement of the overall mobility of the mecha.

This makes them more shield-neutralizing, faster in acceleration, and more powerful in combat.

After upgrading the force, there was one last matter left to be handled in the human base.


After Zhao Feng chatted with the eldest princess who had been living with him a few times, he sent her back.

Of course, before leaving, Zhao Feng didn't forget to hint to the other party, don't forget the previous agreement.

It's hard to say whether the eldest princess understood Zhao Feng's eyes.

Of course, Zhao Feng is not worried about this. After all, the agreement certified by Xinghai has been signed in black and white, and he is not afraid that the other party will not keep his promise.

In short, after another week of hard work after the battle, the matter on the Eternal Eden side can finally come to an end.

Humanity and all races of the Star Sea Civilization have ushered in a brief period of peaceful rest.

The development of Eternal Eden has also started to get on the right track.

Taking advantage of this free time, Zhao Feng took out the [Cross-border Key] and prepared to go to Level 0, the surface universe, where super1660 is located.

This time out, in addition to clearing up the spiritual formation field, Zhao Feng also planned to visit the few ruins provided by the Pige and Vol tribes.

Although the [Cross-Border Key] can only go to Lv.0-Lv.10, the Lv.1 trade area has transmission channels to all levels, so there is no need to worry about not being able to come back.

Of course, if the trip to the ruins goes well, Zhao Feng may be able to obtain a new way of movement.

At that time, the human race will no longer be restricted by space channels.

After all, it is also Stargate technology from ancient times. If it can be obtained, it will be much easier to regain the universe level in the future.

Yes, easy.

The forces of chaos are not fools. The Star Sea Civilization knows how to build a defensive barrier at the entrance to the main space channel, and they also know this.

Therefore, if you attack other cosmic levels head-on, you will inevitably encounter "Maginot Line"-level defenders.

But if the Star Gate thing were real, it would be different.

Directly bypassing the defense line and sneak attack from behind are secondary.

Its strongest ability is to travel through the gaps in time and space without loss and avoid being attacked by space storms.

In this way, the fleet of Xinghai Civilization can jump in and out of space gaps at will like the "Fang Tangjing" in the ninth-grade Sesame Official.

. . .

After finally confirming that nothing was missed, Zhao Feng directly activated the [Cross-Border Key] under the double shielding effect of the Death Star armor and crack generator.

The familiar space passage once again enveloped the battleship.

Zhao Feng, who is extremely skilled in space teleportation, quickly used the index function of [Cross-Border Key] to select the target star field.

Following streaks of white light, the offensive-class battleship suddenly appeared in an unknown star field the next second.

As soon as he arrived at the target area, Zhao Feng activated all the detection instruments on the battleship, and the shield system was also turned on.

In order to detect the situation in the entire star field faster, he did not forget to launch reconnaissance satellites in the direction of those rocky planets.

After releasing all detection methods, the next step is to wait patiently.

At this time, Zhao Feng, who was sitting in the captain's seat, did not open his energy sense vision as usual.

He has not forgotten the strange phenomenon he encountered when he first detected the abnormality in the communication channel.

Sometimes, seeing more doesn't necessarily mean it's a good thing.

Since he knew something was wrong here, and knew that this place was unfriendly to beings with high perception, Zhao Feng would not touch this brow.

He just waited quietly outside the galaxy for the information returned by the detection equipment.

With the reconnaissance satellite in place and the retracement of the detection wave, the specific situation in the super1660 star field was soon listed on the big screen.

Number of rocky planets in the current star field: 125

Number of stars: 1

Number of habitable planets: 25.

Traces of the existence of intelligent life forms: None.

Staring at the last message, Zhao Feng was quite confused.

Because in addition to data information, all the surface conditions of each planet have also been transmitted back.

In the graphic information, he could clearly see that there were a lot of man-made structures on the surfaces of habitable planets.

And there are clearly signs of life activity.

In some of the big cities, you can still see scenes of busy traffic.

This doesn't look like an inanimate body.

After thinking about it, Zhao Feng did not go to the habitable planet immediately, but slowly circled the outside of super1660.

And a large number of reconnaissance satellites are launched to conduct all-round reconnaissance of various planets in the habitable zone.

Now that you know there is a fraud here, you can't be too careless.

Be sure to collect enough intelligence to proceed to the next step.

As for the energy vision, Zhao Feng still didn't dare to open it.

His current strength is indeed countless times stronger than his original self.

It would be even easier to crush the old self casually.

But even if he is so powerful, Zhao Feng cannot achieve memetic interference across communication channels.

His telekinesis and perception are both limited by distance, and even he cannot do cross-space attacks at all now.

He couldn't even imagine the realm of a creature that could do this.

Zhao Feng knew very well that if any living organism or energy life form reached that level, its sensing ability must be extremely strong.

If you can see it, your gaze will definitely catch the other person's attention.

So, you have to be more cautious here.

And as new information continued to be delivered, Zhao Feng's expression became worse and worse.

At this moment it felt real pressure.

Even if his fragile human body is wrapped in a metal battleship several kilometers thick, Zhao Feng still does not feel safe.

And as more and more reconnaissance satellites are launched, this feeling becomes deeper and deeper.

First of all, the life detection system of the battleship is completely opposite to the surface conditions seen by the optical equipment.

Various species on the ground live carefree on the surface of the planet.

People work from sunrise to sunset every day, and the whole society is very orderly. Among the families he sampled and observed, the lives of those families are also unusually harmonious.

After three days of continuous observation, Zhao Feng did not obtain any abnormal information except that he was able to confirm that the creatures in those 25 worlds were all happy.

To be honest, people on the planet can't tell who is being controlled at all, or perhaps they are all being controlled.

Those "people" all have their own lives and jobs, and everyone's emotions every day are generated according to cause and effect, without any trace of artificiality.

Moreover, Zhao Feng can be very sure by observing the behavior of the surface lifeforms that they are all existences with independent personalities.

This is very uncomfortable.

Life Detector: Inanimate objects.

Optics: All live.

Two devices that had no issues at all gave completely different results.

Moreover, the battleship's optical brain did not discover the logical problem. It stands to reason that the logic module of the shipboard system cannot let go of this self-contradictory situation so easily.

But what now? From the perspective of the shipboard optical brain, both answers are correct.

It is now clear that high-tech equipment is no longer useful.

The human race's technological equipment has reached the detection bottleneck at this stage and cannot provide him with more information.

Even if he didn't want to, he could only land on these habitable planets in person to investigate what was going on here.

Immediately, he chose a habitable planet farthest from Super 1660 as a landing point.

Fortunately, although the detection technology is not up to standard, his warship is still the crystallization of level 5 technology after all.

Against those civilizations on the ground that are still at the trial level, they are completely crushed.

Zhao Feng doesn't have to worry about the battleship being detected by the life forms of these planets.

So, he first stayed on the backside of this habitable planet satellite.

Immediately, he drove the A-5 assault-type inverse mecha towards the planet below. (End of chapter)

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