"Pasta, next you are responsible for monitoring the surrounding airspace, and report any abnormalities to me in a timely manner, but don't make it public." Gorgon whispered and then said loudly:

"Everyone, please pay attention. In addition to the fleet in front of you, there is also a force secretly attacking. Please stay vigilant in the next battle and pay attention to maintaining your own evil energy, Mickey!"

"I am in charge, sir."

Among the upper demons, a cute-looking guy who looked like a Q version of Mickey Mouse, and whose style of painting was completely different from the surrounding demons, turned his head and responded.

"You are responsible for presiding over the isolation barrier."

"Okay, Commander!" Mickey responded, and his huge body slowly moved to the center of the 11 demons.

With its addition, the barrier started to function again.

It seems that it is because the upper demon presides over the barrier. It is obvious that the light yellow barrier of the barrier has become tighter and denser than before.

The previous barrier would also emit a large amount of light, which looked like an oversized flashlight.

But after Mickey took over, the current barrier didn't leak even a trace of energy.

The entire barrier has no halo at all except for the light yellow color shown by its diffuse reflection.

Obviously, after Mickey joined, the energy utilization rate of the entire barrier has been significantly improved.

Seeing the commander's arrangement, Sierra was a little puzzled:

"Lord Commander! If we arrange this, I'm afraid we will fall into a protracted war! The evil energy provided to change the rules can only last for 20 hours at most. If..."

Halfway through, it realized that the way Gorgon looked at it was a bit wrong, so it quickly stopped talking and said no more.

As for Gorgon, he is not a completely unreasonable demon. He still has a certain amount of patience to explain to players of the same class.

"Your worries are completely unnecessary. Feel your own strength and you will understand what I mean."

"???" Sierra Leone was a little confused.

Feitian Spaghetti was not used to it when he saw this, so he took this opportunity to mock directly:

"Stupid donkey! Without one big demon, we can unlock more power in this universe and try to increase the energy output. Now the attack power we exert is much stronger than before!"

Sierra wanted to refute Spaghetti, saying that his whole family were stupid donkeys, but now, with the commander in front of him, he knew he couldn't be too presumptuous.

So he took a deep breath, suppressed the malice in his heart and asked:

"But if there are restrictions, why not just send the three of us here from the beginning? Wouldn't it be more efficient if we let ourselves go?"

"You are really unsmart to call you a stupid donkey~ First of all, we must ensure that the Lord's mission can be completed!"

"Secondly, this mission also needs to clear out some miscellaneous things. Some people who have received instructions from the master but are still unwilling to contribute even after escaping from the sea of ​​suffering."

"For example, some guys who usually hide in the back and practice without participating in the battle or dedicating themselves to the Lord, take up so many of the Lord's resources but do nothing. Shouldn't these dogs die?!"

After a pause, Feitian Pasta continued:

"And some outstanding low-ranking demons should also be promoted. Those mid-ranking ones are called elites but don't want to make progress. Now is the time to give these outstanding seeds some opportunities and give these young guys who want to make progress some upward steps. Isn’t this very good~ For example, I heard that there is a genius named [Moby Dick] who is very good.”

Sierra: "When you say that, I understand. You bitch has a really good brain. If you use this brain power to improve your combat power, I won't always diss you."

Hearing this, Feitian gave it a white look and thought to himself.

‘If it weren’t for the fact that you are always quarrelsome just because of your bad brains, Lord Gorgon would have been praised by you without me taking any action! ’

After some adjustments, the big demon and the crusade fleet started the turn-based game again.

. . .

At this time, Zhao Feng, who had been observing from a distance, also discovered the movements of the big demons. The adjusted barrier was obviously strengthened several times in his eyes.

The color density of energy has been qualitatively improved.

This made him frown, so he did not intervene immediately in this turn-based round.

Instead, choose to wait and see.

30 minutes later, Zhao Feng's brows were now twisted into the character "Sichuan".

After he killed a big demon, he could understand that the opponent's defense increased instead of falling. After all, the high-ranking big demon was involved.

But why did their attack power increase so much?

This unscientific!

Energy is not conserved at all!

It wasn't until the plug-in prompt message popped up that he understood the reason.

To put it simply, the universe is like a computer, and various energies are like the total memory of the computer.

For example, the Star Sea Fleet, because it is on the technological side, all its own energy is supplied by mineral resources, and the utilization rate is higher. Even if it absorbs the energy of the universe, the machine will absorb water in a long stream, and will not be used in a certain battle until it is needed. All of them burst out.

It's a bit like carving out the hard drive as virtual memory, and it won't affect the computer's operation.

But the big demons are different. It is true that their own energy is very high, but in order to exert stronger power, they will also use a large number of local resources.

In addition, scientific methods are not used for extraction, so the memory usage will increase rapidly.

For example, if the low-level and mid-level demons perform attacks, the ratio of energy to damage is 1:1 and 1:5.

Then the upper-level demon's energy utilization rate is 1:25, while the energy utilization rate of the super-level demon is 1:125.

At the same time, the energy consumed by the skills of big demons of different levels has their own upper limit.

The lower level consumes up to 1 million at a time, so the median is 5 million, the upper level is 25 million, and the super level is 125 million.

Of course, this is just an example. The actual consumption must be zero or round, and the value must be much greater than this.

That's why there is a situation where the more you kill, the higher their attack power becomes.

But even if he knew this was the case, Zhao Feng still had to kill the middle-ranked demons first.

After all, his level unblocking tasks, experience points, merit points, and even military rank promotion are all closely related to these big demons.

As for the fleet, Zhao Feng took a look. After confirming the fleet's energy reserves and doing some calculations, he knew that there was no problem there for the time being.

Even if I carry it for another 10 hours or so, nothing big will happen.

Zhao Feng then continued to superimpose his telepathy drill while keeping on the sidelines.

On the other side, in the crusade fleet, hundreds of captains who had just "asked for battle" were complaining incessantly.

The demon's sudden increase in attack intensity caused the shields of all the battleships that were in front of the shield to explode.

The shared energy impact caused their shield systems to all suffer over-limit backlash.

Among them, the breakdown of the power grid is actually a trivial matter, but the damage to the shipboard shield generator is really fatal, which makes them unable to escape in a short period of time.

As for running without a shield? Isn't that just seeking death?

But if they don't run, the increasingly fierce attacks of the big demons in front of them make these weak-willed guys frightened.

And after seeing the data calculated by the ship's optical computer, their faces were even more ashen.

Brand-new data shows that the opponent's barrier damage rate has been reduced by 35% compared to before.

Recovery speed increased by 70%.

After the bombardment, the strength was increased by an additional 140%.

After this wave, the scene of breaking the shield and killing the big demon just now seemed like an illusion.

Killing a big demon only to make the other party stronger. Who can stand this?

Now it seems that everything has returned to its previous desperate situation.

The fleet's demise has once again entered the countdown stage.

Moreover, the countdown to collapse calculated by the optical brain is faster this time, because the attacks of the demons have increased by 50% compared to before, which is a quite terrifying value.

Reflected in the damage of the joint shield, 7.5% of the shield value will be destroyed in one go.

At the same time, the number of overloaded battleships will also increase accordingly.

It stands to reason that if divided among tens of thousands of warships, it would not cause that much damage.

But that's for ordinary attack methods. The ordinary four-series damage shield system is really not afraid of it.

Even if 20% of the total shield value is destroyed at one time, the impact on the equipment is within the tolerance range.

But the attacks issued by the demons are either evil energy or chaotic energy, which are all a type of mysterious energy.

What is outstanding about the characteristics of these energies is that they are unscientific.

In the hit shield area, the warship just behind the hit area will be forced to bear part of the attack pressure.

Therefore, every time some warships are forced to temporarily withdraw from the front row and go to the rear for maintenance and shield system replacement.

The Star Sea Fleet had inexplicably won a hand before, but now it was inexplicably at a disadvantage.

This left all the captains scratching their heads, but after all, the previous battle had achieved "certain results" under the long-term bombardment.

After considering the recovery ability of the fleet, most of the captains in the fleet did not shrink back from the transformation of the demons.

It can be seen that most of the captains still have a strong will to fight and want to continue to fight against the big devil.

. . .

Zhao Feng on the other side did not participate in this attack, but silently held back the telepathy drill in his hand, waiting for the next round of fleet salvo.

He knew very well that there was a high probability that he would be noticed by the opponent in the next round.

Because where the big demon was at this time, there was constant ring energy spreading toward the surrounding airspace like water waves.

Obviously, the big demons are not fools. They also know that it is impossible for the Star Sea Fleet in front of them to break through the barrier, let alone kill them, so there must be other people behind it.

Such a defensive attitude proves this point.

Therefore, for the next attack, even Zhao Feng, who was fully prepared, could not guarantee that the telepathy drill would not be noticed by the opponent under normal conditions.

Thinking of this, Zhao Feng first threw out the "drill" that had been stacked 100 times and had a megaton level of telekinesis.

Of course, the telepathy drill did not fly directly towards the big devil.

Instead, he made a large circle, first away from where he was now, and then around to a position diagonally above the big devil's head.

Because of his energy vision, Zhao Feng can clearly see the frequency of detecting ripples, which can be used with some tricks.

First, stop at the edge of the detection wave to ensure that it will not be discovered.

Then he prepared to follow the old routine and use the energy impact of the explosion to neutralize the energy of the barrier while the fleet fired a salvo, using this as an opportunity to launch a sneak attack.

The next second, thousands of cannons fired.

This wave is still full of firepower. Even if a high-level demon is added to the other side, the barrier is still under great pressure.

Of course, after all, it is a high-ranking demon, so the effect is still there. It is not like before, in order to resist the frontal bombardment, the 180° boundary on the back was weakened to almost nothing.

Now at least the barrier is still intact in this wave.

But it only seemed complete. After all, the energy of the barrier was being consumed in large quantities. The whole thing seemed complete. However, in Zhao Feng's eyes, the barrier still had many loopholes.

But it seems that there is a defense. Although the barrier energy in the rear hemisphere is much thinner, it can still provide a certain degree of protection.

It may not be possible to block the fleet's salvo, but there is still no problem in dealing with Zhao Feng's telekinesis.

But fortunately, Zhao Feng observed the results of a shelling in advance.

At that time, he clearly saw that when the barrier resisted the bombardment, the connecting portion of the barrier between the attacked and unattacked parts had a slight spatial distortion due to the violent fluctuations in energy.

The twisted part is like a vortex in the sea water, and its defense strength gradually weakens from the outside to the inside.

In the energy field of view, at the center of the twisted vortex, the energy of the barrier is basically zero.

The only problem is that the twisted vortices that appear are not generated at a fixed location, and their size and quantity are not fixed.

In addition, it will be annihilated randomly with the annihilation of energy like undercurrents or turbulence.

It is quite difficult to seize the moment when the vulnerability is generated and get through it.

But who is Zhao Feng?

A macho man whose seventh sense has reached the "perfect" state.

The moment the bombardment hit, he directly activated the atomic time in the seventh sense.

In an instant, the entire airspace changed into something else directly in front of Zhao Feng's eyes.

The light of the explosion, the splashing energy, and the aftermath of neutralization and annihilation were all frozen in this moment.

And his power of thought was swimming freely in this still world, unfettered and completely free from any interference.

First, it passed through the wave valley where the energy density of the detection wave was low, and then turned around and came to the edge of the barrier that produced space distortion.

And dived straight in without hesitation.

Aim at a big, ignorant demon and dig right into its crotch!

Of course, the vital position of this target demon is not in the crotch, but in a position similar to the kidneys.

But Zhao Feng didn't know if it was because of bad taste or what, he controlled the telepathy drill and still pulled it out from a familiar position.

Dead point perception + ignore defense.

Even if the evil energy defense body was deliberately left behind, it would be of no avail.

After all, as a sneak attacker, Zhao Feng was also afraid of accidents, so the energy in the superimposed telekinetic drills was excessive.

Unless the middle demon ignores the barrier and devotes all his energy to defending himself, there is no way he can block this move.


Of course, there is no sound in a vacuum environment.

This is just Zhao Feng's inner dubbing.

As the dubbing sounded, he followed from bottom to top, following the lower three paths to directly attack its kidney weakness.

There is no doubt that Zhao Feng has won another victory.

In this world, there is once again a big demon with a frightening face and a twisted death form. (End of chapter)

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