It is said to be a submunition, but in fact it is also a "weapon projection platform."

And it also has a "weapon projection platform" with a double-layered nesting doll.

As for the SE submunition fired, normally, whether it is the casing of the submunition or the fragments of the bullet, it should have a very strong destructive effect.

But Zhao Feng did the opposite and removed all the extra charges from the outermost shell at the beginning of manufacturing.

In addition to the function of rectifying the shell during launch and ejecting the internal projectiles one after another, the shell itself no longer has any attack capabilities.

The internal charge will only eject the loaded sub-body projectiles, but will not cause any substantial damage to the surroundings.

Even though the projectiles seem to fly out together, in fact they all have a certain sequence and time interval.

It's like a disposable simple turret that fires at high speed.

Normally, for such an attack, the damage caused by its fragments would be attenuated to the extreme.

But Zhao Feng's SE submunition bombs are not normal items.

The projection mode of the human fleet is neither based on missile launches nor on aerial bombs.

His firing method is all about sub-light speed bombardment!

This will make the initial kinetic energy of the projectile reach an astonishing level.

Built-in charge? Not useful at all!

Just relying on the initial kinetic energy, the internal fragmentation power can be enhanced to an epic level.

In addition, in order to ensure that it is not judged as a single attack by the rules of this universe, the main body of the cannonball also has an additional self-destruction device. The self-destruction device will activate the charge in advance to destroy the shell, preventing it from encountering the Chaos soldiers at all. opportunity, and if it does not cause damage, it will not be counted by the rules.

In this way, each sub-fragment will be calculated separately by the rules of this world.

This can be regarded as a different kind of taking advantage of the rules of the universe.

Anyway, no matter how you exploit loopholes, as long as it makes sense in principle.

Even if there is a slight bug, Xinghai Will will help cover it up.

. . .

At this time, it was revealed how stretched the Chaos Legion's command system was.

There is no unified means of communication for the cooperation between followers of different faiths, different sects and different evil gods.

And because the fleet in front of them had no intention of taking action, they mistakenly thought that this fleet was probably a trophy sent back from the front line, so they would not give priority to it.

At this time, the Chaos side was still trying to find a way to contact the Doomsday Barrier, trying to determine what was going on with the fleet in front of them.

In the fleet on the other side, Zhao Feng was already ready to go on a killing spree.

But he didn't fire immediately, what a thief he was~

Seeing that the opponent did not take action, he did not rush to order the fleet to attack.

Instead, they first used shipboard radar to scan the distribution of the Chaos Legion's forces.

Not only radars, but also life detectors and geological analysis equipment are all on duty.

Taking advantage of the opponent's confusion, within a few dozen seconds, he scanned the distribution of all the troops in the garrison.

In addition, Zhao Feng also found the suspected location of the Chaos Commander through the energy vision of his eighth sense.

Staring at the dense red dots on the big screen in front of him, as well as the largest red dot in the center, Zhao Feng raised the corners of his mouth slightly, turned on the fleet broadcast, and loudly issued the final attack command:

"The battle to regain Eden Eternal begins!"

When the order sounded, all the battleships began to operate slowly according to the established strategy.

Just like a rotating millstone, the captains of each ship only need to control it according to the prefabricated operating parameters.

In terms of bombardment, the gunners on each warship only need to perform freely according to the shooting angle given by the system.

And following the commander-in-chief's order, the fleet formed into a [balanced yoke formation] immediately started to operate.

Immediately afterwards, the Chaos soldiers below heard a continuous roar above their heads.

When they looked up, they saw millions of streams of light flying out of the fleet following the sound of cannons, heading straight towards the legionnaires below.

This situation, in the eyes of the chaotic creatures, did not make them show any fear.

An emotion called disdain arose in his not-so-smart mind.

The soldiers were like this. After seeing the "sparse" light rain above their heads, the captains of all levels in the Chaos Legion even sneered sarcastically:

"Haha~! That's it? Come on, boys, let these creatures of order see how powerful we are..."

Before he finished speaking, the millions of light points suddenly exploded in mid-stream, and each light point turned into at least thousands of smaller light points.

In an instant, the originally sparse light in the sky became dense, and the squad leader who had been shouting just now couldn't help but be slightly startled.

The speed of rushing upward did not gradually slow down.

The younger brothers around him didn't care why the boss slowed down. They didn't have much information left in their brains about seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages.

Even in the face of a close attack, they still rushed forward without fear of death.

But this was not the end. Those slightly smaller "light spots" seemed to sense the Chaos soldiers below after flying a certain distance.

The stream of light that had originally split into tens of billions of streams actually split again.

In the blink of an eye, tens of billions turned into trillions, and a full 10 trillion streams of light hit the chaotic creatures below.

The light rain was like a pillar, and in an instant, the chaotic creatures in a large area were shot into a sieve.

The squad leader who was bragging just now was pierced by the scorching rain of fragments on the spot.

The squad leader's physical protection ability may be able to withstand the bombardment of one or two alloy beads, but it is a rain of fragments!

There are at least 100 pieces per square meter, and the falling speed is at least 10,000 times the speed of sound every second, a terrifying rain of fragments!

And this was just the beginning of the massacre. After the fleet opened fire in the first round, the SE bombs that turned into a rain of light never stopped for a moment.

And as the formation moves, the shooting speed becomes faster and faster.

The land below the space passage, the chaotic creatures and even the corrupted buildings below the fleet were all blown to pieces on the spot without even holding on for half a minute under the rain of bullets.

And this is just the beginning. The defensive strength here has become a lot empty due to the delivery of the big demon.

In addition, they also want to expand the corrupted territory in the region. Due to various weakenings, the number of defenders is actually very limited.

Especially the number of Chaos Air Force may be less than 10 trillion.

There may be a lot of armies. After all, the minerals here in Eternal Eden are extremely rich, and the army troops are needed to mine them and provide resources for the front line.

But if the army alone wants to deal with the superior fleet, it is completely nonsense.

Apart from being given free of charge, these Chaos Army units do not serve any unnecessary purpose.

Of course, they can also choose to temporarily detonate troops from bases in other directions in the area, but the problem is that water from a distance cannot quench their thirst for nearness.

When the soldiers broke out, the human race also gained a firm foothold.

It doesn’t make much sense~

. . .

In the sky, cluster bombs rubbed against the air and turned into streaks of light.

On the ground, chaotic creatures were pierced by fragments and died into a pile of mud.

Although the Chaos Commander had a resounding reputation, his reputation could not save his life when faced with such unreasonable high-density bombardment.

No matter how many soldiers there were, it was unable to resist the attack of the fleet. Under such intensive bombardment, it only had time to send a distress message before it was completely destroyed. Then its life ended abruptly like a short movie commentary video from a certain audio source.

He was so dead that he died in pieces!

Worse than the minced meat sold at the morning market~

1 hour.

It only took an hour for the Chaos Legion stationed at the teleportation channel to be wiped out by Zhao Feng's fleet.

Immediately, he began to clean up the buildings of the Chaos Legion.

This time you can switch to explosive weapons.

I saw the "thunder" in the sky taking a break, and the rain of bullets also stopped for a few seconds.

Then, an even more terrifying roar sounded from the ground.

The energy shock wave destroyed all the foundations laid by the Chaos Legion, and the ruthless energy explosion made no distinction between good and bad, right and wrong.

All corrupted or semi-corrupted substances on the ground will be completely purified.

After clearing the area tens of thousands of kilometers below the fleet, the fleet switched to submunitions again and continued bombarding in the distance.

Kill all the fish that slipped through the net and the chaotic creatures that came to support, and then switch to energy bombs to purify the ground again.

Another hour passed quickly after this back and forth, and the fleet cleared a large area.

Not only the land below, but also the land further away, hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, was cleaned by the fleet's barrage.

Soon, within a radius of hundreds of thousands of kilometers, the disgusting and corrupt aura of the Chaos Legion completely disappeared.

Feeling that it was almost done, Zhao Feng did not hesitate to take out the "Relocation Agreement" that he had redeemed from the racial merit store early in the morning.

When this agreement was at Lv.25, its relocation range could be chosen at will between Lv.0-Lv.25 at the universe level.

But now Zhao Feng has reached Lv.26, and the upper limit of the area displayed on it has also changed to Lv.26 for some reason.

Looking at the changes in the agreement, Zhao Feng was not too surprised.

‘Well, if you look at it this way, the relocation agreement should be determined based on the location of the holder. ’

Thinking of this, Zhao Feng moved his base directly over without hesitation.

As Zhao Feng's selection was completed, the agreement also took effect at this time and gradually integrated into the surrounding space.

The next second, a huge space distortion suddenly occurred on the continent below.

The scope of the distortion was so large that it completely exceeded the area cleared by the fleet.

At this moment, a system prompt suddenly popped up in front of Zhao Feng's eyes.

【Ding! The ongoing relocation of the theater troupe base has been detected]

【warn! The current relocation base area is too large. If the relocation continues, a large amount of land will enter the corrupted area. Is it a forced relocation or a reduction in base area? 】

At the same time that the prompt popped up, a miniature virtual image also appeared in front of Zhao Feng's eyes.

That image information is exactly the shape of the human race's territory.

Although he was a little helpless, in order to avoid causing trouble, he had no choice but to streamline.

"First remove all useless rock formations, gather the minerals in one area, then reduce the soil layer by 80%, and finally move the border wall turrets inward to make them closer to the three major cities."

With Zhao Feng's continuous adjustments, after finally reducing the base area by a full 80%, the system finally popped up the corresponding prompt message.

【Ding! The current base area can be relocated without damage. Would you like to relocate immediately? 】


As the words came out, the distorted space once again surged into larger space ripples, and then the pitted ground in front of him was quickly filled up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The minerals, the ground, the city, and the final outer defense barrier, just like 3D printing, gradually turned from virtual to real under Zhao Feng's eyes.

At the same time, on the other side of the Doomsday Barrier, the traces of the human race's past existence are also disappearing at an extremely fast speed, leaving only a few large pits in place, indicating that a powerful civilization once existed here.

【Ding! The relocation agreement has been completed, please check it! 】

Following the system prompts, the relocation of the base was finally completed. At this time, the distance between the three giant cities was less than 100,000 kilometers, which was not even a little bit tighter.

Although it is much more compact overall and the area is not as large as before, the minerals within the base have become more dense after this wave of adjustments.

With the help of the Xinghai System, the previous mines behind the human race and the giant mine that came from the "neutral area" were all chopped up and replaced with the original soil layer to become the new ground.

In the future, both mining costs and transportation costs will be greatly reduced.

The excess portals can be used elsewhere to create more strategic value.

Similarly, the Cherubim clones originally stationed on the giant mines in the neutral area were also taken back by the Star Sea System.

Fortunately, that thing was originally a neutral unit, so there was nothing to regret about being taken back to Zhao Feng.

With the completion of the human base, the fleet also slowly descended to the ground.

After reassigning the human race members to their original jobs, Zhao Feng also did not forget to recruit everyone into legion members.

Of course, Zhao Feng also gathered those guys who had problems and always wanted to separate and become independent within the human race.

It's not that Zhao Feng has a broad mind, it's just that once those people join the legion, their every move will be easier for Zhao Feng to detect.

In this way, if anyone is corrupted or simply becomes a traitor, Zhao Feng can discover and solve the problem as soon as possible.

When these people are still stubborn, he will have a legitimate reason to eliminate these bugs from the human race.

After the human race was fully integrated into Zhao Feng's legion, a new round of recruitment was also imminent.

The remaining 160 [offensive-class] battleships in the base have one day to be officially delivered, and a large number of operators are needed to drive them.

Moreover, the new construction workshop has also been prepared. This time the human race's annual battleship output will reach a terrifying 1,000 ships!

As for resources, there is no need to worry at all. (End of chapter)

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