After the captains saw the monster that Valnice had turned into, some of them directly quit the communication, gave up the idea of ​​surrender, and led the remaining fleets of their own fleets to launch a desperate charge towards the evil battleship group.

Between the two options of dying gloriously or degenerating into monsters just to survive, they chose the former.

But there are also some captains who are more life-saving, have weak moral concepts, and also have weak racial concepts, and don't care much about these aberrations.

After seeing the princess's appearance, they did not rush to express their opinions, nor did they leave directly without a word.

Instead, choose silence and wait and see.

These commanders don't care about corruption or deformation.

The so-called degeneration, in their view, is nothing more than working for a different employer.

Anyway, no matter who you are working for, as long as your own will does not die, there are endless possibilities.

What they are more concerned about is actually whether there are other side effects on the consciousness level besides the body after the fall.

In addition to these two types of captains, there are also some degenerates who have been infiltrated by the Third Princess for a long time and are willing to die for her.

Looking at the captains who stayed behind, he listened to the heavy breathing in the communication channel.

Val Nicole couldn't help but reveal a wild and charming smile.

"Hehehe~ It seems that you don't want to go against me. I have to say that this is a very smart decision. I know what you are thinking. Look~ I am not doing well now?

The consciousness is still my own, and I have not lost myself after taking refuge in the evil god as some people have claimed. I still know what I want, and my desires and feelings are all normal.

In addition, compared to the previous state, the god I believe in can still bestow divine grace on his people from time to time~"

Speaking of this, Val Nicole's face flushed.

"That kind of gift is more wonderful than the feeling that love brings to me, and it makes me happier than satisfying desires...

Of course, this is not without a price, but the price is very small. You only need to sincerely believe in a god. With just a little faith, you can gain a strong body, enjoy God's gifts, and gain an almost endless lifespan.

So what's there to hesitate about? Don't be afraid, it's just a matter of changing owners.

I know you may be worried about whether body deformity will affect your mind. This is completely unnecessary. Look at my form. "

As she spoke, Val Nicole spun around in a circle, fully displaying her mutated body to everyone.

"Don't look at me as bloated as I am now, mainly because I don't have a solid grasp of the power of chaos. As long as I master it for a period of time, these "desire appendages" can be retracted into the body."

Valnice was naturally beautiful, and after her fall, she learned some charm and mind-control mysterious skills.

When you encounter such guys who have flaws in their thinking or are not determined in their will, it is not easy to induce them to fall.

Especially when dealing with male creatures, it has an additional 50% persuasion success rate.

After saying this, almost all the remaining captains had corrupt thoughts.

After all, it is better to live than die.

Just like the princess said, it's just a matter of changing owners.

As for what to do about your own tribe?

I can only say sorry, after all, the current situation is special, one moment and another~

. . .

At the critical moment when the central war zone fell into chaos.

The human fleet did not hesitate at all, just like athletes running wildly after the starting gun was fired.

The entire fleet moved quickly according to the instructions given by Zhao Feng.

The fleet engine, which had already been warmed up, suddenly emitted light blue flames.

As the flames spurted out, the entire fleet slowly rotated.

Yes, spin.

The fleet did not move forward directly, or directly move in a certain direction, but ran the [Front Arrow Formation] in place.

I saw 80,000 warships, arranged like drills, slowly rotating according to the formation parameters set in advance.

As the formation was activated, the warships in the [Front Arrow Formation] were also firing regularly according to established procedures.

In the blink of an eye, the dense kinetic energy bombs went straight towards the Chaos Legion array.

With just one salvo, wherever the formation's arrow pointed, all the chaotic creatures turned into a rain of blood.

The airspace pointed by the "Array Eye" has been cleared of hundreds of thousands of kilometers of cylindrical channels.

And this is just the beginning of everything.

As the formation operates, the rotation speed of the "drill" gradually increases.

This creates a series of chain reactions.

When the speed of the formation becomes faster, the frequency of changing positions of each warship as a node within the formation also speeds up simultaneously.

When a battleship is above the "drill", the battleship's top turret gets a window to fire.

And when the battleship follows the formation and moves to the flank of the "drill", the turret on the side gets a shooting window.

The movement of each warship within the formation allows all the gun ports on the ship to be effective.

Moreover, due to the continuous recycling of each artillery piece, the trouble of overheating and overloading of the artillery is basically eliminated.

In one circle, almost all the heat on the barrel was taken away, and at the same time, the artillery at various positions on the battleship could fire one round.

In this way, there is no need to ration additional ammunition or adjust the hull of the battleship's gun positions. As long as the formation operates according to the rules of the formation, the firepower it deserves can be exerted.

In the past, the Conqueror, like the human race, was a single-sided fire warship. After continuous firing, it was necessary to turn the ship around to change the gun emplacement on the other side.

The previous operation, which was a waste of time and reduced efficiency, was directly offset by the effect brought by the current [Front Arrow Array].

When the formation is running faster and faster.

The drill bits formed by the fleet also slowly turned from ten revolutions per second at the beginning to hundreds or thousands of revolutions per second.

The frequency of shooting is also rapidly increasing under the gradually accelerating formation.

The mere 2 times attribute bonus was soon not enough to support the high-speed cyclic bombardment.

Zhao Feng was not surprised by this. With a thought, his [Leader] ability was fully activated, and various attack attribute bonuses began to gradually double.

3 times, 10 times, 30 times, 60 times!

For a fleet of more than 10,000 ships, Zhao Feng's [Leader] bonus effect can only be retained at a maximum of 2%.

After all the special states are superimposed, the current maximum multiplier of the bonus is stabilized at the terrifying value of 60 times.

This level of firing frequency bonus has almost reached the power grid charging limit of the Vol and Pyg warships.

In order to keep up with the output frequency of the fleet, they even have to reduce the shield system to 50% of normal in order to barely maintain the intensity of firepower.

There is no way, this is a shortcoming of the battleship's performance.

On the other hand, this is not the case with human battleships.

Even though the armor of the human race's warships is very poor, in terms of energy supply, they are definitely the best among civilizations of the same level.

Not to mention 60 times the charge, even if it is increased to 600 times the charge, the human fleet can still withstand it.

Moreover, you don’t have to worry about the gun overheating.

[Front Arrow Array] In high-speed rotation mode, it is not just as simple as taking away heat.

When the rotation speed exceeds 1,000, a special air duct will be formed inside it.

While sucking in a large amount of cold air, the tail of the formation will discharge all the excess heat on the battleship.

And it is not the limit of the formation yet.

The 2400 rpm [Front Arrow Array] is 1.2 million rpm away from the limit, which is a full 500 times difference.

After conversion, the limit of [Front Arrow Array] can allow the fleet to withstand up to 30,000 times the attack attribute blessing.

What is the concept of increasing the rate of fire, charging, and reloading by 30,000 times?

Of course, the current situation does not require such exaggerated attributes.

The saturation attack brought by the 60 times attribute blessing has been able to easily complete the strategic goals set by Zhao Feng.

The bombardment only lasted 3 minutes before pushing the Chaos soldiers directly in front of the [Front Arrow Formation] tens of millions of kilometers away.

A flesh-and-blood passage cleared by the rain of shells gradually formed at this moment.

The cannonballs flying at sub-light speed were almost flying out one after another at this time.

The crushed flesh and blood of the chaotic creatures spread all over the ground along this passage like rain.

The additional penetrating power of the high-level artillery accelerated this process. The flesh and blood of the Chaos Legion could not stop the advance of the bullet rain, not even for half a second.

With this burst of firepower, even the giant worm Addis would die if he stood in front!

Similarly, its ammunition consumption is also very fast.

15% of the fleet's total carrying capacity was consumed in 3 minutes.

Time passes minute by minute.

Six minutes later, when the first shell pierced the Chaos array and flew out of the Chaos Legion's encirclement.

The prompt message from the ship's optical brain immediately flashed in front of Zhao Feng's eyes.

"Ding, your Excellency, Commander, the channel dredging progress is 80%, and it is expected to be completely cleared within 2 minutes."

That's right, Zhao Feng's goal is not to use the [Front Arrow Formation] to kill out.

First of all, if you choose to kill hard, the amount of ammunition consumed by the fleet is a big problem.

Secondly, if the fleet's marching method is to kill and move at the same time, it will not work.

After all the resisting fleets in the central theater are wiped out, the human fleet pairs will be entangled by the big demons who react.

Then he was completely killed by the evil fleet that followed closely behind.

The fleet is at least 5 light-years away from the Chaos Legion's teleportation array.

So just fly at normal speed? Just rely on the firepower of the fleet to kill them? Then we have to fly to the Year of the Monkey and fight to the Moon of the Horse?

But if you use the jump engine, you won't have those problems.

Not only is it fast, it also saves a lot of time.

The only thing you have to face are the hard requirements for various transitions.

First of all, there cannot be too many obstacles in the direction of the jump. Otherwise, even if a warship flying at hundreds or even a thousand times the speed of light just hits a group of Chaos soldiers, the jump shield may collapse instantly.

At that time, the entire fleet will be in an extremely dangerous situation.

In addition, the preparation stage for the jump is also quite troublesome.

Not to mention the charging time and energy consumption, Zhao Feng was prepared for these.

The most annoying thing is actually another inconspicuous requirement.

"The fleet must be in a relatively stationary state before the jump shield can be activated."

Channel Zhao Feng can use the terrifying frontal firepower of the [Front Arrow Formation] to directly penetrate the Chaos Army Formation.

As for the jump, you can leave it to the "fleet jump" function of the [Atlas-class] industrial ship.

As for the most important issue of stationary battleships, it is more troublesome.

For example, he can use the most basic "formation emergency stop", and he was quite proficient in it when he first learned it.

But the problem now is the emergency stop of the 2400-rpm [Front Arrow Formation], which takes about 10 seconds to complete.

Normally, 10 seconds is enough. The problem is that the Chaos Legion outside is tightly surrounding this place. It is impossible to give you 10 seconds to prepare. It takes 2 seconds!

After much thought, Zhao Feng decided to use more radical methods.

Even if you try to lose part of the battleship's durability, otherwise it will really be hopeless if the shield is broken during the jump.

The so-called radical method is "adverse luck arrow".

The name is quite interesting, but the specific operation method is very "simple".

As long as the gravity wells of the battleships in the formation are forcibly activated, the gravitational constants within the formation are changed, and the gravitational directions of all battleships are anchored to the ground according to certain rules, all battleships can be stopped in a short time.

Of course, Zhao Feng will also suffer huge reaction force if he does this.

Fortunately, the ground beneath him is made of a cosmic wall. He can completely transmit this force to the indestructible cosmic wall so that it can withstand 80% of the emergency stop pressure.

Even if 80% of the pressure is transferred, the 20% that can be saved is not enough to support Zhao Feng's current trillion-level telekinesis.

After all, that is 20% of the mass of 80,000 warships.

So he had no choice but to sacrifice the durability of part of the battleship. If he was unluckier, he could only abandon part of the battleship to survive by cutting off his tail.

Finally, the personnel inside the battleship will also experience some gravitational interference, but the pressure they will endure will not be too great.

After everyone's physical strength limit was raised, Zhao Feng gave his clansmen a collective level upgrade during this period based on their contribution.

The level of the group of people who contributed the most can even be compared to the frontline troops at this time.

Therefore, the personal injuries caused by abnormal gravity will not be too high.

With all kinds of guarantees, Zhao Feng can freely carry out his tactical intentions boldly.

With the operation of the [Front Arrow Formation], the firepower density of the entire fleet exceeded the combined firepower of all races on the Western Front in less than 9 minutes.

The battle formation of the Chaos Legion was completely cut into a columnar channel in the rain of human bullets.

"Ding! Commander, please note that the channel has been cleared and the current group jump engine charging progress is 65%... 66%..."

Ignoring the prompt information from his eyes, Zhao Feng calmly expanded the fleet's fire coverage area by 2°.

Immediately, the channel composed of bullet rain suddenly expanded in front of him.

Even if the fleet suddenly ceases fire at this moment, the channel that was forcibly opened by the human race with cannonballs will not be closed for a while.

Although this change increased the fleet's ammunition consumption by a few percentage points, it also left a way out for Omro.

It can be considered that he has exhausted his benevolence and righteousness. (End of chapter)

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