Staring at the explanation of the plug-in, Zhao Feng showed an expression like this.

‘Looking at it this way, I’m pretty lucky. . . ’

Thinking of this, he discovered a key point.

'etc? ! Is the reverberation of time and space a light-seeking technology? Doesn’t that mean that my warships will definitely have this tactical plug-in in the future? ’

‘This is so ridiculous! When the time comes, build tens of thousands of them, turn on the reverberations of space and time, and push them all the way. How can they stop it with just the soldiers of the Chaos Army~'

‘To put it bluntly, even if other forces are jealous of my battleship and want to steal it, I’m not afraid!

As long as the resistance halo is switched to the energy type and the space-time reverberation is turned on, what kind of live ammunition, missiles, lasers, etc. belong to fighter planes? None of them can get in! ’

‘Isn’t this the “Golden Fleet” I imagined? ! Invincible, elegant, and absolutely crushing! ’

Zhao Feng thought happily for a while, and then after realizing that he had to join the large army, he quickly brought his thoughts back.

'Well, the "launching" of the battleship has completed the Star Sea System's assessment of the level of the human fleet, so the next step is to choose whether to assemble with the large force. . . ’

In Zhao Feng's view, it doesn't matter whether they gather or not.

Anyway, I have to jump to the barrier again in the end.

Other races choose to act cautiously for the sake of safety, but Zhao Feng knows the actual situation at this level, and there is no need to make unnecessary moves.

It is better to take advantage of this time to collect and hide all the crystal armor in the barrier.

Then get ready to put on a show of "stick to your post, be selfless and selfless" for those civilizations.

His purpose was simple, to look like he was resisting with difficulty.

Never act too relaxed.

There is no way, because of the existence of Shadow Demon, Zhao Feng has now acquiesced that the chaos forces have penetrated into the Star Sea Civilization at this time.

If he exposes the potential of his race, he is likely to be "inexplicably" targeted by the forces of Chaos.

Thinking of this, Zhao Feng couldn't help but feel a little lucky.

During the previous three stages of trials, although he showed some strength in order to gain some special treatment and the right to speak in the future, fortunately, he did not go too far.

If all the strength of the human race is really exposed.

I'm afraid that he will be sold out directly by the collaborating Xinghai forces!

It is conceivable that when the time comes, we will not only have to face the critical care of the chaotic forces, but also beware of the black hands behind us.

How terrible that would be.

He himself is not afraid of being targeted, but now the human race is still a relatively weak race.

After recognizing some problems, it is better to be more stable.

And since he wanted stability, as a commander, he couldn't use his true body.

Even the human race has to put on another vest.

The original identity will definitely not work.

Not to mention anything else, the princess's adjutant Eriwen, the first princess, and her staff Hal all looked at him.

The generals of other races must have heard of the outstanding human race.

Here comes the point.

The races in this trial were "completely wiped out" by Haka!

Suddenly the human race was alive and could withstand the year-long invasion of the Chaos Legion.

Then this race is not a problem with great potential.

You know, the four major forces were not so strong when they first participated in the trial!

At that time, all forces will pay attention to the human race, and many problems and dangers will follow.

For the human race that has not yet developed, this is absolutely not possible.

Likewise, the waistcoat of "Adolf" is not good. After all, the military rank of this image is too low, and it is impossible to be promoted in such a short period of time.

After much deliberation, I can only use the image of "extinguished star".

This image had been to the trade area in advance and was endorsed by the elven force Allen Pavilion.

It can be regarded as having a good background, and it can also be regarded as a strong clan by default.

This can also explain why one race can guard Level 25 for as long as a year.

At that time, he will first show his rank as Star Sea Admiral, and then reveal his identity.

Coupled with a set of coincidence-like rhetoric, you can get away with it,

Anyway, in the Xinghai universe, the number of races that have passed the test is like the sand of Yokogawa.

There are millions of races with major generals.

And for every race, there are countless stories and accidents that happen every day.

Suddenly, a fleet of humanoid races was accidentally teleported while exploring the ruins. This was actually a very reasonable thing.

As an exploration fleet, in order to protect the lives of researchers, it is only natural that the fleet is equipped with super firepower.

Coupled with changes in the terrain of the universe and temporary signs from the star sea system.

When resources are scarce, there is nothing questionable about creating a barrier to defend for a period of time.

What? Why did you drag the whole clan here?

This blame must be shouldered by the Xinghai system, and Zhao Feng will definitely not admit it.

If anyone questions his words, Zhao Feng can definitely bring out the Level 6 [Conqueror] to push back.

[Conqueror] looks completely different after strengthening than before, and is obviously several levels higher than the same level of battle patrol.

There are only a handful of this type of ship in the Xinghai universe.

It can be used as strong evidence.

If that doesn't work, there are also [Cross-Border Key] and [Spear of Sparta].

After all, he has a lot of treasures and stuff.

As for testing his origins, there is no need to be afraid.

First of all, the confidentiality authority of general officers is terrifyingly large.

Even if you meet people with high enough levels and qualifications to ask, as mentioned above, although the number of general-level people is slightly smaller, there are still millions of them.

There are also a large number of hidden races, and it is impossible to recognize all general-level officers.

This also gives him a lot of room for maneuver.

. . .

And then, it was the turn of the whole clan to cooperate and suffer in public.

Bulwark defenders? Just cut it in half! The fleet's firepower is reduced by 10 times~

This change brought the Chaos Legion on the front line directly into the face of the second line of defense.

At this time, the radar system also detected spatial index anomalies and a large number of transition signals.

Seeing this, Zhao Feng shrank his defense line again and gave up the second layer of barriers.

And he put away all the Dyson balls, allowing the barrier's shield to quickly overload and cut off power.

After this combination of punches, anyone who looks at it will look like a complete defeat.

Seeing that the plan was progressing smoothly, Zhao Feng also took this opportunity to shrink the defenders again and fled towards the last line of defense.

At this moment, the troops of all races participating in the war finally arrived at the new doomsday barrier built by the human race.

Seeing that the defenders were being beaten back steadily, the Chaos soldiers were advancing with great success.

In this situation, how could they have time to send inquiries to the defenders below?

Directly use full firepower to sweep towards the Chaos Legion below.

I saw the various gun flames on the electromagnetic gun flashing continuously.

The pulse lasers and energy weapons on the ship were flashing with light beams of green, purple, blue, and other colors.

The roar of tens of millions of artillery fire sounded.

Covered by endless firepower.

In just half a minute, the invading Chaos Legion melted quickly like ice and snow under the scorching sun.

In this way, the bombardment spread until it covered thousands of kilometers outside the barrier before slowly stopping.

After resolving the "crisis" of the barrier, [The Conqueror] also received a communication request at this time.

Staring at the name tag in the communication request, Zhao Feng couldn't help but be stunned.

The Valkyrie Empire, Marshal of the Star Sea, and the third princess Valnice.

Although he was a little confused as to why the first princess was not here, Zhao Feng still followed the previously planned strategy.

First, he fine-tuned his appearance, then put on his helmet before answering the other party's communication request.

Soon a petite and charming woman appeared in the projection.

Her figure was extremely enchanting, like a seductive vixen.

The sparse fabric on the clothes even revealed the spring glory.

But Zhao Feng was not attracted by it at this time.

Because even through the screen, he could feel something was wrong with the other person.

Doubtful in his heart, "Xi Xing"'s expression remained as usual:

"Hello, Your Royal Highness, the commander-in-chief of this battle, welcome to your presence. I am from the Jupiter human race of "Fading Star". I wonder why you are summoned by the princess?"

"Hey, your little mouth is quite sweet, Jupiter human race? Xi Xing? Never heard of it~ Judging from your strength, you should be a fifth-level civilization? Not bad, you can actually defend the attack of the chaos forces?"

Hearing this, Zhao Feng's attitude became even lower and his tone became more respectful. He didn't want to make any mistakes now.

Now that you know something is wrong with the other party, you can't just pretend.

It is what you should do to stab the opponent secretly and kill the opponent without showing any trace.

"It was all a fluke. When the accident happened, we saw the tragic situation of the Doomsday Barrier, but then the whole world..."

Zhao Feng narrated what happened next in an embellished manner. As for the credit for Haka's death, all the credit was given to the First Princess.

But the more he talked, the more Zhao Feng felt something was wrong.

After his perception was strengthened to the extreme, he could experience all kinds of thoughts about himself.

Normally in the base, the looks in the eyes of the people of his own tribe are basically similar to admiration, admiration, gratitude, admiration, etc.

This is a good emotion, and the feeling it brings to him is also warm.

And bad emotions like "malice" are very obviously cold.

Especially the jealousy and murderous intention in the malice are cold and biting.

Although the princess in front of him was a holographic projection, Zhao Feng could feel her strong malice.

And it was the first time that he and the other party met, how could he possibly provoke the other party?

unless. . .

Zhao Feng immediately thought of [Shadow Demon].

‘Fuck it! Have all the high-level officials of this empire been infiltrated? How about playing chicken? ’

Thinking of this, Zhao Feng's senses were released and he followed the electromagnetic waves and rushed into the opponent's battleship.

Then his heart felt cold.

‘Fuck, this smell is so much like Slaanesh, this little girl is so wild! ? ’

He was thinking of countermeasures in his mind, but Zhao Bie still had a respectful look on his face.

Seeing the other party's flattering look, Val Nicole didn't have the intention to say anything more and said directly:

"I see you have suffered so many casualties, and the fleet is less than a thousand ships. You can just follow the main force and follow the arrangements later~"

"Xi Xing" couldn't help but show a happy expression when he heard this.

"Thank you Commander-in-Chief for your understanding."

"Well, let's go."

After finishing speaking, the holographic projection disappeared.

After the projection completely disappeared, Zhao Feng stood up straight, his eyes solemn and his brows furrowed, lost in thought.

‘It’s not easy to deal with. There’s obviously something wrong with this guy. The First Princess didn’t act like this before. How could a younger sister be so virtuous? Is the Valkyrie Empire reliable? Can the royal family be corrupted? ’

‘The princess is like this, how can the minister be better? By the way, how long has Shadow Demon been infiltrating? . . . ’

Although he couldn't think of a clue, Zhao Feng understood that it was always right to be more stable.

And he always felt that with this bitch around, this battlefield trial would most likely be a sinkhole.

But he had to jump even though he knew it was a trap, not just because of the Xinghai rewards.

After discovering that there was something wrong with Val Nicole, Zhao Feng knew very well that he had to find a way to kill her.

Let the evil god's subordinates occupy the Valkyrie Empire, one of the four major powers?

Just think about it, it’s a disaster, right?

But then Zhao Feng couldn't help but cursed in his heart again.

‘MD I just want to survive, why is it so difficult? Can't you save people one by one? ’

Looking up at the metal plate above his head, Zhao Feng let out a long sigh.

"Sigh...Old man, I originally wanted to keep you, but you have also seen this situation. It is very critical. I'm sorry!"

As he spoke, Zhao Feng came to the captain's seat, took apart the seat, and removed the [Biological Mothership Core] from the slot of the battleship below.

After a burst of energy fluctuations and twitching sounds, the [Conqueror], which had accompanied Zhao Feng for more than a year and made great achievements in the north and south, was also the same as the previous [Kite].

It lost all combat modules and became a "training ship".

The originally golden-quality [Conqueror] now had all its shipboard modules destroyed, all its turret slots destroyed, its shield attenuated to 30%, its radar detection capability attenuated to 50% of its original value, and only the most basic functions were retained.

Basically, in addition to being used for training captains, it can only be transformed into a tourist ship for tourists to sightsee.

fighting? Forget it.

Holding the crimson [Biological Mothership Core], Zhao Feng took a serious look at the bridge, and then left without looking back, heading straight for the brand new dark gold [Offensive Class] battleship.

This new ship is bigger, more powerful, but also stranger.

The area inside the bridge is fully 10 times that of the Conqueror.

Zhao Feng didn't recognize one-third of the various equipment.

Although there are a lot more devices, the place where the special plug-ins are placed remains the same, right under the captain's seat.

First, he reinstalled the core, and then he sat directly in the captain's seat, opened the battleship assessment training software, and at the same time opened the Eye of Time and the Seventh Sense, and started training seriously.

The next second, the time flow rate in the bridge was increased a hundred times, coupled with the activated seventh sense bonus.

At this time, if one second passes outside, a full year will pass inside the bridge.

If someone is standing outside the bridge door and looking in.

You can see that Zhao Feng's movements at this time are as if the video has been accelerated a hundred times, twitching and weird.

About 20 seconds passed before the time flow rate in the bridge slowly returned to normal.

. . . (End of chapter)

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