Survival on the Star Sea: Starting from a small broken ship and becoming stronger

Chapter 287 Black Hole [4000] Thanks to book friend DrMango for his continuous rewards

The number of "living people" within the barrier was declining rapidly at this time.

Except for those who are protected by shields in battleships.

Only the human race could barely survive Haka's attack.

It has a shield value of tens of millions of [Guardian Shield·Pseudo], plus Zhao Feng's own resistance bonus.

The human race has not been attacked with annihilation.

Of course, there will still be casualties, because even if the protective range of [Guardian Shield·Pseudo] is expanded to the extreme.

There is no way to completely cover the two defense zones.

But compared to those trial civilizations that wiped out their tribes, the losses of the human race are already much less.

Looking at the monstrous sea of ​​blood around him, Zhao Feng knew that he could not waste time and must transfer all personnel to the battleship as soon as possible.

As a series of emergency orders were issued, all battle patrols returned to their own defense zones and dropped hundreds of thousands of tractor light beams.

At the same time, the urgently assembled human army was retreating in an orderly manner.

Fortunately, Haka's attention was not on the human race.

After eroding the barrier, Haka directly manifested his "self".

It was a huge wind snake.

The two pairs of fleshy wings behind him cover the sky and the sun. The thick snake's body is covered with red crystal scales. A huge red crystal on its chest looks like a "weakness".

At this time, Blood God Haka had no time to care about the creatures lingering in the realm.

At this time, all its eyes were focused on the sky 10,000 meters high.

On the temporary fleet composed of massive frigates, tens of thousands of destroyers, thousands of cruisers, and the original hundreds of battleships.

At this time, the fleet had just finished organizing its formation, pouring firepower towards the crystal that looked like a weakness on Haka's chest.

But the effect caused by the attack was too overwhelming.

First, the live ammunition weapon hit the big devil's body, which was just an itch.

Its body composed of corrupted blood is directly immune to kinetic energy damage.

Missile-type attacks, even if they can't touch Haka's side, will be offset by the waves of blood surging around him.

Except for some L-shaped energy weapons, which may cause some trouble to it, other attack types cannot cause even the slightest damage to it.

On the other hand, if the Blood God Hakkar spits out a column of blood from its mouth, the defenders' warships will be directly penetrated and crashed.

Even if the battleship is hit head-on, although the hull will not be penetrated, as long as the shield is broken, the members inside the battleship will only die.

The disadvantage of the fortress defenders is almost visible to the naked eye.

As the commander-in-chief, the princess was already very busy.

She understood that with the few battleships left now, it was impossible to deal with the high-ranking demon.

I wanted to use the energy attack mode of [Dark Gold Roar], but it is useless if the charging time is short. If the charging time is long, it will become a target due to reduced mobility.

Just when he was in a dilemma, Hal suddenly said: "Your Highness, if that doesn't work, start the self-destruction program of the barrier! In this way, it may be able to severely damage it and create an opportunity for us to leave."

The adjutant heard this and said in agreement: "Your Highness, if the universe level is gone, we can still get it back, but if something happens to you, it will be a loss for the empire!"

After hearing this, the princess glanced at the two of them and said coldly:

"Shut up! Is there still a position behind the barrier? Retreat to Level 10? How long can we defend without resources? 10 years or 5 years?"

Seeing what the two wanted to say, the princess raised her hand and interrupted: "No need to say more, I would rather die on the battlefield than linger in the rear!"

At this point, the princess connected to the channel of the whole ship and shouted loudly: "All star-destroying captains obey the order. Turn on the blessing mode and follow me to kill!"

After saying this, an invisible momentum rose from the princess's body, and at the same time, the various values ​​of [Joshua's Origin] also increased rapidly at this time.

Mysterious resistance, artillery charging speed, and core power supply speed are all three hull attributes that have been directly increased by 500 times.

Obviously, the princess is also a strong star-burning person.

The same goes for the surrounding battleships, which have activated their respective bonus attributes.

At the same time, the formation of the fleet slowly changed at this time, and the warships with enhanced shield systems moved to the front of the fleet.

The battleships with enhanced maneuverability circled left and right, looking for the Blood God's weaknesses and diverting his attention.

The warships with enhanced firepower spread out in formation to charge all their main guns, and the defense was left entirely to the shield ships in front.

The special battleships activated a hundred-fold strengthened shielding stance, shrouding the gunboats' action patterns and [Joshua's Origin] without revealing any information.

In an instant, the fortress defenders, whose firepower suddenly doubled a hundred times, suppressed the power of the Blood God.

But if you want to kill Haka, this alone is not enough.

Although energy weapons can cause some skin injuries, normally if the injuries accumulate, they can slowly kill some weaker demons.

But what kind of existence is the projection of Blood God Haka? Weakened, they are all superior demons!

It also has its own title.

Blood God doesn't just mean that its attack method is "blood".

The word "blood" also shows that it has strong self-healing ability.

The princess has long been worried about this.

The purpose of ordinary battleships is only to suppress and contain firepower.

The final output depends on the dreadnought's keel main gun!

Almost as soon as the princess activated her ability, [Dark Gold Roar] switched to energy mode.

Immediately, a large amount of energy spurted out from the battleship's power core and was continuously injected into the keel main gun.

This time, the princess planned to play a more ruthless game, since the opponent was attacking with energy and had an obvious "weakness" on her chest.

Then the next "astral projection" will activate the penetration mode and give the opponent a powerful blow.

Previously, the micro-stars created were range attacks, and their power was evenly distributed in every direction of the explosion range.

This time, we are still creating micro-stars, but this time it is a more concentrated attack. The micro-stars launched will collapse at an extremely fast speed, forming the legendary "black hole".

A massive celestial body like a black hole is a triple attack method that takes into account energy damage, physical damage, and "space damage."

Under normal circumstances, this move takes a full 48 hours to recharge.

With the blessing of the starlight, it can eliminate some interference and problems such as energy loss and loss during charging, and it only takes 1 hour to launch.

At this time, the entire fleet was desperately trying to cover the attack of [Joshua's Ben].

Bombardment, bombardment, and bombardment, the captains endured a strong sense of soul peeling for a full hour.

In this hour, a group of battleships only reduced Haka's life energy level by 10%.

For this team of big demons, it's not a problem at all. The 10% energy level can be restored in just a few minutes.

The big devil is fine, but the captains who are controlling the high-speed battleship outside are not in a good situation at this time.

Because during the previous crusade against Level 26 Eternal Eden, everyone had already overstretched their abilities due to the continuous battles.

Returning to the Doomsday Barrier, although all the generals had rested for more than two months, they were still far from being fully recovered.

Normally, if it doesn't last for a year and a half, it's basically impossible to return to its heyday.

At this time, another high-ranking demon suddenly came to cause trouble.

After three axes came down, the barrier was broken.

Now they had to launch their capabilities again to fight back. With all the conditions combined, the captains of the high-speed battleship soon felt mentally exhausted.

He has not recovered at all. The essence of this advanced ability is still soul-like.

You must know that they are not wall-mounted Zhao Feng.

Although the defenders are all star-killers, and the princess is a star-killer, they are still a bunch of ordinary creatures.

In this way, it can be said that the injuries are added to the injuries, and the tiredness is added to the tiredness.

In such an intense battle, the first overdrawn captain soon appeared in the fleet.

I saw a high-speed battleship looking for Haka's weakness on the flank suddenly slowed down, and its erratic figure suddenly became like a snail.

How could the Blood God, who had been watching the entire battlefield situation, miss this opportunity.

Finally, I caught an annoying little fly, and saw a flash of bloodlust in its eyes. It whipped its tail and hundreds of crimson scales flew out from its tail, illuminating the battleship.

You know, it was originally a high-speed battleship, and its shields were much weaker than those of conventional battleships.

In the next second, a large number of "scales" hit the battleship's shield. The continuous collisions overloaded the battleship's shield system on the spot.

Without a shield to isolate Hakkar's domain invasion, the crew members instantly turned into blood balloons and then exploded into pieces.

The battleship didn't respond the whole time, or it was useless to respond.

After the captain becomes comatose, the ability blessing for the battleship will be disconnected. The sudden disconnection is like the delay becoming 999+ when playing LOL.

That will cause a huge delay in the control of the battleship in a short period of time.

Even more serious, due to untimely energy deployment, the power grid will also be impacted, causing the warship to be overloaded and lose shield protection for a short period of time.

After all, this is different from the normal disconnect bonus. Normal disconnection allows the captain to adjust the power grid, which is relatively mild.

And this situation was just the beginning. The captains of one battleship after another persisted until the last moment.

One after another, the battleships lost their bonuses and were shot up in the air.

On the other hand, Haka's biological energy level has only dropped to 10% at this time.

In the dreadnought, the princess looked at the crashing battleships with a trace of unbearable look in her eyes, and then she became determined again.

Glancing at the main gun, which had reached 99.2% charge, a trace of anxiety flashed in her eyes.

Every loss of one of those captains is a weakening of the civilized world.

But she still needs time.

1 minute, 3 minutes, 5 minutes. . . Finally the main gun charge reached 100%.

I saw her shouting without hesitation: "Launch!"

This is the first time she activates the 100% charged Dark Gold Roar, and the first time she activates the "Black Hole" mode in astral projection form.

No one in the Valkyrie Empire has ever tested this level of firepower.

I saw bursts of spatial fluctuations pouring out of the dreadnought's bow cannon.

The dark golden "star" was slowly restrained on the muzzle.

The shielding positions created by the surrounding special warships lost their effect at this time and could not cover up the terrifying energy.

Blood God Haka also discovered the permeating energy fluctuations immediately.

Before he had time to think about it, years of combat experience made him subconsciously scatter his body into pieces.

A huge wave of blood covered the entire barrier again in the blink of an eye.

But it was already too late to escape at this time.

I saw a huge dark golden beam suddenly spurting out, just like the ultimate flash released by Vegeta in Dragon Ball.

The golden energy column pushed the dark golden ball of light on its head and suddenly blasted towards the location where Haka was before at the speed of light.

The next second, the dark golden light ball suddenly shrank, and a small dark space suddenly formed in that area.

Infinite golden energy is continuously injected into the dark space, causing it to expand like a balloon.

The violent hurricane caused by the vacuum in the previous moment couldn't help but stop. When the wind direction changed, the gravity also changed rapidly.

The boundless sea of ​​blood was drawn madly by the black hole, and even the strength of the superior demon could not stop the supreme rules of the universe.

All matter surrenders under the black hole.

As for the barrier fleet, because they had known about the princess's offensive for a long time, the cruising warships returned to the fleet early.

The gravity well generated by the fleet cluster pinned the barrier defenders to the spot.

On top of the barrier, large areas of building materials corrupted by the fallen blood were all absorbed by the black hole, and the 100,000-meter-high blood wave reappeared again.

But this time it was no longer the one launching the attack.

Instead, he became the one struggling to survive.

But no matter how hard he struggled, the sea of ​​blood transformed by Blood God Haka still could not escape the fate of being swallowed by the black hole.

The crystal armor of the barrier was peeled off in large areas, and the solid foundation was also sucked into the black hole because it could not withstand the terrifying gravity.

Photons were also deflected by this terrifying gravity, which caused the world in everyone's eyes to be strangely distorted at this moment.

On the other side, Zhao Feng immediately activated the battle patrol's gravity well generator.

But the gravity of the black hole is too strong, and the large gravity well formed by 8,000 battle cruisers is not enough to maintain the stability of the human area.

Fortunately, his telekinesis is not affected by gravity.

It was firmly inserted into the ground and grabbed the cosmic wall below.

Under the force of tens of trillions and the gravity wells of 8,000 battle cruisers, the barrier defense area where the human race was located was barely preserved.

. . .

3 minutes, the black hole raged for three full minutes.

Finally, all the matter absorbed by the black hole is turned into energy. After being concentrated to a point, it is sprayed like a "shower" into the depths of the Doomsday Barrier.

I saw the terrifying energy sweeping across, and not even a trace of dust was left on the mountains, rivers and land, everything turned into basic particles.

Within a fan-shaped area of ​​several billion kilometers, the rock formations on the continent simply disappeared, leaving only the dark cosmic wall remaining in place.

A tunnel dug by the Chaos Legion? A previously corrupted area?

All were destroyed in this ultra-high energy gamma ray burst.

After a while, everything calmed down. (End of chapter)

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