Survival on the Star Sea: Starting from a small broken ship and becoming stronger

Chapter 282: Showy Tricks [4000] Thanks to the book friend

As for the rules of the Star Sea System, it is true that recruitment of trial races is not allowed at this stage.

Because in the battlefield trials, some major forces used cheating methods to help the civilizations that took refuge in them pass the trials.

Not only was he detected by Xinghai, he was also reported by other races.

In the end, because this was the first time this kind of thing happened and there were no relevant rules, the two races involved were not punished.

But then again, the question now is, with the strength displayed by the human race, do you need to cheat if you want to pass the trial?

Obviously, there is no need at all~

If he still refuses to reveal the real information secretly, the real purpose of this communication is worth questioning.

After hanging up on the other party several times in a row, Zhao Feng got fed up and blocked him directly.

The world suddenly became a lot quieter.

But when he returned his attention to the game and was about to start the boss battle, a new communication message was sent.

Staring at the three question marks and the game character who was hacked to death by the boss, Zhao Feng did not tolerate the other party this time and directly connected the communication request.

"What are you doing?! Are you annoyed? Didi, didi, didi, beep, you're crazy! Don't bother me, you little rat!"

After squirting, he hung up the communication without caring what the other party said.

This kind of thing deserves to be scolded. After muttering in his mouth for a while, Zhao Feng clicked on resurrection and ran to the boss room again.

On the other side, before the princess' adjutant could say anything, she was sprayed all over by Zhao Feng.

Although there are some cultural differences between races, the general meaning of words such as "Die you MA" is still the same.

The national curse is basically universal throughout the universe.

Looking at the communication request that was hung up again in front of him, the adjutant's face turned blue, red, and green.

This guy is obviously very angry.

That's right, the princess faction of the Valkyrie Empire is considered a powerful figure. Who wouldn't be polite to her when they see her?

It's the first time someone has criticized me like this. It's strange that I can't be angry.

"Rude! Dirty! Shameless! I'm so angry!"

After being furious for a while, the adjutant finally calmed down.

But the princess's mission still had to be carried out. Seeing that secret communication was not feasible, she could only send a formal communication request to him.

In this way, traces will inevitably be left, and it is only a matter of time before it is discovered by other civilizations within the barrier.

She had no choice but to think that the other party would be so difficult to deal with.

When a normal person receives a communication within the barrier, he or she will just hang up without saying anything, but at least you have to listen to who it is from, right?

It’s no wonder that the adjutant, Zhao Feng, who has lived on Earth for a long time, hates harassing phone calls.

When I look at this kind of call without a number, my first impression is that it is a "scam call".

Coupled with the evil gods, there might also be people lurking inside the barrier, so this communication might contain some kind of memetic contamination.

Of course, he is not afraid now. Zhao Feng has a resistance aura and an eighth sense. Even his will attribute can provide some immunity. Ordinary memetic pollution is basically ineffective against him.

He is not afraid, but the people around him, the crew members, are not necessarily afraid.

Therefore, his attitude towards these inexplicable things is extremely determined.

"Beep beep beep."

Just after Zhao Feng chopped down a soldier, a new prompt message popped up on the screen.

"Who is it? Are you bored to no end?"

But when he glanced at the source of the communication information, he couldn't help but frown.

‘The temporary commander of the base, Eriwen? ’

After thinking about it, he didn't answer the call immediately this time, but he didn't hang up either. Instead, he straightened his clothes before answering the communication request.

He did not wear the vest of "Adolf", mainly because his identity was relatively sensitive. After all, it was better to keep a low profile since the commander-in-chief of the base, Her Royal Highness, was in charge.

In addition, it was the first time for the human fleet to come, so Zhao Feng planned to use his true identity.

It can be regarded as giving him a label.

Soon, a heroic female face popped up on the big screen in front of him.

She is very beautiful, a bit like Hill in the Avengers.

But he is much younger than Hill, with more delicate skin and no forehead wrinkles.

After connecting to the communication, Zhao Feng asked directly:

"Your Majesty, Acting Commander, do you have anything to do with me?"

Necessary politeness is still required. For this kind of communication that will be kept on file, Zhao Feng's superficial skills are relatively good.

Eriwen: "Well, before that I want to ask, are you the leader of the human race?"

Zhao Feng nodded: "Yes."

Eriwen couldn't help but relax her brows when she heard this, and then said:

"Very well, let me tell you straight away, we are interested in your clan and want to recruit you."

"You?" Zhao Feng asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Yes, you should have heard of us, the Valkyrie Empire."

"Why? Didn't the Xinghai System open recruitment mode before? Why didn't you come to us then?" Zhao Feng showed appropriate surprise at first, and then spread his hands to express doubts.

But in fact, he was not confused at all.

Eriwen replied softly: "Ah, this is a long story. At that time, we were preparing to launch a general attack on "Eternal Eden" and did not pay attention to the trial. In fact, it was not just us, but also several other top forces. .”

Nodding, Zhao Feng continued to ask:

"So Commander, what's the price? What benefits can we gain?"

"There are many benefits. First of all, it is a safe development space. Secondly, as long as you make contributions, you can enjoy all-round technology sharing and resource tilt. In addition, we all belong to the humanoid race system. As long as you are good enough, you can even Let the two races marry..."

After a pause, Eriwen saw that the other party's expression did not seem to have changed much, so she continued:

"Of course, this is the benefit obtained by ordinary forces after joining. According to the strength shown by your lineage of human beings, you are eligible for higher treatment. You can get some preferential treatment in the technology tree without making contributions in advance, as well as departmental benefits. resource allocation.”

As if remembering something, Eriwen added:

"Oh, by the way, due to the rules of the Star Sea, you must complete the third stage of the trial, but with the strength you have shown now, I think this should not be difficult."

After listening to the other party's speech, Zhao Feng lowered his head in deep thought.

After a while, he raised his head and asked, "Can you check your sincerity first?"

"What sincerity?" Eriwen was a little confused.

"That's what you said." While speaking, Zhao Feng rubbed the index finger and thumb of his right hand.

Seeing this, Eriwen couldn't help but chuckle:

"Leader of the human race, it's not that I don't want to give you benefits. The main reason is that the Xinghai System does not allow it. If I give you benefits now, the Star Sea System will punish you and me."

Hearing this, Zhao Feng nodded and pondered for a while before replying:

"Then can I first take a look at the types of resources we are focusing on? Someone has wanted to recruit us before.

And they very sincerely presented their unique battleships, as well as high-end battleship blueprints and battlecruiser blueprints for us to watch, do you think? Can it? . . . "

Zhao Feng's words were a bit like bargaining by a small citizen, and he obviously wanted a guarantee.

To put it bluntly, it doesn’t seem so grand.

But what's the use of atmosphere? Disturbing matters like this, which are related to the future of the race, will only harm ourselves.

Of course, when he said this, it seemed that Zhao Feng was moved, but in fact he was not.

I think back then, he gathered the wool of "neutrino technology" and allowed the human race to obtain level 5 attack methods in the early stage.

Now he just wants to replicate the original operation.

Just "take a look" at the blueprint~ The permissions are locked and restricted by the rules of Xinghai. It can't be read even if it is stored in the brain, and it also takes up memory.

The request made by Zhao Feng was not excessive, nor did it violate Xinghai's regulations, and it was also reasonable.

After all, it’s just “watching”~

Ai Wen smiled slightly and agreed to Zhao Feng's request.

She is quite confident in her own weapons technology and battleship manufacturing level!

Make sure the other party takes the bait directly after reading it.

In this regard, Eriwen thought about it for a while, and then passed on all the battleship drawings and display pictures that she could mobilize within her authority.

The reason why only the blueprints of battleships are transmitted is mainly because the human race now has a well-established battlecruiser fleet.

If we conduct another batch of battle patrols, it will be time-consuming and a waste of resources.

Even an excellent battle patrol can defeat one against three.

But there is still a big gap between it and the battleship~

After taking this into consideration, she eliminated all hull models below battleships.

With a flurry of hands, the first-level display pictures and blueprint information of several battleships were soon transmitted to the Conqueror's optical brain.

These include aircraft carriers, support ships, battleships, industrial ships, and special combat ships.

At the same time, Eriwen's words were also passed along with those battleship drawings.

"You can choose any of these battleship blueprints, or even choose all of them.

But I recommend that you only select 1-2 of them for key construction in the future, because in order for a battleship to form a sufficiently crushing combat effectiveness, it is best to have more than 100 battleships of the same type, plus some attached small boats. , the combatants needed would start at least 1 billion. "

“According to the rules of the trial, basically the civilization that passes the trial will have a maximum population of tens of billions.

Based on the optimal wartime military strength, the military strength level of a race with a population of 10 billion should reach 10% of the total population. "

"So you understand, right?"

Zhao Feng listened to the other party's words and nodded vigorously, but he didn't agree in his heart.

Tell him about strategic deployment and population distribution? She knows a lot~

The situation of the human race is completely different from that of other civilizations. Other races need a large population to maintain manufacturing, but the human race does not.

In the early stages, we can strengthen the production of advanced mining robots and advanced construction robots. With these advanced robots, the human race can release a large amount of player productivity.

There is no need to adjust the population proportionally at all.

So he wasn't listening carefully to what the other person was saying.

Zhao Feng's main focus was still on the "blueprint" in front of him.

To be honest, he really didn't expect that Eriwen from the Valkyrie Empire would be so generous.

He was given a total of 9 blueprints, 6 of which were just display drawings because they were their power warships, but the other 3 blueprints were not display drawings at all.

It's a solid blueprint with a lock.

Normally, under the protection of the Star Sea rules, the locked blueprint is absolutely guaranteed! Cannot be unlocked.

But there is a problem here ~ so. . .

(It is detected that the learnable drawing content is generating information...)

(Battleship blueprint [Offensive Level] detected. Unlocking the blueprint requires consumption of mental energy: 24,300 points)

(Large aircraft carrier blueprint [Astral Level] detected. Unlocking the blueprint requires consumption of mental power: 4800 points)

(To detect the blueprint of the giant industrial transport ship [Atlas-class] and unlock the blueprint, it will cost 4500 spiritual points)

Staring at the plug-in prompt in front of him, Zhao Feng tried hard to control his expression.

He frowned forcefully and pretended to observe carefully.

And at this moment in his heart. . .

‘ @! grass! Bullshit! ’

If it weren't for the communication connected to the other party, Zhao Feng would have jumped up with joy at this time.

He kept ordering himself to calm down in his mind, and at the same time he also focused his attention on the battleships of the Valkyrie Empire.

It seemed that Zhao Feng was carefully checking its attributes, but Zhao Feng didn't take the other party's ship seriously at all.

Indeed, the battleships of the Valkyrie Empire are indeed more than one level stronger than the [Offensive Class], which is the most conventional battleship and has obvious weaknesses.

But the problem is, the cost is just as expensive.

Conventional battleships like this, just like the Conqueror, have relatively loose requirements for materials.

For example, [Conqueror] only needs T2-level structural materials and T3-level energy materials to make it.

Of course, its upper limit also supports T5-level structural materials, but it is not necessary for Zhao Feng who has a superimposed strengthening device.

The same goes for the [Offensive Level]. It only needs T3's nanometal as a frame to build it.

In addition to lower "blood volume" and much lower armor strength, the firepower is basically the same as the "regular" [offensive level].

In addition, the offensive class also comes with two keel main guns named [Thermal Pulse].

Although it is a small rapid-fire keel main gun.

But at least with it, the human race has unlocked this technology in advance.

This is also the reason why unlocking the [Offensive Level] consumes about 5 times more mental energy than unlocking the other two battleships.

As for power, [Heat Pulse] and [Dark Gold Roar] are simply incomparable.

Even the [Unstable Photon Cannon] can easily kill it instantly.

But no matter how bad it is, it is still a keel main gun, and it is not comparable to the L-type main gun.

This wave of benefits has been enough, but Zhao Feng is obviously not satisfied yet.

So he continued his performance.

"Dear Acting Commander, I see your sincerity, but I have to say that the weapon system we displayed is too single. The weapon system exclusive to the Valkyrie Empire does look very strong, but it is a bit too much without comparison. It’s empty, don’t you think?”

Hearing this, Eriwen raised her eyebrows and sent Zhao Feng several "ordinary" weapon drawings with a wave of her hand.

And Zhao Feng was also pretending, equipping the blueprint with those weapons and conducting front-on combat exercises.

But in reality?

(Learnable drawing content has been detected and information is being generated...) (End of this chapter)

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