"Invulnerable to all attacks? Hmm, that's a very interesting phrase, that's pretty much what it means."

Regarding Kansandra's words, Zhao Feng did not respond. He was very confused now.

First of all, he is quite afraid of memetic contamination.

But now there is a way to crack the memetic contamination.

But the problem is that the way to crack the memetic pollution is in a strong memetic pollution environment.

A bit convoluted, but the meaning is definitely correct.

'Um? There must be an antidote within seven steps of the poisonous snake, right? ’

It’s okay to have an “antidote”.

The problem is, he may not be able to withstand the poison of memetic contamination for even half a minute.

I almost fell for it in the chat channel before, let alone went there in person.

Just when he was helpless here.

A thoughtful reminder about the plug-in popped up.

(Hint: Why not try unlocking your eighth sense?)

(Upgrading the proficiency of the elementary "energy sense" of the eighth sense to "perfect" can communicate with high-energy particles below the Planck scale. Although it is still far away from the depth of the soul, it is enough to deal with it. 1660super’s environmental meme pollution.)

(Or by raising the eighth sense to a high level, you can stimulate the "sense of space", isolate the body from this dimension, and also block memetic pollution.)

Staring at the plug-in prompt message, Zhao Feng felt happy, but then became speechless.

'Depend on! The eighth sense! I also want to improve my eighth sense, but I don’t know how to improve that thing! ? ’

As soon as he complained a few words in his heart, Zhao Feng stopped talking. He looked at Kansandra and suddenly had an idea.

"Do you know the eighth sense?"

"What, stuck?"


"The sense of energy is not turned on?"


"Oh, this is actually quite difficult. I can only guide you to the sense of energy. Let me let you directly see the world of energy. As for the rest, you need to realize it on your own."

Before Zhao Feng could answer, a strange feeling surged through his body.

The next second, the surrounding environment suddenly changed.

The energy world displayed before his eyes was different from the black and white world of the sixth sense. There were no intersecting lines of black and white.

It is also different from the "particle" world of the seventh sense, there are no endless atomic particles.

The only thing here is a variety of colors.

The original bridge environment was replaced by a uniform light red color.

The console in the distance is a brighter yellow, with golden light spots flashing from time to time.

Obviously, that's the device transmitting a signal.

In addition to the color of the object, the surrounding crew members have also turned into humanoid color blocks.

They are different from objects. The energy light emitted by people is not dazzling or shining, but it is the most vivid.

The light emitted by everyone contains seven colors.

From bottom to top, they are red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue and purple.

‘Is this what is called glow? Purple is the highest energy level? ’

Thinking of this, he raised his hand and looked at his arm.

I saw that the light emitted by his palm was more brilliant than anyone else's, and the colors were divided in extremely detail on top of the seven basic colors.

Just a kind of red, there are several styles such as rose red, bright red, bright red, etc.

It is simply different that is visible to the naked eye.

As if thinking of something, Zhao Feng turned his head and looked in the direction of Ruolan. . .

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Feng's brows wrinkled involuntarily.

It was an extremely pure purple with no trace of color.

Completely different from other humans, and also different from him.

This made Zhao Feng feel dazed.

He had never seen this situation before.

He didn't know what it meant, and no prompt message popped up from the plug-in at this time.

‘It shouldn’t be a big problem, right? ’

Thinking of this, Zhao Feng temporarily put aside what he had just seen.

Turn to study your own situation.

First he tried to use telekinesis, and saw a blue beam of light shooting out directly from his body.

Then he activated his seventh sense again, trying to grasp the energy with various colors, but the result still had no effect at all.

‘. . . No, this method cannot be used. The energy is more microscopic high-energy particles. The seventh sense will definitely not be able to touch them, and the mind power based on perception will certainly not be able to capture them, microscopic particles. . . Microscopic particles? ! With soul? ’

Zhao Feng, who seemed to understand something at this moment, directly dispersed all his abilities to reduce interference.

Immediately, the five senses were closed, but the sixth sense was not opened. All the help was thrown away, leaving only his human side.

Then, experience them with your heart, feel the energy passing through your skin, and feel the energy of the air being sucked into your body.

Try to sense them, understand them.

I don’t know how long it took, maybe a second or a day.

. . .

At this time, all the crew members looked at Zhao Feng as if they were gods.

Zhao Feng, who was immersed in the energy world, didn't know what state he was in.

But the crew members knew that their captain had taken off!

Pooh! Floating.

Not only that, the captain's body is just like the gods on the ancient murals of Xia Kingdom, exuding seven colors of divine light.

Energy ribbons continued to surround him.

The surface of the skin is even more golden, like a star's corona.

"Hey, is our boss about to undergo a disaster?"


As soon as the man opened his mouth, he was shushed back by his companion next to him.

Knowing that he was wrong, the man quickly shut up, not daring to make the slightest sound again.

. . .

Time passed, and seven days passed in a flash.

Zhao Feng was still floating in the air, and the location of his body turned into a cocoon of light.

Obviously, this means to transform into a butterfly.

And the more this happens, the less everyone dares to move.

Everyone silently sticks to their posts and moves the warship? Turn on shield?

I don’t dare, I don’t dare at all!

After all, this person is the absolute leader of the human race. Whether more than 7 billion people can live safely in the future depends on him.

Fooling around? If something happens, who can bear the responsibility?

But then again, there is actually no need to worry so much. The moment he turned into a cocoon of light on the fifth day, Zhao Feng had actually entered the eighth sense.

Being able to control energy is the first sign of entry. As for why it took so long to turn into a light cocoon, the main reason is that Zhao Feng is a thief.

After discovering that he had mastered the "energy sense", he did not quit immediately because the plug-in reminded him that in the current state, the speed of realizing the energy sense would be increased by 10 times.

How could he let go of such a good opportunity? On the spot, he started smashing the "shock value" to advance the proficiency of this skill.

Needless to say, the effect is that the consumption of the eighth sense, which should have been increased several times, is not as much as the "shock value" consumed by the seventh sense at this time.

In this way, with the help of the environment provided by Cansandra, he was actually there for the next two days, constantly familiarizing himself with and improving the realm of the eighth sense.

After this wave of investment, the shock value was reduced by half on the spot.

The effect was very gratifying, and his "sense of energy" was elevated to the "perfect state".

In addition to the expansion of his realm, the most important thing is that he has gained the ability to build a high-energy particle shield.

The shield is divided into two types. One is explicit, which is similar to an energy shield and can resist all physical damage.

The other type is implicit, that is, the particle shield under the Planck scale.

This "shield" will not be activated even if it is hit by a laser.

It will only be activated when encountering soul impact, memetic pollution, or even changes in the rules of the universe.

This is a defensive application, and for other applications, Zhao Feng immediately thought of energy.

The sense of energy allows him to intuitively see the energy structure inside the star, and see the energy circulation and absorption process of the Dyson ring.

In this way, targeted improvements can be made to those less perfect designs.

In addition, the sense of energy can also affect the operation of energy, which means that from today on, his artificial star will no longer lose control, regardless of whether it is during the hand rubbing process or after it is cut off.

At least around Zhao Feng, there would never be any loss of energy.

Feeling this change in strength, Zhao Feng quickly contacted Kansandra.

"Thank you very much for your help. Is there anything you can do for me?"

"No need, I'm fine staying here. I'm tired of fighting and killing. Of course, if you can complete all the leadership trials and survive the dimension promotion ceremony, then I won't mind joining you. Under his command."

Hearing this, Zhao Feng was about to reply something, but he heard it say impatiently

"Okay! Don't be polite~ Hurry up and leave~ I've given you so many benefits, don't you want to go to bed to make up for it?"

"Anyway, thank you very much."

After the mental communication ended, Zhao Feng controlled the cross-border key and left here directly, returning to his home base.

He will not directly kill 1660Super.

Just kidding, he has reached the peak of the eighth sense now.

But it can only resist memetic pollution in the background environment.

You see, since there is "background" pollution, there must be stronger sources of pollution.

What will he do when faced with stronger memes?

Moreover, his crew members did not have the ability to withstand memetic contamination.

So he could only come back first and wait for some time before passing.

Anyway, the key needs to be charged for one month.

Just in time for him to become familiar with the application of the eighth sense.

Speaking of the eighth sense, Zhao Feng was in a very happy mood.

After all, he didn't expect that the harvest this time would be so great!

Originally I was asking for information from 1660super.

Who would have imagined that he would directly bring "a sheep" back?

Moreover, the eighth sense of this perception system is not a separate type, but is divided into two parts: primary "energy" and high-level "space".

But this is good, as this way his strength can be more comprehensive.

His achievements can be even higher in the future.

After returning to the base, another 30 days passed.

. . .

At this time, the area occupied by the human race has reached more than 75%.

There is only one final step left to leave here, but because there is still little time, other civilizations have not yet advanced.

Therefore, the human race's territory expansion has basically stopped at the current stage.

As for the three silicon crystal mines, except for the one in the neutral zone which is too difficult to operate, the original mine of "mimicry" and the silicon crystal mine on the human race's own side have basically been mined out.

There are trillions of mining robots mining resources every day, and there are trillions of engineering robots digging mountains and building roads.

It's strange that the mining speed can be slow.

As for the basic minerals on the human continent, mining stopped soon after Zhao Feng returned.

Considering that this is our own basic market, or that we may take away the opportunity in the future, we have not taken any "dead-handed" approach to resource extraction.

On the contrary, the continent where the "mimics" are located on the other side has suffered devastating mining.

The first step is to clear all the bare ore on the surface with one shot.

In the second step, the underground rich ore is directly blasted with a rail gun, and then it is blasted into bare ore and then dug.

Anyway, after the second stage, the mines here can't be taken away, so I don't feel bad if some of them are destroyed.

Are the trillions of Level 5 mining robots making trouble with you?

That thing has a combination of skills, and when combined, it's like tens of billions of TBMs mining.

The combination of shield machine and destructive mining is the same as emptying two or three rich mines in one day.

Just digging like this, the resources of the base are still somewhat unable to keep up with the [Revitalization City] that is at full production.

There is no way. The manufacturing cycle of arms is short and consumes a lot of resources. It is inevitable that resources cannot keep up.

Fortunately, the energy aspect has been greatly improved, which can be regarded as compensation in other aspects.

After his "energy sense" checked and filled the gaps in the "Dyson Ring", its production capacity increased several times.

I have to say that the sense of energy is really strong. He can even set the intensity and period of energy released by stars.

At the same time, it can also stabilize the state of the star and keep it in a fixed attitude. Even if the fusion reaction fuel is insufficient, it will not expand outward due to the loss of its magnetic field. Instead, it will gradually reduce its energy according to the steps set by Zhao Feng. level, shrinking inwards.

In this way, the superconducting coil on the "Dyson Ring" can be completely discarded.

Even the current "Dyson ring" has completely enclosed artificial stars, forming a theoretical "Dyson sphere"

Not to mention its energy collection level, which has been directly improved by more than 700%. Coupled with the disappearance of the magnetic field created by the superconducting coil, some interference sources also disappear, and the energy absorption rate has also increased by about 80%.

In addition, there are miscellaneous improvements and optimization of some energy pathways.

The original daily production capacity of nine Dyson rings should be 146 trillion, but now the energy output has been directly increased by 980%.

Daily production capacity has increased to about 1,430 trillion.

This wave of improvements doubled the manufacturing speed of the light-loving warship production line several times on the spot.

It can be said that just because of Zhao Feng's improvement, the entire human race has benefited from it, directly increasing the development speed several times.

In 30 days, in addition to these first wave of 300 [Conquerors], they were also successfully "launched" at this time.

Fifteen million excellent soldiers who have passed written examinations, simulated confrontations and even actual combat drills have also arrived where they will live in the future.

The number of [Kites] at the same level 6 has also reached 20,000 due to accumulation during this period.

Due to the development of the human air force during this period, it was like an inflated hydrogen balloon, taking off directly from the spot.

. . . (End of chapter)

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