To deal with those invading little bastards, my brothers alone are enough!

【conqueror】? unnecessary! There’s no pressure at all, it’s easy to beat~

In addition, the second phase of the trial will not end for a long time, so there is no need to waste hope points on building acceleration.

Just after he completed all the technology trees, a new system prompt message popped up as promised.

[Ding, dear player Zhao Feng, we now unlock the remaining level 2 buildings and some level 3 buildings for you. Please choose 2 common types of buildings, one specialized type building, and one level 3 building. 】

[Normal Level 2]: [1. Space Elevator], [2. Launch Base], [3. Planetary Ecological Park]

(Since you have the conqueror manufacturing method, it is recommended to choose the space elevator and planetary ecology park)

[Normal Level 3]: [1. Large Space Dock], [2. Space Refining Center]

(Large space shipyard: the highest unlocked flagship manufacturing plan, but the corresponding battleship drawings are required)

(Space Refining Center: Using a vacuum weightless environment to purify raw materials, the efficiency is ten thousand times that of the refining workshop. It is also a necessary building for processing battleships and flagship keels.)

[Ether Exclusive]: [1. Qianyuan Energy Hub], [2. Dimension Research Institute], [3. Ether Battleship Deep Space Joint Production Line]

(The Aether Battleship Deep Space Joint Production Line can not only produce, but also develop corresponding battleships. Frigates and light destroyers will be unlocked when the construction level reaches Lv.1, and heavy destroyers and cruisers will be unlocked when the construction level reaches Lv.2.)

(Note: At the current stage, phototactic buildings can only be upgraded to Lv.2)

. . .

Staring at the lines of prompt information, Zhao Feng squinted his eyes, then raised his hand and quickly clicked on the buildings he needed.

Level 2 [Planet Ecological Park] and [Space Elevator]

Level 3 [Space Refining Center]

The one that [Tends to the Light] is the [Aether Battleship Joint Production Line]

His choice is almost the current optimal solution.

Although the large space shipyard can manufacture battleships and even flagships, Zhao Feng doesn't know when he will be able to obtain the corresponding drawings. It is really better to get the more applicable [Space Refining Center] first.

As for choosing the light-oriented [Ether Battleship Joint Production Line], that is absolutely the right choice.

After all, the [Conqueror] can no longer keep up with him. Although it is a battle cruiser, it can be said that it is just a blank slate ship.

Now, due to improvements in manufacturing technology and material technology, he has even unlocked an L-shaped hull kit.

Although it was all a blank slate, he was indeed able to create a [Conqueror] on his own.

In fact, in a sense, this can be regarded as a BUG in the Xinghai system.

The level of the technology tree is actually linked to the building level, not to the civilization level, which is a bit outrageous.

This resulted in Zhao Feng already unlocking the L-type main gun manufacturing method and the ability to manufacture L-type battleship components at level 2, which should now be considered the early stage of level 3, which can only be mastered at level 5.

Normal civilization develops step by step, and at this stage there is no access to these things.

Especially for normal races with average talents, it will take at least a thousand years of development before they can touch the edge of L-shaped weapons and equipment.

But who allowed Zhao Feng to be on the human side? The development time of hundreds of years and thousands of years was directly wiped out by the cheat on him.

The current human race is a cross-level civilization that is written as "third-level elementary" but is read as "fifth-level elementary."

. . .

After selecting the new buildings, Zhao Feng directly took pictures of the [Planet Ecological Park] and [Space Elevator] on the plain.

As for resources? Use it however you want, never spend it all!

With billions of players, tens of millions of mining robots, and over 100 million e-mules working together, the efficiency is incredibly high.

In addition, "Alpha" activates his own stunts from time to time and engages in wild mining, so there is no shortage of supplies and materials.

As for processing, [Qianjin City] has a guaranteed daily output of over 100 million, even if they are all converted to produce T3 material "nano metal".

The daily output can also exceed tens of millions.

The hundreds of thousands consumed by the second-level building were not taken seriously by him at all.

As for the hidden building systems that were popped up by plug-ins during construction, Zhao Feng also built them.

For example, three buildings, [Planetary Ranch], [Planetary Planting Area], and [Planetary Bioengineering Research Institute], have sprung up on the great plain outside [Starting Point City].

As you can tell from their names, these buildings are used to enrich species diversity.

The last [Planetary Bioengineering Research Institute] is used to study various organisms and even improve crops on the one hand, and on the other hand it is used for genetic modification of the human body.

Another characteristic of these buildings is that they must be taken care of by someone, even if they are fully intelligent and automated production.

But it still needs talented people to take care of it in order to have the best effect.

Of course, Zhao Fengque has no shortage of people for anything.

Players with talents in agriculture and logistics development were randomly selected and assigned directly to these "agricultural buildings".

As for the other second-level building [Space Elevator], there are not so many things.

In addition to the "elevator" manufacturing plan of the main body, there is only one hidden building type [jump door].

Just like the name, [Jump Gate] is an artifact specially used for short-distance teleportation.

Although the coverage diameter is limited, there is no problem in transmitting materials within the range of 1-8 light seconds.

Traveling to space through it does not require resistance to the pressure of gravity and acceleration, and there is almost no pressure on the body.

There is no need to prepare anything specially to pass through the [Jump Gate], you can almost reach it in one step.

If the distance is further, firstly, the energy consumption will increase by a prime number, and secondly, the stability cannot be guaranteed, and there will be a certain probability of material or personnel loss.

In that case, it would be better to use warships to jump to transport supplies, or like the trade area, to mobilize personnel through super-light trains.

Apart from the above two attribute limitations, [Jump Gate] has almost no shortcomings.

Of course, such a powerful ability requires very rare resources, such as photonic crystals and quantum cores.

These two materials are extremely needed. Even after the industrial upgrading of materials and manufacturing, the technology tree has climbed a lot, Zhao Feng still hasn't touched the edges of them~

I want to make one, but I don’t have the materials, which is very uncomfortable.

The [Jump Gate] stuff must be good stuff.

As the territory of the human race continues to expand, conventional means of transportation will inevitably be unable to transport materials in an efficient and timely manner.

Whether it is the development of industry or the mobilization of military personnel and equipment, the [Jump Gate] is a very important building system for the current human race.

Just when he was worried about the materials, an unloading spaceship with a special mark gave Zhao Feng an idea.

The solution is the "silicon crystal" contained in the [Kite].

Intercept the spaceship directly through consciousness.

Then the [Kite] fell, and a row of coded "silicon crystal blocks" appeared in front of Zhao Feng.

Staring at the crystal that shone with light blue light, Zhao Feng couldn't help but be filled with expectations.

‘Maybe this special substance that can be changed into any material can also be turned into a “photonic crystal”? ’

He did it as soon as he thought of it. Zhao Feng clicked to create the [Jump Gate] without saying anything.

Immediately afterwards, the corresponding exchange information popped up in front of him.

100 units of silicon crystal can be exchanged for 1 unit of "photonic crystal". As for the exchange of quantum chips, 120 units of silicon crystal are required.

The number of "silicon crystals" in the car in front of him is about 500,000 units.

Enough for him to build 10 jump gates.

This situation made Zhao Feng a little excited, but after he quickly calmed down, his eyes turned serious when he looked at Si Jing.

‘This thing is probably more precious than I imagined. . . ’

Thinking of this, Zhao Feng calmed down and did not use all the silicon crystals to build the jump gate.

He opened the map and first set up three [Jump Gates] in [Starting City], [Forward City] and [Revitalization City] where the [Integrated Production Workshop] was placed.

Subsequently, two [jump gates] were built near several large mines that were far away in the surrounding area to speed up the efficiency of material transportation.

Finally, a [Jump Gate] with a movable base was placed on the front line to ensure the ability of the front line troops to support the rear defense.

After completing these doors, Zhao Feng collected all the remaining "silicon crystals".

This kind of strategic material can be saved as much as possible, and it may be of great use in the future.

After completing the second-level building system, Zhao Feng did not hesitate to build the third-level [Space Refining Center] in the deep space environment.

Of course, because this thing was not of use for the time being, Zhao Feng did not build any hidden buildings related to it.

It is just temporarily placed in deep space as a path building to start the next stage of the building system.

Of course, because the deep space environment does not belong to the "territory" of the human race, construction there cannot be done by opening the building panel and building at will on the developed map like on the ground.

Even so, it is not difficult for Zhao Feng. As long as the [Conqueror] is used as a transport ship and enough resource blocks are transported up, it will be OK.

It's not like he has never done this kind of operation before, he is already quite familiar with it.

After quickly completing the basic buildings, Zhao Feng rubbed his hands and clicked on the [Aether Battleship Deep Space Joint Production Line] under [Light Trending].

As an advanced type of building, this building is not forced to be placed in a deep space environment.

So Zhao Feng placed it directly in the center of [Starting Point City].

In this way, the supply of energy can also be more convenient.

As for the energy required to build it. . .

It can only be described as "outrageous".

The basic [Ether Battleship Joint Production Line] requires 2 trillion energy.

The slightly upgraded [Ether Exclusive Gunboat Joint Production Line] requires 20 trillion energy.

The construction time of these two buildings is also not short, 10 days for the basic model and 100 days for the upgraded model.

Of course, this so-called "not short" depends on who you compare it with. If you compare it with those ordinary buildings, it does take a long time.

But if you compare it with the hidden option of the last item. . . That is a small witch making a big witch appear.

The last hidden building is the [Dimension Warship Joint Production Line].

Energy requirements: 120,000 Beijing.

Time required for construction: 18 years.

Zhao Feng was stunned on the spot when he saw the "demand" in his eyes.

The appearance of the unit "Jing" really "shocked" him.

This thing is directly [? ? ? 】120,000 times the energy required.

Of course, Zhao Feng also understood that the full application of dimension technology, according to the previous plug-in prompts, should be officially launched on the stage after the [All Soul] technology of [Light Trending] is turned on.

That is to say, the building system needs to reach level 6.

But now, it was directly displayed to him. It was impossible for Zhao Feng not to feel itchy when he saw this thing.

But the problem is 120,000 Beijing!

‘120,000 Beijing. . . Forget it, kill me. Is this something I can play now? ’

‘With a gap of 120,000 yuan, let alone the Dyson ring, even if the Dyson ball comes in person, I’m afraid we have to wait for a year and a half to get the corresponding energy, right? ’

Staring at the [Dimension Battleship Joint Production Line] in front of him, Zhao Feng understood that the Dyson Ring must be built, and more special ones must be done!

Dimension Battleship is quite impressive just by the name. He is such a supermodel, there is no reason why he should not be the most attractive!

Taking a deep breath, Zhao Feng first photographed the [Aether Exclusive Gunboat Joint Production Line] and the [Aether Battleship Joint Production Line] in the city center, and then allocated 50% of the energy to invest in the construction of the two production lines.

Anyway, these two production lines cannot be built in one day, and dividing the energy supply into two days will not have much impact.

After doing this, Zhao Feng finally came to the plain where the "Dyson Ring" was placed.

The last step was started, rubbing the stars with hands.

This step is somewhat dangerous, but as long as this step is completed, his energy will truly reach the point of being inexhaustible.

Don't worry about how abnormal the [phototropic] architecture or technology is. At the worst, he can just make more artificial stars.

The reason why he is so anxious is because Zhao Feng feels that the third stage of the trial of the Xinghai system may not be that easy.

This second stage of the trial has become his back garden, according to the previous instructions of the plug-in.

All resources and planets occupied during the trial will eventually belong to the civilization that passes the trial.

According to Zhao Feng's urine, he must get rid of these three silicon crystal mountains.

Then the Soul King will have to be killed after there is no shortage of energy.

As a result, the development of human civilization will inevitably enter a stage of rapid explosion.

Sufficient materials, sufficient energy, and technology without bottlenecks. . .

Xinghai must know these three things clearly.

In addition, after such a long period of contact, Zhao Feng clearly knows that in the eyes of Xinghai, the more potential a race has, the more resources he will tilt towards it, but similarly, the difficulty of the trial will continue to double. .

You know, in the eyes of the Xinghai System, there are no so-called "heroes".

All civilizations are pawns.

. . . (End of chapter)

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