At this time, the crew members on the [Conqueror] did not notice the "Thunder Strike Ship" behind them that was transformed by the combination of "Mimics".

This cannot be entirely blamed on the radar squad, because the opponent did not start the engine, and the energy fluctuations were extremely weak. Coupled with the weird nature of the "mimicry" itself, the radar system did not detect the opponent's existence at the first time.

As for the communications team who temporarily acted as observers, their attention was focused on the battlefield directly ahead.

No one pays attention to the "safety" behind them, and no one pays attention to the debris floating behind them.

Except Zhao Feng.

Only Zhao Feng saw this set of small combos played by "Mimicry".

Although the opponents are not humanoid life forms, their combat strategies are quite skillful and smooth.

A set of smooth and flowing combination punches were used to drag the sword, lure the king into the urn, and finally attack the east and the west.

According to normal development, the [Conquerors] will explode after this wave.

. . .

At this time, the main gun of the [Black Conqueror] transformed by the mimics has also been fully charged.

After monitoring this situation, the damage control team immediately activated the shipboard shield system.

The next second, a light blue barrier suddenly appeared in the area 500 meters away from the starboard side of the ship.

Immediately afterwards, the light blue light spread rapidly, and the barrier covered the airspace within 90° of the right side of the ship.

Immediately, the opponent's naval guns flashed continuously, and countless flames simultaneously exploded outside the barrier.

Don't look at the 90° shielding area which is smaller.

But at this angle, it is an area that is just enough to withstand a whole side of the battleship.

In other words, as long as the 1V1 mode is maintained, enemy firepower will be completely unable to penetrate.

In addition, it is the kind of "full shield" that can adjust the direction at will.

Although this protective area is small, there is still no problem when facing one-way fire attacks.

If you are fighting a melee or a large-scale battle, and there is no shortage of teammates on the defensive line, this "small" angle of full shield can give full play to its own advantages.

Because of the smaller angle, it ensures that the battleship's shield system will not suffer too many unnecessary attacks.

Compared with a wrapped shield, the energy consumption when maintaining a full shield at a small angle and the area subject to attack will be greatly reduced.

Of course, this does not mean that Full Shield has no shortcomings.

For example, the shortcomings of this situation of being attacked from the front and back, as we are facing now, have been magnified to the extreme.

It perfectly explains what it means to care about the head but not the bottom.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with what the damage control team did.

The main reason is that the "mimics" are too cunning, and it seems that they have done this kind of thing in the past.

Almost at the same time as the shield was raised, the simulated "Thunder Strike Ship" 30 kilometers away from the tail of the [Conqueror] directly launched two [Death Torpedoes]

The speed of the "Death Thunder" is not too fast, but the distance of 30 kilometers is not too far either.

The [Death Torpedo] that was launched at Mach 2 accelerated to Mach 50 within 3 seconds, and the "Death Torpedo" that accelerated to this point was less than half the distance from the [Conqueror].

After about 2 seconds, the two will collide.

At the same time, the [Conqueror]'s shipboard radar finally detected the [Reaper Torpedo] approaching at high speed.

The members of the radar squad and the communication squad of the temporary observation group stared at the [Death Torpedo] that was approaching at high speed and couldn't help but feel their souls.

After all, that thing is not easy to mess with just by its appearance.

The driver took emergency evasive actions at the first opportunity in the hope of mitigating subsequent injuries.

The shield controlled by the damage control team also quickly covered the rear of the battleship at this time.

But whether it's a moving shield or an evasive maneuver.

For the "dead thunder" that is only 2 seconds away, it is nothing more than useless effort.

Seeing that the two big ones were about to hit the battleship's rear engine, suddenly, the two rapidly forward [Reaper Torpedoes] were fixed at a distance of 16,700 meters outside the battleship.

Although it was true that it was training troops, if he wanted to explode something for the sake of training troops, Zhao Feng would never do it.

Then the captain's cold voice resounded throughout the battleship:

"The radar class and communications class will be downgraded. If a similar incident happens again, you can go back to farming."

After speaking, the captain suddenly grasped his open palm, and the two [Death Torpedoes] that were still working hard were crushed into a twisted metal ball by an inexplicable force on the spot.

As for the twisted metal ball, it exploded in the next second.

Of course, due to the damage to the internal structure, some special detonation mechanisms lost their function. The explosion was an explosion, but its power was reduced by hundreds of times.

The freehand gesture of holding the little hand, the gesture of holding the pearl of wisdom, made all the crew members look at the captain with a mixture of shock and admiration.

Although they knew that the captain's strength was outrageous, they never thought that the captain would be so outrageous.

Good guy, holding a missile in your hand?

Is this still human?

Noticing the gazes of his subordinates, Zhao Feng shouted coldly again: "Everyone, what are you looking at? They all want to lower their evaluation, right?"

As soon as these words came out, all the crew members on the bridge couldn't help but tremble and threw themselves into the current battle again.

Who dares not to listen to what the captain says?

In the past, admiring the captain was partly due to gratitude, and partly due to awe of the strength of the strongest man in the world.

At Level 25, everyone knows that the captain's various auxiliary abilities are incredible, but we don't know much about how incredible they are because we haven't seen them with our own eyes.

Now? Treating Zhao Feng's orders is almost the same as treating his own father.

They finally understood that with such thick legs, the human race on earth would never suffer any loss.

Even restoring the glory of the human race is not difficult.

No matter what the other crew members think.

At this time, the radar class and communications class who made mistakes, and the captains who all had low eyebrows and submissive eyes did not dare to look at themselves.

Zhao Feng didn't say much about this. The old god was still sitting in his seat, quietly watching the performance of the crew members.

It doesn't matter if you make a mistake - just keep it in mind.

His mood was not affected at all, but his crew members looked at the two "mimic" battleships, but they were full of resentment.

As the intelligence from each group continued to be compiled, the fire team soon launched a counterattack.

But because of Mimic's special shell, whether it is armor-piercing, fragmentation, high-explosive, or pulse laser, it can hardly cause any harm to them.

Gunner Hank, who had been carefully watching the situation on the field, was frowning at this time.

He discovered some clues, but he couldn't understand the principle.

‘It seems that only at the moment they launch an attack, the black battleship will briefly lose that weird protective ability. ’

‘If you choose “confrontation with artillery”, you might be able to defeat it. ’

Just do what you think of. First, Hank allocates part of his firepower to continuously suppress the "Thunder Strike Ship".

At the same time, he calculated the charging time of the opponent's firepower and prepared for a duel between real men with the [Fake Conqueror] transformed from "mimicry".

Let’s face off against the sniper at the middle gate! He really hasn't been afraid of anyone.

The ensuing battle was just as Hank expected. Mimicry's only defensive method was that one hand.

In fact, even if he didn't use this kind of needle-point artillery fire, Hank actually thought of another way.

That is to apply to the captain to activate the battleship skill [Manifestation of Willpower].

Are beam and live ammunition attacks ineffective? It doesn't matter ~

Ordinary means are ineffective, but they can't defend themselves against mysterious attacks, right?

But Hank finally resisted the urge to apply for battleship skills because he understood the captain's good intentions.

The essence of the captain taking them out to participate in various battles is to cultivate their ability to fight alone in the future.

Whether it was the ship that almost crashed and people were killed just now, or the "mimicry" family's weird protective abilities now.

In fact, they are teaching them in disguise that there is no luck in cosmic war, and if they make one wrong step, they will be doomed.

He didn't want to let down the captain's sincerity, and he also understood that only by experiencing something personally can he really become fond of it and remember it long!

At this moment, Hank thought a lot, and then he issued an order to change the fire team's combat strategy.

. . .

The busy movements of his men, as well as their expressions and demeanor, are all summarized in the battleship's optical brain.

Then with the help of Zhao Feng's perception and the unique human sensibility, he is supplemented by the super computing power of the optical brain.

Soon, the crew members were sorted by him into corresponding potential levels.

Among them, the gunner "Hank" ranked first as expected.

Next down are the driver, damage control team and the like.

Zhao Feng's idea is very simple. This battleship will have to be replaced sooner or later. Once the crew members have been trained, it will be time to select the captain.

In fact, after the "mimicry" is eliminated, the candidate for the next captain of [Conqueror] can basically be confirmed.

On the military front, preparations for the Aerospace Force can also begin.

As for giving the [Conqueror] to others, why should he Zhao Fengkai?

Then we have to talk about the next phase of the construction system that is about to begin.

When he returns, the first thing he will do is solve the energy problem.

By then, all the etheric buildings of [Light Trending] will be unlocked.

At the same time, due to the upgrade of the overall building system, new members will also be added to the ordinary building tree and the light-oriented building tree.

As expected, the light-seeking warships will officially appear at this time.

By then, Zhao Feng, who has sufficient energy, will be able to build a light-seeking battleship.

Of course, it's easy to make things easy, and he will definitely not be able to level up his own ship. In the end, he will still be a cruise captain.

You know, the most eye-catching thing about phototropism technology is that no matter what you build, you only need energy.

The truth is that we understand the transformation of energy.

When the time comes, Zhao Feng, who holds several "Dyson Rings" and becomes an energy "upstart", will be able to take the light-seeking cruiser to Level 11.

Only then will he be truly stable.

What evil warship? What Chaos Legion? By then, they will all be younger brothers!

. . .

While Zhao Feng was observing and thinking, under Hank's command, the two Mimic warships were successfully sunk.

Of course, he didn't forget to hit the target this time, and continued bombarding with high-explosive bombs until all the "mimicry" wreckage in the deep space environment was cleared away, and then slowly stopped.

After the battle in deep space was completely over, Zhao Feng issued the second order.

"Destroy the Mimic surface base."

The task is much simpler.

First, all the naval guns were replaced with M-type high-explosive armor-piercing projectiles, and then the radar wave detectors scanned them wildly.

After scanning out all the enemy's ground defense deployments, [Conqueror] adjusted its angle and began its massacre show.

There was no scene of destruction, just continuous bombardment.

This wave is much simpler than deep space combat. There is no strategy or conspiracy.

Some are just solid hard power.

The first wave of salvos fired, and the "mimicry" defensive position on the ground was blown away on the spot.

In the second wave of salvos, a large number of unprepared black balls were torn into pieces by the energy explosion.

After the third salvo, the battleship's gunfire paused.

Because in the upcoming battle, there is no need for the [Conqueror] to intervene anymore.

I saw that the evil creatures they had not dealt with took this opportunity to attack.

It’s too easy to deal with these mimics~

Although these black balls have some mental resistance, they don't have much.

Once the number of deformed creatures increases, the power of mental pollution will also be amplified.

At this time, the [Conqueror] in deep space did not leave immediately.

Nothing else, Zhao Feng always felt that something was wrong.

It wasn't until 5 minutes later that the sound of system hoofbeats came, and Zhao Feng felt relieved.

‘I just said it almost seemed like something! ’

Reach out and click to see the information.

Before reading two lines, Zhao Feng's expression became excited. . .

【Ding! In the second stage of the trial, only the human race was left, and all other races failed, and the difficulty increased. 】

[New mission requirements have been issued! From today onwards, the human race will withstand three times the original invasion force]

[Win conditions: The territory controlled by the human race must reach 80% of the continent]

(Tip: At the beginning of the next wave, the number of ground troops will be increased to 6 billion, the number of air forces will be increased to 4.8 billion, and the number of ground worms will be increased to 30,000)

(Suggestion: Develop towards a neutral area as much as possible. Doing so can reduce the direction of enemy attack.)

【warn! If the task is not completed, the next stage of trial will not be opened]

‘Well, isn’t this equivalent to unlimited monster spawning? If we do this, it’s not impossible for the entire clan to reach max level~’

Looking at the system prompts, Zhao Feng instantly thought of the next combat strategy.

Originally, he wanted his friends at the base to stick to it and slowly level up in a relatively safe environment, but now it seems that there is no need for that.

As long as the territory is expanded to 79.9% of the continental area, then unlimited brushing can be carried out.

Until I can't hold on any longer.

Of course, he estimated that this probability was low. The highest-level troops raised by the Xinghai System here were only level 3-4.

Ordinary deformed soldiers can reach the sky at level 40.

The number of deformed creatures of this level must be few and far between, and there is nothing to fear.

For the remaining level 20-30 monsters, a siege ram in rapid-fire mode is completely sufficient.

In the end, he just needs to find the right person and have a nice swipe.

As for the candidate, Zhao Feng touched his chin and showed a strange smile.

. . . (End of chapter)

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