Survival on the Star Sea: Starting from a small broken ship and becoming stronger

Chapter 256 Everyone has their own thoughts [4000] Thanks to book friend DrMango for the reward

Soon the city's structural diagram was displayed in front of Zhao Feng.

Staring at the hemispherical structure that resembled the Third New Tokyo City in the anime EVA, the corners of Zhao Feng's mouth could not help but turn up.

He raised his hands in mid-air, and the city structure map expanded in sync with his gestures.

In the drawings, the hemispherical areas underground are all "cold fusion equipment" connected in series, and the above ground are supporting living facilities.

Overall more compact and dense.

The only drawback is that all resources are stripped away.

Although it was stripped away, because when "Alfa" mined vanadium ore and rare element minerals on the surface of the planet, the corresponding infrastructure, such as mine tunnels and smelting buildings, and other corresponding systems have been built.

The Xinghai System did not forcibly strip it away, and the mines were placed in a mountain range not far from the edge of the city by Xinghai.

In addition to the underground fusion array and the minerals outside the city, the ground is full of residential buildings and energy transmission towers.

Previously, the reason why the energy transmission range could reach 1 light minute was due to the high-power energy transmission towers.

But that was before, and the empty deep space environment created great convenience.

But now, because the place has been changed, let alone 1 light minute, facing the mountains, the wireless charging equipment has to compromise even the transmission distance of 1 light second.

It can be seen that in terms of city attributes, the energy supply level has not changed much, but the wireless charging range only has a transmission distance of 200,000 kilometers.

How long is 200,000 kilometers?

5 earths arranged in a row are as long as one!

To be honest, the distance is not short.

But the problem is that this continent is made up of 27,000 planetary crusts. When you look at it, 200,000 kilometers is really not enough.

Although the transmission distance was almost meaningless, Zhao Feng thought of a solution in the next second.

Just build a few more energy transmission towers at the edge of the energy supply area and you'll be done.

It's like a relay station in a communication system, but it takes a little more effort.

. . .

Soon, Zhao Feng took a look at all the attributes of the new base. Overall, he was quite satisfied.

The energy planet became an energy city, but its basic functions did not change much.

In addition, the Xinghai System thoughtfully turned the city's surface buildings into residential areas, which was a great help to Zhao Feng.

After all, there are more than 7 billion people on earth waiting for him to settle outside the city.

Yes, more than 7 billion. You must know that the total population of the earth that originally came to the star sea world has exceeded 8.9 billion.

But no matter how large the population is, the quality is uneven, and the luck is also mixed.

This resulted in more than 800 million people failing to make it through the novice period in the first month.

A few days after the novice trial ended, the lizardmen who came next were even more brutal.

Lizardmen are different from those monsters or beasts. They are organized and disciplined, and will only attack decisively when their opponents reveal their flaws.

When the lizard clan knew that they were about to lose their qualifications for the trial, the lizard people scattered in other star fields launched wave after wave of counterattacks.

Their counterattack caused the tragic death of about 1 billion people on earth.

In addition to these two normal deaths, there are about 100 million people who were probably contaminated by memes after integrating into the gtx1660super star field.

That is, those players who make crazy remarks on the public screen.

According to the previous system prompts, they are no longer alive.

As a result, in just 60 days, more than 1.9 billion people on earth died directly or indirectly.

The average daily death toll has reached more than 31.66 million, and 1.32 million people on earth die every hour.

The number of people who died exceeded the total number of deaths in all wars in history.

If he continues to die like this.

In a year at the longest and half a year at the shortest, the human race on earth will completely disappear in the vast sea of ​​​​stars.

Just like the "Daleros", "Spartans" and "Three Darians" in the past.

And this is why Zhao Feng dragged all these players over.

He couldn't do it without dragging them. If he died like this, sooner or later he would have to suffer the same fate as the remaining lizardmen.

If the number of racial population deaths exceeds the limit, the race will be directly disqualified from the trial.

Of course, Zhao Feng is very clear about the limits of his current capabilities. There is no problem in protecting millions or tens of millions of people, but billions. . .

He was really powerless.

Not to mention anything else, the area occupied by 7 billion people is far beyond the furthest distance that his mind can reach.

In addition, people's hearts are unpredictable, and who knows how many of these people can be of the same mind as him.

Even with the title of "King", he is not afraid of backstabbing, but what about his relatives, friends and subordinates around him?

. . .

Even though he had so many delusions of being persecuted, Zhao Feng finally brought everyone together.

At this time, his thoughts were more focused on making good use of his fellow humans.

'First of all, we have to divert the attention of the players on Earth to make them realize that the danger has not gone away. They can't relax and improve themselves just because I'm here to protect them. ’

‘Well, we need to reveal a little bit about the critical situation to make them nervous, and then there is the training mentioned in the plug-in. ’

‘When training troops, you must first train the members of your own union. . . As for the more than 7 billion people, they need to be screened. ’

Just when Zhao Feng was thinking about what to do next to get the best training effect, [Conqueror] also flew into the sky according to the captain's instructions.

At this time, it can be clearly seen through the holographic display screen that the crowds of people outside the city are like waves, stretching as far as the eye can see.

The reason why those people didn't rush in was not because there was a shield outside the city for protection, but because all the players' weapons and equipment were taken away by the system.

Is it surprising?

The players who teleported over were also particularly surprised.

Didn't Zhao Feng get promoted to the rank of colonel before?

Plus the title "King".

In order to protect Zhao Feng's safety, the Xinghai System not only took away the weapons and equipment of these players.

Also confiscated were supplies, bases, and vehicles.

With nothing in their hands, the players at this time can neither rush nor retreat.

Without weapons and equipment, dozens of days of hard work were in vain, which made them very uneasy at this time.

Coupled with the previous system prompts and the city in front of them that was wrapped in an energy shield, they fell into extreme panic.

The huge battleship that suddenly flew up from the city only aggravated the panic.

But because there were so many people gathered together, people were crowded together, and people were touching each other. It was impossible to escape.

On the other hand, at the edge of the crowd more than a thousand kilometers away, because the population density was not bad, a large number of players fled towards the surrounding mountains and forests without looking back after discovering this situation.

Zhao Feng, who was in the battleship, noticed this situation immediately, but he did not go to stop it.

No way, time is limited.

If you want to gather these people for 10 hours, you can't waste any time.

We must know that the number of invading evil god-type creatures has doubled, although we don't know how they will invade.

But no matter what, the area where he needs to defend is fixed.

If they all came at once, he wouldn't be able to take care of them.

The only way to gather the population into the city is to gather as much as possible, and the gathering cannot be done randomly.

Billions of dollars! If chaos breaks out, it can easily cause a stampede, which is something Zhao Feng definitely doesn't want to see.

Thinking of this, he turned on the battleship's external holographic projection without saying a word.

I saw the [Conqueror] suddenly disappearing in the eyes of the players on the ground.

But in the blink of an eye, a huge holographic projection of hundreds of thousands of meters took the place of the original battleship.

The content displayed in the projection was exactly the inside of Zhao Feng's bridge.

On the ground, a group of earth players stared at the changing scene in the air, all of them showing a mixture of shock and surprise.

They were dragged here and thought of countless possibilities, but they never thought they would be dragged here by humans.

But after seeing the figure clearly appearing in the projection, everyone's inner vigilance was mostly relaxed.

And that figure was none other than Zhao Feng.

After all, he is also a powerful human race who has live broadcasted the torture and killing of aliens. There are few people who don't recognize Zhao Feng's appearance.

As Zhao Feng's full-body projection appeared, a huge sound came from high in the sky and reached everyone's ears.

"I'm Zhao Feng..."

As soon as these words came out, the whole place couldn't help but burst into an uproar, and the boiling voices spread like waves, sweeping every corner of the crowd.

Although everyone knows each other, what if they admit they are wrong?

But when he admitted it personally, it was different.

Originally, Earth players basically had a pretty good idea of ​​his combat prowess.

Except for some mentally retarded guys, no one doubted Zhao Feng's strength.

At this time, in the crowd, the previous uneasiness had been completely replaced by everyone's gossip and curiosity.

"Is he Zhao Feng? The number one among the human race?"

"Wait! He brought us together?"

"It's great, I finally have thighs to hug! Finally I don't have to worry anymore!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Mom, if only you could persist until now..."

. . .

These are the thoughts of ordinary people.

But some forces, some "legions" and "trade unions", their faces are not so pretty.

You know, the base they worked so hard to develop has not yet gained momentum.

In the end, they were all confiscated by "Zhao Feng"?

So much equipment and production materials have been taken away by Zhao, so do you still need to guess what he is thinking?

This guy's purpose is too obvious!

This is an attempt to forcibly unify the world!

Originally, the world was reshuffled, and the classes that had been solidified in the Earth era were completely crushed. Many ambitious guys took advantage of this trend and directly became the "overlord" of one party, with thousands, tens of thousands, or even thousands of people under their control. Tens of millions of people.

But what did this damn "Zhao Feng" do?

He actually shuffled the cards again?

All the efforts they had made before were in vain under his operation.

Can these new "powerful people" be happy? So happy!

If you don't curse your mother, you are considered to be of high quality.

Of course, there are also some legion commanders and power bosses who can see clearly.

Because they knew some secret things through various channels.

For example, the reason why they were able to survive was that they were able to face only a few alien creatures.

In essence, everything depends on being number one in the world.

Only with him sharing the firepower from the front can they develop.

For example, the wave of lizard men we just experienced.

Normally, the number of lizardmen and humans coming should be close to 1:1.

But because of Zhao Feng's existence, the ratio of humans to lizardmen in other galaxies was abruptly pulled to 10:1.

This forced the Lizardmen to change their strategies, and also allowed Earth players to successfully survive the early stages.

If Zhao Feng didn't attract hatred and share the firepower, would there be 7 billion people left? Now if there are 3.5 billion left, we have to burn high incense!

Once they understand the truth and hidden secrets, these rational army commanders and powerful leaders, although some are reluctant to part with their "foundation".

But at least they don't have any bad intentions.

In addition to these, in the chat channel before, all the keyboard warriors who were dissatisfied with Zhao Feng's disdain for the world's number one were uncharacteristically silent collectively.

It perfectly demonstrates what it means to be aggressive on the Internet, but submissive in reality, this classic proverb.

This is also normal, everyone has it when they are stubborn on the Internet.

But the reality is that after showing off the tip of the iceberg, the world’s No. 1 still can’t see clearly and beeping randomly. Isn’t that stupid?

After all, people seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, so this behavior is actually understandable.

Of course, there are also those who are "mentally" abnormal. Those who are not keyboard warriors are keyboard blind.

. . .

On the holographic projection, after Zhao Feng's opening remarks ended, the crowd on the ground first fell into chaos and noise.

Then, it slowly became quiet again.

Zhao Feng, on the other hand, quietly looked at the billions of people below him.

The battleship's detection equipment was turned to full power from the very beginning.

The crew members of the radar class and detection class fell into a frantic state of data collection.

There is no way, this is the captain's order.

The purpose of Zhao Feng's doing this was also to train the crew's information processing capabilities.

He will definitely need to replace the battleship in the future. Without his supervision, this kind of battleship will require the strength and tacit cooperation of the crew members to be successful.

The battlecruiser [Conqueror] and frigate [Kite] will definitely become the main force in the early development stage of mankind.

The upgrade span of this kind of battleship is already a triple jump.

Under Zhao Feng's drag, the earth's civilization was no longer considered a jump. It just took off on the spot and spiraled into the sky!

But then again, for a civilization to take off, it must have corresponding conditions.

The most basic thing is the quality of the whole people.

This quality not only refers to morality, but also includes per capita knowledge level and per capita physical level.

Knowledge is okay, Zhao Feng has channels, as long as he is willing to learn, he can get better. The only difference is practice.

But physique, a key attribute related to interstellar navigation and even combat, is not so easy to get.

. . . (End of chapter)

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