Zhao Feng, who had already considered the future development direction in his mind, decisively chose the "cold nuclear power plant" and the "galaxy level" expansion of plug-ins.

【Ding! Confirm to select the Industrial Planet Station and confirm to select "Cold Nuclear Power Plant". 】

[Trial player Zhao Feng was detected. He has a perfect reward. Do you want to use it? 】

"Use." Zhao Feng replied decisively.

【Ding! Rewards are being withdrawn. . . 】

[After the extraction is completed, the construction time of the "cold nuclear power plant" you selected will be zero, and this resource consumption will be free of charge. 】

[Construction is beginning. . . 】

[An abnormality in the planet's surface environment has been detected and is being cleared. . . 】

[Check the construction area. . . 】

[The surface area of ​​this planet is 670 million square kilometers. . . 】

[Will you retain the mining areas on the planet? 】


The mining area must be retained, although energy is related to the development of the advanced technology [Light Trend].

But the key mineral "vanadium" is also related to whether he can successfully survive the transitional stage of civilization level 3-4.

Although, the ordinary technology trees and construction trees given by the Xinghai system have no characteristics when developed, and their strength is also much lower.

But it beats an equilibrium.

Whether it is production, development, mining, medical care, military, or people's livelihood, it is basically covered.

In order to avoid shortcomings in the future, although Zhao Feng plans to focus on the [Light-tending] technology in the next development, he does not intend to give up on the ordinary technology tree.

In addition, the two are actually not particularly conflicting.

The only thing needed for the construction, production and even technological development of [Light] is energy.

On the other hand, the ordinary technological development route given by Xinghai requires a large amount of minerals and energy.

The only energy that was in short supply was about to be easily solved by the bug he was stuck with.

Unsurprisingly, the next development of the base can be achieved by "walking on two legs" for comprehensive development without shortcomings.

[24 large mining areas, 874 medium mining areas, and 12,474 small mining areas have been detected, and all mining area locations are being bypassed. 】

[Calculating the available area of ​​the planet. . . The current available construction area is 590 million square kilometers. 】

【Ding! Will it change the planet's landscape? Note: There is no need to consume resources to change the landscape this time. 】

"Yes!" Looking at Xinghai System's thoughtful question, Zhao Feng once again chose to agree.

[The planet’s landscape is being transformed. . . 】

At the same time that the star sea system popped up a prompt, the entire planet's surface surged like waves at the same time.

Except for those mining areas that were specially set aside, the original mountains, rivers, and remaining ocean continents were all forcibly smashed and flattened.

After half an hour of planetary transformation, the entire RTX4090.G was transformed from a "yin and yang head" after the raging star storm into a "braised egg head".

Looking down from space, the entire planet protrudes into a "smooth" shape.

【Ding! hint! Players of your kind have been placed on the surface. 】

[The foundation is under construction. . . 100%]

[The factory is under construction. . . 100%]

[The power station system is being adapted. . . Adaptation completed]

[Cold nuclear power plant trial operation. . . 】

[Current power 35%]

[Current daily energy output of cold nuclear power plants: 5.5 trillion units]

[Configuring the power grid. . . 】

[After scanning, your base has stratospheric power supply technology and is being configured for you. 】

[Configuring energy transmitting and receiving ports]

[After the configuration is completed, wireless power transmission can be performed within 1 light minute of the planet. 】

[Testing completed, construction completed, power station life: 68,000 years. 】

【Ding! Your reward has been distributed. 】

Looking at the system information one after another, Zhao Feng's eyes became brighter and brighter!

‘25%, 5.5 trillion? Wireless charging within 1 light minute? Damn it! Do you want to be so arrogant? ’

The excitement came and went quickly. After gradually calming down, Zhao Feng thought about it carefully and suddenly found that he was too happy too early.

Although the energy supply has now been improved to an epic level.

But it is still a long way off to unlock all the second-level hidden buildings of [Light-Tending].

Even if it reaches 100% power generation efficiency and a daily energy harvest of 22 trillion, it will still take 455 days to open the question mark-level technology building.

To be honest, 455 was really impatient, but Zhao Feng knew very well that the Doomsday Barrier seemed to be stable, but in fact, it could be destroyed by the evil god at any time.

He simply didn't have that much time to "slowly develop."

‘Tsk! The cold nuclear power plant is still a bit uninteresting. ’

The so-called cold nuclear power plant is actually what we often call cold nuclear fusion, or also called normal temperature nuclear fusion.

Although this technology is safe, environmentally friendly, durable, and has almost unlimited energy, its shortcomings are also quite obvious.

Because cold fusion requires fusion reactions to occur at room temperature, the energy released is actually relatively slow.

This is why there are about 10 billion cold nuclear reactors on the entire planet, but the total power generation is only 5.5 trillion.

Even if the power generation is 100%, if the daily power generation is averaged, a single "cold fusion reactor core" can only provide 2,200 units of energy per day.

If compared individually, these cold fusion reactor cores are not even comparable to the external building "nuclear power plant" derived from level 1 technology.

You know, the nuclear power plant originally provided by the plug-in can produce 12,000 units of energy per day.

If these cold nuclear reactor cores were replaced by nuclear power plants of the same density, the power generation would be increased by at least five times!

Not to mention, these nuclear power plants can also generate electricity at overclocking frequencies.

The amount of energy produced in that short period of time is simply something that a "cold nuclear power plant" would never even dare to imagine.

Discovering this shortcoming, Zhao Feng sighed slightly in his heart, but still turned on the charging of the [Light-Tracting] building "???".

After all, even if there are shortcomings, the energy output is not something that Zhao Feng can achieve in a short time.

And since it cannot release energy crazily like "thermonuclear fusion".

So next, in order to open the hidden building of [Light-tending] as soon as possible, Zhao Feng decided to quickly improve the level of general technology.

Nothing else, the utilization of nuclear energy by level 3 civilization will reach a new level.

The fourth-level civilization has reached its peak in the use of nuclear energy.

At that time, he might be able to use the "hand-rubbing star" technique to generate "human power".

You know, the energy of stars is almost infinite, and the energy of stars is even more violent.

A device that can absorb star energy without melting, plus Zhao Feng who can create stars at will.

By that time, let alone the energy gap of 10,000 trillion, it will be 10,000 Beijing. . . It should be able to be rubbed out.

. . .

As Zhao Feng chose to charge, the familiar building options did not pop up in front of him.

I saw endless energy pouring out from the surface of the planet, rushing towards Zhao Feng's heart crazily.

This made him stunned for a moment, and Zhao Feng, who reacted immediately, quickly released his senses and probed towards his heart.

But the result was a bit unexpected, there was nothing on the side of the heart.

But how can a heart that has no special changes be able to absorb energy like a black hole?

Fortunately, Zhao Feng is not too afraid of this change in himself. There are many strange things happening to him.

The current situation is nothing more than turning into a human "power bank". What is there to be afraid of?

As for the source of absorption?

I don’t know, I really don’t know!

Perception field, sixth sense, even the molecular time that activates the seventh sense.

Zhao Feng could only watch as those high-energy particles plunged into his heart and then disappeared without a trace.

Not even a single extra electron or other microscopic particle was left in his physical body.

It disappeared from Zhao Feng's perception so suddenly.

He frowned, somewhat unbelieving in evil, and used the "perception line" he had just learned.

After highly compressing his perception into a line, he scanned it toward himself again. This time, Zhao Feng got a little bit of information.

At his heart, in the space deeper than his heart, a strange purple crystal seemed to form.

That's where the absorbed energy comes from.

'Um? Crystal? Shouldn't it be a building? Why do you need a crystal? Where did this hidden light-seeking building come from? Unreliable! ’

Zhao Feng's inner questions did not receive any answers.

Seeing that the plug-in had no intention of explaining, he moved around in a circle, and after confirming that the crystal was indeed grown in the heart of deep space, it would not affect the real body.

Zhao Feng gave up completely.

What can I do if I don’t give up? If love lasts, it will last forever.

After all, the "technology" I chose in the first place had to be built with tears in my eyes.

Anyway, since you have chosen to build, there is no way to stop it, so so be it.

Zhao Feng, who decided to "show it off", no longer paid attention to the energy flowing towards his heart.

In turn, the energy configuration of the base is allocated.

First of all, there is no doubt that 99.9% of the energy output is allocated to yourself.

The remaining 0.1%, approximately 22 billion units of energy, is all allocated to the daily expenses of the base and the energy consumption of the mining area.

Secondly, nuclear power plants are temporarily shut down to serve as backup energy sources in case of emergencies.

Of course, even so, there will be a large amount of energy surplus.

But it doesn't matter, Zhao Feng can use the extra energy to synthesize equipment and even battleships.

He was a little worried before. There were only two energy cabinets left, and the energy for the synthetic equipment was not available.

But now, at least he no longer has to worry about the over 100 million energy consumed in daily equipment synthesis.

. . .

After figuring out the energy distribution of the airport base, Zhao Feng opened the skill list that had not been used for a long time.

At this time, the skills he had chosen had basically risen to between Lv.6-Lv.7.

At the same time, due to the improvement in level and mental attributes, the mental thread for learning skills has also increased several times.

He still remembers that when he was working on RTX4090.C, he worked so hard for a few learning threads, which ultimately led to a series of disasters.

And even with some extra effort, there were only 4-8 learning threads at the beginning.

But things are different now. Zhao Feng, who has 167 points of spiritual attributes, can obtain a full 32 learning threads with the blessing of deep space echo.

Excluding the three scientific research threads of illusion, phase and ordinary Ethereum.

He also has 29 learning threads.

You can completely click on attack, defense, control, production and even two special skills to learn them together!

Among them, the attack category has been upgraded to above Lv. 5 due to [Introduction to Attack], thus opening up a lot of new skills.

for example:

[Introduction to Beam Weapons Lv.0]: Increase penetration and burning damage by 2%

[Introduction to Energy Weapons Lv.0]: Increase energy and tear damage by 2%

[Introduction to Live Weapons Lv.0]: Increase kinetic damage by 3%

[Introduction to Missiles and Air Mines Lv.0]: Increase missile and air mine explosion damage by 2%

[Introduction to Carrier-based Aircraft Lv.0]: Increase the all-round damage of carrier-based aircraft by 2%

I haven’t looked at it for a while, and the attack skill bar is no longer the lonely one [Introduction to Attack].

The five skills in front of us obviously also have the potential for in-depth development.

Judging from the word "Introduction" at the end of the skill name, more skill branches will inevitably be opened after Level 5.

Thinking of this, Zhao Feng assigned 5 learning threads to him without hesitation.

The 2% bonus to skills, although it seems weak, can be stacked up over time.

The 20% attack bonus is something that cannot be underestimated.

After finishing all the attack skills, Zhao Feng turned on the defense skills again.

At first, he focused on learning defensive skills.

At this time, all defensive skills have been learned to level 7.

Some of the primary skills have opened corresponding intermediate skills because they have been upgraded to Level 5.

For example, [Primary Shield Expansion] and [Introduction to Armor Strengthening]

After these two skills are upgraded to Lv.5, [Intermediate Shield Expansion] and [Basic Armor Strengthening] are enabled respectively.

In addition to the existing ones, [Reinforcement Science], [Mobility Theory], [Shield Recharge Science], [Primary Shield Expansion], and [Armor Strengthening Guide Wheel].

The defense category already has seven skills at this time.

At the same time, it is the expenditure of 7 spiritual threads.

Next, there are bonuses in the mining direction of minerals, as well as material manufacturing and alloy-related production capacity bonuses.

Because there were too few threads for these two skills at the beginning, I did not choose to learn them.

But now threads are no big deal, even if all 32 threads are used!

But as long as Zhao Feng reaches level 98, all the attribute points obtained will be digested.

Then the learning thread will definitely continue to increase.

Immediately, Zhao Feng didn't think too much, and saw that with the click of his fingers, the options of production, research and development, management, and control together added up to 10 more learning threads.

‘Well, with 3 technology, 6 attack, 7 defense, 10 production plus two special skills, only 28 threads have been used now, and there are still 4 threads that cannot be wasted. . . ’

After thinking about this, Zhao Feng suddenly remembered that his threads could be merged.

The learning efficiency or scientific research efficiency of one thread is 100%, and when combined with one additional thread, it is 150%.

He now has 4 extra learning threads, which can increase the learning speed of a certain skill to 300% of the original speed.

‘So, which one should I learn first? ’

. . . (End of chapter)

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