Soon, Zhao Feng's perception locked the opponent's position.

Immediately afterwards, the mental power surged out and rushed straight to the channel where the target was.

But then, Zhao Feng frowned and controlled his telekinesis to retreat.

‘Can it detect my telepathy? ’

Just now, when his telekinesis was about to catch up, Glion's heart rang with alarm bells, and waves of coldness came from the back of his heart.

Years of combat experience have made him understand that he absolutely cannot look back at this time, let alone stop.

Fortunately, there are enough air-tight gates in the battleship, and when passing through a gate, it will activate it easily.

You know, those partition gates and aisles are all made of crystal armor plates.

With Zhao Feng's current telekinesis power, I don't know how long it will take to completely destroy it.

In addition, the internal routes of the battleship are complicated. Even if telekinesis can penetrate the defense regardless of defense, after passing through many walls, there will not be much power left to act on Glion.

And as soon as this guy started to become vigilant, his hands were so weak that he closed every door and pulled every gate.

Who knows how many gates it will close along the way. . .

Thinking of this, he didn't waste too much time. After withdrawing his telekinesis, he piloted the battleship and tried to fire a few shells into it. After finding that it had no real effect, he reluctantly turned the ship around.

As for going in personally to pursue him?

Sorry, Zhao Feng is not that aggressive yet~

After all, who knows if there will be any strange traps inside this corrupted battleship.

When the time comes, the gains will outweigh the losses, so forget it!

Even though I knew it was not a good thing to let that guy go, I had no choice but to give up at the moment.

Moreover, in addition to the guy who is obviously a high-level person, there is still a key problem waiting for him to solve.

In the end, Zhao Feng could only sigh helplessly and control the [Conqueror] to turn around and fly towards the huge "interference device" behind the flagship.

The current corrupted flagship is basically on the verge of collapse. As long as you wait patiently for a while, the flagship will slowly disintegrate on its own.

However, in order to avoid possible accidents, Zhao Feng decided to make a few more cuts to completely destroy the jamming device to avoid future troubles.

In this way, even if the escaping guy causes any changes, the barrier behind him will become his most solid backing.

Moreover, with the electronic interference removed, the barrier can also seek help from the outside world.

This can be regarded as a perfect help to the barrier side to change the situation of the battle.

. . .

Through the thick fog, [Conqueror] is also constantly approaching the target area.

After he arrived at the area where the jamming device was located, he did not immediately attack.

Staring at what was in front of him, Zhao Feng's mind was filled with questions.

I saw that the jamming device that was originally rectangular and comparable to the size of 10 [Conquerors] turned into a huge dark red meat ball.

Kind of like the dome on an observatory, except it's made of flesh.

He stared at the meat ball for a while, then glanced at the ship's auxiliary equipment, which was still all offline.

Zhao Feng couldn't help but be a little confused.

‘Is this a jamming device? ’

At this moment, the plug-in popped up the corresponding information.

(Tip: 3122 flesh and blood aggregates have protected the jamming equipment. Now they are slowly integrating into one. When their inner resentment and dark energy are all integrated, they can evolve into a special monster "the mother of flesh and blood" .)

(Suggestion: The weakness of the current flesh-and-blood aggregate is still very obvious. Attacking it early is the best choice. Performing high-level energy attacks on it, or bombarding it with any positive matter can cause irreversible damage to it.)

(Warning: Beware of its psychic blast, as well as its shape-shifting attacks.)

Staring at the plug-in prompt, Zhao Feng almost laughed out loud.

‘Evolution, right? Weak energy, right? I can't kill you with the energy damage all over my body? ’

You must know that with the blessing of the battleship skill "Manifestation of Willpower" at this time, what [Conqueror] is most indispensable for now is energy and mysterious attacks.

So what if that thing is big?

If 1 round of salvo has no effect, then 10 rounds! If 10 rounds are useless, then 100 rounds!

I saw the [Conqueror] first rotate the hull slightly, and then open fire on the port side.

The terrifying kinetic energy carried large and small high-explosive bombs and flew towards the merging "aggregation of flesh and blood".

The fatal energy and spiritual attacks contained in the shells exploded directly the moment they came into contact with the huge meat ball.

Round after round of shelling, the huge piece of meat gradually became mutilated under the annihilation of infinite energy.

Like an apple being bitten into pieces, the creature formed by the fusion of thousands of flesh and blood was shattered into two-thirds of its volume in just half a minute.

This sudden change forced the monster, which almost never made a sound, to let out a shrill wail when life and death were at stake.

Like millions of voices gathered together, layers of sound waves suddenly exploded on the remaining surface of its body.

The sound wave mixed with the impact on the spiritual level, producing an oscillation visible to the naked eye at the next moment.

Within a diameter of tens of kilometers, even the purple mist was directly rippled by it.

At this moment, the vision rarely returned to normal.

This mysterious attack, which could almost kill the destroyer instantly, hit the shield on the [Conqueror]'s body in the blink of an eye.

But the result was that it didn’t even cause the slightest ripple.

Like waves crashing on a rock.

The waves broke apart, but the rocks remained standing.

For this reason, Zhao Feng also took a special look at the status of the shield system.

As a result, there was not even a polite damage from the shield system.

Obviously, the super high mysterious resistance allowed the battleship to ignore this wave of seemingly evil "spiritual shock"

A wave of "damage immunity" brought a perfect end to the counterattack of the flesh-and-blood collective.

. . .

As the bombardment continued, they were dismantled and dismembered one by one in energy explosions.

Finally, it was turned into ashes in the extremely strong energy field.

After the small characters on the periphery were completely eliminated, the turret on the ship slowly rotated, and the muzzle also followed Zhao Feng's fine-tuning, aiming at the last weakness of the battleship marked by [Dead Point Sensor].

The location of the weak point is the three giant bases of the jamming device.

I haven’t seen the obstruction with the “aggregation of flesh and blood” before.

Now, after cleaning out the "dirty" stuff, everything becomes clear.

The place where the corrupted flagship is connected to the jamming equipment is not a common crystal armor layer, nor is it a huge metal structure.

Instead, three extremely thick tentacles stretched out from the battleship and inserted into the "data interface" under the jamming device.

Squinting his eyes and staring at the three flesh and blood "bases" that served as supports and connections, Zhao Feng directly controlled the main and secondary cannons to fire a full salvo.

The tentacles looked huge, but they were actually made of flesh and blood.

Regardless of whether he is a corrupted life or has some mysterious characteristics, meat is meat.

The strength of that thing is completely different from that of crystal metal.

Under the dense rain of firepower, the flesh and blood was first neutralized with mysterious properties, and then exploded into a shower of blood by a mixture of armor-piercing and high-explosive bombs.

The interference generator on it also gradually fell downwards amidst the sounds of metal friction. Amidst the sounds of metal twisting and flesh and blood cracking, it was completely disconnected from the ship's hull.

Almost at the same time it was disconnected, all the equipment on the [Conqueror] returned to normal.

Not only was it a conqueror, the doomsday barrier with stronger electronic resistance was also fully liberated.

As we all know, electronic warfare defense is much more difficult than head-on attack.

And when the doomsday barrier is freed from the constraints of electronic warfare.

A full 40% of the energy supply it instantly liberated was directly used on the frontal battlefield.

Immediately, under the control of each barrier commander, the barrier suddenly switched from electronic countermeasures mode to firepower burst mode.

The next second, the Doomsday Barrier showed its most ferocious side.

In order to quickly relieve the pressure on the current barrier, with the consent of commanders at all levels and the authorization of the barrier's main control room, a full 75% of the barrier's energy was pumped into a certain set of barrier's built-in super weapon systems at one time.

At the moment when the energy supply was completed, the crystal armor plates on the barrier at a height of 1,600 meters to 1,700 meters were opened and retracted one by one.

The densely packed tachyon pulse array, which resembled a natural barrier, slowly revealed itself.

As energy continues to flow into it, pale yellow light slowly flickers on the walls of the doomsday barrier.

The oppressive hum that signals death becomes louder and louder as the energy is filled.

After its internal energy accumulated to a certain extent, a golden wall of light suddenly shot out from the surface of the wall.

The next second, those Chaos Air Force who had no time to dodge were directly vaporized by the golden energy pillar on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, the energy slowly turned its angle, sweeping towards the area below the city like a brush.

The terrifying energy swept away lightly, and everything in front of it was blasted into carbon slag by the ultra-high-energy tachyons.

What mysterious purple haze? Miners who are not afraid of live ammunition attacks? Mine Demon? What kind of defense is there with thick door panels? They are just decorations in front of the tachyon pulse cannon!

Its special attack effect can temporarily shield the covalent bonds and van der Waals forces between molecules, as well as the strong interaction between atoms.

Any life or even matter exposed to this beam will disintegrate into basic particles at an extremely fast speed.

Under the light, all the purple mist dissipated, revealing chaotic creatures such as miners, ore demons, and skinners, or a collection of flesh and blood blocking the way of the sacrifices from a very far distance.

They all turned into elementary particles under this tachyon pulse.

With just one sweep, the ground was cleared.

Immediately, the tachyon pulse that consumed all its energy slowly retracted into the barrier.

Of course, those deformed creatures of the Chaos Air Force, some of them somewhat intelligent, wanted to come over and destroy them.

However, due to the huge coverage range of the tachyon pulse and the uncontrollable energy scattering, the chaotic air force that rushed over was directly purified by the scattered tachyon pulse wave before it even got close.

There were so many ashes floating in the air that it was impossible to tell who was who.

As a result, the pressure on the ground suddenly returned to zero.

At this moment, we only need to wait for half an hour, wait for the tachyon pulse to cool down, and the barrier to recharge its energy, and then shine another tachyon pulse into the sky.

The battle here can be declared completely over.

. . .

At this moment, the remaining purple mist seemed to be attracted by something.

Continuously rushing towards the Corrupted Flagship.

Zhao Feng felt a strong sense of danger at the same time.

Glancing at the flagship below him, he couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

‘Do you really have a back-up plan? ! ’

Thinking of this, Zhao Feng had no intention of staying to watch the show, and directly controlled the ship to join Omro's response fleet.

After the rendezvous, Zhao Feng had not yet opened the fleet communication and announced the evacuation.

The extremely concentrated purple mist in the distance changed again.

I saw the thick fog shrinking continuously, and I didn't know what evil was in the originally flagship 500,000-meter-long [Pacemaker·Change].

Wrapped in the mist, it shrinks again and again.

It wasn't until it shrank to the length of the battle patrol that it stopped shrinking.

Staring at this strange change, Zhao Feng had no time to think and decisively ordered to open the fleet channel:

"This is Captain Adolf, level 1 emergency order, the fleet is returning at full speed, returning at full speed!"

As the fleet turned around, the purple mist gradually faded.

Not long after, a scaled-down version of the [Pacemaker] reappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

It is not the kind of flesh-and-blood modification that is common in chaotic creatures. This battleship is pure white. When observed through the optical camera, its hull seems to be completely natural, with no welding joints or gaps in the armor plates.

The original gun positions on the ship also disappeared, and it looked almost like a yacht.

Anyone who comes to see it would not think it poses much of a threat just by looking at its appearance.

But Zhao Feng, who had super sensory abilities, felt his heart tighten the moment he saw the battleship.

That's what it feels like to be watched by an apex predator.

. . .

At this time, in the bridge of the special battleship, Glion was sitting in the driving seat, with a huge tentacle stuck in the back of his head.

And that tentacle connected directly to the roof of the bridge and submerged into the battleship.

Glion was not too surprised by this change in himself.

This is a necessary step to "evilize" the warship.

If a high-level battleship is "evilized" and there is no connection with the controller's tone, then the battleship will give birth to consciousness on its own.

The "evilized" battleship will therefore become extremely uncontrollable.

There is even the possibility of "eating the master".

In order to ensure that the evil warship can be used correctly, leaving the necessary controllers to connect with the warship is the most important means to ensure the success of the "evil war".

That tentacle looks quite scary, but in essence it is just a bridge connecting life and the battleship.

Just like Zhao Feng's current spiritual connection, it's just that the battleship created by Glion's "evil transformation" ritual has a wired spiritual connection.

And once it's plugged in, it can never be unplugged.

Of course, comparing the two, the "evilized" battleship here obviously has greater side effects.

. . . (End of chapter)

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