Survival on the Star Sea: Starting from a small broken ship and becoming stronger

Chapter 241 Is the artillery battle useless? 【4000】Thanks to book friend DrMango for the tip

Facing such an offensive from the Chaos Legion, the Doomsday Barrier side has fallen into an extremely passive situation.

Although the shield system has sufficient energy supply, even if it is bombed, even if it is bitten by countless chaotic creatures.

The barrier's shield value is still recharging steadily.

Even if the recharging speed is very stable, everyone knows in their hearts that as long as there are more than a dozen explosions of this level, the barrier will fall sooner or later.

The doomsday barrier will eventually usher in its own end.

. . .

Within the barrier headquarters, the base brain kept popping up reminder messages.

A detailed report was made on the extent of damage suffered by the barrier.

"Commander, please note that the explosion that just occurred has reduced 10% of the total number of shields in the 1037 defense zone of the barrier. It is estimated that the recharge time will take 15 minutes."

"Please note! The energy supply grid in each defense zone has been damaged to varying degrees. It has been calculated to exceed 4% of the total power grid. Please repair it as soon as possible. Damage exceeding 10% will affect the recharge rate of the barrier shield."

"Please note! More than 78% of the barrier's outer defense measures have been lost, and 3.51 billion personnel have been lost."

"The available troops are being deployed, the order has been issued...the deployment has been completed."

"32.7% of the reserve reserves have been dispatched to the front line."

. . .

The old Major General of the Mantis tribe stared at the messages that kept popping up on the big screen, and was silent for a while.

Then without warning, he hammered the table hard and cursed: "A bunch of trash!"

Taking a deep breath, the major general looked at the thundercloud not far away.

Different from the situation in other defense zones, here, except in front of the "thunder cloud", there are almost no chaotic creatures in the surrounding airspace.

And those creatures of the evil god system can't get close to the fleet hidden in the "thunder cloud".

What kind of void whale starts the head? What Mothman infrasonic attack? Or maybe a flying hydra acid attack?

In front of Zhao Feng, everything is a toy.

A shot can lift them up, and a high-explosive shot will kill them all!

The corrupted flagship in the distance had stopped moving forward after losing all its escort warships.

But with the outbreak of the general offensive, and after the massive Chaos Air Force came up to make up for it, the flagship began to become ready to move again.

But then, the firepower erupted from Zhao Feng's fleet taught them a severe lesson again.

No matter how many there are, how many cannonballs can there be here?

The dense artillery fire created a wall composed of explosions and energy turbulence in the distant sky.

Any creature that doesn't know how to survive or survive will be turned into a mess of meat in a few seconds.

And this situation also caused the corrupted flagship to stop in the airspace 100 kilometers away from the barrier again.

It's not that he is cowardly.

Even though the opponent may be a battlecruiser manned by "Annihilator Star" heroes, with the shield resistance and recovery ability of the flagship, with only those few cannons, even if the firepower is doubled, the flagship can still be in the fire network. Travel freely.

What it is afraid of is actually the doomsday barrier behind the battle patrol.

I have said before that there is super heavy firepower in the Doomsday Barrier that the flagship cannot resist.

If it is 100 kilometers away, the corrupted flagship may be able to use certain mysterious characteristics to perform super maneuvers to avoid damage.

But as long as the corrupted flagship dares to enter within 100 kilometers of the barrier, it will be in an unavoidable embarrassing situation.

Within 100 kilometers, no matter how large a warship dodges, it will be hit by a few rounds from the super cannon behind the barrier.

It's fine if that thing hits the hull, and it can resist a few rounds. But if it hits the giant jamming equipment on the battleship, it will be useless!

Of course, it was also because of the jamming equipment that the corrupted flagship was able to get closer to the barrier than 100 kilometers away.

Without flagship-level electronic jamming equipment, the barrier's super cannon would be enhanced by various radars and auxiliary equipment.

It is completely possible to carry out precise bombardment from thousands of kilometers away.

Glion knew this very well.

So it didn't dare to mess around too much. After all, it was fighting according to the plan made by the master.

If it is because of its recklessness, the good situation will be "given away".

If it delays the Lord's important event, it will have to walk away without food~

Just when it was unwilling to give up, but did not dare to send the flagship randomly, Disara beside it suddenly said:

"Since we can't gain an advantage here, we will go to other defense sections of the barrier. We only need to ensure that the flagship can suppress the opponent's communications at all times, and then find an opportunity to carve a hole in the seemingly indestructible wall... "

Having said this, Disara twisted the water snake's waist and slowly wrapped it around Glion.

"At that time, the barrier in front of us will be like a river bank penetrated by ants..."


Disara used her slightly curled lips to describe a very vivid sound.

Hearing this, Glion nodded, and it understood that what Disara said was right.

But it just wanted to kill the commander of that fleet with his own hands.

Looking at the thundercloud and thinking about the mission of the Lord, Glion suppressed the anger in his heart for a while, took a deep breath and ordered: "Turn around, let's go to other areas to help in the battle."

While the corrupted flagship was slowly retreating, all the deformed creatures in the nearby airspace had been cleared away by the [Conqueror].

Not only that, during this period of crazy shooting, the [Conqueror] consumed an amount of ammunition almost equal to its own volume, and the gun barrels were replaced by no fewer than a thousand.

Staring at the corrupted flagship that was constantly retreating and preparing to leave the battlefield in the radar, Zhao Feng decisively ordered the industrial ship to replace the gun barrel.

At the same time, the connection with the two large cargo ships was cut off, as well as the control of the destroyer group.

At the same time that the gun barrel was replaced, the connection between the [Conqueror] and the industrial ship was also completely disconnected.

The [Conqueror], which had regained its "freedom", suddenly accelerated and rushed out of the cloud area created by the destroyer and frigate.

Go straight to the flagship.

No one raised any objection to this, in accordance with the final order of the commander-in-chief of this operation "Adolf".

All warships are on alert and responsible for any necessary response tasks.

. . .

On the other side, the Corrupted Flagship, which slowly retreated and began to turn, also noticed the opponent's abnormal behavior.

The radar monitor with a mushroom head shouted in a naive voice:

"Sir, we found that the enemy battlecruiser escaped from the clouds and fog, and accelerated towards us. We expect to engage the enemy within 2 minutes."

"Huh?" Glion, who was having an affair with Disara in public, was stunned when he heard this.

Then he quickly turned around and looked through the observation window towards the area where the thundercloud was.

Immediately afterwards, it saw the figure of the [Conqueror] approaching rapidly.

"Is this... you want to stop us?

Haha, you are really overestimating your capabilities! I want to see how you can stop the flagship's bombardment without the fleet's firepower to intercept it? "

After casually tearing Dishara off his body and throwing it aside, Glion ordered loudly:

"The whole ship's firepower is aimed at that thing that knows no life or death, and shoots at will."

. . .

Looking at the turret slowly turning towards him on the flagship more than 90 kilometers away, Zhao Feng had no fear of it.

First, all naval guns were replaced with armor-piercing projectiles.

Immediately afterwards, his thoughts moved as if he were controlling his body.

The bow of the [Conqueror] tilted slightly 44° toward the right side of the opponent, and at the same time accelerated, while driving out an arc track, it also used roller maneuvers.

I saw the huge figure of [The Conqueror], as comfortable as a fish swimming in the sea.

The lavender light beams continued to rub against the ship's hull and shot away.

Occasionally, the artillery on the battleship would roar when a few bombardments were calculated and could not be avoided.

Detonate the lavender beams that may hit one by one in advance.

What is picturesque operation? Which one is called silky smoothness?

[Conqueror], with its huge size, shows what it means to be light and heavy.

Four rounds of shelling, not only the volley rate was terrifyingly high.

Under Zhao Feng's control, the warship's evasion rate also reached over 87%.

This scene made all the Chaos soldiers on the corrupted flagship look extremely ugly.

Of course, the ugliest thing must still be Commander Glion.

. . .

On the other side, although Zhao Feng had a good time hiding, the excessive gravity acceleration made all the members in the battleship miserable.

That is to say, he brought a lot of hardening potion, plus he upgraded a lot of crew members.

The crew also prioritized their physical fitness, so that even if they were uncomfortable, they would still be within the tolerance range.

Of course, [Conqueror] doesn’t just dodge.

During the gap between the interceptions, Zhao Feng also tried to control the [Quadruple Ifrit Cannon] to fight back against them.

But the result was that all the bombardments were wiped out on the spot by the lavender energy shield on the surface of the flagship.

live ammunition? energy? Or mental damage? It's all useless!

From the beginning, he heard Omro say that the flagship cannot be challenged by a single battlecruiser, but he didn't quite believe it.

Looking at it now, even the L-shaped main gun bombardment can't make any waves.

Zhao Feng had no choice but to stop continuing the bombardment.

For this kind of guy who is as resistant to fighting as the Iron Bastard, it is obvious that the "artillery battle" in Plan 1 will not work at all.

Faced with this situation, Zhao Feng did not feel any regrets.

If plan 1 doesn't work, he still has plan 2 and plan 3. . .

After all, there had been endless disasters during previous encounters. If he had only one plan, he would have been in trouble long ago.

Now that the disaster has been replaced by a hostile warship, Zhao Feng still maintains his previous style.

Isn’t the Corrupted Flagship not afraid of bombardment?

It's okay~ Don't forget that his telekinesis had activated the 0.5% defense-ignoring effect before.

As long as you get within 16 kilometers, even if its shield is evil, even if its armor is thick enough, so what?

Isn’t it just as easy to handle with [Dead Point Sense]?

Even if the superpower is not easy to use and cannot hit the opponent, he can still engage in "gang-hopping" combat.

[Conqueror] Are there still a few corpses of “void whales” in the warehouse~

In addition, he had seen those chaotic creatures before that could penetrate the flagship shield.

Obviously, the shield system also has the ability to identify friend or foe.

Zhao Feng can completely use that biometric ability to create an interstellar war version of "Trojan Trojan".

When the time comes, the strong ones from the annihilation star will join the gang. . . Tsk tsk!

That picture is so beautiful!

. . .

Even if he retreated 10,000 steps, he failed and the doomsday barrier fell.

But so what? There are two tasks for the return journey!

He had already collected 10,000 points of merit, and the worst he could do was submit a mission and run away.

The perfect achievement of level unblocking, the worst thing is to try again next time!

And even if it’s not a perfect unblocking, so what?

Zhao Feng's spiritual potential is unlimited. As long as he doesn't die, he will reach a height that can crush everything sooner or later.

All kinds of back tricks are added up. Good guy, even the guarantee is a small profit!

What else is there to say? Just do it.

. . .

As the distance between the [Conqueror] and the Corrupted Flagship got closer and closer, Zhao Feng was finally able to get a glimpse of the [Pacemaker·Reform].

big! too big!

Comparing the flagship's hundreds of thousands of meters long hull with the battle cruiser's hull, which is only 5,000 meters tall, is like comparing an elephant to a mouse.

But even so, Zhao Feng still didn't panic at all. After evading the opponent's artillery fire for the fifth time, [Conqueror] finally arrived at the right side of the ship of [Pacemaker·Change].

This is equivalent to avoiding more than 70% of the flagship's firepower.

Of course, that doesn't mean the flagship's belly is vulnerable.

On the contrary, the most defensive part of the entire flagship is its abdomen.

Because of its huge size, the flagship cannot only be equipped with a single attack method such as naval guns.

The abdomens of most flagships are equipped with some necessary naval guns for defense.

Its main task is actually the takeoff and landing of carrier-based aircraft.

The flagship is not only a battle fortress and artillery hedgehog, but also a super aviation base.

The carrier-based aircraft carried include almost all models, interceptors, bombers, torpedo-class, attack aircraft, and even exclusive air combat models.

When attacking the belly of a flagship, you not only have to face a shield layer twice as thick, but you also have to face the siege of tens of thousands of carrier-based aircraft.

However, Zhao Feng was now facing a corrupted flagship, and all the carrier-based aircraft had long been destroyed.

The exclusive "Chaos Air Force" was sent to the battlefield early. At this time, under the flagship, he only needed to avoid the firing range of a few main guns, and he could stay below.

Of course, Zhao Feng couldn't really be so idle.

After reaching a close enough distance, 161 points of mental power are consumed.

Ten megatons of super-powerful telepathy surged out from all parts of his body and flowed straight into the outside world along the battleship's biomass organs.

Immediately afterwards, the invisible power of mind turned into a hammer, and it was extremely simple, and it hammered towards an L-shaped main gun on the side and rear.

With a 0.5% defense-ignoring characteristic, the use of telekinesis does not require Domei's complicated control at this time.

As soon as the telekinesis came into contact with the lavender shield, it started to flicker crazily.

But because they were both of the mysterious type, and Zhao Feng's level was as high as level 6, the collision between the two did not produce an annihilation reaction.

At this time, the mysterious systems started to compete with each other in a more pure energy state.

The intertwined energy fireworks continued, and it seemed that the confrontation was at a stalemate, but in fact the 0.5% ignoring defense effect had already penetrated the shield.

. . .

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