5 minutes later. . .

All 150 cruisers were sunk under intensive bombardment by armor-piercing bombs.

Even if the live ammunition attack shield will reduce the damage by 75%, it cannot withstand the mixed damage effect of the battleship skill bonus.

And a terrifying bombardment density of 33.4 rounds per second.

This is supplemented by Zhao Feng's 96.5% synchronization rate and the help of the plug-in auxiliary aiming function.

With the addition of many conditions, those corrupted cruisers whose armor, structure, and shield combined had only 300,000 HP were quickly broken through shields, armor, and structures at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Until the energy warehouse of the weapons depot explodes and turns into the most basic dust~

. . .

Not to mention how relaxed and comfortable Zhao Feng was in the sky.

At this time, the battle on the ground also began.

The ground forces of the Chaos Legion are pressing forward across the board. They don't need formations or tactics, and their deformed brains can't hold many instructions.

Just rush forward one by one.

The deformed biological weapons of the Chaos Legion are like rising tides and waves, constantly rushing towards the barrier.

At this time, the Doomsday Barrier did not fully open fire on it.

After many years of fighting against the Chaos Legion, the Barrier has an extremely efficient method for killing deformed creatures.

In the interval of 10 to 100 kilometers, the giant cannons on the wall of the fortress only occasionally fired a few incendiary bombs to flatten the areas where the Chaos Legion was densest, and at the same time used the high temperature that could burn the rocks to tear their formation apart.

This is used to slow down the enemy's attack.

I saw countless incendiary bombs falling, exploding the ground into seas of flames.

After the sea of ​​fire destroyed the creatures within the coverage area, the wall of fire formed by the way also blocked the progress of the Chaos Legion.

Although they have no brains, they still understand the principle of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages.

Facing the monstrous flames, their charging momentum could only gradually stop. The chaotic creatures that were not destroyed chose to take a detour and pass through the gap between the two adjacent seas of fire.

This situation, under deliberate control by the barrier, will continue until within 10 kilometers in front of the barrier.

The chaotic creature's small brain will inevitably produce inertial thinking after running 90 kilometers without any danger.

And when they enter the critical distance of 10 kilometers, the barrier will also show its fang-filled side.

. . .

After a few minutes, the gathered chaotic creatures finally rushed to the edge of the fire wall.

Looking at the barrier that was almost within reach, they howled and ran, desperately starting to sprint with all their strength.

But just when they were about to leave the area covered by the sea of ​​fire.

The alloy ground 5 kilometers in front of the barrier suddenly reversed, and one after another 88mm rotating cannons were seen rising from the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the thick ammunition chain was pulled up from the other side by the ammunition feeder, and the sound of ammunition feeding was heard.

Cannonballs with thick calves and long arms were pulled out of the ground by high-speed ammunition feeders.

Finally, the gun-mounted motor started, and the 12-barreled 88-guns on all turrets began to rotate at a constant speed from slow to fast.

The shells were loaded one after another and placed in the barrel.

While its speed gradually increased to two hundred revolutions per second, the fire control system had also locked down the enemy unit.

The next second, the electronically controlled firing pin triggered the primer.

Bullets rained down.

The chaotic creatures that were still excited just now ushered in their destined death.

. . .

And this is the first line of defense for the barrier.

Use simple battlefield division to drive the opponent into the "slaughterhouse".

Facing such a long line of enemies, there is no need to even use high-explosive bombs that are more expensive but have a wider attack range.

After all, the explosion will destroy the ground, which is not applicable in the current scenario.

At this moment, the solid armor-piercing bullet is the most handsome guy on the battlefield.

I saw the 88mm rotating gun, just like the fancy boy shaking his hands.

The 12 gun barrels bundled together seemed to be eating Xuanmai and couldn't stop at all.

The light blue energy flames ejected from the muzzle are dozens of meters long.

The sound wasn't a "ta-ta-ta-ta" sound like it wasn't full.

His voice was even duller, "Bang, bang, bang! Bang, bang, bang~", just like the decoration brother downstairs demolishing the house.

The huge rotating gun body spits out up to 200 "bullets" per second.

Each armor-piercing bullet will completely lose kinetic energy after crushing thousands of people.

The deformed creatures rushed to the exit with great joy, but then they were harvested like wheat without any trace left in a few seconds.

In this way, the Chaos Legion on the front line seemed to be at a stalemate.

It has to be said that the evil nature of the evil god's power is reflected at this time.

That chaotic creature's head is really iron!

If one of them dies, another one will come up to support it. If one piece dies, another one will come up to support it!

In the past, this method could wipe out all the chaos forces on the battlefield in just a few minutes.

Now? The 88mm rotating cannon has been firing continuously for 15 minutes, but the biological weapons of the Chaos forces have not decreased at all.

Looking into the distance from the heights of the barrier, I saw that at some point, a large number of caves appeared at the rear of the Chaos Legion's front line.

That is the masterpiece of the giant worm.

At this time, an endless stream of troops was like spring water, constantly pouring out of the ground and rushing to the battlefield.

Obviously, they were fully prepared for this general attack.

Even the extremely difficult to tame macrophage worms, nicknamed sandworms and death worms, were brought over.

You must know that this thing is very capable of drilling through the ground and through the mountains!

Even crystal metals can corrode and break through if given time.

The commanders of various theaters on the barrier also discovered this abnormal phenomenon.

Immediately, the giant cannon on the barrier began to charge and gradually adjusted its angle.

Being so anxious to fight back is not cowardice, it is just a precautionary measure.

In addition, the more important point is that there are a large number of turret bases on the defense line of the rotary 88 gun, and metal fatigue has occurred for some reason.

The gun barrel can be replaced at any time if it overheats, but the metal fatigue that gradually increases under continuous bombardment cannot be remedied in time.

Think about it, how do you repair a broken turret base?

Of course, this kind of metal fatigue was not caused today. The continuous harassment of the Chaos Legion and the laziness of the logistics all laid the hidden seeds for this disaster.

In this way, if they are allowed to continue to "explode", the first layer of defense will be forcibly breached sooner or later.

As for the opponent's "death worm" that's so tricky, why not just punch a hole into the barrier?

The principle is the same as the sky. The underground environment deep in the Doomsday Barrier is also the end of this world.

The indestructible cosmic wall stretches 10 kilometers under the Fortress of Doom, creating an unbreakable protective layer.

The flat land 10 kilometers in front of the barrier is covered with crystalline metal.

The barrier is also covered with the same crystal armor and shields 10 kilometers underground.

Of course, macrophage worms can break through the layer of protection on the surface.

But wanting to break through the barrier shield is just wishful thinking.

Even if Addis, the king of macrophage worms, comes in person, he can only destroy the crystal armor on the ground, and there is no possibility of going deeper.

Unless the god of worms, Rulim Xaklos, comes, it would be a dream to attack from underground.

As the angle of the giant cannon on the barrier was adjusted, random and terrifying vibrations spread throughout the barrier.

Tens of thousands of high-explosive shells flew out of the gun barrels and flew towards the tunnels dug by worms at the edge of each battle zone.

With the violent explosion and the rise of tens of thousands of mushroom clouds, the dust in the sky enveloped the Chaos army in the distance.

The chaotic creatures that had just escaped were driven into pieces by unreasonable high pressure.

Due to the high-level energy impact, the radar system temporarily lost its ability to detect the tunnel area.

As the powerful shock wave spread and hit the barrier, the dust cloud became clear along with the storm caused by the shock wave.

I saw the dust dispersed, although the tunnel disappeared.

But tens of thousands of "flesh and blood aggregates" appeared in front of the original location of the tunnel.

This made all the theater commanders on the barrier frown.

The shape of the aggregate of flesh and blood is similar to a big lump of slime, but the basic material that combines them is not mud.

The birth of each flesh-and-blood assembly requires massive blood sacrifices, focusing countless resentments and using mysterious formations to forcibly splice them together.

In this way, the stronger the resentment, the more flesh and blood it can control.

And as long as the "thoughts" are immortal, there is flesh and blood around them, and there is a supply of biomass, they can be reborn infinitely.

Even when bombarded by high-explosive bombs of this level, more than 80% of their volume was evaporated.

There are so many flesh and blood of "same kind" on the battlefield, and they will return to normal after a few dozen breaths.

Against this guy, live ammunition and high explosives are almost useless.

It must be bombarded with L-shaped or above L-shaped energy weapons.

Or find a way to use powerful high-energy positive matter to destroy its roots before you have a chance to kill it.

There are so many energy weapons in the barrier, but the problem is that the current energy supply must be allocated to both the shield system and the electronic countermeasures system.

These two alone account for 80% of the current energy consumption of the barrier.

Other miscellaneous systems, such as fire control radar monitoring and live ammunition charging, account for the remaining 20%.

There is no other way. If you don't turn on the electronic countermeasures system, let the corrupted flagship [Pacemaker·Reform] do whatever it wants.

That barrier will also become completely deaf and blind.

By then, let alone the fire control system, I'm afraid even dynamic recognition won't be possible.

The commanders all sighed secretly as they looked at the "flesh and blood aggregate" that was slowly absorbing flesh and blood and returning to its normal state.

‘Fortunately, that thing didn’t rush over, otherwise the situation on the front line would be bad. . . ’

Just when everyone had this idea, a big hole suddenly exploded in the crystal armor plate under the wall of War Zone No. 231.

Immediately afterwards, a giant worm with a diameter of several hundred meters and a length of more than 10,000 meters emerged from the ground.

Then he did not attack the barrier, but took advantage of the time when the cannon was charging to continuously swallow up and crush all the underground crystal armor layers from a distance.

"Is that the Worm King Addis?!" someone yelled.

In fact, there is no need to shout. All the frontline commanders who saw this scene were basically feeling cold at this moment.

S-type artillery and M-type artillery faced such a big thing and couldn't even penetrate its skin.

The main gun group on the barrier had just fired once, and it would take more than ten seconds to redistribute energy.

But these ten seconds are enough for it to destroy the ground to the point where ordinary worms can enter and exit at will.

When 10 seconds passed, I seemed to feel the murderous intention locked on top of my head.

Addis nodded, plunged directly into the ground, and disappeared.

At this time, deep trenches 100 meters wide were dug out in all battle zones 231-432.

. . .

The Doomsday Barrier plotted against the Chaos Legion, and why didn't the Chaos Legion set a trap for the Doomsday Barrier?

It can be seen from this that the battle for the survival of species really cannot be treated with any carelessness or contempt.

Although the Chaos system is not bright-minded, there are always one or two who are smart enough to make suggestions. Trading strategy for tactics may seem stupid, but it contains great wisdom.

Each race in Xinghai is extremely smart, but each has its own plans, and the strength cannot be used together.

There is nothing we can do about this.

Don't look at the fact that these races were integrated together by the Xinghai system, and the evil god, a foreign enemy, was used to forcibly suppress some of the dissatisfaction caused during the integration.

On the surface, it looks like we are all one family in the universe, but in reality, who doesn’t have some small plans in their family?

Who hasn’t planned to dominate the universe after expelling the evil god?

The essence of this crisis is caused by too many small calculations and too serious internal corruption.

The reconnaissance troops did not dare to investigate deeply for fear of death.

The logistics troops are lazy and even line their own pockets, which is detrimental to frontline weapons detection.

The commander system even shirks responsibilities from each other and fights whenever nothing happens.

Now, they are reaping the consequences of their own deeds, and the collapse of the front lines is imminent.

. . .

At this time, the shooting holes on the barrier were opened. At such a close distance, the powerful artillery was no longer useful and could only be used to divide the battlefield in the distance.

The soldiers inside the barrier quickly entered their respective combat positions.

Fortunately, these low-level soldiers don't have so many thoughts, and they are all veterans who have experienced battles for a long time.

In the middle area of ​​the barrier, some experienced veterans were dragged by their companions and stretched most of their bodies out of the barrier.

Being brave and talented, they aimed the individual nuclear bomb launchers in their hands directly at the "trench" below.

Be ready to deliver a righteous nuclear iron fist to the death worms that rush up at any time.

Time passed by, and a lot of sweat broke out on the veteran's forehead.

Not fear or fear.

But the heat wave below is too scorching. Even if it is dozens of kilometers away, the heat from the sea of ​​fire in the distance can still be transmitted to the barrier.

Just when sweat was about to drip from his forehead, the "trench" below suddenly raised a fountain made of soil.

Immediately, the death worm emerged from it, swinging countless tentacle flagella from its open mouth, and howled with spiritual shock that resounded throughout the world.

But the veterans were unmoved at all. At the moment when their mouths opened to the maximum, one after another miniature nuclear bombs flew into their bellies along their unique little throats.

Immediately afterwards, high-temperature, high-pressure, and high-energy impact suddenly exploded inside his body.

The huge worm, how ferociously it screamed just now, is now how miserable it is.

The micro-nuclear bomb had its intended effect. Within the airspace controlled by Zhao Feng, a large number of worms were instantly killed after they emerged from the surface.

. . . (End of chapter)

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